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Table of OSFI Guidelines

OSFI publishes guidelines, which are essentially best or prudent practices, that it expects financial institutions to follow. Guidelines are used to set standards to govern industry activities and behaviour. These include solvency standards (capital adequacy), prudential standards (large exposure limits, portfolio mix), and accounting standards (e.g., non-accrual loans, transfer of assets, etc.).

In 2002, a letter was sent to guideline manual holders, FRFIs, industry associations and provincial superintendents, explaining that paper-based notification of guidelines will be discontinued and invites users to become subscribers.

Capital Adequacy Requirements Bank FBB T&L Coop L&F P&C

Capital Adequacy Requirements, Basel II

Nov. 2007

*   *      
A-1 Capital Adequacy Requirements Nov. 2007 *   *      
A Capital Adequacy Requirements Jan. 2001 *   *      
A Capital Adequacy Requirements August 1994       *    
A - Rev. Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (revised) Revised Oct. 2005         *  
  Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements Revised Nov. 2006         *  
  Innovative Instruments included in Tier 1 Capital (interim appendix to Guideline A, CAR) Aug. 2001         *  
 A MCT July 2003           *

MCT 2007

Jan. 2007           *
A-2 Capital Regime for Regulated Insurance Holding Companies and Non-Operating Life Companies July 2005          
A-2 Branch Adequacy of Assets Test Dec. 2002           *
A-2 Branch Adequacy of Assets Test for 2007 Jan. 2007           *
A-3 Transitional Period Capital Floor Requirement for Institutions Using the Internal Ratings Based Approach to Credit Risk Nov. 2007  *      
A-10 Capital Equivalency Deposit
(Appendices revised April 2002)
Jan. 2000   *        

Guidelines B-8, and B-12 are now located under Sound Business and Financial Practices

Prudential Limits and Restrictions Bank FBB T&L Coop L&F P&C
B-1 Prudent Person Approach Jan. 1993 *   * * * *
B-2 Large Exposure Limits Dec. 1994 * * *      
B-2 Large Exposure Limits Aug. 2003         *  
B-2 Investment Concentration Limit Mar. 1994           *
B-3 Classification of Loans Guaranteed by Parent Bank Apr. 1991 *          
B-3 Unregistered Reinsurance Feb. 1997         *  
B-4 Securities Lending Sept. 1996           *
B-4 Securities Lending Feb. 1997         *  
B-4 Securities Lending Sept. 1996 * * * *    
B-5 Asset Securitization accompanying letter Nov. 2004 * * * * * *
B-5A Asset Securitization Jan. 2000   *        
B-6 Liquidity Dec. 1995 *   *      
B-7 Derivatives Best Practices May 1995 * * * * * *
B-9 Earthquake Exposure Sound Practices & Annexes May 1998           *
B-10 Outsourcing of Business Activities, Functions and Processes
Dec. 2003 * * * * * *
B-11 Pledging
May 2003 *   * * * *

Reinsurance Agreements [Draft]

Dec 2006       * *
E-2 Commercial Lending Criteria Jun. 1992      
E-2A Commercial Lending Restrictions - Foreign Life & Foreign Fraternals Sept. 1993          
E-6 Materiality Criteria for Related Party Transactions Oct. 1993         *  
E-6 Materiality Criteria for Related Party Transactions Dec. 1993           *
E-6 Materiality Criteria for Related Party Transactions May 1999 *   * *    

Accounting for Problem Loans Bank FBB T&L Coop L&F P&C
C-1 Impaired Loans Jul. 2004 * * * * * *
C-5 General Allowances for Credit Risk

Oct. 2001

Revised Nov. 2007

* * *      

Accounting - General Bank FBB T&L Coop L&F P&C
D-1 Annual Disclosure Requirements  Oct. 2006 * * * *    
D-1A Annual Disclosure Requirements  Oct. 2006         *  
D-1B Annual Disclosure Requirements  Oct. 2006           *
D-2 Accounting for READC Project Financing May 1994 * * * *    
D-3 Accounting for NHA-insured MBS Oct. 2002 * * * * * *
D-4 Transfers of Financial Assets with Recourse Oct. 2002 * * * * * *
D-5 Accounting for Structured Settlements  Oct. 2006           *
D-6 Derivatives Disclosure  Oct. 2006 * * * * * *
D-7 Accounting for Reinsurance of Short Term Contracts Feb. 1998           *
D-8 Accounting for Transfers of Receivables Including Securitizations Oct. 2006 * * * * * *
D-9 Source of Earnings Disclosure (Life Insurance Companies) Dec. 2004         *  
D-10 Accounting for Financial Instruments Designated as Fair Value Option Feb. 2007  *  * *

Guideline E-1 is now located under Other Application Guides
Guidelines E-2, E-2A and E-6 are now located under Prudential Limits and Restrictions
Guidelines E-4, E-5, E-10, E-12, E-13, E-14 and E-15 are now located under Sound Business and Financial Practices

Sound Business and Financial Practices Bank FBB T&L Coop L&F P&C
Corporate Governance Guideline Jan. 2003 * * * * * *
B-8 Deterring & Detecting Money Laundering Nov. 2004 * * * * *  

 Guideline - Interest Rate Risk (IRR) Management

Feb. 2005    *      
E-4A Role of the Canadian Chief Agent & Record Keeping Requirements

Nov. 1992

Revised Nov. 2005

E-4B Role of the Principal Officer and Record Keeping Requirements  Nov. 2005    *        
E-5 Retention/Destruction of Records May 1993         *  
E-10 Use of Depositories by Insurance Companies Dec. 1996         * *
E-12 Inter-segment Notes for Life Insurance Companies Jul. 2004         *  
E-13 Legislative Compliance Management (LCM) Guideline Mar. 2003 * * * * * *
E-14 Role of the Independent Actuary Jan.2004         *  

Appointed Actuary: Legal Requirements, Qualifications and External Review

Nov. 2006         * *

Assessments of Responsible Persons by FREs [Draft]

May 2007 * * * * * *
Standards of Sound Business and Financial Practices for Life Insurance Companies

Rescinded August 22, 2005 - Letter
Standards F1 - F12 for reference only


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