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Classification Standard - CS - Computer Systems Administration

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This standard describes the point rating plan to be used to evaluate jobs allocated to the Computer Systems Administration Group. It consists of an introduction, general definitions of the Administrative and Foreign Service Category and the occupational group, point rating scales and bench-mark position descriptions.

Point rating is an analytical, quantitative method of determining the relative value of jobs. It is particularly suited to heterogeneous occupational groups in which jobs consist of varied combinations of tasks. Essentially, point rating plans define characteristics or factors common to the jobs being evaluated. They define degrees of each factor and allocate point values to each degree. The total value determined for each job is the sum of the point values assigned by the raters.

All methods of job evaluation require the exercise of judgment and the orderly collection and analysis of information in order that consistent judgments can be made. The point rating method facilitates rational discussion and resolution of differences in determining the relative worth of jobs.


The combined factors do not describe all aspects of jobs. They deal only with those characteristics that can be defined and distinguished and that are useful in determining the relative value of jobs.

Four factors are used in this plan. Most factors have more than one dimension and have been defined in terms of two or three related elements. The factors and elements are


- Education

- Experience

- Continuing Study

Decision Making

- Scope for Decisions

- Impact of Decisions

Responsibility for Contacts



- Level of Employees Supervised

- Numbers Supervised

Point Values

Maximum point value assigned to each factor reflects its relative importance. Similarly, point values have been assigned to the degrees of the factors.

Point values increase arithmetically as the degrees of the factor increase. The minimum point value for each factor, with the exception of supervision, is one-fifth of the maximum value. The ranges of point values are






Education and Experience



Continuing Study



Decision Making



Responsibility for Contacts









Bench-mark Positions

Bench-Mark position descriptions are used to exemplify degrees of each factor or element. Each description consists of a brief summary, a list of the principal duties, with the percentage of time devoted to each, and a specifica­tion describing duties, with the percentage of time devoted to each, and a specification describing each of the point rating factors and elements as it appears in the job. The bench-mark positions have been evaluated, and the degree and point values assigned to each factor are shown in the specifications.

The rating scales identify the bench-mark position descriptions that exemplify each degree. These descriptions are an integral part of the point rating plan and are used to ensure consistency in application of the rating scales.

Use of the Standard

There are six steps in the application of this classification standard.

1.   Allocation of the position to the category and the group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.

 2.  The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole and of each factor. The relation of the position being rated to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.

3.   Tentative degrees of each factor in the job being rated are determined by comparison with degree definitions in the rating scales. Uniform application of degree definitions requires frequent reference to the descriptions of factors and the notes to raters.

4.   The description of the factor in each of the bench-mark positions exemplifying the degree tentatively established is compared with the description of the factor in the position being rated. Comparisons are also made with descriptions of the factor in bench-mark positions for the degrees above and below the one tentatively established.

5.  The point values for all factors are added to determine the tentative total point rating.

6.  The position being rated is compared as a whole to positions to which similar total point values have been assigned, as a check on the validity of the total rating.

Determination of Levels

The ultimate objective of job evaluation is to determine the relative value of jobs in each occupational group in order that employees carrying out the jobs may be paid at rates consistent with the relationship indicated. Jobs that fall within a designated range of point values will be regarded as of equal difficulty and value and will be allocated to the same level.

Minimum Qualifications

Each of the group definitions in the category includes a statement of "Minimum Qualifications". These requirements are to apply without modification to all new entrants to the labor force, that is, students who have just completed their full-time studies and young people commencing full-time employment. With respect to experienced workers who may not possess the formal education prescribed in the definitions, the statements are intended to indicate the norms against which the qualifications of the individual may be assessed, in order to judge whether or not the combination of his education, training and experience provides, for the particular job being filled, qualifications equal to or higher than those prescribed in the "Minimum Qualifications" of the relevant occupational group.


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition Maps, which provide the 1999 group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 1999 occupational group definition to each classification standard.






-    Education and Experience


-    Continuing Study


Decision Making


Responsibility for Contacts









CS 1

170 to 300

CS 2

301 to 450

CS 3

451 to 600

CS 4

601 to 750

CS 5

751 to 900

CS 6 (EX)

901 to 1000


Various terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the discipline are provided below. The selection aims primarily at assisting personnel people in using this standard. Some of the terms and definitions are peculiar to the need of this standard. However, and as much as possible, the terms and their definitions have been aligned with the more comprehensive series of terms and definitions appearing in the "Electronic Data Processing Glossary" (GES/NGI-12/G02) prepared, published and issued by the Government EDP Standards Committee. (The Glossary can be obtained from the Canadian Government Publishing Center, Supply and Services Canada.)

Note:     Information pertaining to the Government's information policy, management, security and standards are contained in the Treasury Board Administrative Policy Manual - Chapter 440: Electronic Data Processing.

Acceptance testing: The running of a complete system against a predetermined series of specified information to arrive at a predictable result for the purpose of establishing acceptability.

Address: A character or group of characters that identifies a register, a particular part of storage, or some other information source or destination.

ADP: Abbreviation for: automatic data processing.

Algorithm: A finite set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps.

Analog Computer: A computer capable of performing operations on physical entities represented in analog form. (Analog: Pertaining to representation of physical quantities by means of signals that vary continuously.)

Analysis: The methodical investigation of a problem, and the separation of the problem into smaller related units for further detailed study.

Analyst: A person who defines problems and develops algorithms and procedures for their solution.

Application: Any user problem to which information processing techniques are applied.

Array: An arrangement of elements in one or more dimensions.

Artificial intelligence: The capability of a device to perform functions that are normally associated with human intelligence.

Artificial language: A language whose rules are explicitly established prior to its use.

Assemble: To prepare a machine language program from a symbolic language program by substituting absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses.

Assembler: A computer program used to assemble.

Assembly language: A computer-oriented language which must go through an assembly in order to be converted into the machine code required for operation on a computer and whose instructions are usually in one-to-one correspondence with computer instructions.

Assembly program: Synonym for: assembler.

Audit: To conduct a review and examination of the records and activities of an operational information processing system in order to test the adequacy and effectiveness of procedures for data security and data integrity. See also: computer systems audit.

Audit trail: A manual or computerized means for tracing the transactions affecting the contents of a record.

Automation: (1) The carrying out of processes by automatic means. (2) The conversion of a procedure, process or equipment to automatic operation.

Automatic data processing: Information processing predominately performed by automatic means. Abbreviation: ADP.

Batch processing: The processing of information or the accomplishment of jobs, accumulated in advance, in such a manner that the user cannot further influence its processing while it is in progress.

Benchmarking: Synonym for: benchmark testing.

Benchmark problem: A problem used to evaluate the performance of hardware or software or both.

Benchmark testing: A procedure using a standard problem designed to evaluate the performance of computer systems relative to one another.

Bit: (1) The abbreviation of binary digit. (2) A single pulse in a group of pulses.

Block: A string of records, a string of words or a character string formed for technical or logic reasons to be treated as an entity.

Block diagram: A diagram of a system, of an instrument, or of a computer, in which the principal parts are represented by suitably annotated geometrical figures to show both the basic functions of the parts and the functional relationships between them.

Bootstrap: A procedure in which simple preset computer operations are used to load instructions which in turn cause further instructions to be loaded until the complete computer program is in storage.

Buffer: A synchronizing element between two different forms of storage normally used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data. Same as: buffer storage.

Byte: A binary character string operated upon as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word.

Central Processing Unit: A unit of a computer that includes circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. Abbreviation: CPU. Same as: central processor.

Channel: In data transmission, a means of simplex transmission in a pre-assigned direction. In communication theory, that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink.

Character: A member of a set of elements upon which agreement has been reached and that is used for the organization, control or representation of information (data).

Character set: A finite set of different characters upon which agreement has been reached and that is considered complete for some purpose.

Character subset: A selection of characters from a character set, comprising all characters that have a specified common feature.

Checking program: A computer program that examines other computer programs or sets of data for mistakes of syntax.

Checkpoint: A place in a computer program at which a check is made or at which a recording of data is made for restart purposes.

Checksum: The sum of a group of data items, computed when the data are recorded and appended to the group for checking purposes. Same as: control data.

Code: A set of unambiguous rules specifying the manner in which information may be represented in a discrete form. Same as: coding scheme.

Code: To represent data or a computer program in a symbolic form that can be accepted by an information processor. NOTE: Sometimes used interchangeably with "encode".

Coded representation: The representation of an item of information established by a code or the representation of a character established by a character set. Same as: code element; code value.

Coder: A person mainly involved in writing but not defining computer, programs.

Code Set: The complete set of coded representations defined by a code or by a coded character set.

Command language: A set of procedural operators, with a related syntax, used to indicate the functions to be performed by an operating system. Same as. control language.

Communication: Synonym for: data communications.

Communication theory: The branch of leaning dealing with the mathematical probabilities of the transmission of messages in the presence of noise and any other disturbances.

Compile: To translate a computer program expressed in a problem-oriented language (i.e. symbolic or high level) into a computer-oriented language (i.e. a machine language).

Compiler: A computer program used to compile. Same as: compiling program.

Compiler generator: A translator or an interpreter used to construct compilers.

Computer: A device capable of accepting information, applying prescribed processes to the information and supplying the results of these processes with minimal human intervention during a run.

Computer graphics: Methods and techniques for converting information to or from graphic display via computers.

Computer instruction: An instruction that can be recognized by the central processing unit of the computer for which it is designed. Same as: machine instruction.

Computer language: Synonym for: machine language.

Computer network: A system consisting of interconnected computers.

Computer-oriented language: A language that has mnemonics that directly correspond to machine language instructions. Same as: low-level language.

Computer program: A program expressed in a form suitable for execution by a computer.

Computer system audit: An audit of the controls in a computer system to evaluate their relative effectiveness and to recommend improvements.

Concentrator: In data transmission, a functional unit that permits a common transmission medium to serve more data sources than there are channels currently available.

Configuration: The arrangement of a computer system as determined by the nature, number and chief characteristics of its functional units.

Consistency check: A check to detect that specific items of information are compatible.

Contingency procedure: A procedure that is entered as an alternative to the normal path of a process in the event of an unusual but anticipated situation during the process.

Control data: Synonym for: checksum.

Control function: An action that affects the recording, processing, transmission or interpretation of information. Same as: control operation.

Control language: Synonym for: command language.

Control objectives: A statement of the factors relating to an acceptable level of integrity required of an information processing system.

Control program: A computer program designed to schedule and to supervise the execution of programs in a computer system.

Control specifications: A description of the rules and regulations to e applied within a computer system in order to ensure the required level of integrity.

Control standards: Control specifications accepted as a basis for preventing, detecting and correcting errors or omissions.

Convert: To change the representation of data from one form to another, without changing the information they convey, e.g., code conversion; analog to digit conversion.

Control techniques: Procedures, in a given information processing installation, which maintain integrity.

CPU: Abbreviation for: central processing unit.

Data: The representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communications, interpretation or processing by human or automatic means.

Data acquisition: In scientific/technological applications, the gathering of raw source process data by means of a data acquisition and control system designed to gather, from multiple remote locations at a certain computing facility, raw source data of either a primary numerical nature relating to scientific problems, observations or phenomena, or technological or process control variable raw source data such as signals, often in analog form, from sensing and/or measuring devices or instrumentation systems. System includes a large family of real-time process I/0 devices.

Data bank: A set of libraries of data.

Database: A set of data, part or the whole of another set of data and consisting of at least one file, that is sufficient for a given purpose or for a given information processing system. A repository of organized data managed using direct access.

Database control system: Software required by a computer program written in a computer language to direct the processing of a database. Abbreviation: DBMS.

Data capture: The process of transcribing information from source documents to a computer readable medium.

Data code: A set of rules and conventions according to which the signals representing data should be formed, transmitted, received and processed.

Data communication: Data transfer between data source and data link via one or more data links according to a link protocol. Same as: communication.

Data contamination: A deliberate or accidental proces or act that destroys the data integrity. Same as: data corruption.

Data degradation: A reduction of the quality of information.

Data element: A unique collection of data items grouped together on the basis of a single shared or common functional attribute.

Data flow: A pipeline along which information of known composition is passed.

Data flowchart: A flowchart that represents the path of data in the solving of a problem and that defines the major phases of the processing as well as the various data media used.

Data flow diagram: A graphic representation of the flow of data through a system showing the external entities which are sources or destinations of data, the processes which transform data, and the places where data are stored. Also: Schematics.

Data independence: The concept that the definition of data should be independent of computer programs which write and/or read that data.

Data integrity: The quality of data that exists as long as accidental or malicious destruction, alteration or loss of data are prevented. The concept that a method is available to prevent the storage of invalid data.

Data network: The assembly of functional units that establishes data circuits between terminals.

Data processing: The systematic execution of operations upon information, e.g. handling, merging, sorting, computing.

Data processor: A device capable of performing information processing, such as a desk calculator, a punched card machine or a computer.

Data protection: The concept that a method is available to restrict access to stored data.

Data reduction: The transformation of raw data into a more useful form. Data terminal equipment: Abbreviation: DTE. Synonym for: terminal.

Data transmission: The conveying of data from one place for reception elsewhere by signals transmitted over a channel. Same as: transmission.

Data transmission interface: A shared boundary defined by common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and functional characteristics of the interchange circuits. Same as: interface.

DBCS: Abbreviation for: database control system. DBMS: Abbreviation for: database management system.

Debug: To detect, to trace and to eliminate mistakes in computer programs or in other software.

NOTE: In the English language, "trouble shoot" and "trouble shooting" may be used in lieu of "debug" and "debugging".

Decision content: A logarithmic measure of the number of decisions needed to select a given event among a finite number of mutually exclusive events.

Decision instruction: An instruction of the class of instructions that comprises branch instructions and conditional jump instructions. Same as: discrimination instruction.

Descriptor: In information retrieval, a key used to categorize or index information. Same as: keyword.

Decision table: A table of all contingencies that are to .be considered in the description of a problem together with the action to be taken.

Diagnostic program: A computer program that recognizes, locates and explains either a fault in equipment or a mistake in a computer program.

Diagnostic routine: A routine used to detect and isolate a malfunction or mistake.

Diagnostic program: A computer program that recognizes, locates and explains either a fault in equipment or a mistake in a computer program.

Digit: A symbol that represents one of the non-negative integers smaller than the radix. In decimal notation, a digit is one of the characters 0 to 9. Same as: numeric character.

Digital computer: A computer capable of performing operations on information presented in the digital form.

Directory: A table of identifiers and references to the corresponding items of information.

Disk drive: A mechanism for moving a disk pack or a magnetic disk and controlling its movement.

Documentation: A collection of documents on a given subject.

Dump: The operation of writing the contents of a storage, or of part of a storage, usually from an internal storage into an external medium, for a specific purpose such as to allow other use of the storage, as a safeguard against faults or errors, or in connection with debugging. Data that have been dumped.

Dump routine: A utility routine that dumps.

Dynamic parameter: Synonym for: program-generated parameter.

Edit: To prepare data for a later operation.

NOTE: Editing may include the re-arrangement or the addition of data, the deletion of unwanted data, format control, code conversion, and the application of standard processes such as zero-suppression.

EDP: Abbreviation for: electronic data processing.

Direct access: The facility to obtain data from a storage device or to enter data into a storage device in such a way that the process depends only on the location of that data and not on a reference to data previously accessed.

Direct access storage: A storage device that provides direct access to data. Same as: random access storage.

Electronic data processing: Automatic data processing performed predominately by electronic devices.

Emulate: To imitate one system with another so that the imitating system accepts the same data, executes the same computer programs, and achieves the same results as the imitated system.

Encode: To convert data by the use of code or a coded character set in such a manner that re-conversion to the original form is possible. Sometimes used interchangeably with "code".

Entry: Synonym for: entry point. See also: remote job entry.

Entry point: The address or the label of the first instruction executed upon entering a computer program, a routine or a sub-routine.

Error: A discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value or condition and the true, specified or theoretically correct value or condition.

Error control: In data communication, that part of the link protocol controlling detection, and possibly the correction, of transmission errors.

Execution: The process of carrying out an instruction or the instructions of a computer program by a computer.

Executive program: Synonym for: supervisory program.

External program parameter: In a computer program, a parameter that must be bound during the calling of the computer program.

Failure: An event which leads to the termination of the ability of a functional unit to perform its required function.

Fault: An accidental condition that causes a functional unit to fail to perform its required function or that causes it to perform at reduced efficiency.

Field: In a record, a specified area used for a particular category of data.

Example: A group of card columns in which a wage rate is recorded.

File: A set of related records treated as a unit.

Example: In stock control, a file could consist of a set of invoices; also: audit review file; backup file; job-recovery file; job-recovery control file; main file; master file; transaction file.

File layout: The arrangement and structure of data or words in a file, including the order and size of the components of the file.

File maintenance: The activity of keeping a file up to date by adding, changing or deleting data.

Firmware: Set of micro programs loaded in a control storage, unmodifiable during execution, that allows a system to operate in a given mode.

Flowchart: A graphical representation of the definition, analysis or method of solution of a problem in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment, etc. Also: Schematics.

Format: The arrangement or layout of data on a data medium.

Functional design: The specification of the working relationships among the part of an information processing system.

General purpose computer: A computer that is designed to operate upon a wide variety of problems.

Generation: In information processing, hardware, software or files having many similarities or developed from a previous model. See also: system generation.

Hardware: Physical equipment used in information processing systems, as opposed to computer programs, procedures, rules and associated documentation.

Heuristic method: Any exploratory method of solving problems in which an evaluation is made of the progress towards an acceptable final result using a series of approximate results, for example by a process of guided trial and error.

High-level language: A language in which each program instruction or statement corresponds to one or more machine-executable instructions. Example: COBOL, FORTRAN.

Housekeeping operation: An operation that facilitates the execution of a computer program without making a direct contribution.

Examples: The initialization of storage areas; the execution of a calling sequence.

Hybrid computer: A computer capable of performing operations on both analog and digital representations of data through the intermixing of analog and digital devices.

Image graphics: A technique that involves the projection and positioning of selectable fixed images.

Information: The meaning that a human being assigns to data by means of the conventions used in their representation.

Information measure: A suitable function of the probability of occurrence of an event or of a sequence of events from a set of possible events. In information theory, the term "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability.

Information processing: processing of information performed predominately by electronic devices.

Information retrieval: The action of recovering information on a given matter from stored data. Methods and procedures for recovering information on a given matter from stored data.

Information theory: The branch of learning concerned with the study of information measures and their properties.

Input: Pertaining to a device, process or channel involved in an input process, or to the data or states involved in an input process. The word "input" may be used in place of "input data", input signal", input terminal", etc. Synonym for: input process.

Input data: Data being received or to be received into an information processing system or into any part of it.

Input-output: Pertaining to a device, process or channel involved in an input process and in an output process, concurrently or not. The phrase "input­-output" may be used in place of "input-output data", "input-output signals", "input-output terminal", etc. Abbreviation: I/0.

Input-output device: Synonym for: input-output unit.

Input-output unit: A device in an information processing system by which data may be entered into the system, received from the system or both. Same as: input-output device.

Input process: The process that consists of the reception of data into an information processing system or into any part of it. Same as: input.

Input program: A utility program that organizes the input process of a computer.

Input routine: A device in an information processing system by which data can be entered into the system. Same as: input device.

Input validation: An input control technique used to detect input data which are inaccurate incomplete or unreasonable. Same as: input data validation.

Instruction: A meaningful expression that specifies one computer operation and identifies its operands, if any.

Instruction code: A code used to represent the instructions in an instruction set. Same as: machine code.

Instruction format: The part of the basic machine code of the computer that specifies the way in which the digits or characters are allocated to represent the functional codes of the computer's instructions repertoire.

Instruction set: The set of the instructions of a computer, of a programming language or of the programming languages in a programming system.

Integrated data processing: Information processing in which the coordination of all data acquisition and other stages of information processing within an organization are combined in a coherent information processing system. Abbreviation: IDP.

Interactive mode: Synonyme for: conversational mode.

Interface: The place at which independent systems meet and act upon or communicate with each other - The mean by which interaction or communi­cation is effected at an interface - A common boundary between information processing systems or the parts of a single system - The boundary between two systems or two devices.

Interpreter: A computer program used to interpret. Same as: interpretive program.

Item: An element of a set of data.

Example: A file may consist of a number of items such as records which in turn may consist of other items.

Iterative operation: The repetition of the algorithm for the solution of a set of equations with successive combinations of initial conditions or other parameters; each successive combination is selected by a subsidiary computation based on a predetermined set of iteration rules. Same as: automatic sequential operation.

Job: (Computing Service) A unit of work that is defined by a user and that is to be accomplished by a computer. Loosely, the term "job" is sometimes used to refer to a representation of job. This representation may include a set of computer programs, files, and control statements to the operating system.

Job-recovery control file: A file that contains all data pertaining to jobs being run on a computer system which can be used to restart jobs in the event of a system failure during the run.

Job stream: The sequence of jobs or parts of jobs submitted to an operating system. Same as: input stream; run stream.

Keyword: Synonym for: descriptor.

Language: A set of characters, conventions and rules that is used for conveying information, e.g., algorithmic language, artificial language, assembly language; command language; computer language; computer-oriented language; control language; language; problem-oriented language; procedural language; procedure-oriented language; programming language; source language; stratified language; target language; unstratified language.

Language processor: A computer program that performs such functions as translating, interpreting and other tasks required for processing a specified programming language.

Examples: A FORTRAN processor; a COBOL processor.

Library of data: A set of related files.

Example: In stock control, a set of inventory control files may form a library of data.

Library program: A computer program in or from a program library.

Link: In computer programming, a part of a computer program, in some cases a single instruction or an address,. that passes control and parameters between separate portions of the computer program. Same as: linkage. To provide a link.

Link protocol: A set of rules for data communication over a data link specified in terms of a transmission code, a transmission mode, and control and recovery procedures.

Load module: A program unit that is suitable for loading into main storage for execution; it is usually the output of a linkage editor.

Logic design: A functional design that uses formal methods of description, such as symbolic logic.

Logic diagram: A graphic representation of a logic design.

Logic element: A device that performs an elementary logic operation. Same as: switching element.

Logic function: Synonym for: switching function.

Logic instruction: An instruction in which the operation part specifies a logic operation.

Logic operation: (1) An operation that follows the rules of symbolic logic. (2) An operation in which each character of the result depends only on the corresponding character of each operand.

Logic unit: A part of a computer that performs logic operations and related operations. Arithmetic and logic unit,

Loop: A set of instructions that may be executed repeatedly while a certain condition prevails.

Low-level language: Synonym for: computer-oriented language. Machine code: Synonym for: instruction code.

Machine instruction: Synonym for: computer instruction.

Machine language: A language that is used directly by a machine. Instructions written in machine code which can be obeyed by a computer without conversion. Same as: computer language.

Macrodefinition: A declaration that provides the skeletal code which a macrogenerator uses in replacing a macroinstruction. Same as: macrodeclaration.

Macrogenerator: A computer program that replaces macroinstructions in the source language with the defined sequence of instructions in the source language. Same as: macro-generating program.

Macroinstruction: An instruction in a source language that is to be replaced by a   defined sequence of instructions in the same source language.

Magnetic core storage: A magnetic storage in which data are stored by the selective polarization of magnetic cores.

Magnetic disk storage: A magnetic storage in which data are stored by magnetic recording on the flat surfaces of one or more disks that rotate in use.

Magnetic drum storage: A magnetic storage in which data are stored by magnetic recording on the curved surface of a cylinder that rotates in use.

Magnetic ink character recognition: Character recognition of characters printed with ink that contains particles of magnetic material. Abbreviation: MICR.

Magnetic tape drive: A mechanism for moving magnetic tape and controlling its movement. Same as: magnetic tape transport mechanism; drive; tape drive; tape transport.

Magnetic tape storage: A magnetic storage in which data are stored by magnetic recording on the surface of a tape that moves longitudinally in use.

Magnetic tape unit: A device containing a tape drive, magnetic heads and associated controls. Same as: tape deck.

Maintenance: (Hardware/equipment) Any activity intended to retain a functional unit in, or to restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Includes keeping a functional unit in a specified state by performing activities such as tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments and repairs. See also: File maintenance, maintenance project.

Mask: To use a pattern of characters to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters.

Mass storage: Storage having very large storage capacity.

Master file: A file that is used as an authority in a given job and that is relatively permanent, even though its contents may change. Same as: main file.

Matching: The technique of comparing the keys of two records to select items for a particular stage of processing or to reject invalid records.

Mathematical logic: Synonym for: symbolic logic.

Matrix: An array of elements, arranged in rows and columns, that may be manipulated according to the rules of matrix algebra.

Memory: Synonym for: internal storage. Also: read-only memory; virtual memory.

Memory device: Synonym for: storage device.

Merge: To combine the items of two or more sets that are each in the same given order into one set in that order.

Message: (1) In information theory and communication theory, an ordered series of characters intended to convey information. (2) In data communi­cation, a group of characters and control sequences transferred as an entity, from a data source to a data sink, whose arrangement of characters is determined by the data source.

Message mode: A manner of operating a data network by means of message switching.

Message sink: That part of a communication system in which messages are considered to be received.

Message source: That part of a communication system from which messages are considered to originate. Same as: information source.

Message switching: The process of routing messages by receiving, storing, and transmitting complete messages within a data network.

Metalanguage: A language that is used to specify a language or languages. Microform: A medium that contains microimages.

Micrographics: That branch of science and technology concerned with methods and techniques for converting any form of information to or from microform.

Microprogram: A sequence of elementary instructions that corresponds to a specific computer operation, that is maintained in special storage, and whose execution is initiated by the introduction of a computer instruction into an instruction register of a computer.

Microprogramming: The preparation or use of microprograms.

Minimum delay programming: A method of programming in which storage locations for instructions and data are chosen so that access time is reduced and minimized.

Mirror: To reflect all or part of a display image; the image is rotated 180 degrees about a line in the place of the display image.

Mnemonic symbol: A symbol chosen to assist the human memory. Example: The abbreviation "myp" for "multiply".

Modem: A functional unit that modulates and demodulates signals.

Monitor: A functional unit that observes and records selected activities within an information processing system for analysis. See also: system monitor.

Monitor program: A computer program that observes, regulates, controls or verifies the operations of an information processing system. Same as: monitoring program.

Multiplexer: In data transmission, a functional unit that permits two or more data sources to share a common transmission medium such that each data source has its own independent channel.

Multiprocessing: A mode of operation that provides for parallel processing by two or more processors of a multiprocessor.

Multiprocessor: A computer including two or more central processing units that have access to a common main storage.

Multiprogramming: A mode of operation that provides for the interleaved execution of two or more computer programs by a single processor.

Multitasking: A mode of operation that provides for the concurrent performance, or interleaved execution of two or more tasks.

Natural language: A language whose rules are based on current usage without being explicitly prescribed.

Node: In a data network, a point where one or more functional units interconnect data transmission lines.

Notation: A set of symbols, and the rules for their use, for the representation of data.

Object language: The intended and desired output from the conversion of one language to another. Same as: target language.

Object module: A program unit that is the output of an assembler or a compiler and that is suitable for input to a linkage editor.

Object program: A computer program that is the output of a conversion from one language to another. Same as: target program.

Offline: Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit when not under the direct control of the computer.

Online: Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit when under the direct control of the computer.

Operand: An entity on which an operation is performed. Operational analysis: Synonym for: operation research.

Operating system: Software for controlling the execution of computer programs and that may provide scheduling, debugging, input/output control, accounting, compilation, storage allocation, data management and related services. Abbreviation: OS.

Operation: A well-defined action that, when applied to any permissible combination of known entities, produces a new entity.

Operation analysis: Synonym for: operation research.

Operations research: The design of mathematical models for complex problems concerning the optimal allocation of available resources, and the design or application of mathematical methods for solving those problems. Abbreviation: OR. Same as: operational research; operation analysis.

Operation table: A table that defines an operation by listing all appropriate combinations of values of the operands and indicating the result for each of these combinations.

Output: Synonym for: output data; output process. Pertaining to a device, process or channel involved in an output process, or to the data or states involved in an output process. The word "output" may be used in place of "output data", "output signal", "output terminal", etc.

Output data: Data being delivered or to be delivered from an information processing system or from any part of it.

Output device: Same as output unit.

Output process: The process that consists of the delivery of data from an information processing system or from any part of it.

Output program: A utility routine that organizes the output process of a computer.

Output routine: A utility routine that organizes the output process of a computer.

Output unit: A device in an information processing system by which data can be received from the system. Same as: output device.

Overlay: In the execution of a computer program, to load a segment of the computer program in a storage area hitherto occupied by parts of the computer program that are not currently needed.

Packet: Data and a sequence of control bits arranged in a specified format and transferred as an entity that is determined by the process of transmission.

Packet mode: A manner of operating a data network by means of packet switching.

Packet sequencing: A process of ensuring that packets are delivered to the receiving data station in the same sequence as they were received by the data network from the sending data station.

Packet switching: The process of routing and transferring data by means of addressed packets so that a channel is occupied during the transmission of the packet only and, upon completion of the transmission, the channel is made available for the transfer of other packets.

Parallel operation: A processing mode in which operations are performed either concurrently in a single device, or concurrently or simultaneously in two or more devices.

Parameter: A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that may denote the application. Example: dynamic parameter; external program parameter; preset parameter; program generated parameter.

Parity check: A check which ensures that any one group of binary digits conforms to the parity (either odd or even) required by that particular computer or computer system.

Password: A protected code or signal that identifies a user. Patch: To make an improvised modification.

Pattern recognition: The identification of shapes, forms, or configurations by automatic means.

Peripheral control unit: Synonym for: input-output controller.

Peripheral equipment: In an electronic data processing system, any equipment, distinct from the central processing unit, which may provide the system with outside communication or additional facilities.

Port: A functional unit of a node through which data can enter or leave a data network.

Postmortem dump: Dumping that is performed at the end of a run, usually for purposes of debugging, auditing or documentation.

Postprocessor: A computer program that effects some final computation or organization.

Precision: A measure of the ability to distinguish between nearly equal value. Examples: Four-place numerals are less precise than six-place numerals; nevertheless a properly computed four-place numeral may be more accurate than an improperly computed six-place numeral.

Preset parameter: A parameter that is bound when the computer program is constructed, for example, when it is flowcharted, coded or compiled.

Preventive maintenance: Maintenance performed specifically to reduce the incidence of faults. Also: routine maintenance; periodical maintenance.

Privacy: The right of individuals and organizations to control the collection, storage and dissemination of their data or data about themselves.

Privacy protection: The establishment of appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to ensure the security and confidentiality of data against any anticipated threats or hazards to privacy.

Problem description: A statement of a problem, perhaps including a description of the method of solving it, the procedures and algorithms, etc.

Problem-oriented language: A programming language that is especially suitable for a given class of problems.

Examples: Procedure-oriented language such as FORTRAN, ALGOL; simulation languages such as GPSS, SIMSCRIPT; list processing languages such as LISP, IPL-V; information retrieval languages.

Procedural language: Synonym for: procedure-oriented language.

Procedure: A description of a course of action taken for a specific purpose. See also: contingency procedure; recovery procedure.

Procedure-oriented language: A program-oriented language that facilitates the expression of a procedure as an explicit algorithm. Examples: FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, PL/1. Same as: procedural language.

Process: A course of events occurring according to an intended purpose or effect. To perform operations on data according to an intended purpose or effect.

Processor: Software, hardware or firmware which is capable of performing processing.

Program: A schedule or plan that specifies actions which may or may not be taken.

Variant: programme. 

Also: assembly program; checking program; compiling program; computer program; control program; diagnostic program; executive program; input program; interpretive program; library program; macro generating program; monitoring program; monitor program; object program; output program; reenterable program; relocatable program; resident control program; reusable program; self-adapting program; self-organizing program; service program; snapshot program; snapshot trace program; source program; supervisory program; target program; trace program; translating program; utility program.

Program: To design and/or to write (code) and test/debug computer programs.

Program-generated parameter: A parameter that is bound during the execution of a computer program. Same as: dynamic parameter.

Program library: An organized collection of computer programs.

Programmatics: The branch of learning that is concerned with the study and development of computer programming methods and languages.

Programmed check: A check that is carried out by a series of instructions in a program.

Programming: The designing, writing and testing and documenting of computer programs.

Programming flowchart: A flowchart representing the sequence of operations in a program.

Programming language: An artificial language established for expressing computer programs.

Programming science: Synonym for: programmatics.

Programming system: One or more programming languages and the necessary software for using these languages with particular information processing equipment.

Program testing: The running of a program against a predetermined series of users specified data to arrive at a predictable result for the purpose of establishing program acceptability.

Protection: An arrangement for restricting access to the use of all or part of a computer system. See also: privacy protection; storage protection.

Pseudocode: A code that requires translation prior to execution. Pseudocode can be used as an aid in program development by using English-like terms to describe program structures.

Rate: The number of bits, bytes or characters per unit of time which pass a given point in a given channel or which a device can accept (input) or deliver (output).

Read: To obtain data from a storage device, from a data medium, or from another source.

Reading: The obtaining of data from a storage device, from a data medium, or from another source.

Real time: Pertaining to the processing of information by a computer in connection with another process outside the computer according to time requirements imposed by the outside process. The term "real time" is also used to describe systems operating in conversational mode and processes that can be influenced by human intervention while they are in progress.

Real-time operation: In analog computing, an operation or other response in which programmed responses to an event are simultaneous with the event itself.

Reconfiguration: A change to the configuration of a computer system, effected manually and/or automatically, that can be used to maintain system integrity.

Record: A set of related data or words treated as a unit. Example: In stock control, each invoice could constitute one record.

Record layout: The arrangement and structure of data or words in a record, including the order and size of the components of the record.

Redundancy: In information theory, the amount by which the decision content exceed the entropy.

Redundancy check: Any checking operation which depends on extra characters or bits that are attached to data to prmit the automatic detection of errors. The extra characters or bits do not themselves contribute to the significant content of the data.

RJE: Abbreviation for remote job entry.

Reliability: The ability of a functional unit to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time.

Remote batch entry: Submission of batches of data through an input unit that has access to a computer through a data link.

Remote batch processing: Batch processing in which input-output units have access to a computer through a data link.

Remote job entry: Submission of one or more jobs through an input unit that has access to a computer through a data link. Abbreviation: RJE.

Restart: The resumption of the execution of a computer program using the data recorded at a checkpoint.

Result: An entity produced by the performance of an operation. ROM: Abbreviation for: read only memory.

Routine: A computer program, or part thereof, that may have some general or frequent use.

Run: A performance of one or more jobs or programs.

Segment: A self-contained portion of a computer program that may be executed without the entire computer program necessarily being maintained in the internal storage at any one time. To divide a computer program into segments. Same as: partition, section.

Self-organizing program: A program that has the ability to make re-arrangements in its internal structure.

Sequential: Pertaining to the occurrence of events in time sequence, with no simultaneity or overlap.

Service program: Synonym for: utility program. Service routine: Synonym for: utility program.

Setup: In a computer which consists of an assembly of individual computing units, the arrangement of interconnections between the units and the adjustments needed for the computer to operate upon a given problem.

Signal: A value attached to an event that conveys information.

Simulation: The representation of features of the behavior of a physical or abstract system by the behavior of another system. Examples: (1) The representation of a physical phenomenon by means of operations performed by a computer. (2) The representation of operations of a computer by those of another computer.

Simulator: A device, information processing system or computer program for representing features of the behavior of a physical or abstract system.

Software: Computer programs, procedures, rules and any associated documentation concerned with the operation of an information processing system.

Sort: To segregate items into groups according to specified criteria. NOTE: Sorting involves ordering, but need not involve sequencing, for the groups may be arranged in an arbitrary order.

Source language: A language in which a problem is programmed for a computer which requires conversion before processing.

Source program: A computer program expressed in a source language.

Snapshot program: (Synonym: snapshot trace program) A trace program that produces output data only for selected instructions or for selected conditions.

Statement: In a programming language, a meaningful expression that may describe or specify operations and is usually complete in the context of this language.

Storage: The action of placing data into a storage device. The retention of data in a storage device.

Storage capacity: The amount of data that can be contained in a storage device measured in binary digits, bytes, characters, words or other units of data.

Storage device: A functional unit into which data can be placed, in which they can be retained, and from which they can be retrieved. Same as: storage unit; memory unit; memory device.

Storage protection: Limitation of access to a storage device, or to one or more storage locations, by preventing writing or reading or both.

Statified language: A language that cannot be used as its own metalanguage. Example: FORTRAN.

Subroutine: A sequenced set of statements that may be used in one or more computer programs and at one or more points in a computer program.

Supervisory program: A computer program, usually part of an operating system, that controls the execution of other computer programs and regulates the flow of work in information processing systems. Same as: executive program; supervisor.

Swapping: A process that interchange the content of an area of main storage with the content of an area in auxiliary storage.

Symbol: A conventional representation of an idea or a representation of a concept upon which agreement has been reached.

Symbolic logic: The discipline in which valid arguments and operations are dealt with using an artificial language designated to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacies of natural languages. Same as: mathematical logic.

Syntax: The relationships among characters or group of characters, independent of their meanings or the manner of their interpretation and use.

System: An independent collection of persons, machines, methods and procedures organized to accomplish a specific set of functions.

System generation: The process of selecting optional parts of an operating system and of creating a particular operating system tailored to the requirements of an information processing installation. Abbreviation: sysgen.

System monitor: One or more computer programs that monitor the activities of a computer system.

System resilience: That quality of a computer system that enables it to continue to function correctly despite the existence of a fault or faults in one or more of its component parts.

System security (EDP): Technological and managerial safeguards designed to protect computer hardware, software and data from unauthorized or accidental modification, destruction or disclosure.

System testing: The running of a system against a predetermined series of users specified data to arrive at a predictable result for the purpose of establishing system acceptability.

Table: An array of data each item of which may be unambiguously identified by means of one or more arguments.

Tape deck: Synonym for: magnetic tape unit. Tape drive: Synonym for magnetic tape drive. Target program: Synonym for: object program.

Task: In a multiprogramming or multiprocessing environment, one or more sequences of instructions treated by a control program as an element of work to be accomplished by a computer.

Telecommunications: Data transmission between a computing system and remotely located devices via a unit that performs the necessary format conversion and controls the rate of a transmission. (Also: communications; data communication).

Terminal: An input-output unit by which a user communicates with an information processing system. The functional unit of a data station that serves as a data source or a data link and ensures that the data communication control function is performed in accordance with link protocol.

Throughput: A measure of the amount of work performed by a computer system over a given period of time.

Example: Number of jobs per day.

Time sharing: An operating technique of a computer system that provides for the interleaving in time of two or more processors in one processor.

Trace program: A computer program that performs a check on another computer program by exhibiting the sequence in which the instructions are executed and usually the results of executing them.

Trace routine: A routine designed to check or demonstrate the operation of a program. The output of such a routine usually includes some or all of the instructions in the program being checked, and their immediate results, arranged in the sequence in which they are executed.

Translate: In computer graphics, to more a display element, display group, or display image on the display space from one location to another location without rotating the image.

Translate: To transform from one language to another language.

Translator: A computer program that translates from one language into another language and in particular from one programming language into another programming language. Same as: translating program.

Utility program: A computer program in general support of the processes of a computer.

Examples: An input routine; a diagnostic program; a trace program; a sort program. Same as: service program.

Utility routine: A routine in general support of the processes of a computer. Examples: An input routine; a diagnostic program; a trace program; a sort program. Same as: service routine.

Variable: (1) In computer programming, a character or group of characters that refers to a value and, in the execution of a computer program, corresponds to an address. (2) A character or group of characters that can assume any of a given set of values.

Virtual memory: Synonym for: virtual storage.

Virtual storage: The storage space that may be regarded as addressable main storage by the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses.


This factor is used to measure the amount of education and experience required to undertake the duties of the position, and the requirement for continuing study.


"Education" refers to the level of academic or other formal training required to provide the basis for the development of the skill and knowledge needed in the position.

"Experience" refers to the minimum length of time an employee requires, under optimum conditions, to acquire the administrative knowledge and skill needed to carry out the duties of the position.

"Continuing study" refers to the requirement for maintaining a knowledge of trends and developments in one or more fields related to the duties of the position.

Notes toRaters

For purposes of this standard the time needed to acquire clerical and other skills, to gain working knowledge of the regulations and directives, and to determine the capacity to perform administrative work is not to be considered in the evaluation of the Experience element of the Knowledge factor.

In tentatively selecting the degree of the Experience element, consideration

is to be given to the length of time needed to develop the specialized knowledge and general administrative knowledge required to carry out the duties of the position. General administrative knowledge is gained through experience in such responsibilities as

1.   formulating ideas and expressing them orally or in written form;

2.   carrying out studies and preparing reports on specific aspects of existing or proposed activities;

3.   making critical analyses of methods and procedures with a view to recommending improvements;

4.   performing advisory duties that require a knowledge of the programme objectives of the organization served and plans of action developed to achieve them;

5.   planning programmes of work to meet the requirements of the organization served; and

6.   supervising and directing staff.

The degrees of the Experience element assigned to the bench-mark positions have been established by ranking on the basis of such considerations as those mentioned above. The degree of the Experience element tentatively selected is to be confirmed by direct comparison of the position being rated with the duties and specifications of the bench-mark positions.

The second degree of the Education element is to be assigned when the duties of the position

1.   require university graduation in a specialized field, or

2. require understanding and appreciation of the principles and concepts of two or more specialized fields for which the knowledge is normally acquired through university training and which are directly associated with the duties performed,


3.   require systematic study and analysis of complicated general problems and their solution by the application of specialized knowledge acquired through extensive post-secondary school study or training rather than through experience.

In positions with duties that meet conditions 2 and 3, the incumbents will not necessarily be university graduates.




and Degree




and Degree


 Completion of

 Secondary School Education


University Graduation










Up to and


2 years


Computer Systems Programmer







Up to and


4 years




Technological Applications


Computer Systems Programmer,

Computer Science Division








Up to and


6 years


Programmer-Analyst, Information Processing

Applications Section

Systems Analyst



Head, Computer and

Communications Center

Project Leader

Supervisor, Information

Processing Applications










Up to and


8 years



Head, Information

Processing Hardware


Head, Systems Analysis

and Programming Section,

Central Computer Division








Up to and


10 years



Chief, Central Computer

Division, Central Ser. Br.

Chief, Customer Service

Chief, Information

Processing Service









Up to and


12 years



Director, Information

Processing Service,

Materiel Command H.Q.







More than

12 years




Nature of Continuing Study, and Degree



Bench-mark Position Descriptions



The work requires knowledge of

(a) trends and developments in computer

systems programming techniques and



(b) the capabilities, requirements and

capacities of departmental and

contractor information processing

facilities, and the regulations and

procedures governing their use,

gained by continuing study of directives,

manuals, texts, journals and periodicals, and

by attendance at government and industry­

sponsored training courses.



Computer Systems Programmer

Computer Systems Programmer, Computer

Science Division



The work requires knowledge of

(a) trends and developments in computer

systems analysis techniques and



(b) trends and developments in

information processing technology and

in the direction, planning and

co-ordination of information

processing operations,

gained by continuing study of texts, journals

and periodicals, consultations with officials

of other information processing services,

suppliers and manufacturers, and attendance at

seminars, conferences and training courses.



Head, Information Processing Hardware


Head, Systems Analysis and Programming

Section, Central Computer Division

Project Leader




The work requires knowledge of trends and

developments in the administration and

operation of information processing services

and of the interrelationships of information

processing and general management requirements,

gained by continuing study of texts, journals

and periodicals, consultations with officials

of suppliers and manufacturers, and attendance

at seminars, conferences and training courses.

It also requires continuing study to develop

and maintain knowledge of the objectives,

operations and long-range information

processing requirements of users.



Chief, Central Computer Division,

Central Services Branch

Chief, Information Processing Service

Director, Information Processing

Service, Materiel Command Headquarters





This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the duties of the position as indicated by the scope for decision making and by the impact of the decisions.


"Decisions" refers to decisions to take particular courses of action within the authority delegated to the position, to recommendations to superiors and users, and to shared decisions and recommendations in which the incumbent is an effective participant.

"Scope for decision making" refers to the freedom to make decisions. It is measured in terms of the judgment, initiative and discretion required to identify and resolve problems, the availability of direction, and the difficulty of determining the implications of possible courses of action.

"Impact of decisions and recommendations" refers to the importance of the decisions and recommendations in terms of their effect on the utilization and development of information processing services, staff and facilities, and on the programmes of the organizations serviced.

Notes toRaters

The four degrees of the Impact of Decisions element are illustrated by the bench-mark position descriptions. The following characteristics of the work are to be considered in determining a tentative degree for this element:

1.   The complexity and size of the user programmes affected by information processing services.

2.   The extent to which user operations are dependent upon information processing services.

3.  The influence of the position on the economy and efficiency achieved in providing information processing services.

4.  The extent to which the incumbent is the effective recommending authority, which is usually related to the level of the position in the organization.

5.  The consequences of an error of judgment in making a decision or recommendation.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the impact of the decisions

and recommendations, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered. The job as a whole is then to be compared to the descrip­tions of the bench-mark positions exemplifying the degree of decision making that has been tentatively established.





Scope for Decision Making,

and Degree













Some judgment, initiative and discretion is required

in the identification of

problems, in the application of information

processing practices and techniques, and in the selection of alternative

courses of action.

The implications of possible courses of action are usually apparent from

precedents. Unusual

problems are referred to superiors.




















apparent solutions to

problems are not within

intent of established


 A moderate degree of

 judgment, initiative and

 discretion is required

 in the identification of

 problems, in the

 modification and

 application of

 information processing

 techniques, and in the

 selection of alternative

 courses of action to meet

 information requirements

 of users. The implications

 of possible courses of

 action may not be readily

 apparent. Direction is

 sought when the apparent

 solutions to problems are

 not within the intent of

 established practiced


A significant degree of

judgment, initiative and

discretion is required in the identification of

problems, in the negotiation of revisions to information

requirements of users,

and in  the development

and recommendation of alternative solutions to information

processing problems.

Recommendations are made to effect changes in, or establish limits to, the information processing services provided. The

implications of possible

courses of action are often difficult to determine.


A high degree of judge­-

ment, initiative and

discretion is required in the development of

solutions to diverse and

interrelated problems.

Substantial contributions are made to the planning and developing of information processing services. Recommenda­tions and decisions affect

the acquisition, allocation and utilization of

information processing

resources, and must

anticipate changes in

technology and demands for information processing services. Implications of actions taken or proposed are complex and often cannot be determined with certainty.




















Computer Systems









 Applications Systems













Computer Systems


Computer Science







 Head, Computer and



 Senior Technical




Chief, Production


Chief, Technical

Services Section


















 Supervisor, Information

    Processing Applications



Chief, Customer


Head, Systems Analysis

and Programming

Section, Central

Computer Division















Chief, Central

Computer Division,

Central Services


Chief, Information

Processing Service



Director, Information

Processing Service,

Materiel Command




This factor is used to measure the difficulty and importance of contacts that occur as an integral part of the work and the requirements imposed by these contacts to work and communicate with others in person, by telephone or in writing.

Notes to Raters

Only those contacts that are an integral part of the work and that result from the duties assigned or sanctioned by management are to be considered.

Points are to be assigned for written contacts only if the duties of the position being rated include responsibility for signing letters or memoranda.


 Nature of Contacts, and Degree



Bench-mark Position





 To give, obtain and exchange

information requiring discussion,

explanation and co-operation.













 Computer Systems


Computer Systems

Programmer, Computer

Science Division




 To persuade and obtain assistance

or agreement requiring action by














 Project Leader

Systems Analyst









 To represent a central agency or a

 departmental information processing

service at formal meetings when

differences of interest may be

expected, with authority to

discuss problems of some significance and seek common ground

on which to base solutions.























 Head, Systems Analysis

and Programming Section,

 Central Computer


 Supervisor, Information

 Processing Applications















To represent a central agency or

a departmental information

processing service at formal

meetings, with authority to

participate in the formulation

of information processing

policies and to undertake

commitments to provide

information processing services.






Chief, Information

Processing Service

Director, Information

Processing Service,

Materiel Command H.Q.









This factor is used to measure the continuing responsibility that the incumbent of the position assumes for the work and guidance of other employees. The two elements of the factor are the level of employees supervised and the numbers supervised.


"Level of employees supervised" refers to the highest level supervised.

"Numbers supervised" refers to the total number of employees for whom the incumbent of the position exercises supervisory responsibility directly or through subordinate supervisors.

Notesto Raters

A position whose incumbent does not have a continuing and substantive responsibility for the supervision of the work of others is not to be assigned points under this factor. Characteristically, "substantive responsibility" includes allocating staff to various work projects, proposing disciplinary action, informing staff of their strengths and weaknesses, proposing changes

in the numbers and classification of positions, and ensuring that work standards are maintained.

Occasional supervision, such as that performed during absences of the supervisor on annual or sick leave, is not to be rated.

For the purpose of the standard, "numbers supervised" includes the total of the following:

1.   The number of employees in the department or agency for whom the incumbent has continuous supervisory responsibility.

2.   The number of man-years of work performed by casual, part-time and seasonal employees who are supervised by the incumbent.

3.   The number of employees in the department or agency for whom the incumbent has responsibility for functional supervision.

4. The maximum number of employees usually supervised by the incumbent where the work is organized on a project basis and where the number supervised varies according to the requirements of each project.

The term "functional supervision" applies to staff of units for which the incumbent of the position being evaluated

1.   has authority to prescribe objectives or programmes and the methods and procedures to be followed in carrying out a specialized function,


2.   has responsibility for ensuring adherence to established programmes, methods and procedures,


3.   has authority to make effective recommendations on employment, promotions or transfers.

In 3 above, the term "has authority" refers to established practices that require senior officials to exercise significant influence on the employment, promotion or transfer of employees who are not under their direct supervision. It does not imply, however, authority to impose their views on line officers.

Employees at all levels are to be included in the numbers subject to functional supervision, although the third criterion may not apply to those at junior levels to the same degree as to more senior employees.





and Degree


Level of


Supervised, and Degree

 1 - 3

4 - 10

11 - 25

26 - 50

51 - 100

101 - 175

176 or


































Level of Employees

Supervised, and Degree


Bench-mark Position Descriptions



Supervises employees in the administrative support category or junior employees

in other categories.




Supervises intermediate employees in the administrative and foreign service, or other categories.




Project Leader

Senior Analyst, Systems


Supervisor, Information

Processing Applications







Supervises senior employees

in the administrative and

foreign service, or other






Chief, Central Computer

Division, Central Services


Chief, Information Processing


Director, Information

Processing Service, Materiel

     Command H.Q.





Bench-mark Position Description Index
In Bench-mark Numerical Order


Position No.

Descriptive Title



Analyst/Designer/Programmer, Technological

Applications Systems



Chief, Central Computer Division, Central Services




Chief, Customer Service



Chief, Information Processing Service



Chief, Production Software



Chief, Technical Services Section



Computer Systems Programmer



Computer Systems Programmer, Computer Science Division



Data Base Administrator



Data Base Designer



Director, Information Processing Service, Materiel

Command Headquarters



Head, Computer and Communications Centre



Head, Information Processing Hardware Service



Head, Systems Analysis and Programming Section,

Central Computer Division



Information Processing Facilities Planner



Programmer-Analyst, Information Processing

Applications Section



Project Leader



Senior Analyst Systems Software



Senior Planning Officer



Senior Technical Consultant



Senior Training Officer, Information Processing



Supervisor, Information Processing Applications Section



Systems Analyst



Telecommunications Advisor



Bench-mark Position Description Index In Ascending Order of Point Values

Descriptive Title


 Position No.




Computer Systems Programmer




Computer Systems Programmer, Computer

Science Division




Systems Analyst




Programmer-Analyst, Information Processing

Applications Section




Analyst/Designer/Programmer, Technological

Applications Systems




Information Processing Facilities Planner




Data Base Designer




Telecommunications Advisor




Senior Technical Consultant




Data Base Administrator




Senior Training Officer, Information Processing




Head, Computer and Communications Center




Senior Analyst, Systems Software




Project Leader




Supervisor, Information Processing Applications





Chief, Technical Services Section




Chief, Production Software




Head, Information Processing Hardware Service




Senior Planning Officer




Head, Systems Analysis and Programming

Section, Central Computer Division




Chief, Customer Service




Chief, Central Computer Division, Central

Services Branch




Chief, Information Processing Service




Director, Information Processing Service,

Materiel Command Headquarters






Bench-mark Position Number: 1

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Analyst/Designer/Programmer,

Technological Applications Systems

Point Rating: 384


Under the direction of the Head, Perception Group, determines the feasibility

of designs of proposed system software on a mini-microcomputer facility, of

new or modifications to generalized system software; evaluates mini-microcomputer system software and of generalized application oriented system software; determines extent of modifications identified; provides technical advice on acquisition of specialized hardware processors, and on hardware and software packages to be developed; and performs other significant duties.


% of Time

Determines the feasibility of, designs, implements and

installs, on a mini-microcomputer facility, new or modifica­tions to generalized system software, custom made applica­tion software and technological information processing applications systems to produce general design specifica­tions and make decisions on future status of proposed


-    by identifying, defining and reviewing actual and

projected requirements of. proposed system software or

for specific application software,

-    by determining the functional characteristics of


-    by researching vendor-supplied software to determine


-    by determining hardware/software requirements and

relevant costs,

-    by assessing impact of new software on overall resources

of the facility, and

-    by recommending appropriate action.


Reviews general design specifications and packages functional

specifications into computer system modules by inputs,

outputs and processes of each module to produce design


-    by clarifying general design specifications,



% of Time

-    by packaging functional specifications into computer

system modules,

-    by preparing detailed computer program specifications,

-    by preparing test and conversion plans,

-    by estimating costs, and

-    by recommending modifications to general design specifi­cations.


Evaluates, installs and modifies vendor-supplied mini-

microcomputer system software and generalized application

oriented system software to decide on selection of system


  -    by determining software characteristics through analysis

of hardware interfaces, communication network and

special peripherals requirements,

-    by determining characteristics of system software under

evaluation and comparing these to identified require­ments,

-    by assessing the impact of the proposed system software

on the capacity of computing facilities, and

-    by recommending acquisition of system software.


Determines extent of modifications identified in the selection

process or in the sponsor's requests to provide the system

software required for the efficient and effective use of

the hardware facility

-    by identifying locations of modifications within the

vendor-supplied system software,

-    by generating the code to replace existing code or to

create new modules,

-    by generating the system software incorporating vendor­

supplied options, modified code and new modules into a

single package, and

-    by assessing performance of package and conducting

acceptance tests of software.


Provides technical advice on acquisition of specialized

hardware processors to implement special algorithms, and on

hardware and software packages to be developed through

industrial research contracts to support research projects

and to ensure compatibility with mini-microcomputer facility

-    by reviewing and discussing requirements with project

scientists and engineers,



% of Time


-    by explaining current and potential capabilities of

the existing facility,

-    by defining the interfacing requirements to be met to

be compatible with existing facility, and

-    by generating technical inputs for development or

contract specifications.


Performs other significant duties

-    by acting as technical authority on the software

aspects of industrial research contracts.







Knowledge - Education and Experience



The work requires an in-depth knowledge of. the design

principles and programming techniques used in computer

operating systems, the logical functioning of computer

hardware mainframe and peripheral equipment and the external

specifications of language processors and utilities, for

all sizes of computers. Familiarity with manufacturer's

procedures for maintaining their operating systems is

required, as is the ability to communicate effectively,

both orally and in writing, on technical subjects. A

knowledge of departmental operations and aims is required

to better anticipate user requirements and to forecast the

impact of proposed system changes on users. This is

necessary to ensure efficient implementation of the

computerized system. Extensive experience in working at

the highest level of technical competence in projects

requiring a sophisticated and complex operating system

design and programming techniques must be demonstrated.

This should include work in several areas of specialization,

e.g. input/output drivers, inter-computer communications,

and graphics. Furthermore, extensive experience with a

multiprogramming, real-time operating system of mini

computers is required. This knowledge and experience is

normally acquired through university graduation in science/

engineering/computer science or equivalent in a related

discipline and three year's experience in computer programming

in high level languages and assembly languages, systems

analysis and software design, at least half of which pertained

directly to multiprogramming real-time mini computer systems.





Knowledge - Continuing Study



This position requires a knowledge of trends and developments

in applications and programming of mini-computers and

technological advances in hardware and software systems.

Knowledge and study of the scientific objectives of each

project is essential. This knowledge is acquired through

i) personal contacts with peers, manufacturers, and user

groups. ii) study of manufacturer's literature, technical

and scientific journals and periodicals. iii) attendance

at seminars, conferences and training courses.


Decision Making



The work requires sound judgment in proposing and selecting

alternative solutions to complex technical problems in

computer systems technology, including quick diagnosis and

solution of system software and hardware problems, and

decisions relating to performance and operational enhance­ments. Any hardware failure must be countered by an appro­priate configuration change as quickly as possible. Recovery

action is nearly always required before the remedial manufac­turer support can arrive. Recommendations are made to

management pertaining to in-house, central computer reconfiguration, auxiliary equipment selection, outside communications facilities selection and software selection.





The work requires daily contacts with systems analysts,

working level scientists, and technical staff in the computer

user community to resolve technical problems and provide

consultation. Frequent contacts are made with manufacturer's

sales and technical representatives to acquire technical

information and resolve problems in applying their products.

Contacts with staff and non-government agencies are made

periodically as are briefings to management in areas of the

incumbent's special competence.





Supervision of the work of other staff is not a regular

requirement. Occasional guidance and work leadership may

be provided to junior programmers.



Bench-mark Position Number: 2

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Central Computer Division,

Central Services Branch

Point Rating: 879


Under general direction of the Director, Central Services Branch, plans, directs and co-ordinates the activities of the Central Computer Division, which include the provision of information processing services associated with cheque issuing, processing of accounts payable and related accounting func­tions; advises user officials on the use and requirements of information processing; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs and co-ordinates the activities of the

Central Computer Division, with an establishment of

140 positions, large mainframe computers and extensive

peripheral and auxiliary equipment installations, and

engaged in computer systems analysis and programming,

planning of information processing systems, operation of

information processing equipment, and associated co-ordinating,

scheduling and administrative activities, to ensure the

economic and efficient satisfaction of user information

requirements and use of staff, equipment and contract


-    by establishing information processing workload

requirements through discussions with user officials

in the department,

-    by developing forecasts of staff and equipment require­ments,

-    by establishing priorities, in co-operation with user

officials, to facilitate detailed scheduling of

information processing operations,

-    by reviewing proposed applications to establish their

overall technical and economic feasibility,

-    by negotiating major revisions to information require­ments of

     users,  to expedite processing operations or

to improve the technical or economic feasibility of


-    by developing and establishing production and quality

control procedures,



% of Time

-    by assigning staff and equipment resources to the

conduct of feasibility studies and the development and

implementation of information processing systems, and

-    by reviewing production, operating and administrative

reports to ensure the maintenance of production and

quality standards and to assess supervisory staff



Advises user officials and the Director, Central Services

Branch, of the capabilities, capacities, availability,

costs, benefits and requirements of information processing

services and of the policy and resource requirements of the

division, to assist users in obtaining maximum benefit from

information processing services and to facilitate the

development of the facilities and services of the division

-    by informing user officials of priorities, availability

of staff and equipment, and costs and benefits of

alternative processing arrangements,

-    by planning alternative methods of meeting information

requirements of users to accommodate changing priorities

or specifications of users,

-    by developing and recommending the implementation of

policies and procedures relating to the administration

and operation of information processing services,

-    by reviewing technological and administrative trends,

developments and innovations in information processing

for possible utilization in operations of the division,


-    by preparing reports, including annual estimates and

establishment presentations to Treasury Board, on the

identification and substantiation of own staff and

equipment requirements.


Performs other related duties, such as participating in the

selection, assessment and training of computer systems pro­gramming

and analysis staff and preparing memoranda, corres­pondence and reports associated with administrative and

advisory responsibilities.







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of the capabilities

and capacities of information processing equipment and of

computer systems analysis and programming practices and

techniques. A good knowledge of the regulations and practices

governing the payment of salary, pension, supplier and

other accounts, and maintenance of related records is also

required. Skill in planning, co-ordinating and scheduling

information processing operations and in the supervision

and training of staff is required. This knowledge and

skill are normally acquired through university graduation

and 10 years of progressively responsible experience in

administration, computer systems analysis, and information




Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires knowledge of trends and developments in

computer systems analysis and programming, information

processing technology and the administration of information

processing services, gained through continuing study of

texts, journals and periodicals and by attendance at courses

and seminars. Continuing study of regulations and procedures

contained in departmental directives and manuals is also




Decision Making

Judgment and discretion are required in the assignment of

information processing resources and choice of optimum

methods of meeting information requirements of users.

Decisions are made on priorities, information processing

techniques and the allocation of staff and equipment to

information processing applications. Recommendations are

made on the acquisition and use of staff and equipment.

Errors in judgment may adversely affect the economy and

efficiency of applications involving the use of large scale

information processing systems which control the accuracy

and promptness of salary and other payments to government

employees and outside suppliers. Problems arising from

revised or conflicting priorities are referred to the

Director, Central Services Branch.







The work requires contacts with user officials within the

Central Services Branch to make commitments for the provision

of information processing services. Contacts are made to

provide advice, determine requirements and recommend alterna­tive methods of meeting information requirements of users,

and may involve persuading users to modify their requirements

or operating and administrative procedures. Contacts are

also made with officials of government and industry to

obtain and provide information on technological and adminis­trative innovations in information processing and assist­ance in the resolution of technical and administrative





The work requires supervision of 120 full-time and 20 casual

employees, including section heads and unit supervisors, at

the senior, intermediate and junior levels of the administra­tive and foreign service and administration support categories.

Supervisory duties include participation in assessment,

selection, promotion, and discipline of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 3

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Customer Service

Point Rating: 814


Under the direction of the Director, Computer Science Center, plans and manages the services provided by the Center on its computer; continually monitors the quality of these services and their relevance; refines those services to meet changing needs; ensures good communication between the Center and its clients; plans and implements all new services provided by the Center; assists the Director in the overall management of the Center.


% of Time

Plans and manages the activities of the Customer Service

Division of the Computer Science Centre. The Division is

responsible for the implementation and support of all

general purpose application software and for the development

of the operating system used on the Centre's computer

system. The Division currently provides remote batch entry

and interactive (timesharing) services on two large scale

multiprogrammed computers. These services are currently

made available to the Department and to other Government


-    by managing the Computation Bureau which operates the

Centre's computer and remote batch terminals, production

control and transcription services. The Centre's

computer currently provides service on a 24 hour day,

6 day a week basis,

-    by managing the Software Development Section which

maintains and develops the operating system and its

product set for the computers,

-    by managing the Customer Support Section which provides

consultant, technical support and training on application

software services to well over 600 users,


Plans and supervises the implementation of all new software

and hardware

-    by ensuring that sufficient resources are available to

support the package or equipment,



% of Time

-    by ensuring that both software and hardware meet their

acceptance tests,

-    by ensuring that training is provided to those who

need it,

-    by studying new developments in software, hardware and

operational techniques with a view to their potential

usefulness and installation.


Ensures that users are aware of the Centre's services and

that the Centre is aware of user's requirements

-    by establishing and maintaining user working groups in

the various areas of Centre expertise,

-    by ensuring that the Centre's publications are accurate

and timely,

-    by publicizing and otherwise promoting the availability

of various software and hardware services,

-    by maintaining personal contacts with senior represen­tatives

     in a number of Government Departments.


Monitors and refines the services supplied by the Centre

-    by reviewing the services provided in the light of the

Centre's and user's objectives,

-    by refining the services to overcome problems and


-    by analysis of revenues and system performance.


Ensures that security requirements for information processed

via EDP facilities either within or outside the department

are identified and that appropriate safeguards are applied

as outlined in the RCMP's Security Standards and Practices



Assists the Director in establishing objectives for the

Centre and participates in the development of long range

plans and the formulation of policy decisions.


Assists in recruitment, selection, training, appraisal and

career development of the staff of the Centre and of

information processing staff in the rest of the Department.







Knowledge - Education and Experience:

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computing as

applied in the processing of scientific information in a

number of government departments. A sound knowledge is

required of the organization of the major customer

Departments, their administration and research programs and

the government policies and regulations covering the

adminis­tration of computing organizations. It also requires skill

in administration and in communicating on technical matters

with staff throughout a number of Departments. Knowledge

of the impact to user's projects of changes to software and

hardware is absolutely essential. The work requires skill

in the planning and co-ordinating of complex technical

operations the forecasting of staff and equipment require­ments, and the direction of staff. The required knowledge

and skills are normally acquired through University

graduation, followed by ten years of relevant experience in

administration and computing with at least four years in a

senior supervisory position.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of developments and

trends in computing hardware and software, operation of

computer services, application software and general

administration with particular attention being given to

their relationship to the scientific and engineering

community in a number of different Government departments.

As well, the incumbent must relate his knowledge of

specialized trends within scientific computing to changes

in government policies and practice. This knowledge is

maintained by study of government directives and guidelines,

technical texts and trade publications, and from attendance

at seminars and conferences. In addition, it isessential

that meetings are held with user representatives, commercial

suppliers and university centers to ensure that the Center's

Computing Services are up-to-date and are sufficient to

meet the users' objectives.







The work requires the management of a centralized inter­

departmental computer service which is operated on 24-hour

day, 6-day week, and which provides both batch and interactive

processing capabilities to in excess of 600 users. The

services are used for processing large volumes of data and

for general problem solving in the fields of scientific

research, regulatory, administrative and operational programs

of several Departments. These programs often involve

contracts with the private sector and provincial governments

and failures to meet deadlines for computer produced output

can have a serious impact on the reputation of the Departments.

Although not in direct competition with the private sector,

it is essential that the services provided by the Division

are of equal standard to those available in the private

sector. The work involves the exercise of judgment,

initiative and, in particular, tact and discretion. Almost

all problems encountered are unique and decisions have to be

made on the spot without reference to existing directives.

The Division operates on a cost recovery basis with a total

recovery of $4,000,000 per annum. Decisions and commitments

are made which can have a significant impact on these

revenues and on the efficiency of the Center and its clients.

The incumbent will be expected to do the short and medium

term planning, up to one year, of the development of all

the computing services offered by the Center to ensure that

they meet the needs of its clients. He will be called upon

for the evaluation of all hardware and system software

acquisitions and for their acceptance. Errors in judgment

at this time will adversely affect the quality of the

services offered by the Center and can greatly affect its

comparative position with relation to other service organi­zations. In addition, the incumbent must plan the development

of system software and performance, to this end he must

commit his limited staff to projects of many person-months

in implementing new features. The demand for these features

is always well in excess of the resources available and a

significant degree of insight into the probable return from

new developments in hardware and software is essential.







The work requires frequent contacts with Division Chiefs,

Branch Directors and scientists throughout several Departments

and also with computer manufacturers and software suppliers.

At most meetings the incumbent will act as a representative

of the Center with authority to make a commitment on behalf

of the Center with regard to its computing services.




The incumbent is responsible for the supervision of a staff

of 54 permanent staff and 3 casuals. These staff are at

senior, intermediate and junior levels of the Administrative

and Administrative Support categories. Supervisory duties

include participation in the selection, assignment, assessment,

training and discipline of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 4

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Information Processing Service

Point Rating: 879


Under the general direction of the Director General, Administration, plans and directs the activities of the departmental Information Processing Service,

which include the planning, development and processing of mass data and problem­solving applications using departmental and outside contract facilities; advises user and departmental management officials on the use and development of information processing services; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans and directs the activities of the Information Processing

Service of the Department, with an establishment of 141

positions, a large computer, peripheral equipment and an

auxiliary equipment installation, to ensure the satisfaction

of departmental requirements for mass data and problem-solving

applications and the efficient and economical use of depart­

mental information processing staff, equipment and contract


-    by determining workload requirements and available

service and contract resources through liaison with

departmental officials, subordinates and service


-    by developing forecasts of requirements for staff,

equipment and contract resources,

-    by developing administrative and operational procedures

governing the provision of departmental information

processing services,

-    by assigning analysts and programmers to the planning

and development of computer applications,

-    by authorizing and co-ordinating the use of contract


-    by scheduling and co-ordinating departmental information

processing operations, and

-    by reviewing completed information processing systems

and production, progress and administrative reports to

ensure that quality and production standards are

maintained and to assess staff performance.



% of Time


Advises user and departmental management officials on the

use and development of departmental information processing

resources, to assist users in obtaining the maximum benefit

from information processing and to ensure consideration of

information processing in the development of departmental

administrative practices

-    by informing users of the costs, capabilities and

requirements of departmental and outside contract

information processing services,

-    by recommending alternative information processing

arrangements or revisions to information requirements

of users, to improve the technical or economic feasi­bility of approved applications or to accommodate

changes in processing or deadline specifications of


-    by developing and recommending implementation of

departmental policies governing the use of information

processing resources, and

-    by assessing administrative and technological innovations

in information processing, and the capabilities of

outside contract services, with a view to recommending

the adoption of procedures, the acquisition of equipment,

or the use of contract facilities of potential value

in the provision or development of departmental informa­tion processing services.



Performs other related duties, such as participating in the

selection, assessment and discipline of information processing

staff, representing the Director General at departmental

and interdepartmental meetings on information processing

administration and preparing reports, memoranda and corres­pondence, including estimates and submissions to Treasury

Board, associated with the administration and development

of the departmental Information Processing Service.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of information

processing techniques and practices and the capacities and

capabilities of departmental and contractor information

processing facilities. It also requires a good knowledge

of the content, objectives and information processing






requirements of departmental research, administrative and

operational programs and a good knowledge of departmental

and government policies and regulations governing the

administration of information processing services. An

appreciation of the scientific and technological disciplines

involved in the conduct of departmental research and opera­tional programs is a further requirement. The work requires

skill in the planning and co-ordinating of complex technical

operations, the forecasting of staff, equipment and financial

requirements, the development and presentation of advice,

and the direction of staff. This knowledge is normally

acquired through completion of university education and

10 years of progressively responsible administrative and

information processing experience.


Knowledge - Continuing Stud

The work requires continuing study of trends and developments

in the administration and operation of information processing

services, including the interrelationships of information

processing, general management and scientific research

requirements of the Department, through reading of texts,

journals and periodicals, consultations with manufacturers

and attendance at various seminars, conferences and training




Decision Making

The work requires the direction and administration of a

centralized departmental information processing service

engaged in the development and processing of mass data and

problem-solving applications associated with scientific

research, regulatory, administrative and operational programs

of the Department. The work also requires the provision of

advice to departmental user and management officials on

information processing matters. The departmental computer

is mainly used in problem-solving applications related to

scientific research programmes. Most computer mass data

applications are referred to service contractors, and

information processing applications are usually undertaken

by the departmental Information Processing Service. Field

research stations usually contract locally for required

information processing services. Decisions affect the

amount and nature of departmental and contract information

processing services available to departmental users in







  Ottawa. Recommendations influence departmental management

  decisions on the use of departmental and outside contract

  information processing services.

  Recommendations also influence the acquisition and development

  of headquarters information processing staff and facilities

  and the development and implementation of departmental

  information processing policies. Errors in judgment can

  adversely affect the efficiency and economy of departmental

  information processing services. Recommendations are made

  to the Director General, Administration.



The work requires contacts with senior departmental officials

to plan and co-ordinate the provision of information processing

services, to establish information processing priorities

and to advise on the development of departmental information

processing policies. Contacts are also initiated with

central agencies and service contractors to arrange for

outside contract services, and with government and industry

officials to obtain information on technological and adminis­trative developments in information processing.




The work requires the supervision of 141 employees at the

senior, intermediate and junior levels of the administrative

and foreign service and administrative support categories,

including four section chiefs. Supervisory duties include

participation in the selection, assignment, assessment, and

discipline of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 5

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Chief, Production Software

Point Rating: 604


Under the general direction of the Director, Computer Operations, ensures that the department's computer systems make efficient use of hardware and software facilities; conducts production acceptance testing of systems software, applications systems, and telecommunications systems; controls the release and implementations of new software, and ensures the integrity of the production software environment.


% of Time

Advises the Director, Computer Operations and other senior

staff of the department's Systems and Services and Regional

Computer Centres on the efficient and effective use of

equipment, communications facilities, system software and

application programmes to meet the Department's program


-    by developing and applying a comprehensive computer

systems performance measurement program, using both

system, analysis and programming, hardware and software

monitor facilities to identify the resources consumed

by the various software elements,

-    by directing the preparation using both systems analysis

and programming, execution and analysis of representative

benchmark programs,

-    by analyzing the results of monitor runs and benchmark

programs to develop the requirements for further

measurement experiment and ultimately to develop

specific recommended changes in the software which

will improve the efficiency of the systems,

-    by analyzing results of monitor runs to identify the

impact on resources of new hardware, communications

facilities, and new releases of system software and

application programs to ensure that the headquarters'

and Regional Computer Centres are not adversely impacted

by the introduction of the change,

-    by approving operating standards and guidelines to be

applied and propagated for the release of production

applications, system software and equipment for

implementation at all departmental computer centres, and



% of Time

-    by writing evaluation reports and making recommendations

to senior management (e.g. - new equipment requirements

to optimize processing, and new software requirement

to increase efficiency).


Conducts production acceptance testing of operating systems

software, telecommunications software and applications


-    by acquiring and maintaining a thorough knowledge of

EDP standards, and system specifications,

-    by directing and participating in the design and

construction and programming of benchmarks and tests

to measure performance characteristics of operating

systems, telecommunications, software and applications


-    by reviewing the evaluation of the operational viability

of the new software to ensure that it does not place

undue involvement or responsibility on the operators,

that the exception handling and recovery procedures

and facilities work, and that the performance and

turn-around standards are not jeopardized by the

introduction of the new software,

-    by recommending to senior management the acceptance or

rejection of the system as a production system,

-    by recommending specific software changes or improvements

to the operations system software which the developer

should consider prior to re-submission for production

acceptance testing. These changes pertain in the

internals of the systems and involve specific analyses

of the programs submitted for acceptance testing, and

-    by representing the directorate at formal meetings

with senior management and technical staff with

authority to discuss and resolve problems relating to

the acceptability of application software.


Controls the release for implementation of new software

-    by the review of specifications and documentation, to

ensure that the software meets the specifications and

is properly documented,

-    by confirming that the software passes production


-    by ensuring that each Computer Centre has adequate

resources to run the new release,



% of Time

-    by developing in concert with Regional Computer Centre

managers, system developers and client management, a

schedule for the implementation of the new release,

-    by developing and managing control systems involving

software maintenance and distribution procedures,

-    by providing operational training on new releases, to

Operational Software Support in the field and to

operations personnel in the field and headquarters, and

-    by liaison with Systems Directorate on implementation



Ensures the ongoing integrity of the production software


-    by directing the development, documentation and

implementation of manual and computerized diagnostic


-    by directing the development and auditing of control

procedures to safeguard production program libraries,

production data libraries and production network

control tables, which are key elements of the production

software environment,

-    by directing the analysis of production software

trouble reports from the field,

-    by recommending to software suppliers, and Systems

Directorate staff specific programs and changes to

ensure the integrity of the production software,

-    by ensuring the promulgation of reports to the field

on the current status of software problems,

-    by directing the development of procedures for network

restart and recovery, degradation diagnostics, problem

isolation and network control for both headquarters

and Regional networks,

-    by directing the development of network security-related

facilities and procedures, and network operating

procedures, and

-    by directing the development of standards of operations

of terminals, network-related facilities and system



Specifies and implements computer programs and systems to

support the operation of the Computer Centres in areas such

as, resource accounting systems, diagnostic aids, scheduling

efficiency aids, monitoring and control aids, utilization

and effectiveness reporting, service level reporting, etc



% of Time


-    by analyzing and documenting requirements raised by

management and line operating personnel of the


-    by directing the design, programmation, implementation

and documentation of the required programs, and

-    by evaluating results of the systems and programs and

refining them to continue to support operation functions

in an optimal fashion.


Manages a staff of 8 employees

-    by evaluating training needs and developing training


-    by evaluating staff performance,

-    by providing advice, guidance and instruction to

staff, and

-    by recommending disciplinary action, as necessary.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The position requires knowledge and expertise sufficient to

identify the data required and the method of obtaining and

analyzing the data to determine the actual performance of a

hardware/software/communication system and make recommendations

for changes to either the hardware configuration, the

systems software or the applications design. A thorough

knowledge of computer systems analysis, programming techniques

and practices and of the capabilities and limitations of

electronic data processing equipment in general and of

departmental equipment in particular, coupled with a sound

understanding of the organization, objectives and practices

of the Department. A well-developed ability in analysis

and evaluation of existing and proposed systems and in the

design of new systems through the supervision of a small,

highly skilled staff. A sound knowledge of the relationship

between the constantly developing E.D.P. systems and existing

manual systems and also of present and future staff and

equipment requirements. This knowledge and skill is normally

acquired and the ability developed through university

graduation and eight years of progressively responsible

experience in administration, data processing and systems







Knowledge - Continuing Study

There is a requirement for a knowledge of trends and develop­ments in computer systems' methods, techniques and equipment,

and also for an awareness of accounting developments and

Departmental organization objectives and requirements which

can only be acquired through the continuing study of texts

and periodicals, Departmental reports and directives,

participation in training courses and seminars and by

discussion with the staff of equipment suppliers and manufacturers.



Decision Making

The position has the authority to commit resources to

special hardware/software acquisition process and evaluations

of specific EDP applications systems and to approve the

conclusions of these performance measurement evaluations.

The findings of the Section and the consequent recommendations

to the Director relate directly to the efficiency of the

operations with a consequent requirement for a considerable

degree of judgment and initiative, particularly in the

performance of assigned feasibility studies and in the

assignment of study areas to project teams in the development

of alternative information processing systems. These

recommendations influence the decisions made in the allocation

of staff and in the acquisition and directly affect the

utilization of the major equipment operated by the Department.

The contribution of this section to the development and

improvement of Departmental systems is significant.




Contacts are with senior Departmental staff to obtain

assistance in conducting feasibility studies and in the

design or modification of computer or manual systems and in

order to persuade them to adopt progressive concepts. In

addition there are regular contacts with the equivalent

counterpart in other government departments with information

processing activities have an interdepartmental implication,

and in some instances contacts with the counterparts in the

governments of other nations. There are also contacts with

suppliers and manufacturers.




Four to ten staff are supervised, including staff at the

intermediate level.





Bench-mark Position Number:

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Chief, Technical Services Section

Point Rating: 604


Under the general direction of the Assistant Director, Information Processing Division, plans, directs and administers the work of the Technical Services Section which is responsible for providing technical support to users of the Information Processing Division's computer services; manages the department's telecommunications network; plans, implements and maintains the department's in-house time-sharing computing facilities; evaluates, implements and maintains department owned software packages; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans and manages the Technical Services Section, which

provides department-wide technical support services to

information processing operations

-    by developing administrative procedures and the

associated reporting structure for effective and

efficient use of resources,

-    by developing and implementing software packages and


-    by developing standards and associated documentation

on usage of various software facilities and programming


-    by reviewing reports on equipment capacity and capability

produced from software packages and hardware monitors

to determine when expansion/ deletion to the installa­tion is required,

-    by making firm recommendations on short-term and

long-term equipment proposals to the Assistant Director,

-    by maintaining and updating various software packages

utilized in the operating systems of the various

mini-system configurations,

-    by initiating and conducting meetings with central

site communications and remote terminal suppliers to

form and maintain integrated trouble isolation and

support structure organizations,

-    by participating in the negotiation of contracts for

terminals, communications and central site equipment,




% of Time

-    by standardizing problem determination procedures at

central and remote sites.


Provides a specialist and consulting service to the users

of the Information Processing Division facilities in the

areas of hardware, software and telecommunications, as well

as up-grading the technical education service for both

Division personnel and Departmental users

-    by defining objectives and establishing priorities and

completion target dates for various projects and by

coordinating their execution,

-    by assigning tasks to project teams and determining

their degree of participation in studies related to

computing equipment, software packages, programming

languages and new system concepts,

-    by ensuring that selected features and modules are

properly generated into operating systems, that they

are properly documented and back-up provided, that the

currently utilized operating systems are maintained

through necessary modifications and new versions

generated and implemented as required,

-    by issuing publications, amendments and memoranda

advising Division personnel and Departmental users of

technical problems and their resolutions,

-    by liaising with technical personnel of manufacturers

and service bureaus for the purpose of obtaining

clarification, operational instructions and perfor­mance specifications on their software and hardware

products used by the Division, and

-    by ensuring the continuing technical quality of staff

in this group through training plans, contacts with

colleagues in other installations, provision of pertinent

literature and attendance at conferences on relevant



Maintains a satisfactory knowledge of trends in computer

technology and of developments in other government install­ations

-    by reviewing appropriate publications and periodicals,

-    by attending demonstrations of equipment and programming


-    by participating in the activities of professional

societies and seminars, workshops and conferences, and

-    by maintaining contact and exchanging views with

colleagues in other departments.



% of Time


Performs other related duties such as selection, discipline

and appraisal of staff, preparation of supporting documents

for submissions to Treasury Board, handling of employee

complaints and acting as a level in the grievance procedure,

writing job descriptions and acting as a member of classifi­cation and personnel evaluation boards.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of information

processing techniques and practices and the capacities and

capabilities of departmental and contractor information

processing facilities. A thorough knowledge of the practices,

capacities and performance of mini-computers and telecommunications networks is a necessity. It also requires a good knowledge of the content, objectives and information processing requirements of departmental research, administrative and operational programmes, and a good knowledge of departmental

and government policies and regulations governing the

administration of information processing services. The

work requires skill in the planning and co-ordinating of

complex technical operations, the forecasting of equipment

and financial requirements, and the development and presen­tation of advice. This knowledge isnormally acquired through completion of university education and eight years of progressively responsible administrative and information

processing experience.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of trends and developments

in the administration and operation of information processing

services, including the inter-relationships of information

processing, general management and research requirements of

the Department, through reading of texts, journals and

periodicals, consultations with manufacturers and attendance

at various seminars, conferences and training courses.



Decision Making

The work requires the planning and co-ordinating of information

processing activities of centralized computer systems with

a large number of remote terminals located in Research

Stations, the Department Data Centre and Headquarters.






Systems equipment configurations are contracted to multiple

computer, peripheral, and communications suppliers and

determination of accountability necessitates the use of

good judgment. The frequent resolution of conflicts

between multiple computer suppliers, software and common

carriers of telecommunications networks is an important

function of the work. Decisions affect the effectiveness

and efficiency of services provided to users and development

personnel. Because the on-line systems are meant to provide

an improved information service to users at regional offices

across Canada, the credibility of the Department will be

measured to some extent by the efficiency of the system and

decisions taken in co-ordinating the role of its different

components. Recommendations influence the acquisition and

usage of computer equipment and facilities and the implemen­tation

of departmental information processing policies.

Errors in judgment can adversely affect the efficiency and

economy of departmental information processing services.

Recommendations are made to the Assistant Director, Information

Processing Division.



The work requires contacts with senior departmental officials

in headquarters and regional Research Stations to plan and

co-ordinate the provision of information processing services,

to establish priorities and to advise on the development of

departmental information processing policies. Contacts are

also initiated with officials of computer equipment suppliers

during negotiation of contracts and when resolving problems

encountered during the term of contracts. Contacts with

other government and industry officials are maintained to

obtain information on technological and administrative

developments in information processing.




The work requires the supervision of nine positions at the

intermediate level of the administrative and foreign service

category. The incumbent is responsible for selection,

training, promotion and disciplinary action with regard to

this staff. From time to time a staff of management

consultants also requires supervision.





Bench-mark Position Number: 7

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Computer Systems Programmer

Point Rating: 170


Under the supervision of a programming team leader (programmer-analyst), develops and writes programs and machine operating instructions for a computer installation; collects and documents information required for future reference to completed computer systems programs; modifies continuing computer systems programs; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Develops programs, machine operating instructions and

associated documentation for applications processed on

large mainframe computers and peripheral equipment, to

control the automatic performance of machine processing

actions in required sequences

-    by examining computer systems analysts' flow charts

and program logic diagrams to determine the combination

and sequence of machines to be used, the format of

input and output records, the type and extent of

information to be transferred from storage units, the

variety of items to be processed, the steps required

in machine processing and their sequence, the require­ments

for testing and assembling programs, and the

procedures for phasing program segments into a system,

-    by designing detailed program block diagrams to indicate

the machine processing actions required to provide for

all possible conditions arising out of the data to be


-    by writing instructions in symbolic language, using

standard techniques, to indicate required machine

processing operations,

-    by selecting and arranging utility programs and routines

developed by machine manufacturers, to carry out

segments of the program and to maintain continuity

between segments,

-    by writing instructions in standard format for key

punching and machine set-up operations, to ensure

compatibility of these operations with the program

specifications, and



% of Time


-    by constructing limited and volume tests of programs,

arranging for test processing on the computer system,

and correcting programming errors to ensure valid pro­cessing

of the real data.


Collects such documents as specifications, flow charts,

diagrams, coding and operating instructions required for

future reference to programs.



Modifies the form and content of programs for established

applications, as directed.



Performs other related duties, such as overseeing the

phasing into production of specified systems, demonstrating

solutions of programming problems for trainee programmers,

and attending training sessions to receive instruction in

new programming methods, the characteristics of new computing

devices and the use of packaged programs.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires knowledge of the techniques and practices

of computer systems programming. It also requires knowledge

of the capabilities, limitations and range of alternative

operations for which the machines in the installation may

be combined. Familiarity with available utility programs

and the administrative procedures for requisitioning testing

and key punching services and establishing work priorities

is required. This knowledge is normally acquired through

completion of secondary school education and two years of

related experience.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of manuals, periodicals

and technical directives and attendance at computer

programming courses and study groups to keep abreast of

programming techniques for new machines and of new utility

programs written by manufacturers.



Decision Making

Decisions are made to select the best ways to use computing

devices to meet prescribed system requirements, to design

or select the most suitable series of computer instructions,






and to select the coding language necessary to convey

programming instructions. Guidance and supervision are

provided by senior programmers and computer systems analysts;

problems are solved in accordance with established

guide-lines, directives and precedents. Programs are

tested by trial runs on computing devices before they are

adopted for use. Decisions affect the efficiency of segments

of the computer operation. Errors in designing or selecting

machine instructions may result in delay during the testing

phase of operations.



The work requires contacts with user officials to clarify

details of specifications and with supervisors of machine

operators to arrange tests of programs.




Supervision of the work of others is not a regular requirement.

There may be a requirement to assist in the training of

programmers by demonstrating programming techniques and

assisting trainees to solve programming problems.





Bench-mark Position Number: 8

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Computer Systems Programmer,

Computer Science Division

Point Rating: 319


Under the supervision of a section chief, Computer Science Division, prepares electronic computer programs and machine operating instructions for problem­-solving and mass data applications for processing in the division or on outside contractors' computers; adapts or revises computer programs written for various computer installations; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Under the supervision of a section chief, Computer Science

Division, writes computer programs, machine operating

instructions and associated documentation for problem-solving

and mass data applications relating to departmental survey,

scientific research and administrative programs, to be

processed on the department's large mainframe computer or

on outside contractors' computers

-    by examining specifications and logic diagrams prepared

by computer systems analysts and research scientists,

to determine the combinations and sequences of machine

processes, the format of input and output records, and

the testing, assembling and program phasing procedures


-    by establishing the capacities, capabilities and

programming requirements of the computer to which the

application has been assigned,

-    by designing detailed block diagrams to indicate the

required machine processing actions,

-    by writing procedural instructions for the operation

of the assigned computing device, in symbolic language

and using standard techniques,

-    by adapting utility routines to carry out segments of

the program and maintain continuity between segments,

-    by writing instructions in standard format for key

punching and machine set-up operations, in accordance

with program specifications and the requirements of

the assigned computing devices, and




% of Time



   -   by developing program testing procedures, arranging

for test runs, and correcting errors or deficiencies

in the computer program.


Adapts and revises computer programs written for earlier

applications and a variety of computers, to meet the require­ments

of the computer by which the application will be

processed and to assist departmental users to obtain processing

efficiency or reduce processing costs

-    by reviewing program documentation and processing

specifications to establish the objectives, processing

requirements and programming techniques of the applica­tion,

-    by identifying the capabilities and requirements for

programming documentation of the assigned computer

including requirements for symbolic language, utility

routines and machine operating instructions,

-    by conferring with departmental user officials to

clarify objectives and processing requirements, which

are frequently stated in problem-solving applications

in terms of complex mathematical expressions,

-    by developing, and recommending to user officials

alternative programming techniques, and

-    by re-writing computer programs, test procedures and

associated documentation.



Performs other related duties, such as advising scientists

and computer systems analysts in other departmental units

on programming techniques, available processing services

and requirements of contract computer services, evaluating

and adapting utility routines, revising computer programs

to meet changing information requirements of users, and

advising junior programmers on technical problems.







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computer systems

programming techniques and practices and a good knowledge

of the capacities, capabilities and requirements of a

variety of computers and peripheral equipment. It also

requires a good knowledge of departmental information

processing resources and the procedures associated with the






provision of information processing services to departmental

users. Knowledge of advanced mathematical techniques, such

as those involved in the solution of simultaneous and

differential equations, and skill in developing and presenting

advice to user officials engaged in scientific research

activities are further requirements. This knowledge and

skill are normally acquired through university graduation

and three years of varied and progressively responsible

experience in computer systems programming.


Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires knowledge of trends and developments in

programming techniques and practices and of the capabilities,

requirements and capacities of information processing

facilities of the department and of contractors. This

knowledge is gained by continuing study of departmental

directives, equipment manuals, texts and periodicals and by

attendance at government and industry-sponsored training




Decision Making

The work requires the exercise of judgement, initiative and

discretion in the development and adaptation of computer

programs for problem-solving and mass data applications

assigned to various government and outside computer instal­

lations for processing. Advice and assistance provided to

departmental research scientists in the development of

computer programs affect the processing time, costs and

efficiency of problem-solving applications. Recommendations

are made on the use of programming techniques and the

specification of machine operating and machine processing

requirements. Errors in judgement can adversely affect the

efficiency and quality of programming services of the

Computer Science Division. Advice and assistance on technical

problems are available from colleagues and superiors in the

Computer Science Division and from departmental user personnel

who are familiar with information processing techniques and

information requirements of users. Recommendations and

unusual problems are referred to a section chief in the

Computer Science Division.







The work requires contacts with computer systems analysts

and departmental research scientists, to obtain and provide

information and assistance in the development and writing

of computer programs.




Supervision of the work of others is not a continuing

requirement. Occasional guidance and work leadership may

be provided to junior programmers.





Bench-mark Position Number: 9

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Data Base Administrator

Point Rating: 504


Under the direction of the Assistant Director, Technical Support (Data Administrator), plans and directs the work of four computer systems analysts and two administrative support positions, providing internal support services to design, develop, implement and enhance the effective use of the portfolio databases; maintains the databases interface system; develops procedures for the maintenance of the integrity of the databases; prepares and maintains a comprehensive data dictionary; provides specialist database and data analysis support to portfolio managers and development projects; administers access to all databases; performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs, controls and supervises the work of computer

systems personnel in developing, monitoring and implementing

both database and data management systems and procedures

for increased efficiency and economical use of departmental


-    by analyzing, designing, testing and implementing new

data structures,

-    by providing internal support services to ensure the

effective and efficient use of the Database Management


-    by developing, maintaining and documenting the database

interface system,

-    by preparing, documenting and enforcing procedures for

the maintenance of the integrity of the database,

-    by providing guidelines, standards and general assis­

tance in support of all data conversions from current

to future systems,

-    by selecting, implementing, developing and maintaining

a comprehensive data dictionary of all data elements

and values used in systems supported by the department,


-    by controlling and monitoring access to all databases.


Supervises the work of four computer system analysts and

two administrative support staff



% of Time


-    by participating in the selection, assessment, training,

assignment and discipline of staff,

-    by investigating and resolving data base related


-    by providing guidance to application system design and

application system programming personnel, and

-    by answering questions on the facilities of the DBMS,

on the meaning of certain standards or techniques.


Provides information and advice to senior officials, and

assistance to systems development and support staff, in the

utilization, understanding and appreciation of the corporate


-    by providing technical and generalized training in the

Database Management System and techniques,

-    by reporting statistics relative to the use and content

of the database,

-    by providing detailed instructions and explanations

related to database systems additions or modifica­tions,

-    by coordinating all automated data management activities

within the department,

-    by conferring with client representatives to establish

current and long term data requirements, and

-    by providing technical specialist support to the

requirements for data management and database systems

as they relate to the department.



Performs other duties such as liaison with suppliers;

representing the Technical Support Section on ad-hoc depart­

mental committees; participating in the EDP Standards

Committee; and by representing the Department at conferences

and seminars.







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a good knowledge of the capacities and

capabilities of computers, information processing, database

technologies (DBMS), and the organization, functions and

database requirements of a complex organization. A general

knowledge of data communications is required. It also

requires a good knowledge of the policies and practices

of the Department and related Agencies and the Government






which effect the administration of automated data services,

and a general knowledge of the technical and social aspects

of the departmental programs. Skill in the planning,

direction and coordination of large, complex database

systems, the provision of advice, and the supervision and

development of staff are required. This knowledge and

skill is normally acquired through university graduation in

one of the sciences, mathematics, business administration,

computer science or a related field and six years of progress­ively responsible experience in the field of automated

information processing, with at least one year involvement

in database systems.


Continuing Study

Continuing study of government, departmental and related

agencies publications, policy directives, and data processing

texts, journals and periodicals is required, as well as

consultations with manufacturers and attendance at various

conferences, seminars and training courses, to maintain an

awareness of trends and developments in information processing

administration and technology.



Decision Making

The work involves the planning and coordinating of database

systems development and coordination of automated data

usage supporting Portfolio programs. The work also requires

the provision of advice and information to senior departmental

and government officials on matters relating to the develop­ment

of automated data systems. Decisions and recommendations

may affect the commitment and use of extensive information

processing and data communications equipment installations,

the use and development of staff, and the amount and nature

of information processing services available to users.

This includes the initiation, negotiation and liaison for

procurement of specific external information processing

services. Recommendations and advice influence management

decisions on the use and development of automated data

services and the implementation of information processing

policies and procedures in the Portfolio. Recommendations

also influence the acquisition, leasing and use of equipment

and the assignment and training of staff. Recommendations

are made to colleagues and superiors at the senior and

intermediate level. Problems are referred to the Assistant

Director, Technical Support.







The work requires contacts with users and systems development

staff to undertake, plan, coordinate and implement database

oriented applications, and with superiors and colleagues to

resolve administrative and technical problems, and plan the

development of information processing systems. Contacts

are also maintained with suppliers and officials of other

information processing organizations such as the Department

of Supply and Services, to obtain and provide information

on technological and administrative developments.




The work requires direct supervision of four computer

system analysts and two administrative support staff.

Supervisory duties include participation in the selection,

assessment, training, assignment and discipline of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 10

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Data Base Designer

Point Rating: 458


Under the direction of the Manager, Software Maintenance & Development, co-ordinates the design, development, testing, documenting and implementing of data bases in support of various information processing systems; co-ordinates

the development, maintenance and documentation of back-up and recovery procedures for the production data bases; contributes to and implements standards; assists in developing data base management policies and plans, and implements security and privacy procedures for computer-stored information; and performs other related duties.


of Time

Co-ordinates the design, development, testing, documenting

and implementing of data bases

-    by analyzing detailed user requirements to design the

different types of records required to make up the

data base, and to determine the inter-relationship of

records, their quantity, system overhead and system


-    by documenting, testing and creating newly designed or

modified data bases,

-    by developing programs to be used in the analysis of

data base requirements to determine desirable record

structure, record priority and inter-relationships,

-    by designing data conversion routines and initial data

base load routines,

-    by developing standards and parameters to be used for

the selection of record sizes, their makeup and the

considerations for decisions to carry data redun­dantly, and

-    by collaborating with the application program development

staffs in the communication of data base standards to

all user agencies.


Co-ordinates the development, maintenance and documentation

of back-up and recovery procedures for the production data




% of Time

-    by developing programs to be used in the scanning of

data bases to determine data base integrity,

-    by reviewing system performance reports and plans and

reorganizing data bases to increase system perfor­mance,

-    by collaborating with the application program development

staff in the communication of data base standards to

all users,

-    by using judgment based on an understanding of data

base systems and detailed knowledge of system applica­tions

to effect back-up and recovery of the production

data bases, and

-    by documenting, testing and implementing newly designed

or modified data bases to meet production schedules.


Contributes to and implements standards, assists in developing

data base management policies, and plans and implements

security and privacy procedures for computer stored information

-    by interpreting departmental data management policies

and procedures,

-    by developing and submitting for approval new policies

and procedures for effective data administration of

the system,

-    by developing security, control and audit procedures

to prevent and detect unauthorized access to computer

stored data and to provide for recovery procedures to

ensure system integrity,

-    by developing and enforcing standards,

-    by developing and maintaining a data dictionary, and

-    by conducting analysis of data base performance and

implementing efficiency and security improvement



Instructs data base personnel and provides data base technical

advice to other staffs

-    by planning activities in accordance with overall

programs and objectives to ensure an effective work


-    by advising juniors and associates on approaches to

problems and techniques to employ in their solution,

-    by reviewing activities regularly in order to exercise

effective control, and

-    by directing training of personnel within the section.



% of Time


Performs other related duties such as designing courses and

instructing section personnel in the concepts of data base

management systems; contributing to the development of

statements of requirement for systems; and representing the

section on data base matters at meetings with industry and

other government agencies.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of information

processing practices and techniques, and a thorough, detailed

knowledge of data base management systems such as "MULTICS"

and data base design techniques. It also requires a good

knowledge of department and government policies and practices

that affect the administration of information processing

services and a general knowledge of the technical aspects

of manufacturing, cost accounting, forecasting and personnel

management systems. The work also requires the capability

to train the staff in data base management techniques.

This skill and knowledge is usually acquired through comple­tion of a university degree or equivalent training and

employment at the operational and managerial level, special­ized training through courses and five years of progressively

responsible experience in automatic data processing.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of industry journals,

reports, texts and periodicals, attendance at seminars,

conferences and courses to develop and maintain knowledge

of data base applications and techniques; and a continual

awareness of changes in department and government policies.

The assessment of the impact of these changes on the data

base and the initiation of modifications necessitated by

these changes is required.




The data base analyst is the technical expert in all matters

relating to data bases. The incumbent will be required to

design, develop, create, test and implement data bases to

support various information processing systems. The decisions

will affect the design and composition of the data bases

which in turn will affect the following: the upward compati­bility of the data base with those other data bases under






concurrent development, the processing time and techniques

required to obtain information from the data bases, the

flexibility of the data bases to meet new management require­

ments, the quality and amount of information available to

management, and the ability of the data bases to function

as required by management. Errors can seriously degrade

system performance to a point where user requirements are

not satisfied.



The work requires contacts with data base customers and, in

collaboration with supervisors and colleagues, the recommen­

dation for the commitment of resources and the planning and

coordination of data processing services. In addition, it

is necessary to contact other Government departments,

equipment manufacturers and software companies to exchange

or obtain data base management information. The incumbent

represents the Section at meetings within and outside the

Section in the areas of data base characteristics to resolve

problems where conflicting views of the Section and these

other agencies exist.




The work requires the supervision of a contracted data base

designer. There is also a requirement for co-ordinating

and approving the work of other assigned members of a

project team.





Bench-mark Position Number: 11

Level: 6 (EX)

Descriptive Title: Director, Data Processing Service,

Materiel Command Headquarters

Point Rating: 972


Under general direction, plans and directs the activities of the Information Processing Service of Materiel Command, which include the planning, development and processing of information processing applications associated with inventory cataloguing, maintenance, reprovisioning and control programs covering Canadian Armed Forces establishments and military supply depots in Canada and foreign countries; advises senior military and government officials on matters relating to information processing; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans and directs the activities of the Information Processing

Service, with an establishment of over 200 military and

civilian employees engaged in computer systems analysis and

programming, information processing operations, data communi­cations operations and administrative support services, and

using large mainframe computers and extensive. peripheral,

auxiliary and data communications equipment installations,

to ensure the efficient and economical use of staff and

equipment of the Information Processing Service

-    by determining workload requirements and available

information processing resources through liaison with

military and departmental user officials, and discussions

with subordinate supervisors,

-    by developing forecasts of staff and equipment require­ments,

-    by developing administrative and operational procedures

for the provision of information processing services,

-    by undertaking, or authorizing commitments to provide

information processing services,

-    by authorizing the development and implementation of

information processing systems and establishing priori­

ties and completion deadlines for major applications,




of Time

-    by developing and implementing procedures for the

recording and review of proven techniques, completed

programs, and utility routines to facilitate their

identification, assessment and use in the development

of new applications,

-    by assessing administrative and technological innovations

in information processing and authorizing the adaptation

of new procedures or recommending the acquisition or

rental of new equipment,

-    by participating in the training of programmers and

analysts, and

-    by reviewing production, progress and administrative

reports to ensure that production and quality standards

are maintained and to assess the performance of super­visory staff.


Advises user officials, colleagues and senior officials in

the armed services, the Department and other government

departments on the use and development of information

processing resources, to assist users of information process­

ing services in obtaining maximum benefits from information


-    by developing and recommending changes to information

requirements of users to improve the technical or

economic feasibility of applications,

-    by reviewing administrative and operating procedures

and practices to determine methods of improving efficiency

or economy in the provision of information processing


-    by providing information on costs, capabilities,

requirements and benefits of information processing

services, and

-    by participating in discussions of military, departmental

and interdepartmental committees concerned with the

planning of information processing services.


Performs other related duties, such as participating in the

selection, assessment and discipline of staff, preparing

memoranda, correspondence and reports, and participating in

departmental management meetings, briefings and committees.







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a good knowledge of the capacities and

capabilities of information processing and data communications

equipment, of the organization, functions and information

processing requirements of the Materiel Command, and of the

organization and operations of the Canadian Armed Forces

and the Department of National Defence. It also requires a

good knowledge of military, departmental and government

policies and practices that affect the administration of

information processing services and a general knowledge of

the technical aspects of military logistics and operations

research. Skill in the planning, direction and co-ordination

of large, complex information processing and data communica­

tions operations, the development and provision of advice,

and the supervision and development of staff are required.

This knowledge and skill are normally acquired through

university graduation and 11 years of progressively responsible

administrative experience, including experience in information




Knowledge - Continuing Study

Continuing study of military and departmental publications,

policy directives, and military and information processing

texts, journals and periodicals is required, as well as

consultations with manufacturers and attendance at various

conferences, seminars and training courses, to maintain an

awareness of trends and developments in Canadian military

operations, military logistics and administration, and

implementation processing administration and technology.



Decision Making

The work involves the planning, administration and co-ordina­

tion of the information processing services supporting

armed forces materiel supply programs in Canada and foreign

countries. The work also requires the provision of advice

and information to senior military and government officials

on matters relating to the administration and development

of information processing services. Decisions affect the

commitment and use of extensive information processing and

data communications equipment installations, the use and






development of staff, and the amount and nature of information

processing services available to users. Recommendations

and advice influence management decisions on the use and

development of information processing services and the

implementation of information processing policies in Materiel

Command Headquarters and outside departments. Recommendations

within Materiel Command also influence the acquisition,

leasing and use of equipment and the assignment and training

of staff. Errors in judgment can adversely affect the

efficiency and economy of information processing operations

servicing military supply and inventory management programs.

Recommendations are made to military and civilian colleagues

and superiors at the senior administrative level.



The work requires contacts with users to undertake, plan

and co-ordinate information processing applications and

with superiors and colleagues to resolve administrative and

technical problems and to plan the development of information

processing services. Contacts are also maintained with

manufacturers and officials of other information processing

organizations to obtain and provide information on techno­

logical and administrative developments.




The work requires supervision and direction of 226 military

and civilian employees engaged in the development of informa­tion processing systems and the operation of information

processing and data communications equipment, through three

subordinate supervisors. Employees supervised are at the

senior, intermediate and junior levels of the administrative

and foreign service and administrative support categories

and at equivalent levels in the military service. Supervisory

duties include participation in the selection, training,

assessment and discipline of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 12

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Head, Computer and

Communications Centre

Point Rating: 521


Under the general supervision of the Chief Regional Forecasts, performs the following duties:

Manages the operation of the Edmonton computer and communication centre; maintenance of manufacturer supplied multiprogramming, real-time operating system software; design and implementation of modifications and enhancements to the hardware and software components of the system to meet new requirements for computer service and access and to improve the general operating efficiency of the in-house facility; technical consultation to programmers, scientists, technical specialists and regional management on all aspects of computer operating system software design, and implementation, machine assembler and systems level languages, and the application of computer systems technology to research projects; participates as project leader on systems development projects undertaken in the Region; evaluation of computers and peripheral equipment as part of existing and proposed configurations; liaison with suppliers of computer systems, communication products and outside government and non­government agencies; evaluation of equipment and system malfunctions requiring remedial action and/or notification of the appropriate service personnel; and training for users in command languages and procedures for batch and real-time access.


% of Time

Manages the operation of the Edmonton computer and communication center

-    by planning, directing and controlling, all systems

and operational activities in the units,

-    by supervising systems analysts and the senior communi­cator,

-    by establishing local standards for efficient utiliza­tion of

     computer facility,

-    by establishing directives and procedures for effective

day to day operation of the computer and communication


-    by preparing specifications and monitoring contracts

for computer maintenance, hardware and software

acquisi­tions, communications and supplies,



% of Time

-    by participating in budget preparation and control

related to computer systems and all operations, of the


-    by preparing annual information processing reports,

quarterly information processing activity status

reports, budget and operational plans related to

computer and communication activities,

-    by monitoring and tuning system performance to maximize

system efficiency and user convenience in response to

varying work configurations and loads,

-    by ensuring that automatic procedures for system

re-initialization after system crashes or shutdown

function well and that operators are properly trained

to effect successful re-initialization,

-    by doing appraisals and participating on review committee

for the subordinate staff, participating on rating

boards, and

-    by participating in Forecast management meetings.


Maintains manufacturer-supplied multiprogramming, real-time

operating system software

-    by configuring software systems to requirements of

installed hardware and operations procedures, using

modules supplied by the manufacturer and other depart­

mental sources,

-    by verifying that performance is consistent with


-    by updating the operating system by incorporating

corrective code supplied by the manufacturer and other

departmental sources, and

-    by diagnosing faults in software and designing,

     imple­menting and testing corrective code, or advising

manufacturer of same and suggesting corrective code

through manufacturers' technical support channels.


Designs and implements modifications and enhancements to

the hardware and software components of the system to meet

new requirements for computer service and access, imposed

by changing functional requirements and to improve the

general operating efficiency of the in-house facility

-    by recognizing deficiencies in respect to new operational

requirements and to existing operating procedures,

-    by evaluating alternative solutions,

-    by designing and coding new software modules, using

assembly and higher level languages,



% of Time

-    by specifying and implementing new hardware and configur­ations,

-    by testing these modifications and enhancements in a

complex 24 hour per day concurrent operations environment,


-    by assigning specific design, coding and debugging

tasks to a systems programmer.


Provides technical consultation to programmers, scientists,

technical specialists and regional management on all aspects

of computer operating system software design, and implementa­tion, machine, assembler and systems level languages, and

the application of computer systems technology to research


-    by maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of the design

concepts, implementation, and performance of all

systems in use,

-    by maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of information

being communicated, so that all relevant information

can be made available to the professional and technical


-    by understanding and providing optimizations for local


-    by suggesting new applications of computer technology

in users' research projects,

-    by providing advice to users in program design and

debugging, and

-    by ensuring that a systems programmer is conversant

with the commonly used systems, and that users have

access to the incumbent for consulting purposes.


Participates as project leader on local systems development


-    by carrying out, as leader or member of systems project

group, design, development and documentation of systems

software related to the computerized production system,

-    by developing and implementing enhancements to the

system software,

-    by producing and refining documentation of the

     implemen­tation requirements and procedures for approved

     systems projects,

-    by distributing and assisting in implementation of

systems project results in other regional offices,

-    by evaluating suggestions for modifications and imple­menting

     if desirable,



% of Time

-    by testing system project results,

-    by maintaining up-to-date knowledge of remote systems

software to ensure effectiveness of distributed system

and other systems projects, and

-    by evaluating manufacturers enhancements to their

distributed system software to ensure that there is an

advantage in maintaining our own software.


Evaluates computers and peripheral equipment as part of

existing and proposed configurations

-    by studying technical literature to obtain equipment

performance specifications,

-    by conducting studies of relative performance of

different equipment configurations, for whole machines,

complete subsystems and incremental changes,

-    by obtaining opinions of users at other installations

who have experience with the same or similar equipment

to that proposed,

-    by participating in benchmark studies on a variety of

alternative equipment,

-    by recommending to management the optimal configuration

to enhance system performance and user acceptability,

-    by providing specifications for the acquisition of


-    by assigning specific evaluation and information

gathering tasks to a systems programmer, and

-    by considering long-range goals of the Service and

relevant departmental policy.


Liaises with suppliers of computer systems, communication

products, computer related products, and outside government

and non-government agencies to acquire technical information

on state-of-the-art hardware and software

-    by written, personal and telephone communication with

manufacturers' marketing and technical representatives,

as well as other personnel with related interests,

-    by membership in and communication with manufacturers'

users groups,

-    by technical liaison visits to manufacturers and

outside agencies, and

-    by attendance at conferences and seminars.


Evaluates equipment and system malfunctions requiring

remedial action and/or notification of the appropriate

service personnel



of Time


-    by responding to operating system error messages,

operator or user queries,

-    by adjusting hardware configuration in emergencies in

order to support the 24 hour operational needs,

-    by performing diagnostic tests where and when

     appropri­ate, and

-    by notifying service personnel, if necessary, and

monitoring their progress in fault isolation and



Provides training for users in command languages and procedures

for batch and real-time access

-    by giving informal seminars on existing, modified, or

enhanced system features,

-    by demonstrating the use of remote batch terminals,

time-sharing terminals and other remote communications


-    by assisting users with specific problems relating to

computer system access and procedures, and

-    by preparing documentation for existing, modified, or

enhanced system features as nearly coincident as

possible with the release of the associated system







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires an in-depth knowledge of the design

principles and programming techniques used in computer

operating systems, the logical functioning of computer

hardware mainframe and peripheral equipment and the external

specifications of language processors and utilities, for

all sizes of computers. Familiarity with manufacturers'

procedures for maintaining their operating systems is

required, as is the ability to communicate effectively,

both orally and in writing, in technical subjects. Good

knowledge of management and supervising techniques is

essential. A knowledge of the organization's functional

aims is required to better anticipate user requirements and

to forecast the impact of proposed system changes on users.

This is necessary to ensure efficient implementation of

systems. Extensive experience in working at the highest

level of technical competence in projects requiring sophisti­cated and complex operating system design and programming

techniques must be demonstrated. This should include work






in several areas of specialization, e.g. input/output

drivers, inter-computer communications, and graphics.

Furthermore, extensive experience with a multiprogramming,

real-time operating system on mini computers is required.

Experience in communications protocols and local specialized

equipment as well as information format and content is

essential. This knowledge and experience is normally

acquired through university graduation in science/engineering/

computer science or equivalent in a related discipline and

six years' experience in computer programming in high level

languages and assembly languages, systems analysis and

software design, at least half of which pertained directly

to multiprogramming real-time mini computer systems.


Knowledge - Continuing Study

This position requires a knowledge of trends and developments

in applications and programming of mini-computers and

technological advances in hardware and software systems.

Knowledge of the physical sciences and familiarity with the

operational requirements to support regional functions is

required to ensure that the unit continues to meet the

real-time operational needs. Knowledge and study of the

scientific objectives of each project is essential. This

knowledge is acquired through personal contacts with peers,

manufacturers, and users groups, study of manufacturers'

literature, technical and scientific journals and periodicals,

and attendance at seminars, conferences and training courses.



Decision Making

The work requires sound judgment in proposing and selecting

alternative solutions to complex technical problems in

computer systems technology, including quick diagnosis and

solution of system software and hardware problems, and

decisions relating to performance and operational enhance­ments. Computer downtime or degraded user access must be

minimized because of the 24 hour operation. The computer

system is an integral part of critical regional operations.

Any hardware failure must be countered by an appropriate

action as quickly as possible. Recovery action is nearly

always required before the remedial manufacturer support

can arrive. Regional numerical models and other aids run

on the computer are a high priority in regional operations.

Recommendations are made to management pertaining to in-house,

central computer reconfiguration, auxiliary equipment






selection, outside communications facilities selection and

software selection. These recommendations strongly influence

the cost effectiveness of the use of unit hardware resources

valued at over $750,000. Participation in financial manage­ment, planning and reporting is essential to ensure effective

and efficient operations.



The work requires daily contacts with programmers, working

level scientists, and technical staff in the computer user

community to resolve technical problems and provide consulta­tion. Frequent contacts are made with manufacturers' sales

and technical representatives to acquire technical information

and resolve problems in applying their products. Contacts

with staff of other departmental computing and communications

centers and non-government agencies are made periodically

as are briefings to management in areas of the incumbent's

special competence.




The work requires the direct supervision of five systems

analysts/programmers as well as eight staff members involved

in computer/communication operation through a subordinate

supervisor. The latter is a 24 hour operation. The

responsi­bilities include assignment of work, performance evaluation, training and recommendation of advancement or disciplinary






Bench-mark Position Number: 13

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Head, Information Processing

Hardware Service

Point Rating: 605


Under the general direction of the Chief, Software/Hardware Division, plans, controls and directs the activities of the Hardware Services Section; directs the planning, configuration, evaluation, selection, acquisition and monitoring of Computer Systems Hardware; directs the evaluation, selection and acquisition of data conversion/data entry and information processing related equipment; directs the acquisition of Data Communications Network facilities, to meet the needs of the Department; provides an advisory service' to senior management on hardware and network components; manages a staff of up to five analysts and five consultants in a matrix organization; and performs other duties.


% of Time

Plans, controls and directs the activities of the Hardware

Services Section engaged in the planning, configuration,

evaluation, selection, acquisition and monitoring of Computer

Systems Hardware, Data Conversion/Data Entry and other

information processing related equipment, the acquisition

of Data Communications Network facilities, and provides

information processing advisory and training services, to

meet the needs of the Department in an efficient and

effective manner:

(Computer Systems Hardware encompasses ALL Information

Processing (EDP) equipment from computer mainframes to

terminals, including items such as: disk drives, tape

drives, printer systems, data communications hardware, and

other peripherals.)

-    by participating in the planning, with the Division

Chief and other officers, the long range information

processing needs of the Department,

-    by developing work plans and priorities (up to) four

senior hardware/planning analysts, and one hardware/

planning analyst.

-    by selecting and managing (up to) five senior consul­tants

     on a project management basis,



% of Time

-    by setting objectives for senior analysts and consul­tants

    in the planning, configuration, evaluation,

selection, acquisition and monitoring of computer

systems hardware, data conversion/data entry and other

information processing related equipment,

-    by setting objectives for senior analysts in the

research, development, preparation and submission of

information processing hardware reports to the Department

and Central Agencies, (i.e.: Treasury Board and

Supply and Services Canada),

-    by allocation of tasks to senior analysts and consultants

and ensuring timely completion,

-    by establishing terms of reference and developing and

enforcing appropriate procedures for the orderly

provision of services by the Section, and

-    by conducting the activities of the Section in accordance

with and within the directives and guidelines contained

in the Treasury Board Administrative Policy Manual

Chapter 440 regarding Information Processing.


Directs the planning, configuration, evaluation, selection,

acquisition and monitoring of Computer Systems Hardware to

ensure that the Department's needs are met in an efficient

and effective manner:

-    by establishing and maintaining an up-to-date knowledge

of the computer systems hardware industry,

-    by developing and maintaining long-range procurement

plans for the acquisition of information processing

systems hardware, and effective equipment maintenance/

repair services,

-    by reviewing requests affecting computer systems

hardware configurations and acquisitions and recommending

appropriate courses of action,

-    by planning and directing the conduct of tenders,

Request for Proposal, and contract terms and conditions

for the acquisition of computer systems hardware and

maintenance/repair services,

-    by co-ordinating the preparation and development of

requirement specifications for information processing

systems hardware required, for manufacturers and


-    by directing the preparation and execution of benchmark

methodologies and procedures in order to assess the

technical and economic effectiveness of manufacturer/

supplier proposals, and actual hardware attributes,

r1aim-, and nerformance.



% of Time

-    by analyzing the results of evaluations, benchmark and

performance reviews and recommending to senior manage­ment,

the acquisition/modification/termination of

hardware and maintenance/repair services,

-    by initiating the approved acquisition/modification/

termination process, and ensuring that the required

activities are performed, and documentation prepared

in accordance with acceptable and established Department

/DSS/Treasury Board guidelines, directives and procedures,

-    by constantly monitoring performance reports, both

technical and financial, of manufacturer/supplier

hardware, and maintenance/repair services, to ensure

compliance with contractual agreements,

-    by establishing and maintaining an up-to-date knowledge

of current information processing policies and directives

affecting the acquisition and application of computer

systems hardware and equipment maintenance, and

-    by serving as an information processing advisor inthe

selection and use of computer systems hardware and

equipment maintenance/ repair services.


Directs the evaluation, selection and acquisition of data

conversion/data entry and other information processing

related equipment. (i.e. CADE 1900 and Key Edit System):

-    by meeting with officials from the various manufacturers/

suppliers to explain Department requirements and to

ascertain what the manufacturers/suppliers can provide,

-    by setting standards for senior analysts to follow in

evaluating and monitoring the manufacturers/suppliers'


-    by ensuring the preparation and running of comprehensive

benchmarks on proposed/selected equipment,

-    by overseeing the analysis of benchmark results, and

the maintenance of records of various equipment

capabilities and costs,

-    by discussing equipment selection with senior analysts

in Software/Hardware Division and Information Systems


-    by endorsing recommendations for the selection of

equipment and confirming/clarifying the terms and

conditions of Purchase/Rental/Maintenance and other

services, and

-    by establishing equipment monitoring procedures and

activities to ensure that equipment systems continue

to meet Department needs, and that timely compatible



% of Time

data conversion/data entry media are available for the

ever changing field of computer systems hardware and

other information processing related equipment.


Directs the acquisition of Data Communications Network


-    by interpreting requirements and discussing needs with

the Head, Data Communications Software Section,

-    determining availabilities of lines and services from

common carriers (i.e.: CN/CP, Bell),

-    establishing effective deliveries and hook-up for

hardware. (i.e.: modems, switches, cables, adapters),


-    ensuring acquisition, contracting, and approval documen­tation

    is properly effected.


Provides an advisory service to senior management on informa-

tion processing hardware and network components:

-    by participating in meetings with suppliers and manage­-

ment to determine requirements and offerings,

-    by analyzing requests for facilities and services and

recommending appropriate courses of action,

-    by liaising with senior management at NHQ and the

Regions in the development of plans and acquisitions,

-    by participating in Software/Hardware Division and

Information Systems Directorate meetings to determine

problems with hardware and network components presently

in use, and to explain new equipment and services that

will be available,

-    by evaluating hardware and data communications services

to advise management on their effectiveness,

-    by preparing plans for the introduction or integration

of new/proposed/upgraded/existing information processing

Hardware, equipment and/or components,

-    by participating in information processing Hardware

Review committees to recommend courses of action in

information processing Hardware matters,

-    by recommending improvements in policies, procedures

and standards, and

-    by participating on Steering Committees involved in

Systems and information processing Hardware matters.


Provides for and may participate in technical training on

Hardware and Network components to systems users.



 % of Time


Acquires and maintains an up-to-date knowledge of new

developments in information processing equipment by attend­ance at Computer Conferences, presentations by vendors, and

suppliers' demonstrations, and continuing study of texts,

journals and periodicals.


Manages a staff of up to five analysts and five consultants

in a matrix organization:

-    by assigning projects and reviewing work performance,

recommending where necessary and applicable, re-assign­ment, or dismissal, and

-    by participating in appraisal and staffing Boards.



Performs other duties such as:

-    preparing memoranda, correspondence and reports associ­ated with

     all aspects of information processing Hardware

services and administration,

-    participating in the negotiations of external contract

services for consultants,

-    acting as the Hardware Services Section liaison with

other branch members in matters of mutual liaison,

-    representing Department on inter-governmental committees

such as: Government EDP Standards, and

-    investigates information processing plans, policies,

programmes and trends of other organizations and

levels of government at national and international

levels in the area of information processing systems

and Hardware technology to determine their significance

and applicability within the Department.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

Knowledge is required of governmental and departmental

policies and regulations related to information processing

installations. More specifically, the work requires a

thorough understanding of departmental programs and organi­zation, projected workload volumes, and types of work to be

handled, in order to recommend the most suitable information

processing hardware and communications systems. The position

incumbent must be knowledgeable in the areas of budgeting

and fiscal planning, to recognize monetary restraints and

to balance equipment performance against potential cost to

plan for maximum cost economy. The work requires a detailed






knowledge of practices and techniques related to information

processing hardware, communications, environment, and

security. It also requires a thorough knowledge of the

basic technical aspects of computer systems, including

necessary interrelationships between hardware, software,

and applications. Experience is required in the procurement,

installation and implementation, and the evaluation of

equipment and systems in the areas of hardware, communications

and environment. The position incumbent is required to

lead a section of up to 11 highly technical personnel in

three specialty groups, assigning and critiquing the work

of the Section, as well as providing technical advice and

guidance. The position incumbent must coordinate the work

of the Section with that of applications and software

specialists: therefore, an appreciation of the requirements

and priorities of these areas is a pre-requisite. This

skill and knowledge is normally acquired through university

graduation in computer systems and eight years experience

in a range of information processing Specialty areas (hardware,

software, communications, security, environment).


Knowledge - Continuing Study

Continuing study is required of texts, journals, periodicals

and manufacturers' literature to maintain an awareness of

trends and developments in information processing. The

position's research is particularly concentrated in the

areas of hardware, communications and environmental support

equipment and techniques, but an appreciation of developments

in software is a pre-requisite to planning for information

processing hardware. Consultations with suppliers and

manufacturers and with colleagues at similar installations

in government and industry is essential, as is attendance

at industry-sponsored demonstrations and conferences. The

position must continually review departmental objectives

and policies e.g. increased emphasis on security of data in

information processing files generates study into specialized

security equipment and techniques.



Decision Making

The position is effectively the departmental expert on

information processing hardware, communications, and environ­

mental support. Recommendations are made to the Chief,

System Hardware/Software Service in the areas of procurement

and contract administration, planning for site and equipment






configurations, and security for a Head Office information

processing installation. Similar recommendations are made

to management in the regions as computer installations are

established in each. Finally, the position participates as

hardware specialist on inter-divisional committees with

applications and software specialists to plan major procure­ment and long-range development of equipment and systems,

for approval by the Systems Directorate and senior Operations

Management. Decisions made on a daily basis affect the

timely maintenance of hardware and environmental equipment

and, subsequently, the loss of computer time to problem­

solving and testing exercises. Errors in judgment can

quickly cost many thousands of dollars in lost computer

time, damaged equipment, and the salaries of operators and

system users. Security of information is a major departmental

priority and recommendations as to physical security are

made by this position. Finally, the position is responsible

for the fire and emergency measures which affect the lives

of operators and the preservation of valuable equipment.



The work requires representing the department at formal

meetings with suppliers to enforce contractually stipulated

levels of service, with authority to terminate the contract.

Particularly sensitive negotiations are required to ensure

satisfactory security measures are employed by common

carriers. Further negotiations involve planned, non-tendered

procurement and participation as a team member in major

negotiations. The work also requires frequent contact with

senior officials of industry to obtain information on

technological or administrative developments. Contacts are

made with other government departments, private industry

and educational institutions for lectures and other





The work requires the direct supervision of the Supervisor,

Hardware Administration, Supervisor, Communications

Administration, Supervisor, Environment Administration and

the 2 assistants, Hardware Administration.





Bench-mark Position Number: 14


Descriptive Title: Head, Systems Analysis and

Programming Section, Central

Computer Division

Point Rating: 686


Under the direction of the Chief, Central Computer Division, directs the activities of a Computer Systems Analysis and Programming Section, in which 30 computer systems analysts, programmers and clerks are employed in the development and maintenance of applications for processing data of public service pay and annuities and accounts payable, and the preparation of financial statements, using large mainframe computers; provides information and advice to senior officials of the Central Services Branch and user departments; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Directs the activities of the Computer Systems Analysis and

Programming Section engaged in developing and revising

information processing systems and computer programs for

mass data applications such as the issue of public service

pay, superannuation and accounts payable cheques, the

accounting for such payments, and the preparation of finan­cial statements for departmental users

-    by reviewing information requirements with officials

of the department and user departments, and negotiating

changes required to achieve economies and to conform

to directives defining the responsibilities and the

limitations on the activities of the Central Computer


-    by allocating assignments to and co-ordinating the

work of systems analysts and programmers in four

project teams, to meet changing workloads and to

ensure the full use and development of staff,

-    by establishing and implementing guide-lines and

documentation standards to be followed in planning

applications, and by advising project leaders on

methods of resolving technical problems in analysis

and programming,

-    by developing work measurement standards and implement­ing

     follow-up procedures to assure that priorities and

      deadlines are met,



% of Time


-    by reviewing the reports and recommendations of systems

analysts to determine the technical and economic

feasibility of proposed applications and to authorize

development and programming activities, and

-    by establishing and implementing procedures to ensure

the validity and accuracy of input data and the confor­

mity of processing operations and output to user



Provides information and advice to senior officials of the

Central Services Branch and user departments to assist in

the development of long- and short-range plans for the use

of information processing services

-    by explaining the capabilities, limitations and costs

of the systems analysis and programming services

available in the Section and of the information process­

ing facilities within and outside the Central Services


-    by participating in reviews of the use of the facilities

of the Central Computer Division and of the adequacy

of staff and equipment resources in relation to forecast

requirements for information processing services,

-    by recommending changes in numbers, classifications

and assignments of systems analysis and programming

staff, and

-    by compiling information on and assessing developments

in systems analysis and programming techniques and

information processing equipment.

Performs other related duties, such as directing the develop­ment and maintenance of utility routines and directing the

training and development of computer systems analysts and









Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computer systems

analysis and programming techniques and practices and of

the capabilities and capacities of information processing

equipment. It also requires a good knowledge of the

organiza­tion, methods and procedures, and requirements of the

divisions of the Central Services Branch, the department

and departments served. Skill is required in supervising

staff, planning and co-ordinating the activities of project






teams, and participating in the determination of staff and

equipment requirements. This knowledge and skill are

normally gained through university graduation and eight

years of progressively responsible experience in computer

systems analysis, programming and administration.


Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires knowledge of trends and developments in

computer systems planning and programming techniques and in

computing devices and services, gained through continuing

study of texts, manuals and periodicals and attendance at

courses and seminars. It also requires continuing study of

departmental reports and directives to ensure understanding

of the objectives and the accounting and other requirements

of user units.



Decision Making

The work requires the exercise of judgment, initiative and

discretion in recommending that the section undertake the

development of applications and in evaluating alternative

systems and methods. Decisions made on the assignment of

work to project teams and priorities affect the ability of

the section to meet requirements of users. Standards

governing work methods, documentation and production affect

the efficiency and economy with which extensive information

processing facilities are used on three shifts. Errors in

judgement may adversely affect the efficiency and economy

of computer applications controlling the preparation of

cheques issued to large numbers of employees and suppliers,

and the financial information required by the department

and a number of departments for budgeting, cash forecast

and fiscal accounting purposes.




The work requires contacts with user officials in the

Central Services Branch,. the department, and departments to

determine computer systems analysis and programming require­

ments and to identify priorities and deadlines. Contacts

may require persuading user officials to modify information

requirements and the form and content of input data.







The work requires the supervision of 30 computer systems

analysts, programmers and clerks at the intermediate and

junior levels of the administrative and foreign service

and administrative support categories. Supervisory duties

include selection, training, assignment and assessment of






Bench-mark Position Number: 15

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Information Processing

Facilities Planner

Point Rating:  458


Under the direction of the Section Chief, Systems Planning and Research Division, co-ordinates studies of the current and projected use of the departmental information processing facilities; assists in the testing of new computer systems; provides technical support to department user organizations and technical advice to senior department management; periodically supervises a project team of assigned systems analysts and performs other duties.


% of Time

Co-ordinates studies to determine the current and future

use of departmental information processing facilities

either individually or as the head of a project team

-    by measuring the existing system parameters through

the use of hardware and/or software monitors, system

logs, test drivers, and other performance measurement


-    by projecting the results of measurement studies to

determine the effects of new systems and/or changes to

existing systems,

-    by identifying ways of improving the systems and

equipment used by the department,

-    by developing and using computer simulation models of

automated and manual systems,

-    by preparing project team work plans and forecasts,

-    by assigning project responsibilities,

-    by coordinating the activities of a project team, and

-    by reviewing assigned work. and activities.


Devises new methods and techniques for assessing the performance of systems and equipment

-    by studying and reviewing technical publications,

-    by meeting with users both within and outside of the

government, and

-    by attending seminars and training courses.



% of Time

Researches methods and techniques for use in the information

processing measurement, performance and simulation activities

-    by examining and reviewing new projects and services

as they become available,

-    by preparing and disseminating reports on results of

studies to other departmental groups concerned with

      information processing acquisitions and systems develop­ment,

-    by maintaining contact with suppliers and consultants

who are active in this area, and

-    by maintaining membership in technical and user groups.


Assists in the testing of new computer programs

-    by designing drivers, bench-marks and other test


-    by preparing test files, in co-operation with users,

for operation with such test vehicles, and

-    by researching test vehicles prepared by others.


Provides technical support to department user organizations

-    by responding to requests for simulation modeling of

automated and manual systems, computer load forecasting,

and systems/application sizing, and

-    by co-operating with other sections in studies that

require such services.


Provides technical advice to senior department management

on their current systems capacity and on the possibility or

desirability of systems additions or modifications

-    by participating in meetings and discussions concerning

the departmental use of information processing facilities

and the planning of new projects.


Performs other duties such as

-    monitoring current departmental operations and require­ments,

-    maintaining a broad knowledge of the information

processing field through study and training,

-    participating in equipment evaluation studies, and



% of Time


-    allocating work assignments to project teams to ensure

the timely completion of studies and the development

of staff, and making recommendations to the Section

Chief, in the areas of performance, training, leave,

and discipline.





Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of information

processing technology, hardware and software, systems

measurement and modelling techniques, knowledge of real

time computer capabilities, and experience in the analysis

or measurement of information processing systems, computer

systems design, equipment evaluation, systems implementation,

and report writing. This knowledge is normally acquired

through university graduation and six years of experience

in the management of computer applications, or through

secondary school graduation and extensive experience in

systems analysis and software fabrication.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of departmental directives

and manuals, texts, journals and periodicals, and attendance

at government and industrially sponsored training courses,

to maintain an awareness of departmental information process­ing requirements, and of trends and developments in analysis

and computer technology.



Decision Making

The exercise of tact, judgment, initiative and discretion

is required in the conduct of simulation and measurement

studies, the dissemination of system measurement and modeling

data, the testing of new systems and the provision of

advice to user officials. Decisions are made on the scope

and depth of studies to be undertaken and on the methods,

procedures, and tools to be used in the performance measure­ment and simulation activities. Recommendations are made

on the feasibility and desirability of proposed system

changes or additions, hardware selections, and machine

configurations, and on methods for optimizing current and

projected future systems performance and utilization.






Errors in judgment can result in inefficient or uneconomic

use of departmental information processing resources, and

can adversely affect the completion of computer applications

relating to administrative functions. Recommendations are

made to the Section Chief and to user officials.



The work requires contacts with analysts, programmers,

superiors, and officials of departmental user units in the

planning and development of computer systems and the conduct

of measurement and performance studies of proposed computer

applications. It also requires contacts with manufacturers,

other researchers, colleagues, and other officials in

outside organizations to provide and obtain information

relating to computer systems measurement and information

processing techniques and practices.




The work requires periodic supervision of a project team of

assigned systems analysts, including the scheduling and

allocation of work assignments, to meet deadlines and

provide for the development of staff. The incumbent makes

recommendations to the Section Chief in the areas of work

performance, training leave, and disciplinary action.





Bench-mark Position Number: 16

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Programmer-Analyst,

Information Processing

Applications Section

Point Rating: 383


Under supervision, develops systems proposals, estimates the cost of analysis, programming and processing services and designs information processing systems for departments and agencies requesting service; programs, tests and documents applications; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Develops systems proposals, estimates the cost of analysis,

programming and processing services, and designs specific

systems where exhaustive analysis is not required, for a

wide variety of applications using large mainframe computers

and peripheral equipment, for departments and agencies

requesting services

-    by discussing the objectives and requirements of the

programs, the availability of data, and existing

methods of processing with officials of the client


-    by determining, through experimental flow charting and

consideration of the capabilities of various computer

facilities, the most efficient and economical methods

of meeting information requirements of clients,

-    by estimating the person-hours required for computer

systems development, programming and processing, and

calculating the application costs at established


-    by submitting the systems proposals and cost estimates

for approval of the Chief of Departmental Applications,

-    by examining in detail input data and output requirements

for assigned projects to clarify specifications and

identify required revisions to clients' input forms,


-    by designing flow charts and general block diagrams to

depict and specify required equipment configurations,

processing operations and required input and output




% of Time


Develops programs for processing on departmental or commercial


-    by designing detailed diagrams to indicate the logical

steps and decisions that provide for all conditions

likely to arise in processing information,

-    by writing instructions in symbolic and higher languages,

utilizing standard instructions to call for the use of

utility routines,

-    by selecting and incorporating available software

programs to save programming time and reduce the

possibility of error,

-    by writing instructions, usually in standard format,

for key punching and machine set-up operations to

ensure that they conform with the systems design,

-    by testing instructions, using simulated data and

constructing volume tests of real data, to identify

and correct errors in programs, and

-    by assembling specifications, flow charts, diagrams,

layouts, and programming and operating instructions to

document applications for later modification or reference.



Performs other related duties, such as maintaining job-time

records to relate progress of jobs to time and cost budgets

and collecting, discussing and exchanging information to

solve analysis and programming problems.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a good knowledge of the components and

capabilities of various electronic computer systems,, a good

knowledge of systems analysis techniques and a thorough

knowledge of programming. It also requires skill in the

planning and conduct of detailed studies on a variety of

subject matter, often in co-operation with departmental

officials unfamiliar with computer operations. The work

requires skill in communicating and establishing effective

working relations with officials of departments and agencies.

This knowledge and skill are normally acquired through the

completion of secondary school education and five years of

progressively responsible experience in computer systems

programming and analysis.






Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires a knowledge of trends and developments in

computer systems programming and analysis for a variety of

computer systems, gained by reading equipment manuals,

texts, journals and periodicals and attending government

and industry-sponsored training courses.



Decision Making

The work requires the identification of information processing

problems and development of the most economical and effective

ways of solving them. Solutions must take into account the

requirements of the client department and the capabilities

and costs of alternative information processing systems.

The work requires selection and modification of established

analysis and programming techniques. Recommendations and

cost estimates are subject to supervisory approval. Decisions

affect the satisfaction of information requirements of

clients, and errors in estimating the time required and the

costs quoted to departments may result in operating losses

to the department.




The work requires frequent contacts with senior officials

of client departments to discuss information processing

objectives and requirements, to advise on computer methods

and capabilities and to obtain the information needed to

develop and implement computer systems.




The work does not require the supervision of staff.





Bench-mark Position Number: 17

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Project Leader

Point Rating: 551


Under the direction of the Chief, Systems Analysis Group, plans and directs

the work of a team of four computer systems analysts engaged in the conduct of feasibility studies of proposed computer applications and the planning and development of computer systems for departmental mass data applications; advises departmental user officials on information processing matters; conducts feasibility studies and carries out computer systems analysis assignments; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Supervises the work of a team of four computer systems

analysts engaged in carrying out studies to determine the

feasibility of proposed applications and planning computer

systems for large mainframe computers and extensive peripheral

equipment, to ensure the efficient completion of team

assignments, the economical satisfaction of information

requirements of users and the effective use and development

of subordinate analysts

-    by defining objectives, priorities and deadlines,

-    by assigning project responsibilities in keeping with

the abilities and experience requirements of subordi­nates,

-    by co-ordinating the work of team members to ensure

continuity of systems components and avoid duplication

of effort,

-    by co-ordinating the development of computer systems

with concurrent projects of other teams and programming

activities, and the adaptation of established techniques

and methods by subordinate analysts,

-    by advising project team members on problems, and

-    by reviewing completed work assignments to ensure

conformity to technical and procedural standards and

to assess staff performance.


Conducts feasibility studies of proposed computer applications

and carries out computer systems planning and development

assignments, as the senior analyst on a project team or

working independently on ad hoc assignments.



% of Time


Advises departmental user officials on available information

processing services, required input formats, and procedures

for the integration and co-ordination of manual and automated

information processing operations, on the basis of own

experience and information obtained from colleagues, superiors

and subordinate analysts, to assist users in obtaining the

maximum benefits from departmental information processing


Performs other related duties, such as writing reports and

memoranda on the terms of reference, scope, progress and

results of project team assignments and on assessments of

subordinate staff performance, and participating in the

selection of programming and analysis staff.







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computer systems

analysis practices and techniques, a good knowledge of the

capabilities and capacities of departmental information

processing facilities, and a general knowledge of the

operations and information processing requirements of

departmental user units. It also requires experience in

the analysis of information processing systems, the planning

and development of computer systems, the writing of reports

and the supervision of staff. This knowledge is normally

acquired through university graduation and six years of

progressively responsible computer systems analysis and

administration experience.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of departmental directives

and manuals, texts, journals and periodicals and attendance

at government and industry-sponsored training courses, to

maintain an awareness of departmental information processing

policies and procedures. and of trends and developments in

computer systems programming and analysis.



Decision Making

The exercise of judgement, initiative and discretion is

required in the conduct of feasibility studies of proposed

computer applications, the development of computer systems,

and the provision of advice to user officials. Decisions






are made on the selection of alternative information processing

methods and on the specification of machine configurations

and processes to accomplish information processing requirements.

Recommendations are made to undertake the development of

computer systems to meet information requirements of users

and to modify processes or requirements of users to improve

the feasibility of applications. Errors in judgment can

result in inefficient or uneconomical use of departmental

information processing resources and can adversely affect

the completion of computer applications. Recommendations

are made to the Chief of the Systems Analysis Group and to

user officials.



The work requires contacts with analysts, programmers,

superiors and officials of departmental user units to

obtain assistance in the planning and development of computer

systems and the conduct of feasibility studies of proposed

computer applications. It also requires occasional contacts

with colleagues and officials in outside organizations to

provide and obtain information relating to computer systems

analysis and information processing techniques and practices.




The work requires supervision of four computer systems

analysts, including the scheduling and allocation of work

assignments to meet deadlines and provide for the development

of staff, and the review and assessment of staff performance.





Bench-mark Position Number: 18

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Senior Analyst, Systems Software

Point Rating: 534


Under the direction of the Chief, Systems Software, develops, implements and maintains software control programs and operating systems; carries out special projects on software and hardware systems; supervises the activities of a staff of subordinate software analysts; maintains an up-to-date knowledge of the computer field with emphasis on software development; and performs other duties.


% of Time

Develops, implements and maintains software control programs

and operating systems to ensure maximum effective and

efficient utilization of computer facilities and provision

of service to meet user requirements

-    by establishing and maintaining contacts with software


-    by analyzing software packages supplied by computer

manufacturers or other suppliers and tailoring the

package to meet departmental needs,

-    by identifying and assessing errors or inadequacies in

control programs and designing modifications to overcome

the problem,

-    by studying, developing and evaluating methods of

improving the efficiency of operating systems,

-    by designing, testing and implementing new software or

modifying existing software to meet particular require­ments,

such as interface programs to assess information

produced by another computer, accounting routines, and

the control of entry of programs to the system,

-    by identifying and resolving, or assigning staff to

solve on-line problems in the operating system,

-    by recommending improvements in operating procedures

to ensure optimum utilization of software and hardware,


-    by establishing and maintaining a reporting system

that will produce statistics on the efficiency of the

operating system.



% of Time

Carries out special projects on hardware and software


-    by conducting studies into new systems that may improve

the operating system, determining feasibility and

cost/benefit and making recommendations,

-    by designing, testing and installing control programs

to facilitate operations such as communications,

magnetic tape handling and direct access usage of the

computer, and discussing installation problems with

application programmers,

-    by conducting bench-mark tests of equipment that is

being considered for procurement,

-    by carrying out research and analytical tests to

establish which features of software control systems

offered by manufacturers best meet the requirements of

the department and which features must be avoided to

prevent problems in the operating system,

-    by participating in meetings with manufacturers to

resolve contractual problems, evaluate contractor's

proposals and conducting tests on software delivered

on contract, and

-    by studying, developing and recommending improvements

in communications between remote terminals and the



Supervises the activities of a small group of software

analysts to ensure timely completion of projects and the

effective development of staff

-    by assigning work projects and checking the resulting

reports for technical content,

-    by providing advice and guidance on work assignments,

-    by establishing and maintaining standards of quality

and quantity, and

-    by assessing training needs, evaluating performance

and making recommendations to the Chief, Systems



Maintains an up-to-date knowledge of the computer field,

specifically languages, architecture, and software develop­ment by reading texts, periodicals, journals and manufac­turer's literature, by visiting manufacturer's plants and attending industry sponsored courses, and by attending meetings, seminars, workshops and formal training courses.





% of Time



Performs other duties such as giving lectures on computer

software, maintaining liaison with application programmers,

computer operations and various users, and providing technical

advice to consultants.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a sound knowledge of computer hardware

and a thorough knowledge of software systems. The work

also requires a thorough knowledge of all the basic technical

aspects of computer systems including machine languages,

compilers, and input/output systems. Experience is required

in analyzing software packages, in tailoring these packages

to meet departmental requirements, in designing software

control programs, modifying control programs and in main­taining the operating system at peak efficiency. Experience

is also required in evaluating. both hardware and software,

in establishing and maintaining professional working relations

within the department and with outside industry. This

education and experience is obtained either through secondary

school or university completion, formal training courses

and several years experience on various computers, involving

various machine languages and operations requiring extensive

tape and direct access manipulation.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires the continuing study of texts, journals,

periodicals and manufacturer's literature and of the objec­tives, specifications and systems of various information

processing installations to maintain an up-to-date knowledge

of trends in software development and of the analysis and

comparison of systems of both software and hardware. The

work also requires attending seminars, workshops, training

courses and visiting manufacturers.



Decision Making

The work requires judgment and initiative in evaluating

software packages provided by suppliers, in designing

software control programs, in seeking the most effective

and efficient methods of improving the operating system and

in carrying out research and analysis of software systems.

Initiative and judgment are also required in evaluating

proposals made by suppliers in carrying out bench-mark






programs on new equipment and in identifying and solving

critical on-line problems. Recommendations are made

regarding additions to the system, changes in operating

methods and procedures and the most suitable equipment and

control programs to meet departmental requirements. Errors

in judgment may result in modifications to the operating

system that result in increased costs and reduced efficiency,

the procurement of control programs that require extensive

modifications to meet user's needs and the acquisition of

equipment and software facilities that are unsatisfactory

on a cost/benefit basis. Errors in judgment can also

result in the introduction of procedures that result in

delays in projects and ineffective and inefficient utiliza­tion

of manpower resources.


Responsibility for Contacts

The work requires contacts with senior staff of departmental

organizations to obtain agreement with modifications to, or

changes in, the operating system and to advise on computer

capabilities and utilization. The work also requires

contacts with manufacturers to obtain information, to

outline departmental requirements and to resolve software





The work requires the supervision of up to three systems

software analysts, involves assigning work, giving advice

and guidance, checking completed work and making recommen­dations on promotion and disciplinary action.





Bench-mark Position Number: 19

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Senior Planning Officer

Point Rating: 605


Under the general direction of the Director of the Planning Division; develops short range objectives and plans related to the use of information processing resources; conducts feasibility studies involving major systems development; plans and directs the acquisition or modification of information processing equipment; advises senior departmental and other government officers on implica­tions of planned information processing applications.


% of Time

Develops short range objectives and plans to ensure efficient

use of information processing resources

-    by defining in conjunction with other specialists

standards of performance for hardware and personnel,

-    by projecting current equipment utilization and personnel

resources against known or anticipated future require­ments,

-    by preparing annual budgets of equipment expenditures,


-    by collating estimates of information processing

personnel requirements as prepared by other divisions

and commenting of the appropriateness of these estimates.


Conducts feasibility studies for such major systems develop-

ment as telecommunications network design, Public Service

pay, Canada Pension Plan, Socio-Economic payments and the


-    by conducting feasibility studies and cost benefit

analysis of particular projects,

-    by developing general systems specifications, and

-    by preparing reports and making presentations and

recommendations to clients.


Plans and directs the acquisition or modification of informa-

tion processing equipment

-    by maintaining up-to-date knowledge of the state of

development in the entire range of computing equipment

and the software associated with the equipment, in



% of Time

data communication equipment and facilities in special

conversions devices such as microfilm readers, optical

character readers and magnetic tape converters,

-    by preparing specifications for equipment acquisition,

such as Treasury Board submissions, invitations to

tender and benchmark programmes, in accordance with

the Treasury Board's guidelines,

-    by evaluating the competing suppliers' performance

against specifications, usually on the basis of benchmark

tests, and recommending, in the form of a Treasury

Board submission, a choice between alternatives, and

-    by preparing plans, and subsequently monitoring these

plans to ensure the successful installation of varied

size computer systems.


Advises senior government officers on implications of

planned information processing applications

-    by maintaining a knowledge of contemporary management

techniques such as mathematical models, simulation,

PERT/CPM, file organization and file management, etc.,

and counseling senior officers, both of this and other

departments, as to its use, and

-    by keeping abreast of the development in the ancillary

equipment field, such as envelopers, microfilming

equipment, bursters, etc., and making recommendations

as to their use.


Advises senior management on the matters relating to

information processing security

-    by being the Branch representative on the Sector

Information Processing Security Committee

-    by participating in the appraisal of the RCMP SEIT

reports, and

-    by being responsible for the implementation of the

recommendations of the SEIT reports which affect the



Is the Branch representative on matters dealing with

contingency Planning. Is responsible for the coordination

of audit report replies. Is the Branch representative on

the Services Official Languages Committee

-    by being responsible for the preparation of the annual

O/L plan for the Branch, and



% of Time


-    by co-ordinating the implementation of the O/L plan

within the Branch.

Participates in other related duties such as

-    the Public Service 'Commission's appraisal and selection

boards for computer systems administrators up to the

level of CSA-3, and

-    presenting papers, participating in panel discussion

or otherwise contributing to national or international

technical organizations including the Federal Institute

of Management, the Canadian Information Processing

Society, the Association of Computing Machinery, the

Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Data Processing

Management Association and others.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a good knowledge of all aspects of informa­-

tion processing including systems analysis and programming

practices and techniques, equipment capabilities, etc., and

a thorough knowledge of at least one of the following

subjects: computing equipment, programming and operating

systems, data file organization for storage and retrieval,

telecommunications, operations research disciplines. This

technical knowledge must be combined with a good knowledge

of management techniques, of departmental policies and

plans and resulting information processing requirements, of

branch objectives and of such subject matter areas as

accounting, pay and personnel, inventory control and socio­

economic payments. The work requires the ability to develop

short range plans and objectives, to plan and conduct

studies for major systems development and to work effectively

with client and departmental officials. This knowledge is

normally acquired through university graduation, and eight

years of closely related and progressively more responsible




Knowledge - Continuing Study

The planning officer is required to continually study new

developments in his particular field of specialization and

relate his knowledge to the needs of the branch and the

department and to contemporary management techniques. So

rapid is the rate of change in some of these disciplines






that without continuous updating, and individual's value to

the department diminishes rapidly. In developing plans and

objectives to ensure efficient use of information processing

resources, an up-to-date knowledge of all aspects of informa-­

tion processing, how they interrelate and how they relate

to management practices is required. The planning officer's

knowledge is kept current by reading technical publications

(which are totally unintelligible to a non-specialist), by

attending and participating in professional seminars and

conferences and by attending university courses.


Decision Making

Judgment and discretion are required in developing short

range plans and objectives to ensure effective use of

information processing resources, in planning and conducting

feasibility studies for major systems development such as

telecommunications network design, in planning the acquisition

or modification of information processing equipment and in

advising senior government officers on the implications of

planned information processing applications. Initial

direction is very general and it is largely up to the

planning officer to apply judgment and initiative to carry

out his assignment in the most appropriate and effective

manner. Two typical assignments are the design of a tele­-

communications network and the evaluation of competing

supplier's bids to supply a large computer system. In both

instances, the initial direction would be very general -

"What is involved in setting up a telecommunications network

to service the department?" or "Which of the competing bids

is superior?" The planning officer is then required to

plan and organize his work, in order to answer these rather

fundamental questions. The work is often innovative and

the planning officer has very little to guide him save his

knowledge and initiative. As a result of feasibility

studies, recommendations are made to develop comprehensive

computer systems. Decisions and recommendations affect the

department's overall plans for the provision of information

processing services, particularly as these plans and services

relate to the area of specialization of the planning officer.

Errors in judgment could seriously impair the department's

ability to meet its responsibilities. For example, a

poorly designed telecommunications network or a computer

system with serious faults which had not been detected

would have serious repercussions on the department's oper­-

ations. Because the work is so technical and the knowledge

so specialized, recommendations by a recognized expert in a

field are seldom questioned.







A planning officer participates in all major systems develop­-

ment in the department, either as head of the task force,

as in the cases of telecommunications network design and

computer evaluation, or as a senior member, as in the

development of the Old Age Security Automation team. The

work brings him in contact with senior officers of the

department to determine system requirements, to reach

agreement on resources required and priorities, and to

co-ordinate diverse work requirements. Often he is required

to persuade user officials as to the proper or most effective

use of hardware or personnel resources. The work also

requires a constant liaison with equipment supplier personnel,

especially at the technical level.




The duties of a planning officer do not call for direct

supervision. However, for particular projects, personnel

are seconded from other divisions and assigned to the

planning officer for the duration of that project.





Bench-mark Position Number: 20

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Senior Technical Consultant

Point Rating: 458


Under the direction of the Chief, Technical Consulting Services, provides a consulting service to the engineers, scientists and technicians of client departments on all aspects of their use of computers. Provides leadership, advice, training and a problem solving service to the department and to other departments in the application of advanced mathematical, statistical and operational research methods which require the use of computers to a wide variety of complex scientific research, development and operational problems in any number of diverse fields such as; the geological sciences, metallurgy, mining and mineral economics, seismology, mineral processing, fuels technology, geodesy, photogrammetry, geography and energy resources. May be called upon

to use any one of a number of different computers using FORTRAN and occasionally assembler programming languages.


% of Time

Analyzes requirements and designs and implements systems on

request from the users of client departments or acts as a

consultant giving advice and assistance to those scientists

who wish to undertake their own system design and implemen­tation

-    by detailed discussions with the scientists, economists

and engineers involved, determines system requirements,

-    by conducting a feasibility study of the various

possible solutions,

-    by proposing both verbally and in writing to the

clients the best way of solving their problem,

-    by reviewing with the client details of the costs

involved and recommending either implementation or

rejection as a result of the cost benefit analysis,

-    by doing a detailed analysis of each part of the


-    by specifying the objectives of each program within

the system,

-    by determining which components of the applications

software library (mathematical and statistical

subroutines or major modeling and simulation packages)

are appropriate to the problem and applying them,



% of Time

-    by reviewing the program designs suggested by assigned


-    by designing system test data,

-    by ensuring that all of the system objectives are


-    by ensuring that all parts of the system are documented,

-    by ensuring that the client is fully aware of how to

use system,

-    by writing specifications for the tendering of systems

design and programming for outside contract, evaluating

responses and making recommendations with regard to

the selection of a successful bidder, and

-    by consulting with and advising and assisting the

scientists who wish to implement their own solutions.


Manages the projects and staff under assigned control

including Technical Consultants

-    by estimating requirements for financial and manpower


-    by ensuring that work is carried out in a timely

manner and in adherence with estimated manpower and

financial costs,

-    by ensuring that project staff designs, codes and

documents according to the standards of the department,

-    by performing regular appraisals of assigned staff, and

-    by recommending to superior the training needs of the

staff assigned.


Studies the research, development and operational activities

of the client departments and keeps abreast of the latest

developments, techniques and tools available in mathematics,

statistics, operational research and computer methods,

-    by visiting and discussing with scientists and engineers

in the Department,

-    by study of departmental publications,

-    by study of the relevant technical and professional


-    by attendance at conferences and symposia,

-    by reading the relevant technical literature,

-    by attendance at seminars and conferences, and

-    by personal contact with people active in the various




% of Time


Performs research into the application of new techniques

and knowledge that he has determined merit investigation,

-    by obtaining the cooperation of scientists, engineers

and their managers to support the investigation of new


-    by implementing the new techniques on a limited scale,

-    by comparing and reporting the advantages and

disadvantages of new methods over old ones,

-    by recommending the adoption or rejection of new


-    by searching for and evaluating new mathematical and

statistical subroutines,

-    by developing new applications library routines and by

modifying or converting existing routines, and

-    by searching for, evaluating and participating in the

selection and acceptance testing of large scale modeling

or simulation software packages.



Performs other related duties, such as giving seminars on

subjects in areas of expertise, and recommending to superior

on the need for qualified staff. Attends selections boards

organized by the Public Service Commission and other

Departments for the promotion and recruitment of staff.





Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work, requires an in-depth knowledge of computer systems

analysis, programming techniques and practices and a thorough

knowledge of the capabilities and capacities of a variety

of computers and peripheral equipment. It also requires a

good knowledge of information processing resources and

procedures associated with the provision of information

processing services to users.

A thorough knowledge of advanced mathematical techniques,

such as those involved in the solution of simultaneous and

differential equations, matrix algebra and statistics is

necessary, together with the ability to learn new methods

from research papers and texts. It is essential to

communicate clearly both verbally and in writing. It is

also desirable to have an in-depth knowledge of at least

one of the specialized areas of client departments in

addition to his computing knowledge. This knowledge and

skill is usually only acquired through University graduation






in one of the physical or mathematical sciences and five

years of various and progressively responsible experiences

in computer systems programming. Finally, a general knowledge

of research methods would be considered to be useful.


Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires knowledge of trends and developments in

mathematical procedures, numerical analysis, systems analysis

and programming techniques and changes to practices and

capacities of available information processing equipment

and to be aware of trends in research. This knowledge is

normally gained by a continuing study of scientific journals,

reports, directives, texts and equipment manuals, by

attendance at Government and Industry sponsored training

courses and seminars and by direct contact with research




Decision Making

The work requires the exercise of judgment, initiative and

discretion in the analysis, design, development and imple­-

mentation of scientific applications which are poorly

defined. Suggestions are made to users on changes to their

specifications which can result in better performance.

Decisions are made on which of a number of alternate mathema­-

tical techniques is best suited to specific problems.

Recommendations are made to user officials on the feasibility

of new computer systems. Errors of judgment affect two

different areas. Firstly, a poor choice can adversely

affect the quality and efficiency of the services provided

by the department thereby causing significant losses in

revenue. Secondly, errors can cause undue delays and

excessive costs to research projects and more important can

lead to scientists and engineers publishing incorrect

reports in scientific journals. Finally, with a number of

problems, it is necessary for the incumbent to carry out

research since there is no known solution to the problem.




The work requires frequent contacts with research scientists

of client departments to investigate their computing require-­

ments. This usually requires a considerable amount of

discussion to clarify the real objectives of the client or

clients. The incumbent is required to obtain agreement on

the objectives of a specific project and then to persuade






the clients to accept the results of his feasibility studies

and analysis. Finally contacts occur with scientists and

engineers throughout government and in Industry to obtain

and provide information on new mathematical and numerical




The incumbent is responsible for assigning work to and

maintaining performance of assigned staff in accordance

with the requirements of projects.





Bench-mark Position Number: 21

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Senior Training Officer,

Information Processing

Point Rating: 504


Under the general supervision of the Chief, Systems Training, participates in the development of new Information Processing and management courses and the modifications of existing courses to meet departmental requirements; supervises the activity of four subordinate training officers; carries out instructional duties for advanced Information Processing and management courses; maintains an up-to-date knowledge of the trends and developments in computer technology; and performs other duties.


% of Time

Participates in the planning and development of new Information

Processing and management courses and in modifying existing

courses to meet departmental requirements in the training

of line management, analysts, programmers and operators

-    by studying trends and developments in the Computer

Systems field and identifying and assessing departmental

training needs,

-    by carrying out in-depth studies of courses offered

outside the Public Service and of courses available

from suppliers,

-    by making recommendations on courses that should be

conducted in the department and training needs that

can best be achieved by using facilities offered by

private industry,

-    by designing course outlines, preparing syllabi,

determining the manpower and financial requirements,

determining and obtaining course material and training

aids, and establishing course timetables,

-    by designing practical exercises to test the student's

ability to solve problems in the operating environment,

-    by making modifications to programmed courses provided

by suppliers and existing courses to meet departmental

training needs and career path development,

-    by arranging training facilities for the training of

staff from other departments,

-    by evaluating course results and making recommendations

for improvements,



% of Time

-    by providing advice to departmental management on all

aspects of the training facilities, and

-    by making suitable arrangements to meet varying require­-

ments for accommodation of facilities and students.


Supervises the activities of a staff of four Instructors to

ensure that courses are conducted in accordance with depart­

mental objectives and that training needs are being satisfied

-    by assigning specific segments of the training program

to each instructor and providing the appropriate


-    by ensuring that each instructor has prepared adequate

lesson plans and has arranged for hand-out material

and training aids,

-    by providing advice and guidance to instructors in

instructional techniques, course content and the

effective use of training aids,

-    by monitoring training sessions to ensure that estab­lished

     standards are being met,

-    by assessing student progress, evaluating course

results and writing reports, and

-    by appraising the performance of instructors and

making recommendations for promotion or disciplinary



Carries out instructional duties for advanced Information

Processing and management courses

-    by studying the relevant material and making up a

course outline and lesson plans,

-    by obtaining or preparing hand-out material and arranging

for suitable training aids,

-    by presenting course material through lectures, workshops,

syndicates, and practical exercises, and

-    by preparing, invigilating and marking examinations

and case studies and assessing student performance.


Maintains an up-to-date knowledge of trends and developments

in computer technology and instructional techniques and new

training courses by studying texts, periodicals,. journals

and other literature and by attending conferences, seminars

and formal and informal courses.




Performs other duties such as assisting in the selection of

trainees, recommending placement of newly trained personnel

and acting as the chief of the training group when required.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computer science

particularly languages, utilities and computer operations

together with a broad knowledge of at least one current

generation operating system and hardware. The work also

requires a sound knowledge of the training needs of the

department, of training methodology of the effective use of

training aids and the development of course outlines,

syllabi and examinations. Experience is required in the

computer operations, the application of computers, the use

of various machine languages and in software applications.

Experience is also required in supervising a staff, in

evaluating the results of courses and in appraising student

performance. This knowledge is normally acquired through

university graduation and several years of experience in

the design and implementation of complex computer projects

utilizing a variety of languages, compilers and utilities

or through secondary school graduation and extensive

experience in systems analyses and application programming

or software work.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires the continuing study of texts, periodicals,

journals and a variety of instruction material, the operating

system, and new departmental hardware and software acquisi­tions in order to plan, develop and update training programs

for analysts, operators and programmers. Also required is

continuing studying of advances in training methodology.



Decision Making

The work requires the identification of training requirements

in a variety of subject-matter areas, the evaluation of

alternate methods of meeting the training needs, the

assessment of the most efficient and economical solution

and the planning and development of training programs that

will fulfill all departmental requirements. Recommendations

commit departmental manpower and financial resources.

Errors in judgment in determining training requirements

result in inadequately trained personnel, limitations in

career development and affect the utilization and efficiency

of the Information Processing system.






Responsibility for Contacts

The work requires frequent contacts with suppliers of

training material, with commercial training organizations

to arrange for courses outside the department and with

management to explain and gain acceptance of proposed

training programs. There are also frequent contacts with

training organizations in other departments and officials

in private industry to discuss common training problems.




The work requires the supervision of four instructors which

requires assigning work, assessing performance, providing

technical advice and guidance and making recommendations on

promotion and disciplinary action.





Bench-mark Position Number: 22

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Supervisor, Information Processing

Applications Section

Point Rating: 578


Under direction of the Chief, Departmental Applications Division, plans and directs the work of staff providing a computer systems analysis and programming service for mass data applications in government departments and agencies; prepares preliminary systems proposals and cost estimates; advises on the installation and maintenance of information processing systems. .


% of Time

Plans and directs the work of a group of eight programmer-

analysts providing a computer systems analysis and programming

service for government departments and agencies contracting

with the bureau for the development or modification of mass

data applications to be processed on large mainframe computers

-    by interpreting the policy and directives of the

bureau for user officials,

-    by discussing information requirements with client

officials to determine the objectives and requirements

of applications and to plan subordinate staff assignments,

-    by establishing objectives, priorities, deadlines and

schedules for projects and co-ordinating subordinate

staff activities,

-    by advising and instructing staff on technical problems

encountered in analyzing and programming a variety of

applications to ensure that the most efficient and

economical methods and techniques are used, and

-    by reviewing assignments to ensure conformity to

production standards and satisfaction of clients'

information requirements.


Prepares preliminary systems proposals and cost estimates

for major applications to establish objectives, requirements

and terms of reference for the section's services

-    by consulting with senior officials or subject-matter

specialists of client departments on information

processing objectives and requirements,



% of Time


-    by undertaking preliminary analyses of existing informa­-

tion processing methods and procedures to determine

the most efficient and economical approach to the

satisfaction of information requirements of clients,

-    by recommending to client officials modifications of

procedures associated with the proposed applications

and assisting in their implementation,

-    by preparing for the approval of the Chief, Departmental

Applications Division, outlines of proposed systems

and estimates of costs of analyzing, programming, key

punching, and processing operations, and

-    by negotiating terms of contracts with client departments

and approving modifications within delegated authority.


Advises on and assists in the maintenance of automated

systems under contract by reviewing clients' requests or

reports, evaluating results, identifying problem areas and

modifying the system.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of computer systems

analysis and programming methods, procedures and techniques

and a good knowledge of the characteristics and capabilities

of a variety of computing devices. It also requires experience

in the planning and development of information processing

systems for a wide variety of applications and computing

devices. Skill is required in establishing effective

communications and good working relations with officials of

client organizations. This knowledge is normally acquired

through university graduation and six years of varied and

progressively responsible experience in administration,

computer systems analysis and programming.



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of the manuals and

information bulletins for a variety of computer systems,

reading of texts, journals and periodicals, and attendance

at courses and seminars to keep abreast of trends and

developments in systems analysis and programming techniques

and machine capabilities.






Decision Making

The work requires identification of information processing

problems in a wide variety of subject-matter areas and

bureau operations, the evaluation of alternative information

processing systems and methods, the identification of the

most efficient and economical solutions, and the development

of systems that will meet the requirements of client depart­ments and available facilities. Recommendations commit the

information processing and manpower resources of the bureau.

Errors in judgment may affect the economy and efficiency

of computer applications developed for a variety of clients

normally having little, if any, information processing

resources or experience. Recommendations are made to the

Chief, Departmental Applications Division, and to client





The work requires frequent contacts with senior officials

of departments and agencies to discuss and define the

objectives and requirements of proposed computer applications,

and to obtain the information needed to recommend specific

systems and estimate the cost of the services to be provided.

Contacts may involve persuading clients to modify their

requirements or input preparation procedures in order to

meet the needs or reduce the costs of the computer application.

Contacts involve negotiating, as a representative of the

department, the terms of contracts for information processing

services provided by the department.




The work requires the supervision of eight computer systems

analysts and programmer-analysts; supervisory responsibilities

include assignment of work, performance evaluation, training,

and recommendation of advancement and disciplinary action.





Bench-mark Position Number: 23

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Systems Analyst

Point Rating: 383


Under the supervision of a project leader, Systems Analysis Section, partici­pates in studies to establish the technical and economic feasibility of proposed computer applications; plans and develops information processing systems for mass data applications; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Participates in the conduct of studies to establish the

technical and economic feasibility of proposed computer

applications, as a member of a team of computer systems

analysts under the supervision of a project leader

-    by reviewing user policies and procedures relating to

activities affected by the proposed applications,

-    by discussing requirements, resources, operations and

objectives of users with their officials in headquarters

and field locations,

-    by evaluating input forms, output requirements and

operations of users to identify required changes in

their procedures,

-    by consulting with colleagues and departmental special­

ists and reviewing previous departmental information

processing applications, to identify alternative

methods of meeting information requirements of users,


-    by preparing reports, recommending the type and extent

of information processing services appropriate, and

estimating the development and processing requirements

and associated costs of the recommended services.


Plans and develops information processing systems for mass

data applications under supervision of a project leader, to

ensure the co-ordination and integration of computer systems

within applications, the economical satisfaction of informa­-

tion requirements of users, and the efficient use of depart­

mental equipment and programming facilities

-    by identifying and analyzing information processing

requirements and objectives,





% of Time




-    by developing general solutions to computer systems


-    by evaluating alternative solutions in terms of costs,

time and processing requirements, requirements of

users, and available programming and processing resources,

-    by conferring with the project leader and project team

colleagues to ensure the co-ordination of systems and

avoid duplication of efforts,

-    by developing and recommending new user procedures to

facilitate the provision of information processing


-    by developing program specifications and test procedures

for approved systems, and

-    by directing programmers in the preparation of computer

systems programs, operating instructions and program

  tests and in the correction or modification of completed



Performs other related duties, such as instructing user

staffs in new procedures necessitated by information

processing, evaluating utility routines for potential use

in the development of computer systems, and assisting in

the training of junior computer systems analysis and programming







Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a good knowledge of computer systems

analysis and programming techniques and practices and the

capabilities and capacities of information processing

equipment. It also requires a general knowledge of legisla­-

tive and administrative policy requirements affecting

information processing operations of users. This knowledge

is normally acquired through completion of secondary school

education and five years of progressively responsible

experience in computer systems analysis and programming.




Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires knowledge of trends and developments in

computer systems analysis and programming techniques and

practices, gained by reading texts, journals and periodicals

and attending government and industry-sponsored training

courses. It also requires familiarity with departmental

policies, procedures and practices, gained by reading

departmental manuals and directives.






Decision Making

The work requires the exercise of judgment, initiative and

discretion in evaluating the feasibility of proposed computer

applications and in planning and developing information

processing systems to meet information requirements of

users within the limitations of costs, machine capacities,

priorities and deadlines assigned to applications.

Recommendations are made on the extent and type of informa­-

tion processing services appropriate to applications, the

use of information processing facilities, and the revision

of procedures in accordance with information processing

requirements. Problems in identification of requirements

of users are resolved by consultation with their officials;

technical or procedural problems are referred to the project

leader. Completed systems are submitted to the project

leader for approval and are tested by trial runs before

implementation. Decisions affect the quality, efficiency

and economy of information processing systems used.

Recommendations are made to the project leader.




The work requires contacts with user officials and colleagues

to obtain and provide information and assistance required

for the evaluation of the feasibility of proposed applica­tions, the planning and development of computer systems,

and the implementation of new or revised procedures

necessitated by information processing requirements.

Contacts with user officials may require consultations in

headquarters and field locations and may result in extensive

revisions to operating procedures of users.




Supervision of the work of others is not a continuing

requirement. Work leadership and guidance are occasionally

provided to programmers and junior analysts, and assessments

of junior staff may be provided to the project leader on






Bench-mark Position Number: 24

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Telecommunications Advisor

Point Rating: 458


Under the direction of the Chief, Technical Services, is responsible for the functional management and efficient operation of all departmental Telecommuni­cation hardware related to systems which include online terminals and telecom­munications equipment in Systems and Consulting Directorate, Head Office,

remote research centres and regional offices. At the present time the configur­ation is comprised of 16 Mini-Computers with 4 located centrally and the remainder located at regional sites across the country. Approximately 300 terminals access the central configurations. This network is expected to continue to grow both in terms of terminals and computers. The incumbent will also advise user and departmental management officials on the use and develop­ment of departmental telecommunications resources, such as interactive informa­tion processing, electronic office automation, local area networking and digital switching; evaluate and plan the implementation of intelligent communi­cation controllers; and perform other related duties.


% of Time

Plans and supervises the operation and maintenance of the

communications networks of the Department. Duties include

those related to the functional responsibility exercised by

the Information Processing Division over all central and

remote equipment on-line to the department's Time-Sharing

System and outside service bureau. Ensures the effective

use of facilities and services to users

-    by developing administrative and operational procedures,

-    by reviewing production, progress and administrative

reports to ensure that quality and production standards

are maintained,

-    by initiating and conducting meetings with central

site, communications and remote terminal suppliers to

form and maintain integrated trouble isolation and

support structure organizations,

-    by participating in the negotiation of contracts for

terminal, communications and central site equipment,

-    by evaluating the effectiveness of support contracts

and the manner in which they are carried out,

-    by participating in the testing of computer equipment

to ensure its satisfactory performance prior to contract




 % of Time

-    by acting as a focal point for the receipt and dissemi­-

nation of information related to the operational

equipment related to real time computer systems,

-    by standardizing problem determination procedures at

central and remote sites,

-    by carrying out on line terminal tests and other tests

to ensure that continued effective security standards

are maintained by all suppliers and users,

-    by developing and supervising an effective method of

monitoring the performance and degradation of system


-    by supervising the preparation of both central and

remote sites for the installation of computer communi­-

cations equipment,

-    by supervising the installation of computer communi­-

cations equipment at central and remote sites,

-    by negotiating with suppliers schedules for the preven-­

tive maintenance of computer communications,

-    by conducting on-site investigations of headquarters

and field operations and discussions with departmental

management officials and computer systems analysts, to

identify possible problems related to information


-    by participating in the evaluation of new equipment

either purchased or rental,

-    by acting as consultant to the site manager on problems

related to the interface of the central site computer

and the telecommunications and remote site subsystems,


-    by ensuring and maintaining the integrity of the



Advises users, installation management, and departmental

management officials on the use and development of depart­

mental telecommunication resources, such as interactive

information processing, electronic office automation and

local area networking supported by digital switching, to

assist users in obtaining the maximum benefit from information

technology and to ensure that the commitment to users is

not degraded due to lack of understanding of departmental

resources, capabilities and priorities

-    by informing users at regional offices and Head Offices

of the capabilities and requirements of departmental

services as outlined above,



% of Time


-    by assisting in the recommendation of alternative

information processing arrangements or revisions to

information requirements of users, to improve the

technical or economic feasibility of approved applica-

tions or to accommodate changes in processing,

-    by assessing administrative and technological innovations

in information processing with a view to recommending

the adoption of procedures, the acquisition of equipment,

and the provision or development of departmental

information systems services, and

-    by advising and instructing staff on technical problems

encountered in the various related activities and to

ensure that the most efficient and economical methods

and techniques are used.


Performs other related duties, such as participation in the

selection and assessment of staff, represents the Chief at

departmental meetings on information processing administra­tion, prepares reports, memoranda and correspondence associ­ated with the administration of the departmental Information

Processing Service.






Knowledge - Education and Experience

The work requires a thorough knowledge of data processing

communications and networking techniques and practices and

the capacities and capabilities of department and contractor

information processing facilities. A thorough knowledge of

the practices, capacities and performance of mini computers

and telecommunications networks is a necessity. It also

requires a thorough knowledge of the content, objectives

and information processing requirements of research, adminis­-

trative and operational programmes and a good knowledge of

departmental and government policies and regulations governing

the administration of information processing and telecommuni­-

cations services. Because users of the systems at the

remote terminals are not information processing oriented,

the work requires skill in dealing with users to ensure

that they accept the system as a means of carrying out

their responsibilities in an improved manner. An apprecia­-

tion of the scientific and technological disciplines involved

in the conduct of departmental research and operational

programmes is a further requirement. The work requires

skill in the planning and coordinating of complex technical

operations, the forecasting of staff, equipment and financial






requirements, and the development and presentation of

advice. This knowledge is normally acquired through comple­-

tion of university education and six years of progressively

responsible administrative and information processing



Knowledge - Continuing Study

The work requires continuing study of trends and development

in the administration and operation of information processing

and telecommunications including the interrelationships of

information processing, general management and research

requirements of the Department, through reading of texts,

journals and periodicals, consultations with manufacturers

and attendance at various seminars, conferences and training




Decision Making

The work requires the planning and coordinating of informa­-

tion processing activities of telecommunications systems

supporting a large number of remote terminals located in

Research Stations, the Department's Data Centre and Head­-

quarters and other regional sites. Systems equipment

configurations are contracted to multiple computer, peripheral,

and communications suppliers and determination of account­

ability necessitates the use of good judgment. The frequent

resolution of conflicts between multiple computer suppliers,

software and common carriers of telecommunications networks

is an important function of the work. Decisions affect the

effectiveness and efficiency of services provided to users

and development personnel. Because the on line systems are

meant to provide an improved information service to users

at regional offices across Canada, the creditability of the

Department will be measured to some extent by the efficiency

of the system and decisions taken in coordinating the role

of its different components plays an important part.

Recommendations influence the acquisition and usage of

computer and telecommunications equipment and facilities

and the implementation of departmental information processing

policies. Errors in judgment can adversely affect the

efficiency and economy of departmental information processing

services. Recommendations are made to the Chief, Technical

Services Division.







The work requires contacts with senior departmental officials

in headquarters and regional offices to plan and coordinate

the provision of information processing services, to establish

priorities and to advise on the development of departmental

information processing policies. Contacts are also initiated

during negotiation of contracts and when resolving problems

encountered during the term of contracts. Contacts with

other government and industry officials including common

carriers are maintained to obtain information on technological

and administrative development in information processing.




The work requires supervision of programmer/analyst personnel

on a project basis as required as well as occasional utiliza­tion of outside consulting resources.

