Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Protect yourself against fraud

To protect yourself from fraud, the CRA recommends that you follow the tips below-before you donate.

Learn and confirm

  • Confirm that a charity that claims to be registered with the CRA is in fact registered. Consult the CRA Charities Listings or call 1-800-267-2384.
  • Confirm that you will receive an official donation receipt if you want to claim a tax credit. Tax receipts must meet specific requirements: For more information, see donation receipts
  • Ask the charity what activities your donations will support.
  • Make sure you know who you are donating to. Sometimes fraudulent charities use names that are similar to well-known and respected charities.
  • Beware of schemes that promise you tax savings greater than your cost, thus allowing you to “profit” from donating to a registered charity. For complete details, see the donor alert section.
  • Ask yourself: Am I satisfied that my donation will support the work of a legitimate charity?

Take action

  • Write cheques payable to the charity, not an individual, or make sure that your online payments are secure.
  • Refuse to donate if there are signs of fraud, such as inappropriate pressure to give immediately or being offered a receipt for more than you actually donate.
  • Report fraud to PhoneBusters, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Call Centre, at: 1-888-495-8501

Learn, confirm, and take action. Be an informed donor.

Additional resources

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Phone Busters