
Queen Elizabeth II British Columbia Centennial Scholarship

The Queen Elizabeth II British Columbia Centennial Scholarship is open to students completing their undergraduate degrees in B.C., who are going to study full time for their master’s, master’s/PhD or post-baccalaureate degree in any Commonwealth country except Canada.

Three scholarships are awarded each year: one major scholarship with a total value of $60,000 and two minor scholarships of $5,000 each. The major scholarship is awarded for two years of study and follows the policy outlined in the Scholarship Act. (The Scholarship Act allows for a student to receive an award of $30,000 for their first year of study, and then reapply during their second year to be funded the remaining $30,000 for their third year of study.)

The scholarship program was established by the Province to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to British Columbia in May 1971, and is administered by StudentAid BC. An advisory committee evaluates candidates for the scholarship and advises the government of its recommendations. The advisory committee consists of representatives of the Ministry of Advanced Education and B.C.’s public universities.

Download the QEII application [406kb].


The scholarships are awarded each year on a competitive basis to graduates:

  • Who have received an undergraduate degree from a British Columbia public post-secondary institution.
  • Whose domicile (home) or ordinary residence is in B.C.
  • Who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrant).
  • Who are people of unusual worth and promise in the opinion of the advisory committee, and who qualify under the regulations.
  • Who propose to conduct full-time studies for which the scholarships are awarded at an institution in any British Commonwealth country except Canada.

This award can not be deferred and must be accepted in the year it is offered.


The advisory committee makes its recommendations based on academic achievement, demonstrated aptitudes, personal qualities and character, as well as interest and participation in school and community affairs.

Preference will be given to students who are in their first undergraduate degree in British Columbia and are proceeding to their first master’s or master’s/PhD degree, or first post-baccalaureate degree.

To receive this scholarship, you must:

  • Be admitted to full-time studies at an institution in any British Commonwealth country, except Canada, at a level equivalent to graduate studies or post-baccalaureate at a Canadian university.
  • Maintain a satisfactory standing as required by the school you attend.

How to apply

Deadline: Completed applications must be received no later than Jan. 31 in the year for which the scholarship is being offered. Documents and applications become the property of the advisory committee. Selection will be made by April 30.

Required documents

You must enclose the following with your application:

  • Your resumé.
  • A personal statement, no more than 500 words, that describes:
    • How this award would help you meet your educational goals.
    • Your interest and participation in institutional and community affairs.
    • Your special achievements and hobbies.
    • The program of studies, including the name of the institution you will attend.
    • Future career plans.
    • Any other information you think is relevant.
  • Official transcripts of your post-secondary academic record in an envelope sealed by the institution providing them.
  • At least three letters of reference, each in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal by the referee. At least two of the letters must be from academic referees.

The scholarship is administered by StudentAid BC. Send all inquiries, applications and documents to:

Mailing address

Queen Elizabeth II B.C. Centennial Scholarship
StudentAid BC, Special Programs Unit
Ministry of Advanced Education
PO Box 9173, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9H7

Courier address

Queen Elizabeth II B.C. Centennial Scholarship
StudentAid BC, Special Programs Unit
Ministry of Advanced Education
1106 Cook St
Victoria BC V8V 3Z9

Please e-mail questions about this program to