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Key Perfomance Indicators & Objectives

BDC 2007 Annual Report - We turn our strategies into balanced performance measurements.
Financial sustainability

Clients: To create a unique and valued relationship with Canadian entrepreneurs, to support the creation of their businesses and accompany their growth (measured by client satisfaction).

 Client Satisfaction
BDC 2007 Annual Report - Client Satisfaction

We offer our clients valuable information, advice and services. We are also systematic about contacting them frequently. Overall client satisfaction rating: 93%.

2008 Objectives
90%, an increase of 1% from last year's objective.

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Employees: To foster a culture of engagement, learning and growth (measured by employee engagement).

 Employee Engagement
BDC 2007 Annual Report - Employee Engagement

Leaders throughout BDC focus on engaging employees, using valuable employee feedback to do so. Employee engagement rose 2 points from last year to 80%.

2008 Objectives
maintain a rating of at least 78%.

Attract, develop and retain talented people.
Develop high-calibre leaders.
Foster learning and professional development.
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Efficiency: To establish effective and efficient operating and administrative expenses as a percentage of net interest and other income (measured by the efficiency ratio).

 Efficiency Ratio*
BDC 2007 Annual Report - 
Efficiency Ratio

At 50.2%, we met our Corporate 2007 Actual Plan target (51%) but not our revised internal target (49.7%). This is mostly because of a higher number of  branches and employees to support a greater amount of business activity.

* The lower the ratio, the higher the efficiency achieved.
** Represents new internal objective.
Corporate Plan: 51%.

2008 Objectives
51%. We are investing in people, processes and technology. In the short term, these investments will negatively affect the efficiency ratio. In the long term, they will produce efficiency benefits.

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Financial sustainability: To fulfill our mandate: be profitable to fund the growth of our portfolio, generate a return on common equity (ROE) at least equal to the government's average long-term cost of capital and be able to withstand unfavourable economic circumstances without requiring government funding (measured by ROE).

 Outstanding Portfolio ($ in billions)
BDC 2007 Annual Report - Outstanding Portfolio

Performance / Financial Sustainability
Financing and Subordinate Financing authorizations topped $2.6 billion.

The Financing and Subordinate Financing portfolio stood at $9.3 billion. This is the driving force of BDC's financial sustainability.

* Represents new internal objective. Corporate Plan: $9.0 billion.
** Excludes BDC Subordinate Financing.

2008 Objectives
9.7 billion. Excludes the BDC Subordinate Financing portfolio.

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 BDC Consulting Revenue ($ in millions)
BDC 2007 Annual Report - BDC Consulting Revenue

Performance/ Financial Sustainability
At $23.5 million, this is 9% higher than last year and above our objective.

* Represents new internal objective. 
Corporate Plan: $22.0 million.

2008 Objectives
$26.0 million. A key part of our strategic plan is a greater volume of more diversified consulting services.

 Return on Common Equity (ROE)
BDC 2007 Annual Report - Return on Common Equity (ROE)

Performance / Financial Sustainability
8.5%, which exceeds both our objective of 8.2% and the government's average long-term cost of capital of 4.1%.

* Represents new internal objective. 
Corporate Plan: 7.5%.

2008 Objectives
7.1 %, to exceed the government's estimated average long-term cost of capital of 4.4%.

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 BDC Venture Capital - 10-year Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
BDC 2007 Annual Report - BDC Venture Capital - 10-year Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Performance / Financial Sustainability
The lower fair value of the portfolio, plus limited opportunities for divestitures, affected the IRR for direct and total investments.

Direct investments
Total investments

* Represents new internal objective. Corporate Plan: 3.1% – direct and 2.0% – total. 

2008 Objectives
We will remove this indicator beginning next year because of its questionable relevance as an indicator of our portfolio's performance. BDC has investments in a disproportionately high percentage of young companies. This meant that the IRR was being applied to companies that were too young to generate returns. We are developing a new indicator.

Additional Information      
Management's Discussion & Analysis    Download Complete Annual Report 
Consolidated Financial Statements    Order a Printed Copy
Corporate Governance    Read Press Release
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Senior Management Team      
Five-Year Operational & Financial Summary       


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