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Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare.
Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
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Text: About the Arctic Hare. Photo: An Arctic hare. Text: Heritage, History and Art. Photo: A carving in walrus ivory of an Arctic hare. Text: Studying the Arctic Hare. Photo: David Gray looking through a spotting scope. Text: Games and Activities. Photo: An Arctic hare in mid-hop.
Image 1) Two Arctic hares and a person.

Enlarge image.Two resting Arctic hares ignoring the biologists studying them.




The Canadian Museum of Civilization arranged for the photography of several items in their collections, provided photographic images of many artefacts and lent objects for 3D imaging at the Canadian Museum of Nature.

The Canadian Museum of Nature created this Web site, using information and multimedia assets from its research and collections. It also provided scientific, editorial and Web expertise, project management and administrative support.

The Department of Canadian Heritage provided funding for the creation of this virtual exhibition through the Virtual Museum of Canada Investment Program.

The Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum in Iqaluit arranged for us to photograph artwork from their collection that features Arctic hares.

The Nunavut Field Unit of Parks Canada provided accommodation in Iqaluit and access to photographs of Arctic hares in Quttinirpaaq National Park.

The Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife provided historical photographs of hunters with Arctic hares from the Doug Wilkinson Collection.



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Last update: 2007-08-14
© Canadian Museum of Nature, 2004. All rights reserved.
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) David R. Gray.