Privacy is good for your business
Customer relationship management is key to a successful enterprise. Knowing your customers means you can serve them better and compete more effectively for their business. It is especially important to the small businessperson who builds and maintains a customer base by providing personalized service.
Information about your customers – their names, addresses, purchasing history, product preferences – is a valuable business asset. But unlike other assets, there are strings attached. Your customers retain an interest in what you do with their personal information. Mishandling it exposes your business to risks. It
can damage your reputation in the
Eighty-three percent of consumers report they'd stop doing business with a business entirely if they heard or read that the company had misused customer information (Harris Interactive Survey, 2002)
community, lead to legal liability and fines, and destroy the trust that is the cornerstone of good relationships with your customers.
Building privacy protections into your business will limit these risks and protect your investment in a valuable business asset – your customer information.
Making compliance cheap(er) and easy(er)
This site offers free training that will help you make sure your business respects your customers’ expectations and complies with the law. We will guide you through a number of practical steps and explain how the law applies – all in the context of your industry. You will learn what you’re doing well, and how you can improve your business practices.
Privacy compliance doesn’t have to be expensive and time consuming. Click on the links in the sidebar and get the information you need to bring your business up to speed.