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EmergencyPandemicBusiness ContinuityTemplates 
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Step 6: Compare with "Preparedness Checklist"



Review your Business Continuity Plan to make sure that all issues have been addressed, and identify any areas in which you may need additional documentation.

The "Business Continuity Plan Checklist" provided by Capital Health was developed to ensure that you've covered most aspects of your plan. Download the full checklist.

Impact on your business

  1. Have you identified an emergency coordinator or team and clearly defined their roles and responsibilities? Do you need to involve labour representatives?

  2. Have you identified the employees and critical inputs you need to maintain business operations during an emergency?

  3. Have you trained and prepared a backup workforce?

  4. Have you planned for scenarios that are likely to affect the demand for your products or services during an emergency?

  5. What is the potential impact of an emergency on company financials? On different product lines or production sites?

  6. What is the potential impact of an emergency on business-related domestic and international travel?

  7. Do you have access to up-to-date, reliable information on emergencies from community public health, emergency management, and other sources? Are the links to this information sustainable?

  8. Do you have an emergency communication plan?

  9. What mechanisms are in place to revise the plan periodically?

  10. Have you tested your plan?

Impact on your employees and customers

  1. Have you forecasted and allowed for employee absences during an emergency?

  2. Do you have guidelines to reduce face-to-face contact in the workplace and with customers, in the event of a pandemic?

  3. Do you encourage and monitor annual employee flu vaccinations?

  4. Have you evaluated employee access to and availability of healthcare services during an emergency? Do these services need improvement?

  5. Have you evaluated employee access to and availability of mental health and social services during an emergency?

  6. Have you identified employees and key customers with special needs? Are their needs incorporated into your BCP?

Establishing policies to be implemented during an emergency

  1. Have you established emergency policies for employee compensation and sick-leave absences?

  2. Have you established flexible policies regarding worksite and work hours?

  3. Have you established policies to prevent the influenza spread of disease at the worksite?

  4. Do you have policies for employees who have been exposed, are suspected to be ill, or become ill at the worksite?

  5. Have you established policies for restricting travel to affected geographic areas, evacuating employees working in or near an affected area when an emergency occurs, and guidance for employees returning from affected areas?

  6. Have you set up authorities, triggers, and procedures for activating and terminating the company's response plan, for altering business operations and for transferring business knowledge to key employees?

Allocating resources to protect your employees and customers during an emergency

  1. Do you provide sufficient and accessible emergency supplies?

  2. Do you need to enhance communications and information technology infrastructures to support employee telecommuting and remote customer access?

  3. Will medical consultation and advice be available for emergency response?

Communicating with employees

  1. Have you developed and disseminated programs and materials covering emergency fundamentals?

  2. Have you anticipated and planned for employee fear and anxiety, rumours and misinformation?

  3. Are your communications culturally and linguistically appropriate?

  4. Have you disseminated information to employees about your emergency preparedness and response plan?

  5. Have you provided information for the at-home care of ill employees and family members?

  6. Do you have a platform for communicating emergency status and actions to employees, vendors, suppliers, and customers inside and outside the worksite in a consistent and timely way? Have you included redundancies in the emergency contact system?

  7. Have you identified community sources for timely and accurate emergency information? Resources for obtaining safety equipment and counter-measures?

Coordinating with external organizations and helping your community

  1. Have you consulted insurers, health plans, and major local healthcare facilities to share your emergency plans and understand their capabilities and plans?

  2. Have you consulted federal, provincial, and local public agencies or emergency responders?

  3. Have you asked local or provincial public agencies or emergency responders what your business could contribute to the community?

  4. Do you share best practices with other businesses in your communities, chambers of commerce, and associations to improve community response efforts?

< Step 5 | Step 7 >

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