Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
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Medical Services Plan of B.C.

Health Insurance BC is the new name for the administrative operations of the Medical Services Plan and PharmaCare, including Fair PharmaCare. The programs and benefits have not changed - only the name, and our commitment to improved customer service. Visit the Health Insurance BC Web site for more information and links for B.C. Residents at

The Medical Services Plan (MSP) insures medically required services provided by physicians and supplementary health care practitioners, laboratory services and diagnostic procedures. For information about financial assistance with prescription drug costs, go to PharmaCare.

The regular premium assistance program has been enhanced effective July 1, 2005. See Premium Assistance for full details. Also see the Ministry's Information Bulletins of March 8, 2005 (PDF 27Kb), and February 17, 2005 (PDF 34Kb).

See Frequently Asked Questions for a comprehensive list of the most common questions and answers about MSP.

Effective April 1, 2005, the Ministry of Health has contracted with MAXIMUS BC to deliver the operations of the Medical Services Plan and PharmaCare, after a year-long procurement process. The organization has a new name - Health Insurance BC - with a primary goal to improve service to the public, while ensuring the highest level of privacy protection. Find information on the provincial announcement below:

Note: All information in this web site is subject to change in accordance with the provisions of the Medicare Protection Act and Regulations and the Hospital Insurance Act and Regulations. If a discrepancy exists between the information in this site and the legislation, the legislation will prevail.

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Last Revised: December 17, 2007

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