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Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare.
Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
Home | For Educators | References | Search | Français
Text: About the Arctic Hare. Photo: An Arctic hare. Text: Heritage, History and Art. Photo: A carving in walrus ivory of an Arctic hare. Text: Studying the Arctic Hare. Photo: David Gray looking through a spotting scope. Text: Games and Activities. Photo: An Arctic hare in mid-hop.
Texts: "For Educators", and "Ukaliq" in Inuktitut syllabics. Photo of a maple leaf.
Texts: "For Educators", and "Ukaliq" in Inuktitut syllabics. Photo of a maple leaf.


Educational Activities


Curriculum Links

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This section offers a range of educational and fun activities. Many are linked to science curricula. Anyone -- including educators, families and students -- who is interested in this small mammal will find information and enjoyment. So hop on in and join us!

Image 2) A young Arctic hare.

Enlarge image.A young Arctic hare in September with an almost-white coat, on Bathurst Island, Nunavut.

Image 3) Several hares near a large rock in the landscape.

Enlarge image.Even in summer, Arctic hares congregate around large rocks to rest in the warmth of the sun.

Image 4) A person feeding a carrot to an Arctic hare.

Enlarge image.Feeding Bun, the Arctic hare, a fresh carrot from a biologist's lunch bag.

Image 5) An Arctic hare.

Enlarge image.A yawning, stretching, Arctic hare.



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Last update: 2007-09-06
© Canadian Museum of Nature, 2004. All rights reserved.
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) Insight Communications, Imatics Inc., David R. Gray 2) David R. Gray. 3) David R. Gray. 4) David R. Gray. 5) David R. Gray.