CBC.ca Sudbury
Northern Ontario Reads

Updated Sept. 21, 2007

Up until now, health units in northeastern Ontario have refused to tell you - the diner - which restaurants have not passed routine health inspections.

After a CBC investigation into this policy, Algoma Public Health and the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit have now released information on which restaurants failed health inspections between May 2006 and May 2007.

Note: The health inspection reports listed here are only a snapshot of a restaurant on the date it was inspected. Health units carry out follow-up inspections to ensure the problem has been corrected. In all these cases, the problems were corrected.

You will need the free plug-in Adobe Acrobat External Links to read these documents.

From the North Bay Perry Sound District Health Unit:

After the CBC filed a Freedom of Information request with the health unit, the following information was released: North Bay Charges Inventory pdf [337KB.pdf]

From Algoma Public Health:

After the CBC filed a Freedom of Information request, documents were released by the health unit. However, the names of each restaurant had been blocked out.

After the CBC appealed to Ontario's information and privacy commission, Algoma Public Health released the names of restaurants that had violated health standards.

  1. Doug's Hilltop Market Report pdf [3.2MB.pdf]
  2. Presto Report pdf [491KB.pdf]
  3. North 82 Report pdf [1.1MB.pdf]
        Order pdf [231KB.pdf]
  4. Woking Chopsticks Report pdf [3.2MB.pdf]
        Order pdf [964KB.pdf]
  5. U-Betcha Order pdf [1MB.pdf]
  6. Lone-Star Report pdf [296KB.pdf]
        Order pdf [690KB.pdf]
  7. Iron Chef Wok Report pdf [5.4MB.pdf]
        Order pdf [520KB.pdf]

From the Sudbury and District Health Unit:

The Sudbury and District Health Unit has changed it's policy in light of the CBC's request for restaurant health inspections: Listen (runs 1:31) audio.

The public can now ask the health unit for reports and they will be provided. The CBC has now received the health inspection reports it requested:

  1. Closure pdf [75KB.pdf]
  2. Convictions pdf [75KB.pdf]
  3. Critical Violations List pdf (26KB.pdf)
  4. Inspection Reports: Reports 1, Reports 2, Reports 3, Reports 4 pdf
        (4MB.pdf files)

The full interview with Sudbury and District Board of Health Chair Janet Gasparini is available: Listen (runs 4:54) audio

From the Porcupine Health Unit:

The Porcupine District Health Unit has now changed its policy in response to the CBC's Dining in the Dark series. Starting January 1, the health unit will publish information online for critical health infractions, charges, convictions and closures. For more, go to the Porcupine Health Unit online External Links.

Our Original Story:

How much do you know about the cleanliness of the restaurants you frequent? Chances are, not much. Even if you wanted to find out, you would have a hard time getting the facts. Health Units in the north make it their policy NOT to disclose details of their restaurant health inspections. Reporter Megan Thomas tries to get answers.

DAY 1: How clean is the restaurant you are dining in?

Every week, public health inspectors check out our favourite eateries to make sure everything is clean, and ensure the food won't make us sick.

In some cases, restaurants are fined, and even closed for health violations. But, what happens when officials REFUSE to tell the public which restaurants are clean and which ones are dirty? Listen (runs 2:16) audio

The Ontario Government says it has an easy answer for people who want to know how clean their favourite restaurant is, before eating there. The CBC tests it out.
Listen (runs 1:51) audio

Why don't health units in northern Ontario release restaurant health inspection information to the public? Northern health units say they don't have the resources to do it. Points North host Dan Lessard speaks with Peter Jekel, the director of the North Bay and District Health Unit. Listen (runs 9:07) audio

DAY 2: How do other health units make this information public?

It doesn't cost much and it's well worth it. That's what some health units are saying about making restaurant health inspection reports available to the public.
Listen (runs 2:10) audio

How is it that health Units in other parts of the country do make restaurant inspection information public? The CBC's Megan thomas speaks with Robert Cribb of the Toronto Star. Robert's "Dirty Dining" series pushed Toronto to be the first city to post restaurant information on the internet. Listen (runs 5:32) audio

Take a look at how Toronto makes its restaurant health inspection results easily available to the public: DineSafe External Links.

In some cities, restaurant health information is posted online for everyone to see. What do restaurant owners think about that information being public? Dan Lessard talks to Dino Magnetta, the owner of Zelda's restaurant in Toronto. Listen (runs 4:03) audio

DAY 3: How many people actually get sick from eating out?

Health experts say it's anyone's guess when it comes to keeping track of how many people get sick from eating at restaurants. Listen (runs 1:45) audio

Morning North host Markus Schwabe talks to Ben Chapman about why we know so little about how many people get sick eating at restaurants. Ben is with the Food Safety Network at the University of Guelph. Listen (runs 7:13) audio

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Fast food
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Food Safety
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If you have concerns about the cleanliness of a restuarant, you can report it to the Sudbury & District Health Unit. External Links

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