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The Democratic convention

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Official discipline in China

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Latest audio and video

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Technology in the Middle East

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Security in Colombia

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Euro crisis

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The geography of poverty

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Private equity in Asia

Hony ahoy

Hony Capital wants to help Chinese firms go global (8)

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Technology Quarterly

Lighting the way

Cheaper and better solar-powered electric lights promise to do away with kerosene-fuelled lanterns (31)

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Automotive technology

Look, no hands

Driverless cars promise to reduce road accidents, ease congestion and revolutionise transport

Japan's new conservatives

Talkin' 'bout a restoration

A school for seeding Japan with a new generation of like-minded leaders

Self-congratulatory television

Doctor Me

The new series of "Doctor Who" is convinced of its own brilliance. It is all a bit off-putting

Apple and hackers

Identity parade

Hackers target sensitive data from iPhones and other Apple devices

The Economist

Caption competition

Can you write an Economist picture caption?

World debt comparison

The global debt clock

Our interactive overview of government debt across the planet

Editor's note

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