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Step 1: Establish an Emergency Preparedness team


Planning Team for Business Continuity

It is a good idea to clearly assign the responsibility for emergency preparedness to a team. Select a few managers/individuals or an existing committee to take charge of the project.

It is advisable to assign one person to lead the planning process. You should also ensure that this "emergency manager" has the authority to get things done.

As with other business aspects, planning for an emergency relies on the following:

  • An understanding of the organizational objectives
  • Solid research on the risks
  • Creative alternatives to unique challenges
  • Reliable decision-making process.

What are the key roles and responsibilities for your Emergency Preparedness team?

Planning and implementation:

  1. Develop the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
  2. Establish alert levels and monitor
  3. Develop training and cross-training plans
  4. Identify key business partners such as suppliers and clients and determine if they have a BCP
  5. Assess potential financial impact of an emergency on the business
  6. Ensure adequate amount of supplies. (emergency safety equipment, such as personal protective equipment, or in the event of a pandemic, hygiene supplies like hand sanitizers, cleaning products, masks, protective barriers, etc.)
  7. Local site manager(s) implements the plan
  8. Perform trial run of the plan

Policies, procedures, organization

  1. Establish policies such as compensation and absences, return to work procedures, telecommuting, flexible work hours, travel restrictions
  2. Define chain of command for plan implementation
  3. Establish authorities' trigger points and when to implement BCP
  4. Establish emergency safety policies for the workplace. For example, in the event of a pandemic, policies that will help prevent the spread of influenza, such as promoting respiratory/ hygiene/cough etiquette, and prompt exclusion of people with influenza symptoms.
  5. Establish policies for employees who are directly affected by the emergency. For example, in the event of a pandemic, policies for employees who have been exposed.


  1. Maintain good communications and manage relations with all staff levels
  2. Advise senior management
  3. Instil importance of the BCP throughout the organization
  4. Liaison with local government agencies such as Health Canada and Public Safety Canada
  5. Prepare and disseminate timely and accurate information to all employees
  6. Educate staff about possible emergencies. For example, in the event of a pandemic, give information on signs and symptoms of influenza, modes of transmission, personal and family protection, and response strategies
  7. Evaluate using various forms of technology to maintain communications
  8. Help prepare training on the subject
  9. Local site managers implement the plan
  10. Setup systems to monitor employees for an emergency.

Use the Planning Team for Business Continuity in an Emergency form to clearly identify the team members and coordinator who will create your BCP for emergencies, along with their respective contact information.

Step 2 >

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