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Implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act
Thriving with Justice

Home - Section 41 - Role of Justice Canada - Publications - Status Report 2002-2003

Status Report 2002-2003

Implementation of Section 41 of the
Official Languages Act

Annex A - Outputs of the Regional Coordinators

Outputs of the Regional Coordinators

Alberta Regional Office (Edmonton)

Between April 2002 and March 2003, the Alberta Regional Coordinator has been involved in the following activities to promote Official Languages minorities:

  • Participation in the 2002 Interministerial/Francophone community meeting, involving Alberta offices of various federal departments, agencies and Crown corporations and Alberta Francophone organizations;

  • Attendance at and participation in meetings with Canadian Heritage, respecting implementation of the Department's responsibilities under the Official Languages Act;

  • Promotion of, and attendance at, official 2003 Francophonie Day celebrations. Meeting with representatives of various Alberta Francophone organizations at the 2003 Francophonie Day celebrations.

Richard Keswick
Regional Coordinator

Holly Turner
Regional Director

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Atlantic Regional Offices
(Newfoundland, P.-E.-I., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick)

Outreach and Liaison

  • Francophone and Acadian media were used across the region to communicate information in French regarding the National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS).

  • The capacity of the Department to interact in French with francophone and Acadian community organizations was increased with the hiring of a new bilingual employee by the NCPS in Newfoundland.

  • NCPC representatives attended the following meetings to increase their knowledge of priorities and challenges of official language minority communities: The annual meeting of la Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador and the Strategic Planing Session of the francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.

  • In collaboration with the Government of New Brunswick, the NCPC assisted organizers of the 16th Annual Atlantic Crime Prevention Conference in Fredericton the promote and to implement a bilingual event with materials and workshops available in both official languages.

  • NCPC representatives met with the following groups and individuals and provided information on the National Crime Prevention Strategy: la Fédération des parents francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador; chairperson of the Comité d'orientation aux affaires francophones in Newfoundland and Labrador; and, la Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse. In addition, an informal discussion introducing the National Strategy was held with the Atlantic regional representative of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

  • Support for Community Development

  • During the year, 10 new projects were approved for francophone and Acadian communities in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island under the Community Mobilization Program (CMP). In Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, francophone and Acadian groups started the second year of multi year project funding approved under the Crime Prevention Partnership and Strategic Funds. In addition, 7 projects in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were approved under CMP in 2002-2003 including a francophone / Acadian outreach component. A summary of all projects approved under the National Crime Prevention Strategy for official language minority communities can be found in Annex C.

Jane Rutherford
Regional Coordinator

Ted Tax
Senior Regional Director

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Vancouver Regional Office

In the fall of 2002, the regional office joined the Interdepartmental committee on section 41-42 of the OLA and attended the monthly meetings with representatives of the francophone community. With National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC), we also worked with the francophone community to ensure that they are aware of available funding for them in the field of crime prevention and community mobilization. We also had a meeting with La Boussole, a local program designed to assist young francophones who are in Vancouver and need assistance, for the purpose of exploring possible funding from NCPC. Finally we initiated contacts with L'Association des juristes d'expression française de C.-B. in order to see how we can best assist them in the development of their goals and objectives.

Pierre Rousseau
Regional Coordinator

Barbara Burns
Senior Regional Director

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Quebec Regional Office

Liaison with regional and national program officers from the Department of Justice.

  • The regional co-ordinator co-operates very actively with the team at the National Crime Prevention Centre, Quebec Region, to encourage links among the different national programs and those administered in the regions in order to ensure that there is a real presence in the Anglophone community.

  • Meetings are planned with Anglophone community groups in Quebec and representatives of the NCPC.

Liaison with regional officers of Canadian Heritage

  • Contacts have been made with the person responsible for the Canadian Heritage programs for the linguistic minorities in Quebec and co-operation is ensured between the Department of Justice and Canadian Heritage on the subject of the linguistic minorities in Quebec.

  • An interdepartmental meeting is scheduled with Anglophone groups in Quebec interested in the different federal programs.

Liaison with Headquarters

  • The regional co-ordinator attended the meeting of the group responsible for the strategic planning of the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act (OLA) held in Ottawa in November 2002.

  • The regional co-ordinator participates in the network of regional co-ordinators of the implementation of section 41 of the OLA.

Lise Bertrand
Regional Coordinator

Johanne D'Auray
Senior Regional Director

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Saskatoon Regional Office

Outreach and Liaison

During the months of February and March, several meetings took place with the French-speaking groups to provide information on the CMP - a component of the NCPC.

  • Meeting with the liaison officer of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages in Regina, René Boudreau, to begin a dialogue and to introduce Dianne MacDonald, NCPC regional manager for Saskatchewan.

  • Meeting with the National Crime Prevention group, introducing the Community Mobilization Program (CMP) to the director general of the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise, Denis Desgagné, and some of his staff in Regina.

  • Departement of Justice provided a presentation to the Official Languages committee under Canadian Heritage.

  • Attended the Association des juristes d'expression française de la Saskatchewan banquet in Saskatoon - liaison with the juristes.
  • Co-presenting the CMP at intra-provincial meeting in Regina which represents the French provincial associations.

  • Co-presenting the CMP at the inter-regional south meeting in Regina which represents the French regional associations in the south part of Saskatchewan.
  • Co-presenting the CMP at the inter-regional north meeting in Domremy which represent the French regional associations in the north part of Saskatchewan.

  • Organize a presentation by the NCPC on Program Development and Delivery to Official Languages committee under Canadian Heritage in Regina.

Noël Bernard
Regional Coordinator

Pamela Clark
Regional Director

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Winnipeg Regional Office

Cynthia Myslicki was appointed co-ordinator for Manitoba on November 29, 2002. She is counsel with the Department of Justice in Winnipeg and has been a member of the Association des juristes d'expression française du Manitoba for several years and informed the Association about her role and mandate in January 2003. She took part in telephone conference calls with the national network of co-ordinators. In January 2003, she made initial contact with the program officer and program manager - Manitoba of the National Crime Prevention Centre. When she took leave in mid-May 2003, she was replaced by Marianne Rivoalen, counsel with the Department of Justice in Winnipeg.

Marianne Rivoalen
Regional Coordinator

Donna Miller
Regional Director

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Ontario Regional Office

Liaison with regional program officers in the Department of Justice

  • The regional co-ordinator works with Jayne Kingsbury, Director, Ontario Region, of the National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) and her team to ensure that they have a real presence in the Francophone community.

  • On February 6, 2003, the regional co-ordinator attended the meeting between the Director of the NCPC and its Francophone clients.

  • Contact: Jayne Kingsbury, Director, Ontario Region, National Crime Prevention Centre: (416) 952-0381

Liaison with the regional officers of Canadian Heritage

  • Since the meeting of the regional officers of Canadian Heritage in Toronto on January 21 was cancelled, we are considering a meeting at the Ontario Regional Office with the co-ordinator of the
  • Contact: Rhoda Muse, Canadian Heritage (Toronto): (416) 973-1322
  • The meeting on April 21 noted the establishment of the Official Languages Sub-Committee of the Federal Council for Ontario (FCO) and its first meeting has taken place on June 12, 2003.
  • Contact: Rachel Gauvin: (613) 995-9663
  • Champion of Official Languages, FCO, Louis Vigneault

Creation of close links with the official language minority communities (OLMC) and the regional co-ordinators of other organizations working in the same province, territory or region.

  • The ORO promotes the NCPC in the OLMCs by making it easier for the NCPC to purchase advertising space in the Annuaire des Ressources Francophones de Toronto 2003, which serves some 10,000 members of the Francophone community in Ontario.

  • The ORO participates in the official languages network of the Federal Council for Ontario as well as that of the Department of Canadian Heritage in Ontario.

Dorette Pollard
Regional Coordinator

Paul Evraire
Senior Regional Director

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Whitehorse Regional Office

The regional coordinator for the Yukon was appointed in January 2003 and thus had little time to make connections with the various stakeholders prior to the end of the 2002-2003 fiscal year. The prior coordinator for the Yukon had been on extended medical leave in 2002. Additionally, our office was short-staffed during the 2002-2003 fiscal year.

  • Liaison with regional program managers of the Department of Justice;
  • Despite these difficulties, we have consulted with Guenther Laube, the coordinator of Crime Prevention in the Northern Region, to discuss ways in which we might address official language needs in the Territory with the assistance of the Community Mobilization Program and other Crime Prevention Programs. We intend to pursue these discussions and develop a strategy in the upcoming fiscal year;

  • Liaison with regional managers of Heritage Canada

  • Meetings are anticipated in the upcoming fiscal year;

  • Liaison with National Headquarters;

  • The regional coordinator is a member of the regional coordinators network of the implamentation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act.

We have maintained contact with the Association Franco-Yukonnaise to ensure that our services are presented to the Yukon French Community. We also provided a French presentation to students at the École Emilie Tremblay in Whitehorse regarding various criminal justice issues.

Peter Chisholm
Regional Coordinator and Regional Director

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Northwest Territories Regional Office (Yellowknife)

The Regional Coordinator for the NWT Regional Office was able to connect with our minority francophone organizations in NWT via the Committee on Official Languages of which she is a member. This Committee is part of the NWT Federal Council's structure. As a member of the Federal Council in NWT she is able to raise the awareness of departmental obligations under the Official Languages Act at federal council meetings. The Committee has regular contact with local francophone community groups, and currently the Committee, that meets at least once a month, is in the process of developing options around « a single-window » approach to delivery of French language services in NWT. We are also in dialogue with « L'association franco-culturelle  de Yellowknife » with respect to the issue of the Association's desire to have this single-window situated within a future cultural centre that the Association desires to have in Yellowknife. She also had the opportunity to accompany the Chair of the Official Languages Committee to a meeting with deputy ministers of the Government of the NWT (GNWT). At this meeting in January 2003, as federal officials, they explained the mandate of the Committee and renewed their previous commitment to working alongside their territorial colleagues in their « single-window » approach. They have extended their hand to GNWT to partner (for example: share space where territorial services and federal services would be provided via separate venues) with federal departments should a single-window become a reality.

She has also reached out to her justice colleague in Yellowknife, who is Director of the Northern Region's crime prevention program, and to the aboriginal justice strategy contact. The NCPC\AJS office in Yellowknife has recently opened, and discussions are ongoing on this issue. She has also had discussions with her colleagues in other Regional Offices in Nunavut and Yukon including the Senior Regional Director, as to how best to support the program colleagues in outreach activities to the francophone minority in NWT. They hope to develop a strategy on this front in the near future.

Diane Sylvain
Regional Coordinator and Regional Director

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Nunavut Regional Office


Richard Meredith
Regional Coordinator and Regional Director

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