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Classification Standard - CX - Correctional Services

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This Classification Standard describes the rating plan to be used to evaluate positions allocated to the Correctional (CX) Group. The standard consists of an introduction, a definition of the Operational Category to which the occupational group is allocated, a definition of the Correctional Group, a glossary of terms, the rating plan, the list and the descriptions of the benchmark positions.

Rating Plan

A level determinant rating plan is used to classify the positions allocated to the Correctional Group. The plan is a non-quantitative job evaluation plan, and is suitable for classifying positions of groups featuring homogeneous functional activities.

The plan established to classify positions of the CX Group encompasses four distinct classification levels. The levels cover the full range of significant differences identified in the difficulty and requirements of the work.

Benchmark Positions

A sufficient number of benchmark positions has been selected from a series of identified key positions representative of the universe of positions in the Group. A list showing the titles and the classification levels of the benchmark positions is included in this draft of the standard. The benchmark positions are distributed at the various levels to exemplify the application and the interpretation of the elements of the standard, to illustrate the classification levels and to ensure consistency.

Benchmark Position Descriptions

The benchmark position descriptions consist of: a descriptive title of the position, its classification level and its direct reporting relationship; statements describing the position's significant duties and responsibilities and reflecting its significant requirements in terms of the main rating characteristics; and, an organization chart situating the position within the organization.

Position Classification Levels

The rating plan is comprised of four classification levels. A classification level based on the assessed relative difficulty and the extent of the requirements of a position with respect to those shown in the level description is attributed to each position.

Descriptions of the Levels and Particularities

The descriptions of the levels are written in terms of various common rating characteristics, the main ones being: skill, responsibility, and fatigue engendered by the efforts required in coping with particular work conditions or situations. The descriptions indicate the degree of difficulty of the work and the extent or intensity of the requirements for each level applicable to those characteristics.

In progressing from the lowest to the highest level in a level determinant plan, the job demands tend to be cumulative, and the description of a higher level often includes some of the duties and requirements of a degree of difficulty similar to that of the preceding level, in addition to including those duties and requirements of significantly higher difficulty.

In this rating plan, the description of successive levels includes only duties and requirements representing characteristics of a higher order than those of the preceding level. Henceforth, the description of each level concentrates on the significant differences which the level encompasses.

Each level description identifies main distinguishing requirements characterizing, as a whole, positions considered typical of the level. The series of requirements shown for a level is not "all comprehensive" nor necessarily relevant in its entirety to all of the positions at that level.

Use of the Standard

Four steps are to be followed in applying this classification standard:

1.        The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole. The relation of the position being evaluated to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.

2.        The allocation of the position to the category and the group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.

3.        The position is tentatively assigned to a level by comparing the duties, responsibilities and requirements of the position with the descriptions of the classification levels. The position is tentatively assigned to that level which best corresponds, on the whole, with the duties. responsibilities and requirements of the position.

4.        The description of the position being evaluated is compared with the benchmark position descriptions illustrating the level tentatively selected as well as with the benchmark positions for the levels above and below the level tentatively selected for the position being evaluated, to ensure the validity of the level selected. (In the case of a position whose tentatively selected level is level 1, the comparison is to benchmark positions classified at that level and at the higher levels. In the case of a level 4 position, the comparison is to benchmark positions classified at that level and at the lower levels).

Organization Chart

A succinct linear organization chart is shown at the end of each benchmark position description. The chart highlights the hierarchical relationships between the benchmark position and those positions above and below that are significant to its rating.

Glossary of Terms

A Glossary of Terms is included.


As with other job evaluation methods of determining the relative value of jobs, the level determinant classification method requires the exercise of judgement and consistency which in turn necessitates the orderly collection and systematic analysis of information pertinent to a position, its organizational milieu and other information pertinent to its classification.


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition Maps, which provide the 1999 group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 1999 occupational group definition to each classification standard.


For the purpose of this standard

Dynamic Security - Refers to control and influencing of inmates through increasing personal knowledge of the inmates by such means as interaction, observation, sharing of information, analysis and judicious use of incentives and disincentives.

Static Security - Refers to the custody of inmates through physical restrictions by such means as perimeter fences, electronic surveillance, locks, barriers, and approved weapons and restraint equipment.

Inmate - Refers to an individual who, having been sentenced or committed to a penitentiary, has been received and accepted at an institution and has not been lawfully discharged there  from.

Offender- Refers to any individual who is either an inmate or a parolee.

Parolee- Refers to any individual who has been granted parole or day parole or who is on mandatory supervision. (A definition of this term is provided for consistency purposes).








Admission and Discharge Officer



Hospital Escort Officer



Correctional Officer 1



Security Maintenance Officer



Living Unit Officer (Community Correctional Centre)



Correctional Officer 11



Institutional Preventive Security Officer



Correctional Supervisor



Coordinator Correctional Operations




"Knowledge" - Work at this level requires a working knowledge of subjects related to static security, and/or a basic knowledge and understanding of correctional operation work and management of offenders, and of provisions of the acts and regulations for a straightforward application to a rather limited variety or range of work situations with a good awareness of the CSC organization, policies, objectives and standards. An awareness of the aims, mandate and functioning of other components of the criminal justice system, police and governmental agencies, groups or associations concerned with offenders is necessary. Knowledge of the roles and responsibilities within a correctional institution, its organization and operations and knowledge of the recording, reporting and control procedures pertinent to the work of the position as well as knowledge of the occupational health and safety standards and of the institutional security requirements, orders and instructions is also required.

"Experience" - The work requires experience sufficient to know, follow and apply orders, instructions and procedures whose application, although usually straightforward, may require some interpretation or adaptation; to remember or recall and recognize a variety of things relevant to the work and responsibilities of the position; to deal with situations or problems which may require considering or figuring out relationships or things involving some complexity; and, to foresee consequences requiring the consideration of a moderate number of variables.

"Independent Decisions" - Limited authority and latitude is given for taking independent decisions. The situations or problems to deal with could present some complexity. Detailed or specific instructions and orders are provided and the procedures to follow for dealing with particular difficulties are defined. Alternatives, decisions and consequences are usually specified. While independent decisions are limited in scope, judgement must be exercised.


"Contacts/Interaction" - Responsibility for interacting with and relating to inmates, and for contacts which are usually pre-established and limited to the exchange of information with other CSC employees, employees of other agencies or organizations, and members of the general public.

"Managerial/Supervisory" - Responsible for own work only and for the proper utilization of assigned material/equipment. Co-ordinate own work activities with those of others as indicated for interdependent closely related activities, and report on difficulties encountered and on work performed as required.


Work at this level usually involves a moderate degree of mental fatigue. Particular attention, care and vigilance is necessary. The mental effort and the degree of thinking required in the performance of the work and in taking the decisions expected of the position can be moderate.



"Knowledge" - Work at this level requires a sound working knowledge and understanding of dynamic and static security principles, methods and practices, such as case management, physical security and maintenance and control of security systems and equipment, sufficient to work effectively in work situations which can include deviations or irregularities; a good knowledge and understanding of provisions of the acts and regulations applying to the duties of the position and to normally expected situations which may call for referencing to interpretations or precedents, and a good knowledge of the aims, mandate and functioning of other components of the criminal justice system, police and governmental agencies, and groups or associations concerned with offenders. A good knowledge of the CSC organization, policies, objectives and standards pertinent to correctional operations work and, where applicable, of the administrative procedures and supervisory practices applied in the work is necessary.

"Experience" - The work requires experience sufficient to know and apply orders and instructions, methods, or procedures, practices and precedents which can be rather difficult to understand and often involve difficulties of interpretation or adaptation; to remember and recognize or recall a significant diversity of rather complex things relevant to the work and responsibilities of the position; to deal with situations or reason out problems considering or figuring out relationships or things which can be rather complex; and, to foresee consequences involving a significant number of variables.

"Independent Decisions" - The authority and latitude given for taking independent decisions or deciding on particular courses of action is moderate and the situations or problems to deal with, prevent or control are usually somewhat complex. In determining proper decisions or courses of action, some ambiguities are involved and various possible alternatives may have to be considered. Some alternatives and their consequences may require the interpretation and assessment of a variety of factors, observations or findings and necessitate discussion with supervisor for direction or approval. Instructions are in terms of work goals and objectives, workpLans, priorities and other requirements. Instructions, orders and established methods, practices, procedures, guidelines and precedents usually provide the assistance required for varying foreseeable situations and guidance or direction is provided to deal with the unusual or more difficult situations or problems. The scope and complexity of decisions is moderate requiring the exercise of sound judgement and a significant degree of ingenuity and initiative.


"Contacts/Interaction" - Responsibility to maintain effective contacts and liaisons with employees of CSC for activity control and coordination, and with employees of outside agencies and organizations where an understanding of differences in interest and mutual cooperation is expected. There is also a responsibility to interact with inmates involving counselling, advising and assisting inmates in adjusting to and living within an institutional community and its programs, or to interact with and counsel students for training purposes.

"Managerial/Supervisory" - Must schedule, instruct assign and co-ordinate operational security tasks and provide assistance and guidance to others. Co-ordinate a variety of own work activities with diverse related activities carried out by others. Identify priority problems or changed conditions affecting the work and propose required correction. Specify needs for additional resources required or for obtaining outside goods and services, ensure adequacy of services or goods provided and recommend approval for disbursement of funds. Discuss training needs and contribute to the training of staff; participate to the development or select and schedule courses, arrange for resources or deliver courses. Contribute to the performance appraisal process; discuss needs for corrective action; monitor and assess student progress and provide academic counsel; report on staff attendance, overtime needs, activities and difficulties; and, make recommendations on work related matters.


Work at this level can involve an appreciable degree of mental fatigue. Thinking and particular mental effort is required in assessing requirements, situations or conditions, recalling occurrences, relating findings, drawing inferences from observations or information, and forming ideas for preventing or dealing with difficulties inherent to the work and to achieve objectives set for the position.




"Knowledge" - Work at this level requires a comprehensive knowledge of the principles, methods, techniques and practices of correctional operations and programs relevant to the work of a section of a unit or to a sector of functional responsibilities such as preventive security, intelligence and surveillance or to training, sufficient to deal with or make recommendations on difficult work problems or situations; a very good knowledge and understanding of the relevant provisions of the acts and regulations, involving assessment of ambiguities, consideration of precedents and concurrence or advice from superior; a very good knowledge of the CSC organization policies, directives, guidelines, programs and objectives applicable to the supervision of the assigned activities and resources allocated or to the sector of responsibilities assigned to the position; a very good knowledge of the aims, mandate and functioning of other components of the justice system, police and other governmental agencies or other organizations concerned.

A good knowledge of supervisory methods and procedures and administrative requirements is also necessary.

"Experience" - The work requires experience sufficient to know and understand policies, directives and guidelines, priorities, objectives, procedures and precedents pertaining to the correctional operations supervised or the sector of responsibilities of the position and which can be difficult to interpret and/or apply; to make recommendations, and recognize or recall a considerable diversity of interrelated elements, observations and findings; to deal with situations and reason out problems considering, imagining or figuring out relationships of factors which can be complex and to foresee and assess consequences with a large number of variables to be considered.

"Independent Decisions" - The authority and latitude given for taking independent decisions or deciding on particular approach or courses of action is significant and situations, problems or incidents to deal with, prevent, control or elicit are often complex. In making decisions, the selection of the most appropriate alternative is often difficult as suitable or new alternatives must be thought out and their consequences identified and assessed, considering constraints or special requirements and the assessment of a diversity of factors. The assistance or guidance obtained to deal with problems is somewhat general. Directives, general instructions, procedures and guidelines are provided and precedents requiring interpretation usually exist to deal with foreseen unusual situations or special requirements. Consultations and advice can be obtained and proposed courses of action reviewed for concurrence or approval. Scope and complexity of independent decisions is appreciable and the degree of judgement, initiative and 10 ingenuity required is rather high.


"Contacts/Interaction" - Responsibility to develop and maintain contacts and liaisons with employees of CSC and outside agencies or organizations, to harmonize views, persuade and/or obtain assistance or agreement which contributes to the effectiveness of the correctional operations supervised, the effective utilization of the allocated resources and the achievement of the goals and objectives. Responsibility to develop and maintain particular contacts and liaisons with various components of the justice system and the police to obtain assistance, information and cooperation or for coordination of investigation work.

"Managerial/Supervisory" - Must organize, schedule and allocate work'and assigned resources, deploy staff, supervise, co-ordinate the activities and the utilization of the resources assigned to a section of a Unit. Make recommendations on resource requirements, priorities and objectives; provide instructions and guidance; recommend perforr:at-ce standards and ensure conformance; resolve priority related problems within limit of authority or recommend required realignment to superior; recommend overtime; and determine and recommend resources and services to be acquired from outside.

Determine subordinate training required or analyze and recommend on training requirements; plan, develop and conduct institutional training program courses; participate in the human resources planning, staffing and position classification processes; deal with or make recommendations on grievances and disciplinary matters; evaluate employee performance and make recommendations for review and approval; ensures conformance to discipline and behaviour standards and, recommend enhancement of occupational health, safety and security programs. 

Report on the conduct, the effectiveness and the results of the activities supervised, the services obtained from outside or on the work performed, and make recommendations concerning difficulties encountered.



Work at this level can involve considerable mental fatigue. A high degree of thinking is usually required for preventing, controlling or dealing with undesirable situations or conditions, ensuring effectiveness, and taking the decisions expected of the position. The investigation of incidents or the conduct of inquiries concerning security problems usually requires a high degree of thinking and care to identify the sources and the approach for obtaining the required information, establish cause and effect relations and the effective value of the findings in terms of the evidence, reach sound conclusions and make recommendations for subsequent decisions or corrective actions.



"Knowledge" - Work at this level requires an extensive knowledge and broad understanding of a major functional sector of activities such as institutional preventive security sufficient to act as the principal agent, advising on, coordinating and monitoring the security related activities on an institution-wide basis, and to direct, control and supervise the work and the resources assigned for the performance of a diversity of related program activities; a broad understanding of the aims, mandate and functioning of other components of the criminal justice systems, police, other government departments and agencies, private or community groups and associations, as well as broad understanding of the acts and regulations with emphasis on those provisions and requirements of particular concern to the functional sector of activities, such as institutional preventive security involving security intelligence, surveillance and systems, requiring particular interpretation and/or consultations and advice; a superior knowledge of the CSC security related organization, policies, directives, programs and objectives and correctional operation requirements; and a very good knowledge of supervisory/managerial methods and practices and of administrative procedures relevant to the direction and control of the activities and resources assigned and to the coordination and monitoring of the activities of a major functional sector on an institution-wide basis.

"Experience" - The work requires experience and knowledge sufficient to advise on, coordinate and monitor on an institution-wide basis, activities related to the introduction, maintenance, enhancement of, and compliance to, policies, programs, directives or orders and procedures, priorities, objectives and standards for a major functional responsibility sector, such as institutional preventive security, and where the interpretations and/or application can be very difficult; and to prevent or deal with situations which can have wide ranging consequences where the number of variables, factors or elements which must be identified and assessed and the relationships which must be figured out, imagined and considered can be rather very complex.

"Independent Decisions" - The authority and latitude given in the performance to the work and achieve the goals and objectives, and in advising, deciding or recommending on particular courses of action is quite appreciable and the situations or problems to deal with, prevent or control can be very complex. The identification and assessment of alternative decisions or courses of action is usually difficult and complex, due to the wide­ranging and/or complex nature of the consequences and the wide diversity of factors to consider or assess. Policy, directives and general guidelines are provided with rather general assistance and broad guidance to deal with the difficult or critical situations or problems. Operational and program goals and objectives, directives and procedures for coordinating, planning, directing and controlling activities, are established. Usually, precedents can only be remotely applicable due to the diversity and variability of the situations, conditions and their consequences. Scope and complexity of the independent decisions is rather considerable and the degree of judgement, initiative and ingenuity required is high.


"Contacts/Interaction" - Responsibility to establish and maintain involved contacts and liaisons. Contacts and liaisons must be established and maintained with employees of CSC at various levels within the institution and the regional level, such as necessary for the planning, the coordination and monitoring of the security related activities on an institution-wide basis. Contacts and effective liaisons must also be established and maintained with other components of the criminal justice system, the police, other government departments and governmental agencies, hospitals, local fire departments and various private agencies or organizations, whose assistance, cooperation or agreement to provide assistance is necessary in planning, organizing and coordinating the security related activities and achieving the objectives of the institutional overall security program.

"Managerial/Supervisory" - Must advise on and co-ordinate on an institution-wide basis, the activities of a major functional sector, such as institutional security and the development, introduction and maintenance of the security related policies, directives and programs, security and performance standards, and the monitoring for effectiveness and compliance; the coordination of disciplinary procedures; the development of contingency plans; the preparation of security related budget proposals and the management of approved security related budget.

Must plan, organize and control the activities and resources allocated to a diversity of related activities or various related programs, and direct and supervise staff and carry out personnel management responsibilities, such as human resources planning, approving or recommending on staff training and development, conducting, approving or recommending on performance appraisal, dealing with employee grievances and deciding or recommending on disciplinary actions, participating in the staffing and position classification processes, and ensuring effective implementation of the occupational health, safety and security programs.


"Managerial/Supervisory" (Cont'd)

Approve contracts for outside goods end services and/or authorize or recommend the disbursement of funds. Must report on the security related activities and the programs and the effectiveness of the human, financial and material resources allocated to the institutional security related programs, and on the achievement of the goals and objectives.


Work at this level usually calls for a high degree of thinking and concentration, given the institution-wide responsibilities of the position, the nature and diversity of the activities involved and the potentially wide ranging consequences of various courses of action which can impact directly on the effectiveness of the institutional security programs, contingency plans, security intelligence, surveillance and systems, and the compliance to requirements.


Benchmark Position Number: 1

Level: CX-1

Descriptive Title: Admission and Discharge Officer


Reporting to the Coordinator, Correctional Operations:


Carries out the admittance and processing of new inmate arrivals to the institution, advising institutional staff to confirm the approval of admission and the receipt of admission documents, and fingerprinting, photographing and advising new innate arrivals of institutional rules and regulations.

Carries out the processing of inmates being released or transferred to another institution, obtaining release lists and transfer notices, reporting innate destinations and modes of travel, taking and forwarding inmate release photographs, conducting searches for contraband, and processing release and transfer documentation.

Maintains surveillance and control over inmates being processed for such activities as outside court appearances, transfer to a hospital, pre-release leave, and attendance at funerals, carrying out thorough searches of inmates, and advising applicable staff when inmates return.

Controls all inmate personal property in accordance with regulations, examining for contraband, recording, storing and releasing innate personal effects, and completing and distributing the applicable forms.

Provides a photographic service to meet institutional needs.

Maintains records, writes reports and correspondence, and ensures the cleanliness and security of the Admission and Discharge area.

Linear Organization Chart

Coordinator, Correctional Operations

- Institutional Preventive Security Officer    

- Hospital Escort Team Supervisor

- Hospital Escort Officer (varying number)     

- Security Maintenance Officer

- Admission and Discharge Officer

Benchmark position


Benchmark Position Number: 2

Level: CX-1

Descriptive Title: Hospital Escort Officer


Reporting to the Hospital Escort Team Supervisor:


Escorts inmates being admitted, released, transferred or reporting for interview and/or treatment to another area of the hospital and maintains the surveillance and secure custody of inmates who are undergoing medical treatment in a community hospital.

Exercises required surveillance and security procedures, applying rules and regulations governing the conduct and deportment of inmates, and taking corrective actions in routine cases.

Observes the behavior of inmates in an assigned area to ensure discipline and detect suspicious or unusual behaviour; maintains a visitors record; and checks and identifies all persons authorized to have contact with inmates under hospital escort.

Ensures the safety of hospital staff, patients and visitors, adhering to the hospital security regulations; applying "use of force" and inmate security restraint equipment when necessary and within regulations.

Prepares written reports of situations and incidents, recording and reporting on unusual behaviour or infractions of security rules and regulations.

Ensures and checks that necessary security restraint equipment is available and in good working order; inspecting general duty area for cleanliness, fire and safety hazards; and reporting maintenance required.

Linear Organization Chart

- Coordinator, Correctional Operations

- Institutional Preventive Security Officer    

- Hospital Escort Team Supervisor

* - Hospital Escort Officer (varying number)     

- Security Maintenance Officer                         

- Admission and Discharge Officer

* Benchmark position


Benchmark Position Number: 3

Level: CX-1

Description Title: Correctional Officer I


Reporting to a Correctional Supervisor:


Supervises and controls inmate movement and activities and enforces movement control procedures from various armed or unarmed security posts, supervising meal, hospital and canteen parades and inmate work gangs, communicating and interacting with inmates, observing and recording inmate behaviour, and identifying and reporting irregularities or deviations in inmate behaviour, movement or activities.

Maintains security of the institution and its perimeter, checking security locks, barriers, fences and bars, maintaining surveillance from observation posts and mobile patrol vehicles, identifying and verifying the presence of persons on the penitentiary reserve, reporting deficiencies in perimeter security equipment such as fences, lighting and towers, and operating and controlling keys, tools and security equipment.

Maintains supervision and secure custody of inmates being transferred to another institution or undergoing medical, humanitarian or resociaLization escort, preparing inmates for escort, utilizing security restraint equipment, preventing unauthorized contact with inmates, and ensuring public safety.

Conducts searches of inmates entering or leaving the institution and at designated checkpoints; searches institutional areas; reports potential security risks and areas of vulnerability; and seizes and reports on contraband.

Enforces rules and regulations for the escort, supervision and control of movement and activities of inmate visitors, social groups and civilian contractors within the institution, detaining and reporting visitors in violation of CSC regulations and/or criminal laws, maintaining visitor records and storage of visitors' personal effects, informing visitors of rules and regulations, and providing preventive security with visitor information.

Participates in the case management process for offenders within the unit, establishing and maintaining a good rapport and working relationship with staff and inmates; encouraging, motivating and counselling inmates; sharing and contributing information about inmates with other staff and the case management team; and completing activity, observation and information reports.

Participates as a member of a correctional team within the unit, contributing information on program requirements and participating in the development of strategies, monitoring the progress of unit programs and recommending corrective action, and maintaining effective communications with staff, inmates, outside agencies and the general public.

Performs emergency related tasks and procedures, initiating responses to situations jeopardizing the security of the institution, containing and isolating situations and evacuating staff and non-involved inmates, preserving and recording evidence of incidents, and carrying out the use of firearms, gas, riot equipment and restraint devices.

Reinforces and maintains standards for cleanliness, orderliness, safety and health in the unit and the institution.

Adheres to and applies legislation, CSC directives and procedures, and institutional rules and regulations.

Linear Organization Chart

- Unit Manager

- Case Management Officer (varying number)     

- Correctional Supervisor

- Correctional officer II (varying number)      

*      - Correctional Officer I (varying number)

* Benchmark position


Benchmark Position Number: 4

Level: CX-2

Description Title: Security Maintenance Officer


Reporting to the Coordinator, Correctional operations:


Carries out and coordinates a security program for the maintenance and control of the institutional security equipment such as firearms, ammunition, gas, Locks and keys, radios, restraint devices and security classified tools, in accordance with CSC policies, directives and objectives and institutional rules and regulations.

Conducts institutional inspections of the use, control, maintenance and storage of security equipment, and of physical installations and buildings to ensure the availability of equipment in good working order and an optimum Level of physical security, visiting institutional areas to review, discuss and advise staff, and identifying weaknesses or non-compliance and recommending improvements and corrective or remedial action.

Tests, cleans and effects minor repairs and adjustments to security equipment; arranges for outside servicing of firearms repair to equipment and replacement or disposal of outdated equipment.

Controls the security of keys and Locks, ordering key blanks, cutting keys and issuing keys and key tags to staff; and maintains Lock and key Log books including their number and location and to whom they have been issued.

Compiles and maintains records and inventories of security equipment; plans and maintains schedules for inspection, testing, cleaning and repair of equipment; prepares reports on defective equipment and systems; prepares requisitions for equipment purchase and repair; and makes recommendations in the preparation of security equipment budget estimates.

Participates in the institutional staff training program, advising and assisting in the development of guidelines to assess abilities, identifying security training needs, and training or assisting in the training of staff in the care and use of firearms and other security equipment and related practices and procedures.

Linear Organization Chart

- Deputy Warden

- Coordinator, Correctional Operations

- Institutional Preventive Security Officer       

- Hospital Escort Team Supervisor

- Hospital Escort Officer (varying number)

- Security Maintenance Officer 

- Admission and Discharge Officer

Benchmark Position


Benchmark Position Number:

Level: CX-2

Descriptive Title: Living Unit Officer (Community Correctional Centre)


Reporting to the Superintendent, Community Correctional Centre:


Participates as a member of the Community Correctional Centre case management team, consulting with the Superintendent and Case Management Officers to foster program development, recommending on individual inmate-resident program goals and progress, participating on boards concerned with such matters as discipline, earned remission, parole applications and transfers; referring residents to specialized counsellors such as chaplains and psychologists, and reporting behavioral changes.

Assumes responsibility for a resident caseload, reviewing and studying case file information, advising residents on CCC operations and programs and providing interpretation of rules and regulations, formulating program plans and goats, reporting on progress and providing feedback to residents, and counselling residents on program matters, the settling of complaints and the resolution of conflicts.

Positively influences the resocialization process of residents, enhancing positive living skills in the correctional community environment, establishing interpersonal relationships and interacting with residents, advising and assisting with problem solving, and providing leadership, encouragement and motivation.

Provides dynamic security within the CCC, supervising, coordinating and regulating individual and group social and recreational activities, behaviour and movement; conducting resident counts, supervising and facilitating the dispensing of medication and the conduct of work details within the CCC, identifying and reporting irregularities or deviations, and intervening when necessary.

Maintains physical security of the CCC, operating and ensuring that security equipment and devices are safe-guarded and in good working order, identifying and reporting deficiencies and potential security risks and initiating corrective action, searching resident rooms and other areas of the CCC to prevent and detect contraband, reporting on and responding to breaches of security conduct and discipline, ensuring that the CCC Corps of Commissionaires are informed and aware of security and resident conditions, circumstances and requirements; and acting, on a rotational basis, as the CCC standby duty officer.

Conducts escort supervision and surveillance of inmates on temporary absence from other institutions to the CCC to visit families and meet with potential employers or other members of the community, in preparation for eventual release.

Establishes and maintains liaison and working relationships with staff and residents, resident representatives, relatives and friends, volunteers, employer agencies and organizations, after-care and local law enforcement agencies, community interest groups and the general public.

Reinforces and maintains standards for cleanliness and safety and health, inspecting for fire and safety hazards, enforcing resident sanitation and personal hygiene standards, and reporting and initiating required corrective action.

Adheres to, interprets and applies legislation, CSC directive and procedures, and CCC rules, regulations and instructions governing the custody and supervision of CCC inmate-residents and the security of staff, commissionaires and visitors.

Linear Organization Chart

- District Director

-  Superintendent, Community Correctional Centre

Benchmark position
- Living Unit Officer


Benchmark Position Number: 6

Level: CX-2

Description Title: Correctional Officer II


Reporting to a Correctional Supervisor:


Participates as a member of the case management team, assuming responsibility for a small inmate caseload, providing orientation sessions to explain unit operations and availability of programs, observing and recording inmate behaviour, reviewing and interpreting inmate files, assessing inmate risks, needs and suitability for institutional work and training programs, transfer, temporary absence or conditional release, and preparing Case Management Reports.

Participates in the development and implementation of unit programs, identifying program requirements, monitoring progress and recommending corrective action, developing strategies with team members, and providing feedback to inmates and Case Management officers regarding individual correctional treatment programs and plans.

Influences the behavior of inmates to enhance positive living skills in a community environment, interacting with and relating to inmates to advise or assist with problem solving, providing leadership and defusing potential situations or conflicts, and encouraging and motivating inmates to participate in personal development programs.

Participates in the delivery of recreational, social and cultural, leisure, and visits and correspondence programs, assuming posts in these areas on a rotational basis to observe and facilitate inmate activities, liaising between inmates, administration and the outside community, and orienting, advising and assisting volunteers in their work with inmates.

Provides dynamic security within the unit and the institution, monitoring and supervising inmate activities and programs, monitoring and enforcing movement control procedures, organizing and facilitating meal and hospital parades, canteen operations and work gangs, identifying and reporting irregularities or deviations, intervening when necessary and providing information to preventive security, and liaising with team members and other staff.

Conducts or supervises inmate escorts and transfers outside the institution, and oversees the escort, movement and activities of inmate visitors, social groups and civilian contractors, assisting them with institutional rules and procedures, and providing information on visitors to preventive security.

Maintains physical security of the institution, conducting internal security checks and perimeter surveillance from observation posts and mobile patrols, identifying and reporting security equipment deficiencies and potential security risks and initiating corrective action, searching inmates, vehicles and activity areas and reporting on the seizure of contraband, identifying and verifying the presence of all persons on the penitentiary reserve, and operating and controlling keys, tools, security and safety equipment.

Performs emergency and crisis related tasks and procedures, applying contingency plans and initiating responses to situations jeopardizing institutional security, preserving evidence of incidents, and carrying out the use of restraint and riot equipment, gas and firearms.

Maintains effective liaisons and working relationships with staff and inmates, and effective communications with community agencies and organizations, special interest groups, and the general public.

Conducts on-the-job training and development of entry level Correctional Officers, recommending and maintaining good orientation procedures, instructing on and assigning operational security tasks, monitoring job performance, advising on corrective action, and providing input to performance appraisals.

Reinforces and maintains standards for cleanliness, orderliness, safety and health in the unit and the institution, and supervises and enforces inmate sanitation and personal hygiene standards.

Linear Organization Chart

- Unit Manager

- Case Management Officer (varying number)       

- Correctional Supervisor

* - Correctional Officer II (varying number)

- Correctional Officer I (varying number)

* Benchmark position

Adheres to, interprets and applies legislation, CSC directives and procedures, and institutional rules and regulations.


Benchmark Position Number: 7

Level: CX-3

Descriptive Title: Institutional Preventive Security Officer


Reporting to the Coordinator, Correctional Operations:


Obtains, analyses and assesses security intelligence information to identify and monitor threatening situations, patterns, trends and related incidents, establishing contacts with inmates, staff and visitors, conducting surveillance over and recording unusual or adverse activities or persons. Advises superiors on conclusions, implications and potential security problems and writes security information and activity reports.

Establishes and maintains Liaison with the elements of the criminal justice system and institutional areas, meeting with police and after care agencies, parole officers and regional security staff respecting security and innate information, and with Local court staff regarding the custody and control of inmates appearing in court, and ensures an awareness by institutional staff of the role and functions of preventive security.

Conducts investigations and inquiries into institutional security incidents, weaknesses, hazards and threats, interviewing witnesses and persons suspected of criminal or disciplinary offenses, establishing causes and consequences of incidents, recommending and/or initiating corrective action to prevent recurrence, and preparing investigation and inquiry reports.

Presents intelligence and sensitive information at courts and institutional boards and committees, providing evidence in criminal and disciplinary cases, and recommending on inmate transfers, temporary absences, segregation and dissociation, and visitors entering the institution.

Controls and maintains institutional preventive security records and files, restricting access to sensitive information such as classified police and security intelligence reports pertaining to inmates, other inimical persons, agencies and organizations; and develops and maintains inmate criminal profiles including records of offenses and incident involvement.

Coordinates and implements the institutional security of information program, briefing and advising staff and creating an awareness of procedures and practices governing the classification, processing, handling and storing of security information; prepares reports of information security breaches; and recommends and/or initiates action to correct program deficiencies.

Implements and maintains the institutional personnel security clearance program, ensuring that staff complete personal history forms, are fingerprinted and processed to the required security level. Ensures that visitors, contractors, volunteers and others are security cleared and authorized to enter the institution; and controls and issues identification cards to staff, inmates and visitors.

Coordinates the institutional contraband control program, ensuring that contraband seized by staff is identified, recorded, stored, controlled and disposed of, in accordance with contraband control policy, regulations, procedures and practices.

Linear Organization Chart

- Deputy Warden

- Coordinator, Correctional Operations

*       - Institutional Preventive Security Officer

- Security Maintenance Officer

- Admission and Discharge Officer

- Hospital Escort Team Supervisor

- Hospital Escort officer (varying number)

* Benchmark position


Benchmark Position Number: 8

Level: CX-3

Description Title: Correctional Supervisor


Reporting to a Unit Manager:


Coordinates and supervises the operations of a correctional unit, optimizing the shift scheduling and post deployment of correctional officers, meeting with the Unit Manager and other Correctional Supervisors to ensure consistency of operations, resolving operational problems, recommending and monitoring unit performance standards, facilitating communication between staff, inmates and outside agencies, and acting as officer-in-charge in the absence of the Unit Manager.

Participates as a key member of the unit team in the development of unit policy and procedures and the resolution of problems, planning and supervising core program activities such as recreation, social and cultural, leisure and visits and correspondence, reviewing and analyzing information, identifying trends and reporting on inmate attitudes and activities, hearing minor inmate disciplinary charges and initiating required corrective action.

Supervises a team of Correctional officers, identifying training and development needs, providing on-the-job and formal training, scheduling and deploying staff, evaluating employee performance, recommending leave and overtime, and promoting and fostering staff morale and discipline.

Provides advice and supervises in the case management process, assigning inmate caseloads to Correctional Officers, monitoring, assessing and assisting with case management work, developing case work procedures with Case Management Officers, recommending inmates for training and work programs, temporary absence, transfer and parole; participates on inmate boards and committees, and ensures continual interface between case management and security functions.

Interacts with and counsels inmates, advising and assisting with adjustment to unit and institutional policies and programs, encouraging and motivating inmates to develop positive living skills and work habits and to participate in personal development programs; and facilitates interaction between staff and inmates.

Supervises and maintains an institutional security program, participating in the development, monitoring and evaluation of security procedures, practices, contingency plans and training; conducting security checks and recommending changes; supervising inmate counts and searches of inmates, vehicles and activity areas; ensuring the appropriate use of firearms and restraint equipment; interpreting information and recommending action, and ensuring the safety of staff, visitors and inmates.

Supervises, coordinates and controls inmate movement and activities, observing and coordinating information on inmate behaviour and unusual activities, identifying inmate leaders and potential organizers and liaising with preventive security, assigning and supervising or conducting inmate escort and transfer duties, supervising and controlling meal and medication parades, and initiating dissociation and segregation procedures.

Directs emergency related tasks and procedures, recognizing potential crisis situations, initiating action to correct security risks and areas of vulnerability, initiating contingency plans for escape, riot and hostage taking, ensuring internal and external emergency communication and the readiness of riot and restraint equipment, and acting as crisis manager when required.

Develops and maintains contacts and liaisons with CSC staff, law enforcement, social and employment agencies, community interest groups and the general public.

Liner Organization Chart

-  Deputy Warden

-  Unit Manager

- Case Management Officer (varying number)  * - Correctional Supervisor (2-4)

- Correction Officer II (varying number)

- Correctional Officer I (varying number)

* Benchmark position


Benchmark Position Number: 9

Level: CX-4

Descriptive Title: Coordinator, Correctional Operations


Reporting to the Deputy Warden:


Coordinates and acts as the principal agent for the introduction and maintenance of security related policy and programs; completing the institutional input to suggested policies and programs for review and approval, reviewing the local proposals for changes in security operations, assessing with the Coordinator Case Management the impact of new security policy on institutional and unit operations, proposing strategies for implementation, completing or coordinating the periodic review of institutional standing orders, procedures and other directives related to institutional and unit security activities; proposing changes for enhancement and developing new or amended standing orders, procedures or directives; advising superior and the Unit Managers on security policy or programs and their impact, on compliance, and on the operational implications and anticipated costs of changes in security operations; and proposing strategies for their implementation.

Coordinates activities, provides assistance and advice and makes recommendations concerning the implementation, evaluation, operation and enhancement of security policy or programs on an institution-wide basis; completing detailed implementation planning and recommending activities to be carried out by various correctional operations staff, assisting Unit Managers in their detailed planning activities and delegation of responsibility and authority, and coordinating the implementation activities of the units.

Carries out and coordinates major monitoring requirements of security related activities throughout the institution, advising superior and assisting Unit Managers in developing and operating monitoring systems, advising on established security standards, assisting superior in developing institutional standards for the performance of staff and inmates in security activities, informing Unit Managers on nationally, regionally and locally approved performance standards and on the methods of measurement, and assisting them in ensuring employees awareness; completing periodic audits of each Unit's Security Program and Activities against stated performance requirements, assessing unit's strengths and weaknesses and recommending improvements. Assists Unit Managers in delineating security related activities, responsibilities and process in relation to established security-related goals and objectives, and in developing, implementing and operating unit's self-monitoring systems; recommends improvement to monitoring systems, security process or staff performance, and assists in appraising performance of unit supervisory staff.

Contributes directly to the operation of the institutions overall security program, monitoring major and irregular movement patterns of inmate within the institution, assessing and analyzing security related reports on inmate behaviour, organizing and monitoring searches within the institution with Unit managers and coordinating follow-up actions, organizing and directing the transfer and escort of inmates for various purposes, developing and monitoring implementation and update of orders and regulation, ensuring that appropriate security measures and safety practices are followed and that restraint equipment is utilized, coordinating and monitoring, or conducting, security inquiries or investigations and resulting follow-up actions, coordinating the institutional disciplinary procedures and programs in accordance with policy, directive and legislative requirements.

Coordinates the development, maintenance and review of the institutional Contingency Plan document; organizing the testing and evaluation of institutional plans and advising the Institutional Management Team of the results, acting as a member of the Crisis Management Team, organizing and directing the Institutional Emergency Response Team, and briefing management and other employees at Security Briefing meetings on security issues or concerns. Assists Unit Managers in the annual review and update of the security aspects of Unit Plans and in planning for the unit's security training.

Performs managerial related duties contributing to the management of the Correctional Operations Division; obtaining and analyzing reports and documents on cost of security related activities, reviewing Division's annual security-related budget for operational expenses, overtime, human resources and purchase and maintenance of equipment; assessing needs and requests for resources and security-related equipment submitted by Unit Managers and for own programs, compiling and justifying required budget, advising superior and Unit Managers on requests versus other priorities, and recommending funding levels to superior. Assists in the preparation of Main Estimate submissions; coordinates follow-up actions on approved requests; manages the institutional security budget and adjusts security-related operational priorities within authority limit to meet fiscal targets.

Establishes and maintains liaisons with CSC staff, other components of the criminal justice system, police agencies, DND, local fire departments, hospitals, other government departments, private agencies and organizations to exchange information, encourage and solicit cooperation and agreement to provide assistance; and acts as the institutional contact for officials of the police and armed forces during emergency situations.

Directs and controls the institutional preventive security program through the supervision of the Preventive Security Officer; ensuring the implementation, maintenance and evaluation of the institutional security clearance program for staff and persons entering the institution, and of an identification program for staff; ensuring the conduct of security investigations and inquiries, the maintenance of required liaisons, and the collection and assessment of security intelligence information; ensuring that security information is classified, transmitted, stored and disseminated in accordance with policy; providing advice and required briefing to management and other employees on security issues or concerns, and making recommendations on courses of action or taking decision within scope of authority or as directed.

Develops and monitors the delivery of an information program for employees and contractors on institutional security requirements, proper practices and pitfalls to be avoided; ensures that employees are well aware of the policy and procedures concerning the protection of crime scenes and evidence, that the institution's communications interception practices conform to policy and legal requirements, and that the appropriate staff are adequately trained in those matters.

Directs and controls the institutional security maintenance function through the supervision of the Security Maintenance Officer; developing, implementing and monitoring systems for the control of keys, locks and security classified tools, the control, maintenance, repair and disposal of weapons, gas and security equipment, and the consistent operation and maintenance of an accurate inventory control system for the security equipment in the institution.

Directs and controls the institutional admission and discharge program through the supervision of Admission and Discharge Officers; ensuring conformance to security procedures and that procedures for the admission and discharge of inmates, and for the receipt, recording, storage and release of innate personal effects conform to CSC policies and legal requirements; and develops and monitors a system for the maintenance of inmate photographs and identification.

Directs, controls and ensures through the supervision of the Hospital Escort Team Supervisor, the inmate transfers and security escorts, the surveillance and secure custody of inmate patients confined in hospital, or undergoing treatment, and the security and safety of hospital staff and the general public, developing contingency plans to deal with emergency situations in cooperation with the police, hospital administrators and CSC security and health care staff and ensuring that effective liaisons are maintained and ensuring staff awareness and conformance to orders, regulation, standards and procedures governing hospital escorts.

Plans, monitors and approves budgeted expenditures for, and supervises employees engaged in the delivery of preventive security, security maintenance, hospital security escorts, and admission and discharge programs; setting work standards, objectives and priorities, assigning work, monitoring performance, ensuring conformance to policy and legal requirements, instructing and providing on-the-job training and guidance, identifying training and development needs, appraising performance, recommending corrective actions, authorizing leave and monitoring leave usage and participating to the human resources planning, staffing, grievance and position classification processes.

Exercises functional supervision over units' staff in the performance of security duties and provides functional input and advice to supervisory staff to assist in performance quality control and performance appraisals.

Instructs and advises units' staff on process, security methods, procedures, practices and new technique available; acts as a resource person for the security related training program and delivers training to all institutional staff in security processes, procedures and related responsibilities.

May perform various related duties when acting in other positions as necessitated by particular conditions or emergencies situations.

Linear Organization Chart

- Warden

- Deputy Warden

- Coordinator Case Management

- Unit Managers

- Coordinator, Correctional Operations

-  Institutional Preventive Security Officer

-  Security Maintenance Officer

-  Admission and Discharge Officer

-  Hospital Escort Team Supervisor

- Hospital Escort Officer (varying number)

Benchmark position