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The Leadership Network
Leadership Development Programs Directive
Accelerated Economist Training Program (AETP)
Career Assignment Program (CAP)
Management Trainee Program (MTP)
Accelerated Executive Development Program (AEXDP)
The Government of Canada’s Fellows Program
Interchange Canada
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Realigned Programs

  1. What is meant by the alignment of MTP and CAP?
  2. The alignment of MTP and CAP means that these programs become components on a continuum of leadership development programs. This continuum extends from entry level to the most senior levels of the Public Service. Specifically, the MTP and CAP operations are being merged into a single window, which will provide developmental services to both CAP and MTP participants. In addition, a new occupational group, the Leadership Programs (PL) Group, has been created that will integrate all current CA and MM employees into this one group, providing them with similar terms and conditions of employment and a re-structured salary administration plan. Thirdly, the four previous policies applying to MTP and CAP have been integrated into one directive that stems from the Policy on Learning, Training and Development. Finally, all appointments to and within MTP and CAP will be based on the new Key Leadership Competencies Profile.

  3. What is the objective of the changes to the programs?
  4. The objective of the alignment of MTP and CAP is to ensure that leadership development programs provide organizations support in meeting their human resource planning, recruitment and employee development needs. Changes to these programs were made after extensive consultations with stakeholders, including client organizations, program participants and organizational coordinators.

  5. What are the redesigned features of the MTP?
  6. The redesigned features of the MTP program are the following:

  • the objective of the program has been clarified to tailor the participants' development to the human resources needs of the organization that hires them; 
  • the program has moved from four years to three years; 
  • the promotion points have moved from every 18 months to every 12 months; and
  • MTP participants will receive increased support to intensify their development through career counselling services offered by the Leadership Development Programs Advisors at PSHRMAC.
  1. What are the redesigned features of CAP?
  2. The redesigned features of the CAP program are the following:

  • the objective of the program has been clarified to tailor the participants' development to the human resources needs of the organization that hires them;
  • the program has moved from four years to a maximum of three years; and 
  • the participants are encouraged to do two of their three assignments within their organization to improve the opportunities for them to remain in their organization following graduation.
  1. Now that MTP and CAP are aligned, does this mean I can automatically start on CAP once I finish MTP? 
  2. No. The two programs maintain their distinct development objectives. Selection processes will continue to be program specific.

Conversion – to the new PL group

  1. What type of human resource process is the conversion of MM and CA into PL? 
  2. The PL group conversion is a compensation and classification action. The PL group is a new occupational group with a new pay structure that was created to restructure the existing MM and CA occupational groups. After the conversion process has taken place, the CA and MM occupational groups will no longer exist. The conversion is not an appointment or reclassification action.

  3. When will the salary conversions take effect? 
  4. The home organization is responsible for converting the salary of each participant as well as updating their HR systems to include the new PL group. All conversions, no matter when they are completed, will be made retroactive to April 2, 2006.

  5. The Directive refers to the Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations (PSTCER). Will the PSTCER be modified to include the new PL group? 
  6. The PSTCER is presently being updated and will include the PL group in the future. For the time being, it should be noted that the Leadership Programs (PL) Group is to replace the former MM and CA group references within the PSTCER. In addition, it is only the PL-06 group and level that will be subject to Annex A: Interim Exceptions to the Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations for Certain Unrepresented Employees.

  7. What level in the PL group will participants be converted into?
  8. Conversions will be at the corresponding level and at the rate of pay nearest to but not less than the rate previously received. The conversion will follow the following scale:

    Conversion Grid

    Group level MM and CA salary scale PL salary scale
    PL Ab initio*
    MM-AIO become PL-AIO
    $37,800  $38,080
    MM-01 become PL-01  $47,249 $47,600
    MM-02 become PL-02 $50,721 $52,800
    MM-03 become PL-03 $57,212

    PL–04 Vacant (to be used for future programs)

    CA-01 become PL-05 $65,962
    CA-02 become PL-06 $77,557

  9. Will CA participants who are earning more than the new PL salary rates be salary protected? 
  10. Yes. Where a CA employee is earning a salary rate that is higher than the corresponding PL maximum salary rate, that employee will be salary protected at their current CA salary rate. The employee will also be entitled to the performance pay rates from the previous salary administration plan.

    Therefore, in a salary protection situation, a PL-05 employee could be entitled to performance pay. The employee would not however, be entitled to overtime, as he/she would remain under the previous CA salary administration plan.

Leadership Development Programs (LDP): Administration

  1. The new  Directive on the Administration of Leadership Development Programs – Management Trainee Program and Career Assignment Program provides organizations the flexibility to recruit and select their own MTP and CAP participants. If an organization does opt to recruit and select their own participants, must they follow the LDP Directive? 
  2. Yes. All MTP and CAP participants are appointed to the PL group and as such, the LDP Directive governs both the recruiting organization and participants. As there is a limit to the number of participants the program can accommodate, the intake numbers for organizations will be established annually by PSHRMAC.

  3. What roles does HR Planning play in the new LDP Directive?  
  4. The Directive emphasizes HR planning and organizations are expected to include CAP and MTP participants in their HR plans. An HR plan should include targeted development plans for MTP and CAP participants, and forecasts on their expected graduation.

  5. In the new LDP Directive, it states that participants must be appointed or deployed out of the program within three months of participants completing all the requirements of their leadership development program. Is there flexibility on this timeframe?  
  6. It is recommended that organizations start to plan the participant’s graduation at the time of the participant’s last promotion. In doing so, organizations would have considerably more than three months to plan the participant’s graduation. Also, with a greater emphasis on HR planning, organizations will already have forecasted into which position or area the participant will graduate, well in advance of the individual’s appointment or deployment out of the program.

  7. How is staffing recourse managed in the new Directive? 
  8. All appointments to and within the PL group will be subject to the Public Service Employment Act, including the area of recourse. Organizations are encouraged to include the MTP and CAP programs in their non-advertised appointment process policies.

  9. Will there be guidelines developed to assist organizations in applying the Directive? 
  10. Guidelines for the MTP and CAP programs are under development and will highlight best practices. The guidelines will be published on the Leadership Development Programs web site at: /leadership/ld-dl/development/index_e.asp.

  11. PL Ab initio candidates in the MTP program who require language training to meet the expected language proficiency of C-B-C will have up to 52 weeks of training. Is there a possibility for extensions? 
  12. Extensions may be granted in certain cases if the candidate is close to meeting the expected language proficiency. Extensions will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be authorized by PSHRMAC in consultation with the language training provider and the home organization.

  13. The Policy on Learning, Training and Development speaks of “required training”. Are MTP and CAP participants required to take this required training?
  14. Yes, CAP and MTP participants must take the required training as specified in the Policy.

  15. Does someone moving into or out of the PL Group receive salary protection?
  16. Under the new LDP directive, PL employees are now entitled to salary protection. There are distinct salary protection provisions for employees being appointed into the PL group and those leaving the PL group.

    For those moving into the PL group, salary protection will apply for as long as the substantive salary is greater than the salary received as a PL.

    For those leaving the PL group, salary protection will apply for two years after the employee has left the program, if they are appointed or deployed out of the PL group to a position with a lower job rate than their PL job rate. To be eligible for this salary protection, participants must have been in the PL group for at least one (1) year and have achieved at least “met most” on their performance appraisals.

  17. How will the Leadership Development programs be evaluated?
  18. A Results-based Management Accountability Framework was developed to monitor and measure program success. PSHRMAC will also conduct periodic evaluations.

  19. Has the role of Organizational Coordinator changed?
  20. The Organizational Coordinator continues to administer leadership development programs in their organization and supports participants in the programs, in coordination with the assignment and home managers.

  21. Will PSHRMAC be involved in promotion boards?
  22. A representative from PSHRMAC must be involved in promotion boards, thereby ensuring consistency in promotion appointment decisions across organizations.

  23. Will CAP participants’ travel costs associated with their attendance at the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) educational component continue to be paid for by PSHRMAC?
  24. PSHRMAC will continue to pay the travel costs related to the educational component for current CAP participants only. The funding for travel costs for CAP participants recruited after April 2, 2006, will be borne by the home organization.