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Indian Act / Bill C-31

This section presents the contents of a series of three booklets issued by the Native Council of Canada to assist unregistered Indians to apply for status under the Indian Act following the passage of Bill C-31 in 1985.

Table of Contents

Part l: Background to the Indian Act and Bill C-31

  1. What is the Indian Act?
  2. What is Bill C-31?
  3. How does Bill C-31 affect you?
  4. A note on being Indian

Part lll: Applying for Status

  1. You Have to Apply to be Registered
  2. Where to Get Application Forms
  3. How to Fill in an Application Form
  4. Documentation You Might Need
  5. Where to Send Your Application
  6. What Happens Next?
  7. Where to get Assistance

Part ll: Provisions of Bill C-31

  1. Status/Band Membership Distinctions
  2. Who is Entitled to Status?
  3. Who is not Entitled to Status?
  4. Entitlement to Status and Membership

Part ll: Provisions of Bill C-31(cont'd)

5 . The Definition of "Child"
6. Band Membership Codes
7. Definition of"Elector"

8. Residency on Reserve
9. The "No-Opting-Out" Clause
10. Loss of Status or Membership

See also: Bill C-31 - The Abocide Bill

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