Symbol of the Government of Canada

Business Start-Up Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2005-07-07

The Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the different government programs, services and regulations and identify those of interest. Although most of the questions will be answered in the Info-Guide, the list is by no means exhaustive. The selected items provide a helpful overview of programs services and regulations in a related area. This blended product of both federal and territorial information is developed to answer a growing demand for strategic information by business people.

See also document Nunavut Regulatory & Licensing Agencies Info-Guidenavut Regulatory and Licensing Agencies Info-Guide.


Canadian Company Capabilities - Industry Canada

Canadian Company Capabilities (CCC) is an online database which profiles approximately 36 200 Canadian companies. It offers free registration to Canadian companies and is available globally through Strategis, Industry Canada's Web site. This database contains vital company information that can be searched to locate Canadian suppliers and distribution channels, to determine competition, to form partnerships and to uncover export ventures.

Registration to CCC is voluntary and free of charge. Companies are encouraged to register electronically through the Internet.

For further information, please call 1-800-328-6189, see Canadian Company Capabilities document or visit the Web site at

Strategis - Industry Canada

Strategis is Industry Canada's Web site of business information. It provides fast, accurate and value-added information aimed at small and medium-sized firms. With Strategis, Canadian businesses have access to a vast array of management resources, perspectives and data that can help them further develop and expand markets, create alliances and find new clients. Strategis is easily accessible through various Canada Business Service Centres and community access points.

For further information, please call 1-800-328-6189, see Strategis document or visit the Web site at


Consulting Group - Business Development Bank of Canada

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) provides customized consulting solutions to meet the complex challenges faced by today's Canadian entrepreneurs. Whether it's through individual consulting, group training, or a combination of both, BDC's Consulting Group (CG) helps innovative Canadian business succeed. These services are often combined with financial services to support an increasing number of innovative Canadian businesses prosper in today's global economy.

For further information on BDC, please call 1-877-232-2269, see the document BDC Consulting or visit the Web site at


Self-Employment Program (SE) - Department of Education, Government of Nunavut

This program provides people with income support, coaching, and technical assistance to help start a business.

For further information, please call the Career Centre nearest to you (Baffin: 1-800-567-1514; Cambridge Bay: 1-800-661-0845;  Rankin Inlet: 1-800- 953-8516) or see Self-employment Program - SE

Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program - Industry Canada

The Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program was created to help small businesses reach their potential by making it easier for them to get term business improvement loans to finance the purchase or improvement of fixed assets for new or expanded operations. Administered under theCanada Small Business Financing Act (CSBFA), the program is a joint initiative between the Government of Canada and private-sector lenders.

For further information, please call (613) 954-5540, Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program, contact your lender of choice or visit the Web site at

Atuqtuarvik Corporation - Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI)

Atuqtuarvik Corporation is an investment and loan fund created by NTI and the Nunavut Trust to help ensure direct Inuit partcipation in major economic opportunities. The corporation provides loand and equity funding for the purposes of business start-up, business expansion and business acquisition. You must be certified by NTI for inclusion on the Inuit Firm Registry or a Birthright Corporation located in Nunavut in order to access this source of funding.

For further information, please call (867) 645-2784, or see  Atuqtuarvik Corporation.

Business Development Fund - Department of Economic Development and Transportation, Government of Nunavut

The Business Development Fund  (BDF) is a contribution fund aimed at stimulating employment and economic development throughout the Nunavut. It comprises six programs that are designed to assist businesses during all phases of the business cycle. Assistance is provided for research and planning, business start-up and expansion, market and product development, training, and emergency relief to assist businesses in financial difficulty.

For further information contact the Department of Economic Development and Transportation's regional office nearest you (Kitikmeot:  (867) 982-7453;  Keewatin: (867) 645-5067; Baffin:  (867) 975-5999), or see  Contributions to Business Development   

Community Futures Development Corporations - Department of Economic Development and Transportation, Government of Nunavut

CFDCs provide development and expansion capital through loans or loan guarantees to viable businesses that are unsuccessful in getting adequate financing elsewhere, provide technical advice and counseling to new or existing small businesses within the community,  and provide assistance with a range of other community development initiatives such as community based economic planning, training, etc.

For further information contact the regional CFDC in your region (Baffin Business Development Corporation 1-800-263-2232, Community Futures Development Corporation of Kitikmoet (867) 983-3007, or Keewatin Business Development Centre (867) 645-2126 ) or see  Community Futures Development Corporations


Business Number (BN) - Canada Revenue Agency

The Business Number (BN) replaces the many numbers businesses need to deal with government, thus helping reduce costs and increase competitiveness. The BN increases government efficiency and helps it deliver one-stop service at Business Windows. This program contains information about which accounts a business may need and how to complete a request for a Business Number.

For further information, please call 1-800-959-5525, see  Business Number - BN or visit the Web site at

Goods and Services Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax - GST/HST - Canada Revenue Agency

The Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) are multi-stage taxes that apply to most transactions throughout the production and marketing process.

For further information, please call 1-800-959-5525, see   Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) or visit the Web site at

GST/HST Returns - Canada Revenue Agency

GST/HST Registrants must file returns for a reporting basis within a prescribed reporting period.

For further information, please call 1-800-959-5525, see GST/HST Returns  or visit the Web site at


Competition Act - Pyramid Selling and Multi-Level Marketing Schemes - Industry Canada

TheCompetition Act is a federal law governing business conduct in Canada. The multi-level marketing and pyramid selling provisions of the Competition Act set out the responsibilities for operators and participants in these types of plans. The Act also explains the difference between multi-level marketing and a pyramid selling scheme.

Multi-level marketing is a plan for the distribution of products whereby participants earn money for the supply of a product to other participants in the same plan. They, in turn, make their money for the supply of the same products to other participants.

Pyramid selling is a multi-level marketing plan that incorporates various deceptive marketing practices, which make it a criminal offence under the Competition Act.

For further information, please call 1-800-348-5358, see Competition Act - Pyramid Selling and Multi-Level Marketing Schemes  or visit the Web site at

Federal Business Incorporation - Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) - Industry Canada

TheCanada Business Corporations Act and its regulations provide the legal framework for creating and governing federal corporations, excluding financial intermediaries. The Act and Regulations specify the conditions that must be met in order to form, operate and dissolve a legal federal corporation.

Anyone wishing to form a corporation under federal law must make an initial filing.

For further information, please call (613) 941-9042, see   Federal Business Incorporation - Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA), and   document  Statutory Filings under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) or visit the Web site at

Labour Standards in the Federal Jurisdiction Workplace - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

The Labour Program promotes and enforces employer and employee compliance with Part III of the Canada Labour Code (Labour Standards) and the Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act (Fair Wages). Services through local and regional offices include inspections, investigations of complaints and unjust dismissals; client education; and provision of informational material.

For further information, please call 1-800-260-0877, see Labour Standards in the Federal Jurisdiction Workplace  or visit the Web site at

Occupational Safety and Health in Canada - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

TheCanada Labour Code (CLC) governs, among other items, occupational safety and health in federal works, Part II of the CLC is intended to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of employment.

Labour Law Update: reports on all significant newly adopted and proposed laws and regulations in Canada that have a bearing on collective bargaining, minimum employment standards, and occupational safety and health.

For further information or to order the Labour Law Update, please call 1-800-565-7757 or see   document Occupational Safety and Health in Canada

Record of Employment - ROE - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

The Employment Insurance Act and its Regulations require every employer to complete a Record of Employment (ROE) when an employee stops working. This is considered an interruption of earnings. This happens when the employment ends, or an employee leaves due to pregnancy, injury, illness, adoption leave, layoff, leave without pay, or dismissal. A penalty under the Employment Insurance Act for non-compliance may apply to employers who fail to issue a ROE as required.

Employers can obtain the Guide for  Employers: How to complete the Record of Employment (ROE) Form at their nearest HRSDC office or on the Web at

For further information, please call 1-800-260-0877 or see  Record of Employment  Trust Accounts Division- Canada Revenue Agency

Trust Accounts Division - Canada Revenue Agency

The Trust Accounts Division works to ensure that employers and workers meet the withholding, remitting and reporting requirements of the Income Tax Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Employment Insurance Act and the Excise Tax Act .

It also ensures they meet the requirements for provincial tax withheld at source, for all provinces except Quebec.

For further information, please call 1-800-959-5525, see ARCHIVE - Trust Accounts Division or visit the Web sites at   and

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

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Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.