Career Advice Articles | Graduate Resumes


  • What's Your Objective? Many college career offices and some resume books are emphatic that it is vital to have an objective in your resume. The objective section is the first section after the header and states your job search or career goal. A traditional objective statement is one sentence that succinctly states your goal in terms of a position or type of company for which you would like to work.

  • Selling Air: Marketing Your Entry-Level Career Everything has a market. If you could go back in time thirty years and tell someone people would actually be buying water in 2005 for prices higher than gasoline, you would probably be severely ridiculed. Go back fifteen years and ...

  • Choosing a Career Path From the time children are old enough to talk, grown-ups persist in asking the foolish question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Most of the time, a four-year-old will answer something like “a fireman, a policeman, or a dancer”. Little children want to be ...

  • Career Planning Starts with Self-Assessment One of the biggest mistakes individuals make in their careers is to go aimlessly through school or work in an entry-level position with no clear direction (goals). They wait until the ...

  • List of interview questions for college graduates to consider when posed with an upcoming interview. Interview in style by practicing answers that address your entry-level career.

Get your job search started on the right foot ... Call Graduate Resumes today at 937.325.2149


Our clients are entry-level jobseekers and college graduates. Individuals who possess a crisp degree, or maybe, they're awaiting graduation. Our clients go on to be managers, executives, sales professionals, business owners, IT gurus, senior finance, college students, healthcare providers, military, academics, realtors, administrators, and operations managers ... amongst others!

Why the resume you received from the career department is substandard.
Here's a slap in the face for you. The resume you wrote (or maybe it was created for you) with the help of the college career department resembles nearly every resume they pump out of the place. How are you going to distinguish yourself from the others out there, when you immediately start the job-searching process with a resume that looks like everyone else's? The most pivotal lesson to learn about transitioning from the classroom to the workplace is that mixing into the crowd is not the way to get noticed.

Why use a certified and published resume writer?
It's all about taking your college background and reflecting you as a "seasoned newbie." Visual appearance, quality of content, keywords used, how categories are catalogued, college participation, volunteering, and how the resume displays your value, will have a significant impact on your job search. offers a number of options. We can critique or revamp your existing resume, or select resume writing from below. Our experience with designing resumes and cover letters for new and upcoming graduates will boggle your mind. Trust your resume and cover letter with a credentialed and skilled resume writer.


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Resumes and Cover Letters
Written for New and Upcoming
College Graduates

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Resume Evaluation
Let us take a peek. <wink> If
you're experiencing little or no
return from your job-search, submit
your resume for a resume critique/evaluation.
It's painless and eye-opening.

The below comments are a morsel of those received over the last 7+ years:
"I just reviewed the second draft and it looks great!!! You are very good at what you do.  Of all the resume books I've read and all the instruction I received in college, there has never been a resume that looks as good as the one you wrote for me.  Thank you very much." M.B., EL Finance, Bernie, MO

Resume Designs and Job-Search
Strategies for College Grads
Coming Soon!

"You did a great job ... I'm very happy of your job." W.T., College Student, Canada
"It looks very professional ... I appreciate your hard work and dedication to this resume." K.A., AL

(Excerpted from select Career Masters Institute newsletters.)

Grads Without Jobs: Here’s what college graduates unable to land the jobs they want will be doing, according to a HotJobs survey of more than 700 college seniors (Source: newsletter Workforce Management Recruiting, Taking a temporary job: 32%; Traveling: 21%; Interning without pay: 14%; Other: 33%

Technology Comeback?: The Information Technology sector has been viewed dubiously by college students choosing majors in recent years, with good reason. The downward spiral experienced by dot.coms led to lots of layoffs. But recent data from indicates that computer science is getting hot again. For occupations requiring a two-year degree or higher, Software Engineers, Computer Analysts and Postsecondary teachers are projected to have the largest increases in employment between now and 2012. (Source:

College Grads On The Move: A new poll from indicates that the new crop of college graduates is willing to go where the jobs are! 94 percent of the entry-level job seekers surveyed said they would be willing to relocate for the right position. The appetite for moving is limited for some, however. Of those who said they would relocate, about 24 percent said they would move only within their current state or geographic area. Info:


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