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No Higher Purpose:
the Official Operational History of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War, 1939-1943, Volume 2, Part 1
This book is part of a multi-volume, mult-part operational history of the Royal Canadian Navy. Volume 1 examines the period leading up to 1939. Volume 2 (in two parts) covers the Second World War. Volume 3 covers the post 1945 history through to the unification of the armed forces in 1968. It covers the navy’s origins, wartime role, and activities taking place on shore, such as shipbuilding and development of bases.
Language: English
Available in:  French
Price: $60.00 Cdn per copy. (Canada)
Format:  Paper     Paper
Note:  Volume 2, Part 2, A Blue Water Navy scheduled for publication late in 2004. Volume 1 is scheduled for publication in 2006; Volume 3 is scheduled for publication in 2010.
Availability: Publication is available
Other sources to check for publication:  Library, Bookstore
Issued by:  National Defence 
Date:  2002 
Author: Douglas, W. A. B. 
Binding:  Hardcover 
Dimensions:  25cm x 19cm 
Number of Pages:  664 
ISBN:  1-55125-061-6 
Catalogue #:  D2-132/2002-2-1E 
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Prices are subject to change without notice
  Dernière mise à jour :  2007-10-11 Avis importants
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