Passport Canada
Satisfaction Survey

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Traveller's Corner

Planning a trip

Visa requirements

All countries have special entry requirements. Since those requirements may change, we suggest you consult the the nearest diplomatic mission of the country you intend to visit. You may also consult the Foreign Affairs Canada's Travel Reports. These provide general information on most countries as well as information on entry requirements.

Before you leave... be prepared

  1. Status document from Citizenship and Immigration Canada
  2. Ensure that you are carrying a valid travel document. Check that the expiry date of your travel document is well beyond your return date.
  3. Remember to sign your travel document on page 3 and fill in your current address and the name of a person to contact in case of emergency on page 4.
  4. Make two photocopies of the identification page of your travel document.
    • Leave one copy with a friend or relative at home.
    • Bring the second copy with you on your trip. Carry this photocopy separately from your travel document when you travel. This can help identify you if your travel document is lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or inaccessible.
  5. Read the last page of the travel document.

Related Internet sites

  • Foreign Affairs Canada
  • Consular Affairs
    Interested in learning about the country you're planning to visit? The Consular Affairs Web site provides information and assistance for Canadians abroad, as well as travel information and advisory reports for would-be travellers. Luggage
  • Service Canada
    Whether you are travelling for pleasure, business or study - short or long term, Service Canada provides everything you need to prepare for your trip, valuable information you should take with you and what you need to know to return. You'll also find great federal and provincial information on travelling around Canada and interesting things to see and do.
  • Citizenship and Immigration Canada
  • Public Health Agency of Canada