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Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
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2000/02/21 - #: 8662-P11-01/00 - Primus Telecommunications - Révision et modification de l'ordonnance 2000-37

2002/04/26 - Décision de Télécom CRTC 2002-28 - Application des ordonnances CRTC 2000-37, 2000-38 et 2001-82. Dans la présente décision, le Conseil détermine qu'il n'appliquera aucun aspect des ordonnances CRTC 2000-37, 2000-38 et 2001-82 contre deux revendeurs de services interurbains, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. et Distributel Communications Limited. Référence : 8622-O2-02/02.

2001/01/31 - Ordonnance de Télécom 2001-82 Le Conseil rejette la demande présentée par Primus/Distributel en vue d'annuler les ordonnances CRTC 2000-37 et 2000-38 et : (A) il conclut qu'il est habilité à rendre les ordonnances 2000-37 et 2000-38; (B) il rejette la demande de Primus/Distributel visant à ordonner à Bell Canada d'appliquer l'article 24.4(d) de son Tarif général au trafic interurbain d'autres fournisseurs de services interurbains (AFSI) qui est raccordé au moyen de liaisons du service régional et de percevoir les frais non facturés conformément à ses Modalités de service; (C) il conclut que l'entente d'interconnexion entre les compagnies de téléphone indépendantes (CTI) et Bell Canada ne s'applique pas aux cas visés par les ordonnances 2000-37 et 2000-38; (D) il rejette la demande de Primus visant à supprimer le supplément de 25 % comme remplacement des minutes de départ dans le territoire d'Hurontario; (E) il précise que la contribution déjà versée par Primus et Distributel à Bell Canada doit être prise en compte; (F) il maintient le rabais de 15 % pour l'accès côté ligne; (G) il précise que les frais de contribution des CTI s'appliquent au trafic du service régional en question; (H) il offre aux AFSI trois alternatives pour les rapports et la facturation; (I) il conclut que Bell Canada n'est pas tenue de modifier ses pages de tarif; et (J) il fournit une estimation de la responsabilité en matière de contribution des requérantes aux intimées, conformément à la présente ordonnance. Référence: 8662-P11-01/00 et 8662-D11-01/00.

2000/07/24 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established with respect to the above-noted proceeding, Bell Canada submits the following reply to comments from Ontario Telephone Association and Hurontario Telephones Limited (OTA/Hurontario), dated and received 17 July 2000.
000724_1.doc - 30KO

2000/07/24 - OTA and Hurontario
Description: Consistent with the procedures set out in your letter of May 26, 2000, as modified by your letter of June 9, 2000, the Ontario Telephone Association ("OTA") and Hurontario Telephones Limited ("Hurontario") (collectively "OTA/Hurontario") submit the following reply comments to the comments filed with the Commission on July 17, 2000 by Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Distributel Communications Ltd. (collectively referred to herein as "Primus/Distributel") and Bell Canada ("Bell") on the responses, filed with the Commission on July 7, 2000, to the Commission's May 26, 2000 interrogatories
24July00.doc - KO

2000/07/24 - Primus and Distributel
Description: These reply comments are submitted on behalf of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. ("Primus") and Distributel Communications Ltd. ("Distributel") in respect of the comments on interrogatory responses filed by SATAT (on behalf of its members and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick), the Ontario Telephone Association and Hurontario Telephones Ltd. ("OTA/Hurontario") and Bell Canada ("Bell") on July 17, 2000 in accordance with the procedures established in the Commission's letters of May 26, 2000 and June 9, 2000.
Rep-0724.doc - 43 KO

2000/07/24 - SATAT
Description: Suivant la procédure établie dans la lettre du CRTC datée du 26 mai 2000 et modifiée par celle du 9 juin 2000, la SATAT soumet ses observations en réplique aux observations soumises par les autres parties participant à la présente instance.
lt000724.doc - 81 KO

2000/07/17 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established with respect to the above-noted proceeding Bell Canada submits the following comments regarding the interrogatory responses filed by the other participants.
000717_2.doc - MSWord97 - 28KO

2000/07/17 - OTA Hurontario
Description: Consistent with the procedures contained in your letter of May 26, 2000, as modified by your letter of June 9, 2000, the Ontario Telephone Association ("OTA") and Hurontario Telephones Limited ("Hurontario") (collectively "OTA/Hurontario") are pleased to provide their comments in relation to the July 7th responses of Bell Canada and of counsel to Primus Canada and Distributel Communications Limited (collectively "Primus/Distributel") to the Commission's interrogatories of May 26, 2000 in the above-noted review and variance proceeding.
17July00.doc - KO

2000/07/17 - Primus and Distributel
Description: These comments are submitted on behalf of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Distributel Communications Ltd. in respect of the interrogatory responses filed by SATAT (on behalf of its members and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick), the Ontario Telephone Association and Hurontario Telephones Ltd. and Bell Canada in accordance with the procedures established in the Commissions letters of May 26, 2000 and June 9, 2000.
00July17.doc - 42 KO

2000/07/17 - SATAT
Description : Demandes de révision et de modification des ordonnances 2000-37 et 2000-38 présentées par Primus Canada et Distributel Communications.
000717.doc - MsWord - 73KO

2000/07/07 - Primus and Distributel
Description: Interrogatory responses.
Documents: - 48KO

2000/07/07 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established with respect to the above-noted proceeding, Bell Canada submits its response to interrogatories.
Documents: - 45 KO
000707.doc - 22 KO

2000/07/07 - OTA Hurontario
Description: Further to your letters of May 26, 2000 and June 9, 2000, please find enclosed herewith the responses of OTA/Hurontario to the Commission's Interrogatories in the above-noted proceeding.
7July00.doc - KO
7Julycov.doc - KO

2000/06/09 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Primus/Distributel, OTA/Hurontario, Bell Canada and SATAT - Subject:
Applications to Review and Vary Orders 2000-37 and 2000-38 by Primus and Distributed

2000/06/06 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Applications to Review and Vary Orders 2000-37 and 2000-38 by Primus and Distributel.
Hurdelay.doc - Word 97 Document

2000/05/26 - Lettre du Conseil
DESCRIPTION: Lettre adresssée à Primus/Distributel, OTA/Hurontario, SATAT, Bell Canada - Objet: Demandes de révision et de modification des ordonnances 2000-37 et 2000-38 présentées par Primus et Distributel
lt000526b.htm - Hyper Text Markup - 31 KO

2000/04/20 - Johnston & Buchan on behalf of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Reply Argument to Applications to Review and Vary Telecom Orders 2000-37 and 2000-38.
Reply.doc - MS Word - 31KO

2000/04/10 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached is Bell Canada's answer to applications filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure on behalf of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Distributel Communications Limited seeking review and variance of Orders 2000-37 and 2000-38 dated 21 January 2000.
000410.doc - MSWord97 - 75KO
000410.ppt - PowerPoint - 619KO

2000/04/07 - Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP on behalf of Ontario Telephone Association and Hurontario Telephones
Description: Attached is the electronic copy filed on behalf of the Ontario Telephone Association and Hurontario Telephones Limited by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. Re: Answer to Applications on Behalf of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. to Review and Vary Telecom Order CRTC 2000-37 and on Behalf of Distributel Communications Limited to Review and Vary Telecom Order CRTC 2000-38.
Documents: Word
000407.doc - 69KO

2000/03/17 - Johnston & Buchan
Description: Please find attached the letter of Mar. 17, 2000, addressed to Peter McCallum. Re: Applications of Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Distributel Communications Limited to the Federal Court of Appeal for Leave to Appeal and to the CRTC for Review and Variance.
Documents: WordPerfect
Mccallum.wpd - 8KO

2000/02/21 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Applications seeking review and variance regarding Order CRTC 2000-37.
Documents: - Winzip - 28KO

Mise à jour : 2002-08-20

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