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Monitoring Sustainable Development Strategy Commitments

The Commissioner reports on how well federal departments and agencies are meeting the objectives and implementing the plans set out in their sustainable development strategies.

Our observations on selected strategy commitments should not be applied to other related issues or used to draw conclusions about overall progress toward sustainable development.

SDS Commitments audited since 2003:

Aboriginal Affairs


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Provide support for comprehensive, community-specific planning initiatives in all southern regions. Coordinated nationally by Socio-economic Policy and Programming and delivered by the individual regions.

See objective 2.1 target 2.1.2 pg. 24

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

Develop and implement a management framework to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Aboriginal and northern communities.

See target 4.1.1 pg.30

Design and implement a system to measure reduction in GHG emissions for Aboriginal and northern communities.

See target 4.1.2 pg. 30

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Commitment (PDF)

Develop a long-term strategy to assist Aboriginal and northern communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

To define adaptation issues for Aboriginal and northern communities due to the impacts of climate change.

See target 4.2.1 under objective 4.2 pg. 31

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

"In cooperation with First Nations communities, to develop a federal comprehensive community-planning strategy."

See commitment 2.1.1

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

Top of page

Access to Weather Warning Information


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Environment Canada

Put proper mechanisms in place, through work with community partners, to make warning information accessible to individuals in time for them to take action.

See objective 1.4

Environment Canada’s commitment

Improve Canadian's accessibility to, and understanding of, high impact weather warnings.

See commitments for Outcome 1.3

Environment Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Implement improvements to the aquaculture regulatory process for reviewing site applications and renewal applications.

See action 2 under output 1.5 pg. 18

Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

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Climate Change


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Correctional Service Canada

Reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas group nitrogen oxides (NOx) from CSC facilities in the Quebec City–Windsor corridor and the Fraser Valley by 10 percent from a 2004 baseline.

See target 1.1.2 pg.15

Correctional Services Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Finance Canada

Continue to conduct economic research and analysis, including through the use of one of the economic models the Department maintains, to assess the potential costs of a major economic instrument, such as emissions trading, and other policy or program options to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases

See action 2b.2 under objective 2b. pg.11

Finance Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Environment Canada

Develop a national research and development approach to help address the science needs associated with high-impact weather and climate events.

Refine and use climate models to inform climate change scenarios and policy discussions.

See commitments under intermediate-term outcome 1 pg.10

Environment Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Work in partnership with federal and provincial governments, academia, and the private sector to make regional scale climate change scenario tools available for decision making.

See commitments under intermediate-term outcome 3.3 pg. 20

Environment Canada’s commitment (PDF)
2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Work with other departments to develop an approach to the climate change agenda that assures accurate reporting on expenditures and results, measurement and reporting frameworks, management systems, and a governance structure.

See Climate Change Activity pg. 9

Treasury Board of Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Natural Resources Canada

Undertake science and technology to improve Canada's ability to further mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts.

By 2005, complete a quantitative assessment of terrestrial and coastal response to climate change in key physiographic zones (permafrost, coastal and near-shore environments, forests).

See target under action 2.4 pg. 63

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Undertake science and technology to improve Canada's ability to further mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts.

By 2006, prepare a national assessment of landscape and forest ecosystem response to climate change (two synthesis reports).

See target under action 2.4 pg. 63

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Contaminated Sites


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

National Defence

Reduce the Department's contaminated sites' liability by four percent per year.

See target B.4 pg. 18

National Defence Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Administer funds for the Federal Contaminated Sites Accelerated Action Plan (FCSAAP) and monitor compliance with the Treasury Board Contaminated Sites Management Policy among federal departments.

See Contaminated Sites Activities pg. 13

Treasury Board of Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Maintain and update the federal contaminated sites inventory.

See commitment under goal 2

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Canadian Heritage

Develop a set of sustainable development principles that can be applied to the design and delivery of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

See target 2.2.2 pg. 18

Canadian Heritage’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Industry Canada

Objective: Enhance the capacity of Canadians, industries, and firms to develop and use eco-efficiency practices, tools and technologies, and products that contribute to increased productivity and environmental performance.

Industry Canada's commitment

Objective: Facilitate the development and diffusion of environmental and enabling technologies that produce long-term economic and environmental benefits.

Industry Canada's commitment

2003 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Environment Canada

Contribute to meeting the Government of Canada's target of purchasing at least 20 percent of its electricity from low and non-emitting sources

See target under objective 6.3  pg.13

Environment Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Natural Resources Canada

Achieve a 20 percent average energy savings for homes that undertake a second, post-renovation EnerGuide for Houses audit

See target under action 2.2 pg. 56

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Expand fuel ethanol production and use in Canada, contributing significantly to Canada's target of having at least 35 percent of the gasoline supply contain 10 percent ethanol

See target under action 2.2 pg. 57

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Install 1,000 megawatts (MW) of new wind energy capacity in Canada

See target under action 2.2 pg. 58

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Establish five new agreements under the Market Incentive Program to support the marketing efforts of distributors of electricity from emerging renewable sources

See target under action 2.2 pg. 58

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Complete agreements to purchase 450 gigawatt hours of electricity from renewable sources

See target under action 2.2 pg. 58

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Ensure that the PWGSC real property inventory is at least 39 percent more energy and greenhouse gas efficient than it was in 1990. This will require a further 16 percent reduction from 31 March 2002 levels.

See target 1.2.1. - Annex 3-3

Public Works and Government Services Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Provide services to other federal departments and agencies to help meet the greenhouse gas reduction target of the Federal House in Order initiative

See target 2.3. under long-term objective 2.3 - Annex 3-8

Public Works and Government Services Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Environmental Assessment


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Finance Canada

Continue to maintain awareness of the Department's process for implementing the 1999 Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals (Strategic Environmental Assessment).

See target 2b.1 under objective 2b pg. 24

Finance Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

On an ongoing basis, AAFC policy analysts and senior management will receive training about sustainable development.

By March 31, 2003, there will be a formal process in place to ensure the analysis of policies and programs.

By March 31, 2004, AAFC will undertake reviews of existing and new policy programs and initiatives from the perspective of sustainable development.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's commitment (PDF)

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Industry Canada

Improve and formally adopt a set of guidelines and a template for conducting strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) within the Department. The improvements will be based upon an internal evaluation, as well as a review of best practices with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and other federal departments.

Industry Canada's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Develop and apply a framework for the application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to Treasury Board Secretariat policies and programs.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Environmental Management


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Industry Canada

Continue to implement the Computers for Schools (CFS) initiative and work toward the program’s long-term environmental sustainability by working with governments, industry, and other stakeholders to increase program knowledge on costs and implementation of environmentally sound recycling practices, and to research Canadian recycling and disposal capabilities and infrastructure.

See Outcome 3.2 pg. 37

Industry Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

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Food Safety


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Health Canada

Work in consultation with stakeholders to develop and/or update science-based guidelines and standards to improve the safety of the food supply and reduce food-borne illness. To this end, Health Canada will also engage in initiatives with the aim of improving the transparency of the regulatory system and increasing public awareness of food safety issues.

See objective 1.1 target 1.1.5 pg. 22

Health Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament -Chapter 1

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Funding for Green Infrastructure


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Objective 2.1: Meet investment targets for green municipal infrastructure

Performance Measure: Improved environmental conditions: air quality, water quality, solid waste management, lower energy consumption. [Implemented by Infrastructure Canada]

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's commitment

2003 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Canada Revenue Agency

Integrate sustainability criteria into negotiations, discussions, partnerships, and decision making with provinces and territories and other government departments and agencies on CRA business.

See target 2.2.1 under objective 2.2 pg. 22

Canada Revenue Agency’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

"Finalize CCRA environmental Policy"

See commitment 3.1.1

Canada Revenue Agency’s commitments

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada*

Develop a departmental sustainable development policy that provides guidance on department-wide sustainable development priorities, and clearly situates it within the Department's Integrated Management Framework.

See target 1.1.2 under objective 1.1 pg. 10

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Social Development Canada*

Develop a departmental sustainable development policy that provides guidance on department-wide sustainable development priorities, and clearly situates it within the Department's Integrated Management Framework.

See target 1.1.2 under objective 1.1

Social Development Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Industry Canada

Identify, for annual review by senior managers, sustainable development opportunities across Industry Canada's strategic objectives that the Department could pursue as part of its policy and program proposals, to further integrate sustainable development into corporate decision-making procedures and reporting documents.

See action plan item under 3.3.1 pg. 41

Industry Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Transport Canada

Continue to maintain the environmental emergency plans that are in place for all Transport Canada owned and operated facilities.

See target under environmental aspect 6 p. 58

Transport Canada’s commitment (PDF)

Develop a Transport Canada training plan, by 2004–05, and deliver one training session per fiscal year or as deemed required, through to 2006–07.

See target under environmental aspect 6 on pg. 58

Transport Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Green Employment


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Human Resources and Development Canada

Objective: To begin building a better understanding of sustainable development-related issues of particular interest to HRDC and their implications for social policy and programs

Targets: Explore the labour market and social adjustment issues related to the Kyoto Protocol and other possible interventions over the longer term to address climate change/global warming. Produce research study by 31 March 2002.

Investigate the concept of green employment, its broad implications for social policy, and ways in which its growth could be promoted or enhanced over the longer term. Produce research study by 31 October 2002.

From a program perspective, review how HRDC's existing programs might foster the development and growth of green employment in Canada. Complete review by 31 December 2002.

Assess overall sustainable development-related knowledge/skill needs in the economy over the medium term and how these might be better incorporated into HRDC's sectoral human resources programs and strategies. Complete assessment by 30 November 2002.

Explore ways in which HRDC could better promote and foster the shift to sustainable development in  Canada over the longer term. Initiate by 1 May 2003.

Human Resources and Development Canada's commitment (PDF)

2003 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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Green Procurement


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Public Works and Government Services Canada

By April 2004, increase number of green products and suppliers available in the e-purchasing and cataloguing application.

Public Works and Government Services’ commitment

By March 31, 2004, ensure that environmental impacts are taken into consideration in all PWGSC contracting.

Public Works and Government Services’ commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 6

Canada Revenue Agency

Introduce environmental specifications into National Individual Standing Offers (NISOs)

See commitment

Increase the number of clauses that give consideration to SD-green procurement into the contractual process, including selection criteria for Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

See commitment

Canada Revenue Agency’s commitments

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 6

Canadian Heritage

Increase by 10 percent annually the proportion of "green " goods and services purchased

See commitment 1.2.1

Canadian Heritage’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 6

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada

Delivery of green procurement awareness training to the integrated service managers community and all NCR Assets Management/Procurement staff.

See “Procurement” section

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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Green Technology


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Invest in projects that develop and commercialize environmental technologies and processes.

See Key Activity #2 pg. 24

Western Economic Diversification Canada’s commitment

Attract new investments to research and development in environmental technologies.

See Key Activity #2  Output 3 pg. 24

Western Economic Diversification Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

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Human Health / Environmental Health


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Foreign Affairs Canada

Develop a strategy in 2001 to address issues related to the health and welfare of employees and their families located at our missions abroad.

See commitment D-ii

Foreign Affairs Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

Transport Canada

Transport Canada will identify third party discharges of effluent and waste at Canadian ports by 2001/2002.

Objective 1.

Work with the Association of Canadian Port Authorities (ACPA) to identify discharges at ports by requesting an inventory of existing environmental problems on Crown lands, by 2001/2002.

Objective 2.

Work closely with the ACPA (Environment Committee) to develop work plans, with timelines, to address environmental problems and determine the role of TC in the remediation process, by 2002/2003.

Objective 3.

Prepare an inventory of problematic sites for TC-owned ports, by reviewing existing audits and environmental baseline studies, by 2001/2002.

Objective 4.  

Develop a monitoring framework for TC-owned ports that will include project identification, analysis and timelines for remediation, in 2002/2003.

Transport Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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Invasive Species


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Natural Resources Canada

Will develop a national strategy on forest invasive alien species, integrating environmental, economic and social risks, in partnership with Environment Canada, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

See Action 1.2 target 2 pg. 34

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Work with provinces and territories to develop an implementation plan, with costed options, for a National Strategy on Aquatic Invasive Species.

See planned action 3 under outputs/outcomes 4.1 pg. 26

Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Making Communities More Sustainable


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Work with local, regional, and provincial groups to foster economic development at the community level that considers the environment.

See objective 2.1 pg. 22

Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Invest in projects that enable western Canadian communities to improve their social, environmental, and economic sustainability.

See Key Activity 3 pg. 25

The number of projects with communities that contribute to social, environmental, and economic sustainability

See indicator under immediate outcomes for Key Activity 3 pg. 25

Western Economic Diversification Canada’s commitments (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Environment Canada

Objective: The delivery of individual federal programs is better integrated at the community level in order to maximize their impact in meeting environmental, social and economic goals (to be achieved by December 2003)

Targets: Develop and implement, with partners, a federal framework on sustainable communities.

Explore the feasibility, with partners, of applying a sustainable communities approach through selected pilot projects (including those with Aboriginal communities), using federal councils as a catalyst where appropriate.

Develop and implement Government On-Line projects to support the delivery of sustainable community initiatives and related federal programming.

Implement the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk nationally through partnerships, and co-ordinate and integrate with other similar programs by 2002.

Environment Canada's commitment

objective 5.4

2003 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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Military Training Activities


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

National Defence

Implement Training Area Management Plans at selected sites by 31 March 2004.

National Defence’s commitment (PDF)

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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Office Solid Waste


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Develop environmental management programs for solid waste management.

Divert an average of 60% solid waste from landfill in priority CCRA-owned facilities.

Divert an average of 70% solid waste from landfill in priority leased facilities.

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

Justice Canada

By March 31 2004, divert from landfills 76% of total solid waste produced nationally.

Justice Canada's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

Environment Canada

Put in place Environment Canada’s Environmental Management System action plan related to solid waste management and commence annual reporting on progress toward targets, by March 31, 2002. [ii]

Environment Canada's commitment

By March 31, 2004, divert 70% [iii] of solid waste from landfill – that is, 70% by weight of all solid waste is to be recycled. [iv] (Adopted from SDGO guidance)

Environment Canada's commitment (PDF)

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

Natural Resources Canada

By 2003, maintain, expand and promote NRCan’s waste-free program.

The Performance Measurement Framework targets a 60% reduction in solid non-hazardous waste from the level measured in 1995-96 audits by 2000 [v].

Natural Resources Canada's commitment (PDF)

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

Public Works and Government Services Canada

By March 31, 2004, achieve and maintain a 60% diversion rate of office solid waste from landfill and incineration in all Crown-owned Real Property Service facilities, i.e., 60% by weight of all solid waste is to be recycled.

Public Works and Government Services Canada's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

Veterans Affairs Canada

Divert 5.6 % of solid waste from landfill per year until March 2004.

Veterans Affairs Canada's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Health Canada

Develop the structure for a national database on annual pesticide sales in Canada.

See short term targets under objective 1.6 pg. 23

Health Canada’s commitment

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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Quality of Life


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Canadian International Development Agency

Improve health policies, programs, and systems in areas including nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, communicable diseases, and water and sanitation, and that are especially responsive to the needs of woman, girls, and boys.

See priority D.2.1c pg. 41

Canadian International Development Agency’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

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Science and Technology


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Enable some 40 enterprises to experiment with new technologies or processes associated with the use of natural resources.

The Agency will fund 25 projects to support small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to commercialize their products on international markets.

See objective on pg. 21

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Region’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

International Trade Canada*

Support the development and marketing of innovative pollution-reducing technologies by 2005.

See. target iv under objective 2B pg. 14

International Trade Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Industry Canada

Development of an innovation strategy and action plan for application of bio-products and bioprocesses in support of sustainable development.

See commitments under 3.2.3

Industry Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 7

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Sustainable Development Lens


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Ensure all evaluation frameworks take into account, where applicable, the implications of CIC policies and programs on sustainable development.

See action 4.1.1 pg. 28

Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

Department of Justice Canada

Consider departmental policies and services through a sustainable development lens.

See Objective 2 target 2.1 pg. 3

Department of Justice Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

Transport Canada

Will develop a Sustainable Transportation Lens that will serve as a tool to enhance Transport Canada’s ability to make integrated decisions. If successful, the Lens could be institutionalized and promoted within Transport Canada’s decision-making process. The Lens could also be shared with the transportation sector for use within other organizations.

See Commitment 6.4 pg. 37

Transport Canada’s commitment

2007 Report to Parliament - Chapter 1

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Using the Tax System


SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Finance Canada

Key Issue #2: Integrating the Economy and the Environment

"Integrating the Economy and the Environment" involves building on the Department’s analytical foundation and knowledge base in support of more fully integrating environmental and economic considerations into targeted tax, spending and related policies.

Objective 2a: Using the Tax System

On an ongoing basis, the Department examines ways to better integrate the economy and the environment through targeted use of the tax system. The primary goal has been to identify specific areas where the tax system may be acting as an impediment to the attainment of sustainable development.

Actions for 2001–2003:

2a.1 The Department will continue to examine areas where the tax system may be having an impact on the longer-term goals of sustainable development.

2a.2 The Department will continue to assess policy options aimed at levelling the playing field between various economic activities.

2a.3 The Department will evaluate all environment-related tax proposals as they are received from stakeholders, including those meant to encourage environmentally positive activities and discourage environmentally negative ones.

Finance Canada's commitment

2004 Report to Parliament - Chapter 3

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SDS Commitment

CESD Monitoring

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Develop a performance measure and establish a baseline to measure whether there has been an increase in the trend in the adoption of best practices for water use by the agri-food sector.  2001

See target 1.2.6 pg. 19

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Natural Resources Canada

Increase understanding of water resource supply and minimize impacts of natural resource sector activities on aquatic ecosystems.

By 2006, produce an assessment of costs of climate change and water resource impacts to Prairie agriculture and economy.

See target under action 1.3 pg. 36

Natural Resources Canada’s commitment (PDF)

2006 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Develop and implement integrated management plans and complete demonstration projects in three coastal regions: Eastern Scotian Shelf, Western Arctic, and Gulf of St. Lawrence.

See commitment 1.1.1

Establish Minister’s Advisory Council on Oceans.

See commitment 1.1.1

Develop an operational framework for incorporating ecosystem considerations within oceans management.

See commitment 2A.1.1

Develop and implement a national system of marine protected areas including designation of five marine protected areas (MPAs).

See commitment 2B.2.4

Establish marine environmental quality guidelines, objectives, and criteria.

See commitment 2B.2.4

Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ commitments

2005 Report to Parliament – Chapter 1

Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Lead the collection of policy and program information related to water from all involved federal departments under the guidance of the IWAC.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

Health Canada

Continue to develop the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

Develop an integrated, source-to-tap approach to drinking water quality in Canada.

Work with other federal departments to develop a compliance framework for drinking water quality in areas of federal jurisdictions.

Health Canada’s commitments (PDF)

Develop or update at least six drinking and recreational water quality guidelines, in collaboration with the provinces and territories.

See commitment 1.6.4

Health Canada’s commitment

2005 Report to Parliament - Chapter 4

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