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Message from the Mayor

Thank you for visiting The District of Kitimat Development Services Website. My name is Richard Wozney and I trust your interest in the Port of Kitimat and the Kitimat Valley will be heightened by the information we have provided for you.

Mayor Wozney is one of British Columbia’s longest standing Mayors with close to twenty years of service as Kitimat’s community leader. His ability to understand underlying social, political and historical factors and to provide leadership locally, provincially and nationally on realities faced in the northwest region is well known. Mayor Wozney and Kitimat Council have actively supported hundreds of millions of dollars of investment now proposed for Kitimat and look foward to a bright future in Kitimat.

Kitimat is the second of only two wide flat valleys on Canada’s west coast --with ample room for growth. We are British Columbia's largest Private Port, provincially, Kitimat ranks as British Columbia's third busiest port after the combined Federal Ports at Vancouver and the Federal Port of Prince Rupert.

Kitimat’s economic output leads the northwest region and most of coastal British Columbia for global manufacturing output, exports and energy related activity. Perhaps the best kept secret is our productivity: the last decade saw over $15 billion in value-added manufacturing products sent to world markets from Kitimat based industry. We have routinely manufactured up to 11% of Provincial manufactured GDP and believe The Port of Kitimat and Kitimat Valley new growth prospects will add exponentially to the economies of British Columbia and Canada.

Whether it’s our private port and natural deep-sea harbour, the vast industrial lands at tidewater or our supernatural British Columbia coastal lifestyle, an abundant number of natural and timeless strategic merits await your discovery.

As an “Invest BC Community”, our planning and development strategy makes us successful competitors on both the continental and the global scale. Over the past six years our work has successfully attracted new enquiries and led to over $3 billion in new export, import and manufacturing investments -- all related to the global marketplace. With even more projects completing their confidential assessments, Kitimat is emerging stronger than ever from the usual ebb and flow that ports and energy related industrial hubs experience.

I know you’ll enjoy your look at the detailed information we’ve provided for you on Kitimat. I trust you’ll discover where your opportunities lie in British Columbia’s fastest emerging energy hub coastal community. We are at your service for all business, industry and coastal community living enquiries – even affordable coastal retirement living!


What's New

Jan 18, 2006 City Meets with Alcan on Power Sales - The District of Kitimat is encouraged to finally begin talks with Alcan representatives about power sales...

Oct 20, 2005 Terasen Pipelines and Pembina Pipeline Corporation Propose $1 Billion Import Condensate Line - Terasen Pipelines and Pembina Pipeline Corporation are pleased to announce the creation of a partnership arrangement to oversee the potential development and construction of a new pipeline system ...

Oct 14, 2005 Kitimat selected as Enbridge Gateway site - Enbridge Inc. is pleased to announce that after months of fieldwork, Kitimat, has been selected as the end-site location for the proposed Gateway Project. Key factors in the decision to select Kitimat were ...

Sep 19, 2005 District of Kitimat Hosts Future Search - The District of Kitimat hosted its second Future Search event at the Kitimat Valley Institute for Industrial Education with over 40 invited Kitimat Valley Stakeholders...

Helping the Haisla to Adapt - SFU is involved in a visionary plan to help the First Nations Haisla people of Kitamaat village in northwestern B.C. to transform their community’s economy.

More City News ...

You should not have more than 2-3 items here. The CityNews/HomePage is where all of the current news items can go. The Main/WhatsNew page is for late-breaking news items that demand the most attention.

District of Kitimat
270 City Centre
Kitimat, B.C. V8C-2H7

Telephone: (250) 632-8900
Facsimile: (250) 632-4995

All material on this website is protected by Copyright
Last updated on December 21, 2005, at 09:07 AM.