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Provincial Housing Program

Program Overview
The Provincial Housing Program provides subsidized housing for frail seniors, people at risk of homelessness, people with disabilities, and low-income families, including women and children fleeing abuse.

Since 2001, the Province of British Columbia has funded the construction of about 3,400 new units of non-profit subsidized housing. To date, over 3,100 of these units have been completed, with another 250 units under construction or in development. The Provincial Housing Program is fully allocated.

A provincial priority is to provide housing for our most vulnerable residents. As a result, more than 760 units will combine housing with support services for seniors, and over 1,100 will provide emergency and long-term housing for people at risk of homelessness. About 1,300 units are for families with low incomes, and almost 200 are for lower income seniors who can live independently.

Some Provincial Housing Program developments are funded through the first phase of the Canada-BC Affordable Housing Agreement, and some are solely funded by the provincial government.