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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



December 29 CWB announces premium-priced market development contract programs for farmers
December 19 NDWC charges completely hypocritical
December 15 CWB announces final payments for 2002-03 crop year
December 12 Initial payments for 2003-04 crop year increased
December 11 CWB signs sales agreement with China’s wheat buying agency
November 24 CWB files NAFTA appeal against unfair trade decisions
November 12 CWB says Alberta survey flawed
November 12 CWB launches new borrowing program; first issue available to retail investors
November 4 CWB joins with Federal, Alberta and Saskatchewan governments to appeal U.S. trade ruling
October 28 Competition is key to effective grain transportation, CWB tells federal government
October 21 Promote healthy diet to bolster value-added processing, CWB urges government
October 16 CWB to wrap up successful Churchill program with final grain shipment
October 3 CWB to appeal ITC ruling on spring wheat
October 3 Audio Web cast
September 19 CWB announces interim payments for 2002-03 crop year
September 18 CWB president says U.S. trade harassment must end
September 11 CWB director represents Prairie farmers at WTO Cancun meeting
September 8 ITC hears evidence of CWB's fair trade practices
August 29 U.S. plays politics with western Canadian farmers’ livelihood
August 27 CWB announces details on new payment option for durum
August 7 CWB introduces new early payment program to boost initial prices at year-end news conference
August 6 Hot, dry July plays havoc with crops across the prairies
August 1 CWB announces 2003-04 initial payments by grade
July 28 CWB awards seven fellowships for 2003
July 22 New CWB program enhances farmers' cash flow before delivery
July 16 CWB to honour farmers for lifetime contribution to Prairie agriculture
July 9 Canadian scientists find Roundup Ready® wheat poses environmental risk
June 25 CWB President urges countries to reduce wheat subsidies
June 18 CWB introduces new pricing option for malting barley growers
June 12 Improved moisture conditions good news for Prairie farmers
May 27 CWB asks Monsanto to put the brakes on Roundup Ready® wheat
May 2 Western Canadian farmers don't need to dump their high quality grain
April 23 CWB offers more marketing choice options for durum growers
April 3 CWB urges federal government to close gap on GM wheat
March 26 Bright future predicted for malting barley
March 14 Farmers get 98 per cent of revenue in 2001-02
March 5 Western Canadian farmers strongly defended in Geneva
March 4 U.S. tariffs unfair to western Canadian wheat farmers
February 27 Transport Canada's vision needs farmer input
February 21 GrainWorld conference to examine emerging exporters
February 20 CWB sends price signal to farmers as hard white wheat production expected to reach commercial levels
February 19 Directors holding accountability meetings in 28 communities
February 10 CWB enhances farmers' payment options
January 9 Potential grasshopper outbreak and drought discussed during crop production week