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NACO's Apprentice Conductor Jean-Philippe Tremblay first Canadian to be selected for the National Symphony Orchestra's National Conducting Institute at the Kennedy Center

April 16, 2002 -

Ottawa, Canada -- Jean-Philippe Tremblay, the National Arts Centre Orchestra's Apprentice Conductor is the first Canadian to be selected to participate in the National Conducting Institute, a project of the National Symphony Orchestra and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC. He is one of four conductors chosen for the third edition of the Institute, which is dedicated to the advanced development of highly gifted conductors. The programme will culminate with the four conductors leading the National Symphony Orchestra in a concert at the Kennedy Center on June 29.

Created by National Symphony Orchestra Music Director Leonard Slatkin, the project is designed to help conductors successfully make the transition from leading student or part-time orchestras to working with a full-time professional orchestra. It is unique in combining leadership, administrative, and musical training with a major orchestra.

"As the Institute enters its third year, we are seeing a marked increase in the overall quality of our applicants," said Leonard Slatkin. "From a large pool of fine conductors we have selected four of the very best. I'm confident each has the potential for a significant career."

Jean-Philippe Tremblay was named to the newly created position of Apprentice Conductor of the National Arts Centre Orchestra after participating in the NAC's first annual Conductors Programme in 2001, an intensive two-week training programme with master conductor Jorma Panula and Pinchas Zukerman. He is also the conductor of the Orchestre de la francophonie canadienne, created last summer for the 2001 Jeux de la francophonie, and continuing this summer.

Jean-Philippe Tremblay won a partial scholarship to attend the National Conducting Institute. The National Arts Centre is funding his participation as part of its commitment to his professional development. The other three participants at this year's Institute are Mei-Ann Chen, Sarah Hatsuko Hicks and Danail Rachav. There are also an additional five people participating as auditors.

The National Conducting Institute consists of three 5-day sessions in April, May and June. The first week, presented by the National Symphony in collaboration with the American Symphony Orchestra League, focuses on administration and orchestra governance with sessions in artistic planning and leadership skills. The second week involves observation of National Symphony rehearsals as well as working sessions with Leonard Slatkin. The third week focuses on the participants leading rehearsals of the National Symphony Orchestra culminating in a concert on June 29 in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall.

The National Conducting Institute is supported in part by grants from the Geraldine C. and Emory M. Ford Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Pearl.

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For more information please contact:
Jane Morris, Marketing Officer,
National Arts Centre Orchestra
(613) 947-7000, ext. 335

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