Consolidated List of Names subject to the  Regulations Implementing the United Nations Resolution on Iran (RIUNRI) PART B – ENTITIES (other than individuals) (download version)1 (Names added to the list in March 2007 are in bold.) ID #2 Entity Other Information Date of Designation3 1.00 Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran "1737 February 22, 2007" 2.00 Mesbah Energy Company provider for A40 research reactor — Arak "1737 February 22, 2007" 3.00 Kala-Electric provider for PFEP — Natanz "1737 February 22, 2007" 3.01 Kalaye Electric provider for PFEP — Natanz "1737 February 22, 2007" 4.00 Pars Trash Company "involved in centrifuge programme, identified in IAEA reports" "1737 February 22, 2007" 5.00 Farayand Technique "involved in centrifuge programme, identified in IAEA reports" "1737 February 22, 2007" 6.00 Defence Industries Organisation "overarching MODAFL-controlled entity, some of whose subordinates have been involved in the centrifuge programme making components, and in the missile programme" "1737 February 22, 2007" 7.00 7th of Tir "subordinate of DIO, widely recognized as being directly involved in the nuclear programme" "1737 February 22, 2007" 8.00 Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) subordinate entity of AIO "1737 February 22, 2007" 9.00 Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG) subordinate entity of AIO "1737 February 22, 2007" 10.00 Fajr Industrial Group subordinate entity of AIO "1737 February 22, 2007" 10.01 Instrumentation Factory Plant subordinate entity of AIO "1737 February 22, 2007" 11.00 Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) "AMIG controls 7th of Tir, which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran’s centrifuge programme. AMIG is in turn owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO), which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 11.01 Ammunition Industries Group "AMIG controls 7th of Tir, which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran’s centrifuge programme. AMIG is in turn owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO), which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 11.02 Groupe des industries des munitions et de la métallurgie "AMIG controls 7th of Tir, which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran’s centrifuge programme. AMIG is in turn owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO), which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 11.03 Groupe des industries des munitions (AMIG) "AMIG controls 7th of Tir, which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran’s centrifuge programme. AMIG is in turn owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO), which is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 12.00 Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Centre (NFRPC) "Parts of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. AEOI is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 12.01 Centre de recherche et de production de combustible nucléaire d’Ispahan (NFRPC) "Parts of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. AEOI is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 13.00 Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre (ENTC) "Parts of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. AEOI is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 13.01 Centre de technologie nucléaire d’Ispahan (ENTC) "Parts of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. AEOI is designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 14.00 Kavoshyar Company "Subsidiary company of AEOI, which has sought glass fibres, vacuum chamber furnaces and laboratory equipment for Iran’s nuclear programme" "1747 March 24, 2007" 15.00 Parchin Chemical Industries "Branch of DIO, which produces ammunition, explosives, as well as solid propellants for rockets and missiles" "1747 March 24, 2007" 16.00 Karaj Nuclear Research Centre Part of AEOI’s research division "1747 March 24, 2007" 16.01 Centre de recherche nucléaire de Karaj Part of AEOI’s research division "1747 March 24, 2007" 17.00 Novin Energy Company Operates within AEOI and has transferred funds on behalf of AEOI to entities associated with Iran’s nuclear programme "1747 March 24, 2007" 17.01 Pars Novin Operates within AEOI and has transferred funds on behalf of AEOI to entities associated with Iran’s nuclear programme "1747 March 24, 2007" 18.00 Cruise Missile Industry Group Production and development of cruise missiles. Responsible for naval missiles including cruise missiles "1747 March 24, 2007" 18.01 Naval Defence Missile Industry Group Production and development of cruise missiles. Responsible for naval missiles including cruise missiles "1747 March 24, 2007" 18.02 Groupe de l’industrie des missiles de croisière Production and development of cruise missiles. Responsible for naval missiles including cruise missiles "1747 March 24, 2007" 18.03 Groupe de l’industrie des missiles de la défense navale Production and development of cruise missiles. Responsible for naval missiles including cruise missiles "1747 March 24, 2007" 19.00 Bank Sepah "Bank Sepah provides support for the Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO) and subordinates, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) and Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG), both of which were designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 19.01 Bank Sepah International "Bank Sepah provides support for the Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO) and subordinates, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) and Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG), both of which were designated under resolution 1737 (2006)" "1747 March 24, 2007" 20.00 Sanam Industrial Group "subordinate to AIO, which has purchased equipment on AIO’s behalf for the missile programme" "1747 March 24, 2007" 20.01 Groupe industriel Sanam "subordinate to AIO, which has purchased equipment on AIO’s behalf for the missile programme" "1747 March 24, 2007" 21.00 Ya Mahdi Industries Group "subordinate to AIO, which is involved in international purchases of missile equipment" "1747 March 24, 2007" 21.01 Groupe industriel Ya Mahdi "subordinate to AIO, which is involved in international purchases of missile equipment" "1747 March 24, 2007" 22.00 Qods Aeronautics Industries "Produces unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), parachutes, paragliders, paramotors, etc.  Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has boasted of using these products as part of its asymmetric warfare doctrine" "1747 March 24, 2007" 22.01 Industries aéronautiques Qods "Produces unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), parachutes, paragliders, paramotors, etc.  Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has boasted of using these products as part of its asymmetric warfare doctrine" "1747 March 24, 2007" 23.00 Pars Aviation Services Company "Maintains various aircraft including MI-171, used by IRGC Air Force" "1747 March 24, 2007" 24.00 Sho’a’ Aviation Produces micro-lights which IRGC has claimed it is using as part of its asymmetric warfare doctrine "1747 March 24, 2007" "1 This consolidated list has a number of features designed to accommodate requests by financial institutions. As a result, it is longer (as it lists all a.k.a.s separately). If you desire a shorter version of this list, please find the ""Printable"" consolidated list at" "2 ID number reflects each entity - separate entries have been made for each alias. Each entity has a separate integer, and each a.k.a. or alternate address is reflected by a separate decimal place." 3 Date of Designation: The date on which the RIUNRI came into effect or the date on which the United Nations Security Council subsequently designated additional names. "DISCLAIMER: This list has been prepared for convenience of reference only and has no legislative sanction. For all purposes of interpreting and applying the law, users should consult the Acts as passed by Parliament, which are published in the ""Assented to"" Acts service, Part III of the Canada Gazette and the annual Statutes of Canada, and the regulations, as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council and published in Part II of the Canada Gazette, available in most public libraries. Links to the United Nations Act and its regulations are available on the internet at"