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La Vis comica by Plautus -- Translated and directed by Jean-Pierre Ronfard

February 04, 2003 -

"Scenes of irresistible hilarity, completely convincing excess, and carefully crafted pomposity and grandiloquence."
- Jean Saint-Hilaire, Le Soleil

"As always, the director [Jean-Pierre Ronfard] has achieved a masterful production."
- David Cantin, Le Devoir

Ottawa, Ontario -- On February 6, 7, 8, 14 and 15, 2003, the National Arts Centre (NAC) French Theatre will present La Vis comica ("The Power of Comedy"), by the ancient Roman playwright Plautus, translated and directed by Jean-Pierre Ronfard and produced by the Théâtre du Trident (Quebec City). Featured in the cast are Jean-Jacqui Boutet, Vincent Champoux, Fabien Cloutier, Eva Daigle, Ginette Guay, Jacques Laroche, Pierre-François Legendre, Réjean Vallée and Maryse Beauchamp.

The play is set in Epidaurus, in ancient Greece, which, thanks to the sometimes suspect magic of theatre, looks a lot like Rome about two centuries before the birth of Christ. Phédrome is young, handsome and wealthy - wealthy enough for a parasite named Curculio to sponge off him, but not quite enough to buy the local pimp's pretty servant girl. Which is why he sends Curculio off to borrow money from Jupiter knows who, which, of course, gets him into trouble with a (sleazy, corrupt) banker and an (irascible and obtuse) army officer. However, that's not the real story of the play. What La Vis comica is really about is the birth of modern comedy.

Plautus (c.254-184 BC)

Titus Maccius Plautus lived in Rome about 200 years before the birth of Christ. Although he is thought to have written approximately 130 works, only 21 plays can be definitely attributed to him. He wrote exclusively comedies, which was unusual for his time: Rome in the second century BC was no longer a democratic society, and Plautus had to find all kinds of ways to avoid attracting the ire of the authorities with his satires of the rich and powerful. Plautus adapted his plots from Greek comedy, but infused them with Roman references. His storylines and comic characters (the bright servant of a dull master, the lecherous old man, mixups involving twins, the braggart and cowardly soldier...) laid the foundations of comedy for the next two thousand years.

Plautus wrote for the masses, crafting simple plots populated by lively characters and full of exuberant energy. He also made liberal use of music, song, and lyrical dialogue - many of his plays would today be considered musicals. Plautus inspired countless later writers, especially Molière, who adapted Plautus' Amphitryo and his Pot of Gold (as The Miser), and Shakespeare, whose Comedy of Errors is based on Plautus' Menaechmi or The Menaechmus Twins.

Jean-Pierre Ronfard

A bold and passionate figure in contemporary theatre, Jean-Pierre Ronfard is the former Director of the French section of the National Theatre School of Canada and former Secretary General of Montreal's Théâtre du Nouveau Monde (TNM). In 1975 he co-founded the Théâtre expérimental de Montréal, then in 1979 the Nouveau Théâtre Expérimental (NTE). Over the course of his impressive career Jean-Pierre Ronfard has written, directed and performed in countless playful and perceptive works. At the TNM he directed such memorable productions as Claude Gauvreau's Les oranges sont vertes and La Charge de l'orignal épormyable, and Réjean Ducharme's HA! ha!... He wrote and directed the epic Vie et Mort du roi boiteux, starring his longtime colleague, the late Robert Gravel. His hit play La Mandragore was produced numerous times by theatres throughout Quebec. Both at the NTE and in the workshops he regularly teaches in theatre schools, Jean-Pierre Ronfard - acclaimed director of Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes - continues to delve into ancient Greek and Roman texts.

Le Théâtre du Trident

Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, the Théâtre du Trident is a leading light in Quebec City's cultural community. Each year the company stages five productions, ranging from major works of the Canadian and international repertoire to brand new creations, presented in the 500-seat Salle Octave-Crémazie of the Grand Théâtre de Québec. Since its inauguration in 1971 the company has given over 3,600 performances of 163 productions and reached an audience of close to 2 million people. Recent Théâtre du Trident/NAC French Theatre co-productions include Shakespeare's La Tempête (The Tempest), directed by Robert Lepage (1998); Jean Cocteau's Les Parents terribles (1997); and Ben Jonson's Volpone (1995). Marie-Thérèse Fortin has been Artistic Director of the Théâtre du Trident since 1998.

A Théâtre du Trident (Quebec City) production

La Vis comica
by Plautus
Translated and directed by Jean-Pierre Ronfard
Assistant director: Jean Bélanger / Lighting: Denis Guérette
Sets and props: Michel Gauthier / Music and instrument production: Stéphane Caron
Makeup: Florence Cornet / Costumes: Marie-France Larivière

February 6, 7, 8, 14 and 15, 2003
at 19:30 in the NAC Theatre

Tickets: Adults $45.00, $28.00 / Students $23.25, $14.75 on sale in person at the NAC Box Office (no service charges), through Ticketmaster (at all Ticketmaster outlets or by phone, 613-755-1111) or online at


(Note: Both sessions will be offered in French.)

The Theatre of Jean-Pierre Ronfard: History in Question
Hosted by Carolyne Garand, post-doctoral researcher at the University of Ottawa

Friday, February 7, 13:00 to 15:00
in the Salle académique, University of Ottawa, 133 Séraphin Marion

Directing Plautus

Hosted by Paul Lefebvre, Associate Artistic Director, NAC French Theatre

Wednesday, February 12, 13:00 to 14:15 in the NAC Theatre


After every Thursday-evening performance, a few minutes after the curtain comes down, the actors join the director onstage for a conversation with the audience. These informal talkback sessions, held right in the theatre, are hosted by Paul Lefebvre, Associate Artistic Director of the NAC French Theatre.

Thursday, February 6, 2003: Meet the cast and creative team of La Vis comica.

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Isabelle Brisebois
Communications Officer
Tel.: (613) 947-7000, ext. 759
French Theatre Fax: (613) 996-2828

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