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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



GrainWaves is a weekly feature for the radio agricultural media in Western Canada. Clips can also be downloaded by phone at 1-877-823-4677.

November 7, 2007

The Early Payment Option is an effective cash-flow tool

The CWB’s Early Payment Option Program or EPO can be an effective cash-flow tool. The program provides farmers with more choice when planning their future needs. Shelley Penner is a Producer Payment Options coordinator at the CWB:

Penner says producers should consider a couple of things when they are thinking about locking in an EPO. One of them is whether an adjustment payment is going to be approved soon. The adjustment payment may meet cash flow needs, in which case an EPO wouldn’t be necessary. Delivery opportunities are another consideration:

Penner suggests producers should also factor in whether the CWB initial payment has increased above the early payment value before they deliver:

For more information please contact:

Maureen Fitzhenry
CWB media relations manager
Phone: (204) 983-3101