Header: Ministry of Attorney General - Family Justice - Interjurisdictional Support Orders. Photo: © 2006 Jupiterimages Corporation.

Interjurisdictional Support Orders
(When one person lives outside BC)

British Columbia has reciprocal agreements with all the Canadian provinces and territories, and with several foreign countries. These are 'reciprocating jurisdictions'. This means that BC and each of the 'reciprocating jurisdictions' have agreed to recognize the family support (maintenance) orders and agreements made in the other place. An order or written agreement made in one place is 'good' in the other.

The BC law about reciprocity is the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, which is called 'ISO' for short. Each of the reciprocating jurisdictions has very similar ISO laws. Using ISO, you can apply for a support order in one of the reciprocating jurisdictions without having to go there. You can also apply to change an existing support order. A person in one of the reciprocating jurisdictions can do the same thing. The person making the application does not usually have to go to court – the respondent (the person in the reciprocating jurisdiction) goes to court to respond to the application.

There are several forms available for applications using the ISO laws. Not all of the forms are needed for every application.

If you are applying to change an order made under Canada's Divorce Act, this application process doesn't apply to you. The Divorce Act is a federal law. It has its own rules about making and changing its orders. All applications must be made to the Supreme Court of the province. You may wish to contact a Family Justice Centre [PDF 64 kb] for free information or talk to a lawyer if you want to change your Divorce Act order.