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Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare.
Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
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Text: About the Arctic Hare. Photo: An Arctic hare. Text: Heritage, History and Art. Photo: A carving in walrus ivory of an Arctic hare. Text: Studying the Arctic Hare. Photo: David Gray looking through a spotting scope. Text: Games and Activities. Photo: An Arctic hare in mid-hop.
Text: "Ukaliq" in Inuktitut syllabics. Photos: an Arctic hare and a maple leaf.
Text: "About the Arctic Hare".




Individual Behaviour




Social Behaviour




Breeding Behaviour




Life Cycle


Eat and Be Eaten


Naming & Classifying
Image 2) Text: Where is...? Polar Bear Pass...? Cow Head...? Hare Fiord...? Kuujjuarapik...? Sverdrup Pass...? Illustration: Map of Canada.
Text: Check out our interactive map and find out!

The Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) is a small, fur-covered mammal that lives in a cold environment. Like other hares, it has long ears, a short tail, long hind legs and a recycling digestive system. But this hare is also superbly adapted -- both structurally and behaviourally -- to life in the severe conditions of the Far North.

Image 3) Landscape with one Arctic hare.

Enlarge image.An Arctic hare stops on the distant horizon to look for other hares in Sverdrup Pass on Ellesmere Island (in Nunavut).

Image 4) An Arctic hare in winter fur.

Enlarge image.An Arctic hare backlit by the low light of the winter sun.

Image 5) Arctic hares with glacier behind.

Enlarge image.Late winter group of Arctic hares resting at Sverdrup Pass on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut.

Image 6) Landscape with an Arctic hare track in foreground.

Enlarge image.A single Arctic hare track in the vast landscape of Sverdrup Pass on Ellesmere Island (in Nunavut).



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Last update: 2007-08-14
© Canadian Museum of Nature, 2004. All rights reserved.
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) David R. Gray. 2) Russ Brooks. 3) David R. Gray. 4) David R. Gray. 5) David R. Gray. 6) David R. Gray.