CBC.ca New Brunswick
CBC Radio One Shift
Welcome to Shift

Shift is an energetic two and a half hours that connects people in the province with the events of the day and with each other.

We meet interesting New Brunswickers doing fascinating things. We give you something to talk about at the dinner table.

Shift is easy to listen to; hard to turn off.

Join us weekdays from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on CBC Radio One


We thought we'd see just how far Bobblehead Paul could go. Here's what we're asking: next time you go on a trip, take your Bobblehead and a digital camera with you. If you don't have a Bobblehead, we'll give you one. If you don't have a digitial camera, we can't help you.

Take a picture of Bobblehead Paul wherever you land. Send it to us at Shift@cbc.ca. We'll post a photo diary of all of the places Bobblehead Paul has gone. We'll also send you a Shift gift.  So far, he's been to Greece and Turkey. Where he goes next is up to you.

Click arrow to view pageBobblehead Adventures: View the photo diary

Contact us at 1-800-632-7743. Or email us using this form.

Host Paul Castle of Shift
Hosted By
Host Paul Castle
3:30 - 6:00 p.m.
on CBC Radio One.
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Maritimes This Week:Click to view page
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Harbour Lights

Harbour LightsClick arrow to view page
Help support the campaign in 2007.

Harbour Lights

Harbour LightsClick arrow to view page
Help support the campaign in 2007.

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