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Dance 0708 season
2007-2008 SEASON

Canril Ballet Series
Series A | Series B
| Series C
Special Presentations
All Programming Cathy Levy

Producer of Dance programming
Cathy Levy Biography

Each dance brochure is like opening up a new gift, unveiling the delights and surprises that lie within the pages, the beginning of a new journey for artists and audience. So much thinking and planning go into shaping a season and its tangential activities, and we look forward to these moments when we can at last articulate our excitement to you, our public. While the Dance series offer different experiences, it is the whole season that comes together to express how vital and varied the world of dance can be. 

This year’s themes revolve around flight, adventure, exotica, and voyage; they are mystical, sensational, eclectic and Shakespearean; they reveal the brilliance of Canadian choreographers alongside the best of Europe, Asia, Argentina and New Zealand; they show the purity of movement, new directions of dance-theatre, the power of collaboration and the evolution of the art form through historical retrospective.  While these artists may not yet have seen each other’s work, their common desire to speak to humanity through the beautiful language of dance unites them beyond their knowledge. You will be amazed, touched and moved by joining us on this journey, as the power of dance enriches our lives.

Cathy Levy

Photo: Andrée Lanthier

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