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Onsite Links to Legal & Case Law Info

Given the inability or unwillingness of Canadian federal and provincial governments to negotiate Aboriginal rights issues, courts are playing an ever-increasing role in the recognition of Aboriginal Rights. The legal and case law information on the site is organized via the following links.

Table of Contents
Supreme Court of Canada Decision on the Powley Case (PDF)
Primer on Recent Law Cases
The Marshall Case
Supreme Court Decisions and Impact
The Guerin Case 
Government  Responsibility Exists
The Sparrow Case
 Sec. 35 Rights not Frozen
The Delgamuukw  Case 
B.C. Rights Unextinguished
The Blais Case (Manitoba)
Métis Hunting Right Denied
The Powley Case (Ontario)
Metis Hunting Right Confirmed
The Powley Case Appeal (Ontario)
Métis Hunting Right Upheld
Ontario Powley Case Appeal CAP Factum to the Supreme Court of Canada
Métis in Section 91(24) Off-Reserve Indians in Sec. 91(24)
CAP Amended Statement of Claim  re 91(24) Recognition

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