Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Revoked charities

Our list of charities whose registered status was revoked within the last 12 months includes the charity's name, city and province, as well as the effective date of the revocation.

The list of recently revoked charities contains all charities whose registered status was either voluntarily revoked or was revoked due to non-compliance, such as failure to file the annual information return.

A charity whose registered status has been revoked can apply to be re-registered. If the Charities Directorate approves the application, registered status may be restored retroactively to the date of revocation. Charities that have been re-registered will appear on the list of all Canadian registered charities.

The Canada Gazette Web site indicates the reason for each revocation, as set out in the Income Tax Act.

Search the online list of Revoked Charities.

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If you have any questions concerning our website please call:
In the Ottawa area:
(613) 954-0410 (English) or (613) 954-6215 (bilingual).
Toll free elsewhere in Canada:
1-800-267-2384 (English) or 1-888-892-5667 (bilingual).

For information about electronic versions of the list available in DOS text, MS Access, and MS Excel formats, please call (613) 946-2412 (bilingual) or toll free at 1-877-442-2899 (bilingual).