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(8740-N2) - NewTel - Demandes tarifaires en l'année 1998


Date de l'AMT

Date de mise en oeuvre Type


Décision(s) connexe(s)
606 1999/01/21     Sales promotion from 1 February to 2 April 1999, waiving the monthly recurring rates and service charges for new Provincial Centrex Service customers who select Music on Hold and Call Display. O99-58
602 1999/01/21     Provincial Centrex Service (PCS) and National Centrex Service (NCS), to: a) introduce a standard set of NCS optional features using the same rates, terms and conditions across Canada; b) include Call Display in the NCS monthly rate at no additional charge; c) offer a new 10% National Float option; d) allow Centrex customers to provide and install their PCS and NCS inside wire and jacks at their expense; and e) introduce Station Message Detail Recording, Basic as an optional feature with NCS.
595 1998/11/0 1998/11/02   Recovery of the Carrier Access Tariff charges associated with an alternate provider of long distance service’s competitive traffic which terminates in or originates from independent telephone company territories O98-1019
594 1998/10/30 1998/10/30   Removal of the restriction concerning the provision of local pay telephone service by Interexchange Carriers O98-1081
597 1998/10/05 1998/11/04 TG Introduce ADSL Access Service.
Documents connexes
596   1998/11/01   A sales promotion from 1 November to 31 December 1998, waiving the subscription fees for a 30 day trial period for business customers who are new subscribers to one or more of the following features: Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, Call Forwarding Busy/No Answer, Three-Way Calling, Distinctive Ringing and Speed Calling - 8 codes O98-1052
593 1998/09/30 1998/12/01 TG Change wording to indicate that non-tariffed rates will apply with appropriate discounts for long distance calls routes though MRS O98-1139
592 1998/11/13 1998/12/01   Change to the Late Payment Charge from billing monthly recurring rates in advance to billing monthly recurring rates in arrears, and change to the reference to when the late payment charge applies from 30 days after the mailing date to 30 days after the billing date O98-1138
591       Calling Features - Revised effective date to 30 November 1998 for the implementation of the new billing system proposed by the company in Tariff Notice 589 O98-982
590   1998/10/16   Addition to the Non-Basic Services Tariff, to offer service as a Custom Built Equipment and Arrangements O98-1028
588   1998/09/02   Introduction of Time of Day Routing and Time of Day Network Class of Service which allows Provincial Centex Service and National Central Service customers to optimize toll costs by selecting toll route and interexchange carrier as well as minimize unauthorized toll access by restricting access to "0+" calls, "1+" calls or both, the two options being based on time of day, day of the week, or day of the year. NewTel is also proposing wording changes to make the associated service charges consistent with this proposal O2005-45
587   1998/08/26   Specific service being offered as a Custom Built Equipment and Arrangement. O98-828
586   1998/09/22   Introduction of MegalinkTM Service, a new Integrated Services Digital Network access arrangement O98-827
585 1998/07/10 1998/08/17   Short term promotion from 17 August to 30 October 1998 (Waiving the Basic Service Charge and the LIne Connectin Charge) for customers who switch back to NewTel O98-1104
585   1998/08/17   Short-term sales promotion waiving the basic service charge and the line connection charge for customers who switch back to NewTel from an alternate provider of local service O98-793
584 1998/07/07 1998/08/11   Custom Calling Features, Message Manager and Call Management Service - Sales promotion for individual line residence customers subscribing to a new individual line service or moving an existing individual line service to a new address for the period of 6 August to 30 September 1998 O98-779
582 1998/06/03   TG Promotional campaign for business customers who subscribe to Custom Calling Features - Call Forwarding, by waiving the subscription fees for a one-month trial period from 3 July to 31 August 1998. O98-613
581 1998/05/27 1998/06/26   Custom built equipment and arrangement for local circuits - circuits between buildings on different properties O98-612
580       Sales promotion from 1 July to 30 September 1998, for business customers and Provincial Centrex Service customers who are new subscribers to Message Manager - Integrated Business Mailbox, Enhanced Business Mailbox and Transfer Mailbox to waive the initial service charge and subscription fees to the customer for a one-month period.
579 1998/05/15   TG Reduce monthly rates from Individual Line Business Exchange Service ("PES") and to reduce monthly rates for Multi-Line Business PES O98-488
578 1998/05/08 1998/06/27   Community Calling Plan service between the following exchanges: Badger and Grand Falls; Norris Arm and Grand Falls; and Norris Arm and Lewisporte O98-550
577 1998/05/06     Custom Calling Fee O98-526
576 1998/05/06     Message Manager O98-525
575 1998/05/13
    Letter to Commission, copied to NewTel, Clearnet and CWTA.
Documents connexes

574 1998/04/07     Community Calling Plan Service (CCP). O98-414
573 1998/04/03 1998/05/19   Comments.
Documents connexes
572 1998/03/19     Sales promotion for individual line residence and business customers, to waive the $0.35 activation charge for pay-per-use Three-Way Calling on 10 May 1998 (Mother’s Day), 21 June 1998 (Father’s Day) and 1 July 1998 (Canada Day). O98-362
571 1998/03/13 1998/04/13   Promotion to its Voice Information Service Message Manager for residence and individual line business customers O98-332
570 1998/03/10 1998/04/03   Revisions to Name That Number Service, to increase the usage rate from $0.35 to $0.45 per successful call O98-314
569 1998/04/03     Modification to Tariff Notice 569 O98-390
568 1998/04/03     Modification to Tariff Notice 568 O98-312
567 1998/03/06 1998/04/18   Revisions providing Community Calling Plan service between Charlottetown (Bonavista Bay) and Glovertown; Charlottetown (Bonavista Bay) and Clarenville; Hickman’s Harbour and Clarenville; Little Heart’s Ease and Clarenville; Monroe and Clarenville; Musgravetown and Clarenville; Princeton and Clarenville; and Princeton and Musgravetown. O98-311
566 1998/02/27 1998/03/09   Ex parte application. INTERIM APPROVAL O98-244
565 1998/02/13 1998/03/16   Replace the Rate Group structure for Primary Exchange Service with a Rate Band structure O98-264
564 1998/02/02 1998/03/06   Trunk-side arrangement for interconnexion of a Wireless Service Operator with the Company’s public switched telephone network. D2002-34
562 1998/01/14 1998/02/21   Provide Community Calling Plan service between the exchanges of Garnish and Burin. O98-140
563 1998/01/28     Modification to Tariff Notice 563
Documents connexes
561 1998/02/09 1998/02/17   Comments
Documents connexes
560 1998/01/05 1998/02/02 TG Ex parte application. INTERIM APPROVAL O981266

*TG = Tarif général
*NBST = Non-Basic Services Tariff

Date modified: 2006-03-07

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