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Provincial and Territorial Government Publications

This page contains links to the publications sections on Canada's provincial and territorial government web sites.

Hyperlink Notice: The following web sites are provided solely as a convenience for users. We are not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliablility of the content. Information offered by these web sites may not be subject to the Official Languages Act and may only be available in the language(s) used by the sites in question.

[E] = English only; [B] = Biligual


Government of Alberta Publications [E]
Queen's Printer for Alberta [E]

British Columbia

British Columbia
Government of British Columbia Publications Index [E]


Province of Manitoba | Statutory Publications [B]

New Brunswick

New Brunswick
Queen's Printer for New Brunswick [B]

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador - Publications [E]

Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories
Government of the Northwest Territories - Publications [E]

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Government Publications [E]


Government of Nunavut Publications
[B, Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun]


Publications Ontario [B]

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island: Government Publications [E]

Quebec Quebec
Publications Quebec [B]
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan
Queen's Printer for Saskatchewan [E]
Government of Saskatchewan - Publications Center [E]

Government of Yukon - Publications [E]

New! - We distribute selected Publications Ontario titles:
Through a special arrangement, we now distribute a selection of Publications Ontario's most requested titles. For a complete listing of their publications, visit the Publications Ontario web site.


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