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Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare.
Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
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Text: About the Arctic Hare. Photo: An Arctic hare. Text: Heritage, History and Art. Photo: A carving in walrus ivory of an Arctic hare. Text: Studying the Arctic Hare. Photo: David Gray looking through a spotting scope. Text: Games and Activities. Photo: An Arctic hare in mid-hop.
Texts: "Games and Activities", and "Ukaliq" in Inuktitut syllabics. Photos: An Arctic hare in mid-hop and a maple leaf.


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Video Collection

Image 1) An Arctic fox chasing a group of hares.

An Arctic fox chases a group of hares.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (3.3 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (1.2 Mb WMV)

Image 3) A male and a female Arctic hare fighting.

A fight between a male and a female Arctic hare.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (610 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (390 Kb WMV)

Image 4) Arctic hares fighting.

Hares fighting and copulating.

Icon of a video camera.Play the video:

QuickTime version (2 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (1.2 Mb WMV)

Image 5) Young Arctic hares nursing.

Young Arctic hares playing after nursing.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (950 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (800 Kb WMV)

Image 6) An Arctic hare running in a snowstorm.

A young hare flees perceived danger during a snowstorm.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (1.2 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (750 Kb WMV)

Image 7) An Arctic hare feeding on Arctic willow.

An Arctic hare feeding at dusk.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (620 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (390 Kb WMV)

Image 8) An Arctic hare.

An Arctic hare employing a strategy in fleeing a pursuer.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (310 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (215 Kb WMV)

Image 9) David Oolooyuk.

David Oolooyuk tells about hunting Arctic hares.

Icon of a video camera.Play the video:

QuickTime version (4.9 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (1.5 Mb WMV)

Read what he's saying

Image 10) Hunter from the Canadian Arctic Expedition with dead Arctic hares.

Successful hunters return to their camp on Banks Island, Northwest Territories, during the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1914.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (940 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (575 Kb WMV)

Image 11) An Inuk Elder making a string figure.

Elder Francis Kaput forms the string figure 'Ukaliq' (Arctic hare) and makes it move.

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (920 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (560 Kb WMV)

Image 12) An Inuk carving a soapstone Arctic hare.

Simeoni Hakuluk carving his first Arctic hare.

Icon of a video camera.Play the video:

QuickTime version (760 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (465 Kb WMV)

Image 13) Thomas Angoshadluk and son.

Thomas Angoshadluk tells about the first Arctic hare he killed and his appreciation for their beauty today.

Icon of a video camera.Play the video:

QuickTime version (4.2 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (1.2 Mb WMV)

Read what he's saying

Image 14) An Arctic hare recycling.

An Arctic hare eats its own fecal pellets.

Icon of a video camera.Play the video:

QuickTime version (1.2 Mb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (725 Kb WMV)

Image 15) An Arctic hare, digging.

An Arctic hare digging in snow in near-darkness. (Original version).

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (770 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (475 Kb WMV)

Image 16) An Arctic hare, digging.

An Arctic hare digging in snow in near-darkness. (Colour-enhanced version).

Icon of a video camera. Play the video:

QuickTime version (770 Kb MOV)

Windows Media Player version (480 Kb WMV)


You must have QuickTime or Windows Media Player in order to see these videos. You can download QuickTime from the Apple Web site, or download Windows Media Player from the Microsoft Web site.




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Last update: 2007-09-05
© Canadian Museum of Nature, 2004. All rights reserved.
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) David R. Gray. 2) David R. Gray. 3) David R. Gray. 4) David R. Gray. 5) David A. Gill. 6) David R. Gray. 7) David R. Gray. 8) Sally E. Gray. 9) David R. Gray. 10) G.H. Wilkins. 11) David R. Gray. 12) David R. Gray. 13) David R. Gray. 14) David R. Gray. 15) David R. Gray. 16) David R. Gray.