Viewpoint Archives

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Photo of Dyane Adam Women and Culture in Canada
Dyane Adam
Whenever I hear people trying to justify social inequality between men and women based on social or religious ideologies, I have a hard time with it

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Photo of Ana Ali Emerging Canadian Author Anar Ali
Anar Ali
The first collection of short stories by emerging author Anar Ali explores the Ismaili community's experience in Canada.

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Photo of Amy Aslop Is it difficult to be a disabled athlete in Canada?
Amy Aslop
Our Canadian government, per athlete, funds olympic athletes and paralympic athletes dollar for dollar.

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Photo of Gail Asper Do you feel that the major Canadian corporations are doing their part to support arts and culture in Canada?
Gail Asper
These same corporations who fail to give any funding to arts and culture whatsoever, reap huge benefits from a thriving arts and cultural community that is supported, frankly, by individuals or foundations.

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Photo of Jean Beliveau He Shoots! He Scores!
Jean Béliveau
Hockey is a great, fast and fluid game. You see less of that today.

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Photo of Jacques Bensimon Jacques Bensimon Zooms In on the NFB
Jacques Bensimon
You can go to the far reaches of Sri Lanka and they'll talk to you about the National Film Board!

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Photo of Lyne Bessette Life on Two Wheels
Lyne Bessette
In Canada we're lucky to have training centres all across the country. Living in a cold climate is no obstacle to developing as an athlete. We train differently in winter, that's all, and in the summer we perform just as well.

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Photo of Lise Bissonnette More Than Just a Library
Lise Bissonnette
We have the exceptional opportunity to be both a national and a public institution.

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Photo of Raymond Bouchard The Great Love Affair with Quebec Cinema
Raymond Bouchard
We went from having a market share of a few percentage points in Quebec to a share of 18 per cent, compared to American and French films

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Photo of Simon Brault Culture as a Tool for Social and Economic Development
Simon Brault
It is my belief that much more could be done not only for culture, but for other sectors as well, if we were not limited by the narrow framework of the department responsible for culture.

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