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Dance 0708 season

Dance Education & Outreach

Youth Focus Group for Dance
Masterclasses and Workshops

2007-2008 Programmes for Students and Teachers

acrobat icon For complete programme details and application forms download the 2007-2008 NAC Programmes for Students and Teachers brochure in PDF format.

Youth Focus Group for Dance

Up for an experience of a lifetime?
Join the National Arts Centre’s Youth Focus Group for Dance.

The NAC Dance Department invites young people, aged 14 to17, to join this dynamic group for 2007-2008.

  • Top grades not necessarily required.
  • Knowledge of plies and pirouettes not necessarily required.
  • Enthusiasm, interest and commitment…mandatory.

The Dance Department formed its first Youth Focus Group in 2003. Every year since then, a new group of youth have had the incredible opportunity to gain an in-depth perspective on dance and the performing arts and contribute to building youth’s appreciation and interest in dance.

The NAC Youth Focus Group for Dance will offer participants:

  • A deep appreciation for dance
  • A chance to communicate personal aesthetic experiences
  • An opportunity to become an “ambassador” for dance
  • First hand experience with career choices in the arts
  • Free access to attend dance performances at the NAC with the group.

Eight students will be chosen. To apply to be a member of the NAC Dance Youth Focus Group submit a one-page letter explaining why you want to join the group and how you think the group can build youth’s interest in dance in your school or community. Email your submission to by or before September 28, 2007.

Students will be required to attend two or three evening meetings and shows at the NAC per month (usually on Fridays or Tuesdays) from October 2007 to May 2008 and participate in outreach activities in schools and their communities throughout the year.

Questions? Contact, Renata Soutter, NAC Dance Outreach Coordinator at, (613) 947-7000 ext. 588 (voicemail box), (819) 773-7523 (cell).

Masterclasses and Workshops

Master Dance Class by Crystal Pite
For professional and pre-professional (aged 18 and up) dance, theatre and movement artists with minimum 2-3 years of dance experience.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Crystal Pite's improvisation class focuses on discovering and revealing articulations and timings in the body. The class begins with a warm-up as participants articulate deeply through the body in stages, starting from the spine and working towards the extremities. Participants work at their own pace, exploring kinetic relationships both within their own bodies and to the space around them. The class is explorative and non-performative: its focus is on the play between analysis and instinct, and the use of improvisation both as a tool and an experience.

Workshop Location: Rehearsal Hall A, National Arts Centre, 53 Elgin Street, Ottawa (Enter by Stage Door)

Cost: $20, payable in cash on site.

Space is limited, you must RESERVE a place in the class. Leave a message for Renata Soutter, Dance Outreach Coordinator, at (613) 947-7000 ext. 588 or

Crystal Pite/Kidd Pivot performs Lost Action at the NAC November 8 - 10, 2007.

Artist Bio:

Past Events

Masterclass by Associate Artistic Director Ms. LEE Ching-Chun of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dance Workshop for Teachers
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
Friday, October 12th, 2007

Teachers’ Dance Workshop and Information Night
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

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