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Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
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1999/12/17 - # DU DOSSIER : 8628-C12-02/99 - Class A Licences - Proceeding re: Quarterly Reports of Basic International Minutes.

2001/01/11 - Ordonnance 2001-4 - Le Conseil n'exigera plus que les titulaires de classe A déposent des rapports trimestriels sur le trafic international de base. Il ne publiera pas les données préalablement déposées sur le trafic particulier à une route. Il fait cependant remarquer que les mécanismes de surveillance futurs font l'objet d'une autre instance. Référence : 8628-C12-02/99.

1 - Conseil
2 - Requêtes et documents pertinents
3 - Liste des parties intéressées
4 - Observations
5 - Répliques aux observations

1 - Conseil

2001/04/30 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossiers #: 8628-C12-02/99 - 8695-C12-06/99
Description: Lettre adressée à Liste de distribution des titulaires de classe A - Objet : Services de télécommunication internationale de base – Modification des conditions de licence

1999/12/17 - Lettre du Conseil
DESCRIPTION: Lettre addressée à E.D.S. of Canada, Ltd. (EDS) Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques S.C. (SITA) Services de communications Téléglobe Inc. (TCS) Titulaires de classe A et B. Objet: Licences de classe A – Instance concernant les rapports trimestriels des minutes internationales de base.

1999/12/17 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION:  Letter addressed to PN 97-34 Distribution List, Class A and Class B Licensees & Central Funds Administrator.  RE:  Industry Task Force on international Contribution Issues-Final Consensus Report.


2 - Requêtes et documents pertinents

1999/08/17 - Teleglobe Canada - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Re: First and Second Quarter 1999 International Traffic Report.   Teleglobe is in receipt of two letters from the Commission regarding the above subject.

1999/08/13 - McCarthy Tétrault on behalf of SITA, Equant Canada and Equant US - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Pursuant to the Commission letters of August 3, 1999, please find attached the Affidavits of our three clients.

1999/06/29 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. on behalf of Call-Net Technology Services Inc. - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Response to Teleglobe's reply comments, dated 9 June 1999.

1999/06/09 - Teleglobe Canada - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Reply comments with respect to Call-Net's intervention dated June 1, 1999.

1999/06/01 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. on behalf of Call-Net Technology Services Inc. - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Answer with respect to Teleglobe Canada's Part VII Application.

1999/04/29 - Teleglobe Canada - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Application requesting that the CRTC make a determination to maintain the confidentiality of traffic information filed with the CRTC by Class A international telecommunications service providers and in particular not to publish on an aggregated basis, any traffic statistics by country.

1999/04/07 - McCarthy Tétrault on behalf of SITA, Equant Canada and Equant US - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: EDS submits that the regulatory burden imposed on EDS through the imposition of the licensing regime established in Telecom Decision CRTC 98-17 is unnecessary and should be reduced.

3 - Liste des parties intéressées

4 - Observations

2000/02/11 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies).
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's letter dated 17 December 1999, relating to the above noted proceeding, the following comments are submitted on behalf of collectively, the Companies.
000211_1.doc - Word - 129KO

2000/02/11 - SITA and EQUANT Canada
Description: Please find attached the comments of Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques S.C. (SITA) and those of Equant Canada Inc. (EQUANT) which we are distributing to all interested parties.
Crtc7.doc - 26KO
Eqancom.doc - 38KO
Sitacom.doc - 34KO

Description: Comments.
Documents: MS*WORD 7 - Winzip - 9KO
000211.doc - 47KO

2000/02/11 - TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: Following are comments by TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (collectively, "TELUS").
000211.DOC (Letter - MS Word 7, 27 KO)

5 - Répliques aux observations

2000/02/25 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies).
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's 17 December 1999 letter relating to the above noted proceeding comments, dated 11 February 2000, were filed by BCT.TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS), E.D.S. Systemhouse Inc. (EDS), Equant Canada Inc. (Equant), the Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques S.C. (SITA), and Teleglobe Canada, a division of Teleglobe Inc. (Teleglobe).
Documents: MSWord97
000225_1.doc - 113KO

2000/02/25 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Reply Comments
Documents: MS Word (Version 8.0)
4TRPRTS.doc - 23KO

2000/02/25 - McCarthy Tétrault on behalf of SITA and Equant Canada Inc.
Description: Please find attached the reply comments of Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques S.C. (SITA) and those of Equant Canada Inc. (EQUANT) which we are distributing to all interested parties.
Documents: Word
Crtc9.doc - 25KB
Si-eqco4.doc - 28KB

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