National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

Top 10 NRC Highlights Articles

1. NRC Opens Its Doors Photo Gallery
Photo of the 100 Sussex Drive Research Facilities located in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaDuring "Doors Open Ottawa", the National Research Council (NRC) invites you to take a "virtual" tour, explore three NRC sites and observe Canadian science and innovation in action!
2. WTC Disaster Shows Value of Evacuation Drills
World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.Despite the tragic nature of the World Trade Center disaster, there was a silver lining: almost everyone who could escape the two doomed buildings did.
Find out more about the value of emergency drills.
3. Question and Answer: Dr. Harry Jennings
Dr. Harry JenningsSales of a Meningitis C vaccine have earned NRC scientist Dr. Jennings status as Canada's highest royalty-generating government scientist ever. Such royalties help fund continued research.
Find out more about Dr. Harry Jennings in a new interview series.
4. NRC in the Spotlight
CLS building exterior. Photo courtesy Canadian Light Source, University of Saskatchewan.After years of preparatory work, NRC scientists will have the opportunity to see their research samples bathed in light from one of the world's brightest sources, the Canadian Light Source.
Find out about synchrotron radiation and about one of Canada's newest research facility.

5. Learn the ABCs of Chemistry with NRC's Periodic Table of Elements
Photo montage of Periodic Table of ElementsStudents and teachers can use this site to learn about the Periodic Table of Elements, chemistry and research at NRC.
Find out about the ABCs of chemistry beginning with Arsenic, Boron and Carbon.
6. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Models Tested in NRC Wind Tunnel
Tacoma Narrows Bridge nicknamed 'Galloping Gertie'In 1940, Tacoma, Washington's original Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed due to aerodynamic instability during high winds. As a result of this catastrophe, bridges routinely undergo wind tunnel testing during the design process to minimize wind-induced vibrations. Find out more about NRC's expertise in testing bridge models.
7. Building a Skilled Workforce
Magnetic Resonance ImagingNRC in Winnipeg recently welcomed a new group of students enrolled in an innovative training program for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) technologists. Read about this innovative training program.

8. World-Leading Science, World-Leading People
Dr. Ralph Bachmayer, researcher who joined the NRC Institute for Ocean Technology (NRC-IOT).World-leading science, the kind that leads to major, life-altering discoveries, begins with world-leading people.
Read about NRC's program called New Horizons, New Opportunities and about its two most recent recruits.

9. New Investments In Young Scientists
NRC Women in Engineering and Science (WES) Program
NRC-ICPET female student holding biosynthetic cornea material.McGill University student Amy Robinson said she was "absolutely ecstatic" after finding out she had been awarded an NRC Women in Science and Engineering (WES) placement. The program provides summer and co-op work placements for women pursuing undergraduate studies in science, engineering or mathematics.
Find out more about students like Amy who benefited from NRC's efforts to encourage talented female students to pursue professional careers in technical fields.

10. Breakthrough Motion Imaging of Atoms in Molecules
NRC Movie features Atoms in the Starring Role
NRC scientist observing femtosecond pulses.Tracking successfully the motion of hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule was recently achieved by Dr. Hiromichi Niikura and his team of scientists from the National Research Council's Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences (NRC-SIMS).
Read this article to find out more about this major scientific breakthrough, published recently in Nature .

NRC Highlights (monthly)

Date Published: 2004-06-01
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