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More Northwest Territories Votes Headlines »

Roland promises 'stronger approach' as N.W.T. premier
Floyd Roland, the new premier of the Northwest Territories, promised a tougher stance in relations with the federal government shortly after becoming the territory's leader on Wednesday.
Six voted into N.W.T. cabinet
Six MLAs in the Northwest Territories were picked by their colleagues Wednesday to join newly-chosen Premier Floyd Roland in forming the newest territorial government.
Delorey returns to N.W.T. Speaker's chair
Paul Delorey accepted a second term Tuesday as Speaker of the legislative assembly in the Northwest Territories.
McMeekin loses bid for N.W.T. vote recount
A Northwest Territories judge has cleared the way for the territory's newly elected MLAs to select a premier, cabinet and speaker, after denying one election candidate a recount of all ballots cast in the Oct. 1 election.
Behchoko chief to file complaint over N.W.T. election fax
The chief of Behchoko, N.W.T., says he will name Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. in a formal complaint to Elections N.W.T. over an anonymous fax sent from the company's mine site on the day of the territory's election.
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