The Statistics Canada Web Page Contest

Winners' Web Pages

The annual Statistics Canada Web Page Contest encourages Canadian elementary and high school students to display data in creative ways. Entries should display data visually and illustrate conclusions that can be drawn from the data.

Categories and Prizes

  • Prizes valued up to $100 are available for each grade.
  • The winning entries will be posted on Statistics Canada's website.
  • Winning entrants and their schools will receive certificates.

All schools who submit more than 10 entries will be entered in a draw to receive a gift for their schools.

Closing Date

Submissions must be received by March 31.


By submitting a web page, students agree that all rights, including copyrights, are assigned to and become the property of Statistics Canada.

Mandatory Requirements Revised

  1. Subject matter is chosen by the participant(s) from data contained on Statistics Canada's website.
  2. Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 8) students may use Summary Tables, Community Profiles or E-STAT.
    Secondary (Grades 9 to 12) students must use E-STAT.
  3. The web page must include a link to the Statistics Canada data source.
  4. Pages must not contain any marks, names, or links to personal websites or information that would reveal the identity of the entrants.
  5. Pages must be the original design and creation of the entrants themselves and must be posted on a functioning website maintained by the school, teacher or student.

Additional information:

  1. Students may work individually or in groups. Groups may be made up of students from different grades, but will be judged at the highest grade level represented.
  2. Participants can submit more than one web page.


Employees of Statistics Canada will judge the pages for:

  1. Content: (25 points)

    • Appropriate title of the project
    • Must be original, written by the participant
    • Originality of the subject
    • The ability to demonstrate important relationships and patterns in the data, and to draw conclusions
    • Proper spelling and grammar
    • Clear, concise writing style

  2. Graphs: (25 points)

    • Appropriateness of the graphics for the data (See "Graph types" in Statistics: Power from Data!)
    • Appropriate titles of the graphs
    • Readable text (Appropriate font)
    • Sources included for all graphs
    • Bonus points: Proper reference included. See How to Cite Statistics Canada Products: Tables, maps or graphs from E-STAT

  3. Design: (25 points) - How your page looks

    • Creative original web page design
    • Text must be readable
    • Appropriate images for the subject

  4. Technical: (25 points) - How your page works

    • All the links work
    • All the anchors work
    • Maximum page size of 800 pixels by 600 pixels
    • Images must be displayed properly


On or before March 31, send an e-mail to E-STAT containing a link to your page and the following information:

Your name
Your grade
Team member's names (if applicable)
Team member's grades (if applicable)
Teacher's name
Teacher's e-mail address
School name and mailing address
School's phone number
School's fax number
Statistics Canada data source (URL)
Location of your website (URL)

For more information:

Phone: 1-800-465-1222

Navigation and search

Note: This page contains several navigation menus. To enhance accessibility, most of these menus and the site search box are grouped in this section.

To find out more about accessibility features on our site, read our accessibility page.

Page navigation menu

  1. Page content
  2. Site navigation menu
  3. Site utility menus
  4. Site search
  5. Important notices
  6. Top of page
  7. Date modified