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Classification Standard - LS - Library Science

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The classification standard for the Library Science Group is a point-rating plan consisting of an introduction, definitions of the Scientific and Professional Category and the occupational group, rating scales and bench-mark position descriptions.

Point rating is an analytical, quantitative method of determining the relative values of jobs. Point-rating plans define characteristics or factors common to the jobs being evaluated, define degrees of each factor and allocate point values to each degree. The total value determined for each job is the sum of the point values assigned by the raters.

All methods of job evaluation require the exercise of judgment and the orderly collection and analysis of information in order that consistent judgments can be made. The point-rating method facilitates rational discussion and resolution of differences in determining the relative values of jobs.


The combined factors may not describe all aspects of jobs. They deal only with those characteristics that can be defined and distinguished and that are useful in determining the relative worth of jobs. Three factors are used in this plan.

Factor Weighting and Point Distribution

The weighting of each factor reflects its relative importance. Similarly, points are distributed to the factors or elements in an arithmetic progression.

Rating Scales

In the rating plan the following factors, weights and point values are used.


Percentage of


Point Values



Total Points
























Bench-mark Positions

Bench-mark position descriptions are used to exemplify degrees of factors. Each description consists of a list of the principal duties and specifications describing the degree of each factor to which the position is rated. The bench-mark positions have been evaluated, and the degree and point values assigned for each factor are shown in the specifications.

The rating scales identify the bench-mark position descriptions that exemplify each degree. These descriptions are an integral part of the point-rating plan and are used to ensure consistency in applying the rating scales.

Use of the Standard

There are six steps in the application of this classification standard.

1.   The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole and of each factor. The relation of the position being rated to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.

2.   Allocation of the position to the category and the group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.

3.   Tentative degrees of each factor in the position being rated are determined by comparison with degree definitions in the rating scales. Uniform application of degree definitions requires frequent reference to the description of factors and the notes to raters.

4.    The description of the factor in each of the bench-mark positions exemplifying the degree tentatively established is compared with the description of the factor in the position being rated. Comparisons are also made with descriptions of the factor in bench-mark positions for the degrees above and below the one tentatively established.

5.    The point values for all factors are added to determine the tentative total point rating.

6.    The position being rated is compared as a whole with positions to which similar total point values have been assigned, as a check on the validity of the total rating.

Determination of Levels

The ultimate objective of job evaluation is the determination of the relative values of jobs in each occupational group. Jobs that fall within a designated range of point values will be regarded as of equal difficulty and will be assigned to the same level.






200 -    270



271 -     420



421 -     570



571 -     720



721 and up


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition Maps, which provide the 1999 group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 1999 occupational group definition to each classification standard.



This factor is used to evaluate the difficulty of the work in terms of the academic, subject-matter, administrative and technological knowledge required to perform the duties of the position.

Notes to Raters

The degrees of the Knowledge factor are exemplified by bench-mark position descriptions. The bench-mark positions were assigned to a degree of the Knowledge factor by considering the following criteria:

-    the understanding of the principles, theories, techniques and practices of library and information science,

-     the knowledge of related methods of acquiring, organizing and disseminating information,

-    the understanding of the principles, theories, practices, terminology and requirements of another discipline or subject field,

-    the understanding of departmental policies and programs, administrative practices, legislation and regulations,

-     the understanding of technological developments having an impact on library practices.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the difficulty and responsibility of the work, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered.

The degree of the Knowledge factor is determined by considering the five broad knowledge areas listed above. The degree tentatively selected is then confirmed by comparing the duties of the position being rated with the duties and specifications of the bench-mark positions.


Degree of



Bench-mark Position Descriptions





1. General Librarian

2. Cataloguer

3. Reference Librarian







4. Research Station Librarian

5. Systems Librarian

6. Reference Librarian

7. Cataloguer

8. Systems Librarian

9. Chief, Serials Records Division









10. Head, Library Services

11. Head, Reader Services

12. Head, Printed Collection

13. Network Officer

14. Manager, Reader Services

15. Manager, Technical Services









16. Chief Librarian

17. Chief, Subject Analysis Division





18. Departmental Librarian

19. Senior Coordinator - Standards




This factor is used to evaluate the judgment and discretion exercised in applying professional knowledge and technical skills to the conduct of library operations.

Notes toRaters

The bench-mark positions were assigned to a degree of the Professional Responsibility factor by considering the following criteria:

-     the requirement to provide advice to clients,

-     the requirement to select, analyze and disseminate information,

-     the latitude exercised in developing, evaluating and changing policies, methods and techniques,

-    the discretion exercised in organizing, planning and maintaining library services,

-    the requirement to develop professional and technical innovations and reach recognized and authoritative conclusions.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the difficulty and responsibility of the work, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered.

The degree of the Professional Responsibility factor is determined by studying the factor criteria and comparing these to the degree definitions. The degree tentatively assigned is then confirmed or rejected by comparison with the bench-mark position descriptions.


Degree of Professional Responsibility



Bench-mark Position Descriptions


There is latitude for initiative and

judgment in the application of

reference and cataloguing tools and in

the selection, evaluation, and

dissemination of pertinent information.

There is also a requirement to advise

clients and support staff in the

utilization of library resources.




1. General Librarian

2. Cataloguer

3. Reference Librarian

4. Research Station Librarian






There is a requirement to exercise

initiative and judgment in the selection

of methods and techniques to be used and

in evaluating and revising existing

methods and techniques. The work

requires discretion and technical skills

in resolving unusual or difficult

problems such as those referred by other




5. Systems Librarian

6. Reference Librarian

7. Cataloguer

8. Systems Librarian

9. Chief, Serials Records Division

10. Head, Library Services

11. Head, Reader Services

12. Head, Printed Collection









There is a requirement to exercise

initiative and judgment in organizing,

planning and maintaining library services,

and in evaluating current or proposed

methods and techniques. Judgment is

required in the solving of unusual and

complex problems. There is also a

requirement to provide recommendations

affecting policy determination for the

library, and a responsibility to

recommend or advise departmental

management of changes in activities and




13. Network Officer

14. Manager, Reader Services

15. Manager, Technical Services

16. Chief Librarian

17. Chief, Subject Analysis


18. Departmental Librarian







There is a requirement to exercise a

high degree of initiative and judgment

in planning and organizing library

services and in formulating and

initiating changes in response to

recommendations, advice or changed

conditions. Precedents are not usually

available in developing professional or

technical innovations or changes, and

decisions on these matters represent

recognized authoritative professional




19. Senior Coordinator - Standards



This factor is used to evaluate the difficulty of the work in terms of the responsibility for human, financial and physical resources.

Notes toRaters

Degree definitions have been included for the first, third and fifth degrees only. The bench-mark positions were assigned to a degree of the Management Responsibility factor by considering the following criteria:

-      the responsibility for supervising, selecting, appraising and training personnel,

-      the responsibility for coordinating activities or information exchange between libraries,

-     the responsibility for improving and implementing administrative work methods and procedures, -   the responsibility for administering funds,

-     the responsibility for making recommendations which significantly affect library services or resources,

-      the requirement to acquire, house and maintain library holdings,

-      the requirement to act as the coordinator of task forces/project teams.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the difficulty and responsibility of the work, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered.

The degree of the Management Responsibility factor is determined by studying the factor criteria and comparing these to the degree definitions. Selection of a degree is made on the basis that the position is equal to, more than, or less than a degree that is defined.

The degree tentatively assigned is then confirmed or rejected by comparison with the bench-mark position descriptions.


Degree of Management Responsibility



Bench-mark Position Descriptions


The work requires the use, care and

maintenance of holdings, and may require

assigning or checking the work of

support staff or the training of support





  1 General Librarian

2. Cataloguer

3. Reference Librarian

5. Systems Librarian

6. Reference Librarian

7. Cataloguer











4. Research Station Librarian

8. Systems Librarian

9. Chief, Serials Records Division

10. Head, Library Services

11. Head, Reader Services

12. Head, Printed Collection

13. Network Officer








The work requires the management of

physical resources and responsibility

for implementing and improving work

methods and procedures, recommending

improvements in the utilization of space

and equipment, determining annual budget

and personnel requirements for the

organizational unit. To carry out these

management functions requires the

supervision of support staff and

librarians and/or the coordination of

task forces/project teams. The work

requires coordinating the activities

with functions of other organizational

units within the library or with other




14. Manager, Reader Services

15. Manager, Technical Services

16. Chief, Librarian

17. Chief, Subject Analysis


19. Senior Coordinator - Standards









18. Departmental Librarian


The work requires planning and directing

a major library program, preparing and

administering a budget, allocating funds

to specific services or projects, housing

and maintaining a wide variety of library

materials of a current and retrospective

nature, and supervising the training and

direction of a staff of professional and

non professionnel personnel. The work

also requires co-ordination with other

libraries and with national libraries

and information centers abroad

concerning co-operative efforts, new

techniques, etc.















BM #1

General Librarian







BM #2








BM #3

Reference Librarian







BM #4

Research Station Librarian







BM #5

Systems Librarian







BM #6

Reference Librarian







BM #7








BM #8

Systems Librarian







BM #9

Chief, Serials Records








BM #10

Head, Library Services







BM #11

Head, Reader Services







BM #12

Head, Printed Collection







BM #13

Network Officer







BM #14

Manager, Reader Services







BM #15

Manager, Technical Services







BM #16

Chief Librarian







BM #17

Chief, Subject Analysis








BM #18

Departmental Librarian







BM #19

Senior Coordinator -









Bench-mark Position Number: 1

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: General Librarian

Point Rating: 200

In a training capacity, reporting administratively to the Director, Libraries Division and on a rotational basis to relevant professional staff:

Selects monographic and serial publications for acquisition by the Libraries Division. This includes scanning publishers' announcements, trade catalogues, book reviews and accession lists from around the world to identify suitable monographs and serials. The material is verified using manual and automated searching means; inventory files are searched to prevent title duplication and order files are created.

Catalogues, assigns subject headings and classifies monographs, serials, government documents and other library materials which involves determining the correct form of entry, describing each publication according to descriptive cataloguing rules, assigning appropriate subject headings and classification numbers, creating numbers and other codes for call numbers according to established rules and practices.

Provides reference services to departmental clients. This includes answering reference questions through searches using traditional and automated reference tools, compiling selective bibliographies on specific topics for subjects not covered by automated search services, verifying bibliographic detail received with requests, searching bibliographic sources using manual and on-line systems, obtaining items through inter-library loan and instructing library clients on use of library resources.





The work requires a basic professional knowledge of the principles, rules and techniques

associated with acquiring, cataloguing and classifying library materials, of bibliography

preparation and reference search techniques.

1 / 60

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment in order to determine the scope and depth of inquiries when

searching and analyzing specialized and technical documents, and selecting material which

will suit the user's needs. Judgment is required to describe and identify each

publication according to descriptive cataloguing rules. Guidance and direction are

available from professional staff.

1 / 70

Management Responsibility

The work requires use and care of library holdings.

1 / 70



Bench-mark Position Number: 2

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Cataloguer

Point Rating: 200

Reporting to the Senior Cataloguer:

Performs original cataloguing of library materials primarily in the field of applied sciences and technology.

Classifies library materials and assigns subject headings selected from the Library of Congress list of subject headings or other recognized and approved sources.

Searches on-line systems for bibliographic data in order to compare data elements on the records against the item in hand and determining the applicability of the record in the cataloguing process.

Creates entries and assigns keywords as required for office collections; compiles statistics and prepares reports; consults the Senior Cataloguer to decide on the cataloguing format of some ambiguous publications.





The work requires a basic professional knowledge of the principles, rules, techniques and

practices applicable to cataloguing and classifying library materials.

1 / 60

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment in cataloguing library materials. Work is performed in

accordance with quality standards set by the library. Recommendations concerning

difficult cataloguing problems are submitted to the Senior Cataloguer for discussion and

final decision.

1 / 70

Management Responsibility

There is an occasional requirement to supervise and instruct support staff in the

performance of cataloguing duties.

1 / 70


Bench-mark Position Number: 3

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Reference Librarian

Point Rating: 200

Reporting to Head, Reader Services:

Provides reference services to library clients; performs literature searches for information in a specific subject area by accessing manual and computerized information retrieval systems; maintains circulation and stack management services; and assigns and checks the work of support staff.





The work requires a basic professional knowledge of the principles, techniques and

practices associated with the provision of reference services. The work requires

knowledge of various automated bibliographic reference files as well as a knowledge of

circulation and stack management procedures.

1 / 60

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment in providing information using specialized reference tools

and automated retrieval systems. There is also a requirement to advise clients on the

availability of current information to meet their research needs.

1 / 70

Management Responsibility

There is a requirement to assign and check the work of support staff.

1 / 70


Bench-mark Position Number: 4

Level; 2

Descriptive Title: Research Station Librarian

Point Rating: 330

Reporting to a Regional Area Coordinator:

Develops and maintains a library collection for a research station which involves establishing collection goals in consultation with a library committee and in accordance with departmental and regional collections policy; selecting and arranging the purchase of library materials; ensuring the proper maintenance and preservation of the collection and classifying, cataloguing and analyzing the collection according to departmental standards.

Provides a reference service to support the research activities of the station which includes determining information requirements; performing on-line and manual searches of relevant databases and literature, providing information from the station's own library resources and through inter-library loans, verifying citations; obtaining translations of foreign language material; updating local

data bases and developing and maintaining a circulation system. Back-up services are available from the departmental library.

Prepares a budget for submission to the Research Station Director and library committee. Allocates resources for the most effective use of funds, personnel, equipment and space and plans and organizes the housing of the collection. Supervises and trains administrative support staff in the application of library procedures.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science principles and

techniques in order to plan and determine facility requirements and to acquire and

organize library material for professional and technical staff engaged in research

activities. An understanding of the general purpose and terminology of the station's

research projects is required to develop the collection and provide reference services.

There is also a requirement for knowledge of the administrative practices and regulations

necessary to operate a library.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment when determining the degree of reference information

required, the best search strategies and the pertinent information required for selective

bibliographies and the level of detail necessary to catalogue and classify publications.

Judgment is also exercised in developing collections within regional objectives and

providing current awareness services. Guidance and direction are readily available.

1 / 70




Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of the library through recommending annual budget

requirements, allocating resources, recommending acquisitions and purchase of equipment;

adapting library layout to accommodate collection changes and supervising support staff.

Changes in cataloguing or reference procedures are implemented as part of a continuing

process of evaluating and improving reader services.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 5

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Systems Librarian

Point Rating: 353

Reporting to the Senior Systems Librarian:

Assists in systems analysis and design undertaken in connection with the development and maintenance of computerized library systems used by the National Library and other government libraries including providing support services to the users of those systems; developing test methods/data, specifications, documentation and schedules; providing training and assistance to users and monitoring and evaluating data processing solutions.

Carries out research in the fields of library information systems and electronic data processing applied to libraries in order to contribute to the planning, design and development of library systems and services.

Assists and serves on project teams and task forces undertaking feasibility studies or developing new systems and services for the National Library, government libraries and the Canadian library community as a whole.





The work requires a good knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and practices

of library and information science and especially of cataloguing, classification,

international codes and systems and other bibliographic techniques. Also required is a

knowledge of bibliographic data and of national and international standards and formats

for computerized library systems and information transfer. There is also a requirement

for knowledge of the principles and library uses of electronic data processing,

techniques of systems analysis and design and of library research methods.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires the exercise of initiative and judgment in the identification,

evaluation and solution of problems which arise during the course of systems development

and operation. Judgment is required in order to provide support to system users; liaise

with National Library staff, other federal libraries and the library community in general

and to participate with library and data processing staff involved in systems development

and maintenance activities. There is a requirement to analyze and understand the varying

needs and problems of different types of institutions participating in a shared system

such as DOBIS.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

There is a requirement to work with project teams which includes participating in the

planning and conduct of system studies and projects and the design and implementation of

computer applications whose operation will affect the National Library and other Canadian


1 / 70


Bench-mark Position Number: 6

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Reference Librarian

Point Rating: 353

Reporting to the Manager, Reader Services:

Provides a comprehensive reference service, including conducting reference interviews; responding to reference inquiries using computerized information retrieval services and manual sources; instructing and advising clients in library services and resources.

Selects materials for inclusion in the reference collection and for assigned subject fields of the general collection; determines areas that require strengthening and identifies material to be deleted.

Provides avoidance to support staff and regional librarians in the use of on-line systems.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science, particularly of

reference techniques and sources, including on-line literature searching of complex data

bases. There is also a requirement for a knowledge of departmental programs in order

to delineate searches and select appropriate materials for the collections.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires initiative and judgment in determining the extent of client

information needs, and in the collection, analysis, selection and presentation of

information to meet these needs. Judgment and technical skills are required in order to

respond to reference and database search requests which are referred by librarians of

regions of the department. Judgment is required in identifying changing requirements in

the reference and general collections and in recommending the acquisition or deletion of

materials. Initiative is required in recommending new or modified practices to

facilitate and improve services to clients.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work requires the training of support staff and regional librarians in on-line

literature search techniques and strategies. There is also a need to recommend the

acquisition of library materials required to provide efficient and effective service to


1 / 70


Bench-mark Position Number: 7

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Cataloguer

Point Rating: 353

Reporting to the Manager, Technical Services:

Catalogues, classifies and assigns subject headings to the full range of library materials by determining access points using a variety of authoritative and non-standard sources; determining the bibliographic detail necessary to identify and describe material; revising records to reflect changes; interpreting classification schedules and assigning classification; analyzing subject content of material and determining appropriate subject access; maintaining and updating authority files; recommending innovative procedures for improved bibliographic control and efficiency in workflow. Provides professional guidance to regional librarians and support staff by developing and interpreting various procedures, providing advice in cataloguing and cataloguing systems matters and resolving problems.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science, particularly of

cataloguing, classification and/or subject analysis. Material is complex as regards authorship,

publishing history, subject matter and/or bibliographic form. There is also a

requirement for knowledge of departmental programs in order to create the bibliographic

access most appropriate to client requirements.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires the interpretation, evaluation and application of standard as well as

non-standard authorities. Judgment is required to interpret the needs of clients and to

provide appropriate bibliographic access to the collections. Initiative is required to

recommend and implement new techniques, procedures and modifications to the cataloguing

system. Discretion and technical skills are necessary in resolving problems referred by

other librarians. Solutions to problems are frequently not found in standard sources.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work may require assigning and reviewing the work of support staff.

1 / 70


Bench-mark Position Number: 8

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Systems Librarian

Point Rating: 423

Reporting to the Manager, Library Systems:

Conducts systematic studies in the planning and design of manual and automated systems, including developing objectives and establishing requirements, priorities, nature and extent of electronic data processing applications; defining the scope of systems studies and determining time schedules, methods and techniques; reviewing policies, procedures, and collecting and analyzing data from existing systems.

Participates in the development, implementation and maintenance of specific library systems including preparing detailed specifications, ensuring that all operational requirements are accounted for; designing flow system and layout charts; writing reports and preparing schedules and phase-in procedures; proposing modifications and ensuring implementation.

Provides specialist services in library systems to the departmental and regional libraries, including advising on probable costs and benefits; ensuring the compatibility of systems; advising on space and equipment requirements; identifying and solving library systems problems.

Plans and carries out studies related to library services, operations, equipment and programs, including establishing and coordinating the activities of project teams; selecting the appropriate data collection method, conducting or supervising the data collection, critically examining and analyzing the activity under study, devising and recommending solutions; training professional and support staff.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science, particularly of

bibliographic systems and techniques. There is also a requirement for a knowledge of

systems analysis and design and electronic data processing as applied to library

operations. A knowledge of project management techniques is required.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment in the conduct of technical and analytical studies.

Initiative and judgment are required in the selection of methods and techniques and in

the critical examination and evaluation of library activities when solving complex

problems including those referred by regional librarians or project teams. The work also

requires consultation with senior library personnel and regional library personnel and

computer system specialists. There is a requirement to assess library systems and

services and to recommend changes.

2 / 163




Management Responsibility

The work requires establishing and coordinating project teams involved in the

development, implementation and use of computerized library systems; verifying the

compatibility of systems among the libraries of the department; advising on cost,

benefit, space and equipment requirements.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 9

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Chief, Serials Records Division

Point Rating: 423

Reporting to the Assistant Director, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services:

Plans and organizes the work of the Serials Records Division which includes establishing objectives, priorities and performance measurement criteria; recommending resource requirements and improvements to division activities and selecting, supervising and appraising staff.

Directs the creation of an on-line serials data base and the processing of serials received in the National library; devises and implements procedures for the input into DOBIS of serial records; identifies problem areas, analyzes reasons for deviation and takes corrective action and provides professional and technical advice to staff.

Coordinates Divisional activities with other areas of the National Library including analyzing the effectiveness of serial processing procedures and developing and implementing new and improved serials processing methods. Participates in the development and implementation of manual and automated systems.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science principles,

techniques and practices relating to serials. Also required is a good knowledge of the

library applications of modern computer technology to functions such as acquisitions,

cataloguing and serials control. There is also a requirement for a knowledge of

Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services objectives, policies, plans, systems and

procedures as well as a general knowledge of the policies, structures and functions of

the other areas of the National Library.

2 / 120

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment and discretion in planning and organizing the work in order

to control the serials collection. Initiative and judgment are required in revising

existing procedures and devising and implementing new ones, evaluating systems, and

assisting with the development and implementation of new systems. There is also a

requirement to provide advice to management and information to other libraries in such

areas as serials and acquisitions automation.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work requires the supervision of the work of the Serials Records Division comprised

of technical and administrative support staff. The work includes planning and organizing

the work of the Division, establishing priorities, recommending resource requirements and

training employees in the manual and automated procedures and practices for maintaining

the serials holdings.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 10

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Head, Library Services

Point Rating: 483

Reporting to the Chief, Staff Services Division:

Manages the library of a large scientific research institute to support the research programs including determining, allocating and controlling resources; approving library expenditures within delegated scope; selecting, training and evaluating library staff; resolving problems requiring professional decisions; directing the acquisitions and cataloguing functions; developing, implementing and reviewing service policies, standards and work procedures; orienting clients to library services.

Develops a relevant library collection, including reviewing the collection policy as required; selecting materials relevant to research in consultation with clients and the library committee; rationalizing the collection through consultation with local research and university libraries, and with other related collections.

Provides reference, bibliographic and information retrieval services to clients of the Institute, including advising on their availability and use; conducting literature searches and compiling bibliographies; selecting and analyzing information in response to reference questions; evaluating and acquiring computerized services and printed reference materials which would increase accessibility to information.





The work requires an in-depth knowledge of the principles, techniques and practices of

library and information science in order to manage independently the institute library

including establishing institute-specific policies and evaluating, selecting and

recommending specific data bases. Also required is an understanding of the principles,

practices and terminology of aquatic science and institute research programs. The work

requires knowledge of the financial, personnel and administrative practices and

procedures pertaining to the management of library resources.

3 / 180

Professional Responsibility

The work requires planning and organizing all aspects of library services. Initiative

and judgment are required in determining collection requirements and in the expansion of

reference services, as well as ensuring bibliographic access to the collection. The work

requires discretion and technical skills in resolving problems referred by subordinate


2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work requires direction and supervision of professional and clerical staff including

their selection, training and appraisal; determining requirements, recommending the

annual budget and providing multi-year operational plans; managing the budget allocation

and approving expenditures. There is also a requirement for setting standards,

introducing and implementing practices and procedures, ensuring optimum utilization of

library space and equipment.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 11

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Head, Reader Services

Point Rating: 483

Reporting to the Departmental Librarian:

Plans and organizes Reader Services in a departmental library which includes formulating policies; determining resource requirements; evaluating and improving services; expanding and implementing automated retrieval services to meet specific needs of the library's clientele and promoting current awareness services.

Selects and authorizes the acquisition of the reference and document collections in response to current and anticipated needs in the fields of science, technology and social sciences; identifies for removal obsolete materials in these fields.

Recommends changes in library practices and administrative procedures.





The work requires a good knowledge of library and information science and an in-depth

knowledge of functions associated with Reader Services. A good knowledge of the

department's programs is required in order to assess and act upon client's needs.

Knowledge of the availability and scope of data bases and on-line bibliographic retrieval

services is required. The work also requires knowledge of administrative practices and

regulations pertinent to the library.

3 / 180

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment and discretion in planning and organizing the work of Reader

Services in a department with a diversified clientele. Initiative and judgment are

required to review and revise existing procedures and policies to meet shifting

priorities, to evaluate existing systems, and new automated on-line retrieval services

covering data bases of interest to the department's research programs.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of Reader Services in a departmental library,

supervising professional and support staff. The work requires the setting of priorities

and analyzing of work methods to ensure maximum efficiency; selecting, training and

appraising staff; and administering a budget to acquire material for the reference and

document collection.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 12

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Head, Printed Collection

Point Rating: 483

Reporting to the Chief, Music Division:

Plans, organizes and directs the activities of the Printed Collection Section including: implementing the policies established for developing the printed collection; establishing systems for processing and retrieving printed music materials; establishing guidelines for accessing the collection; determining resource requirements, selecting, training, supervising and appraising staff; providing technical advice and guidance.

Provides reference, interlibrary loan and reprography services in order to ensure that research reference and information services pertaining to the printed music collection are available to clients and other libraries in the fields of music bibliography.

Manages the development and maintenance of the Printed Collection which includes determining present and future space requirements; developing preservation guidelines for deacidification, binding, restoration and microfilming and implementing procedures for security; coordinating the work with other areas of the library and cooperating with other libraries and national or international institutions.





The work requires an in-depth knowledge of library and information science principles,

techniques and practices and a good knowledge of the field of music. Also required is a

good knowledge of the library applications of modern computer technology to functions

such as acquisitions, cataloguing, and printed collection control. There is a

requirement for a knowledge of branch objectives, policies, plans, systems and procedures

as well as a general knowledge of the policies, structures and functions of the other

areas of the National Library.

3 / 180

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment and discretion in planning and organizing the work of the

Section in order to maintain effective control of the Printed Collection. Initiative and

judgment are required in participating in the development and implementation of manual

and automated systems, recommending changes in acquisition and cataloguing policies

pertaining to the Printed Collection, such as determining present and future requirements

for the collection as well as developing preservation guidelines.

2 / 163

Management Responsibility

The work requires planning and organizing the work of professional and support staff and

coordinating the work of the section with that of other units. The staff must be trained

in the practices used for developing and maintaining the Printed Collection and assigned

to appropriate activities. There is also a requirement to participate in the planning

and implementation of manual and automated procedures affecting the handling of the

Printed Collection.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 13

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Network Officer

Point Rating: 576

Reporting to the Assistant Director, Network Development:

Conducts research on telecommunications and information technology, in particular on Open Systems Interconnection (O51) applications; makes recommendations on the utility of this technology for library applications in a cooperative networking environment; and participates in overall National Library network planning and policy development.

Administers development, under contract, of library applications; organizes and coordinates pilot projects composed of participants from the Canadian library and information community to test them; revises the applications on the basis of pilot project findings; and prepares them for the standards process, leading to their acceptance as national/international standards.

Develops and maintains communication with libraries and information service providers and with professional associations in the library and information science field; and prepares reports and articles for National Library management and committees and for publication in professional journals.





The work requires an in-depth knowledge of principles, methods and innovations in library

and information science, in particular in the areas of 051 concepts and applications,

telecommunications and information technology and standards as relevant for the provision

of library services in a cooperative, networking environment. Also required is a good

knowledge of the Canadian library and information community: what services are provided,

how they are provided, current cooperative activities and networking initiatives; overall

library funding with its federal, provincial and local components, and Canadian library


3 / 180

Professional Responsibility

The work requires judgment in assessing the utility of OSI, telecommunications and

information technology developments and standards for the provision of library services,

skill in analyzing their potential usefulness for library applications, and in developing

specifications that will permit development of these applications. The work also

requires judgment in conducting pilot projects, testing the application developed and

assessing the impact of these applications on library information services, and

recommending new and/or revised policies and services for the National Library and other

network participants. Judgment and discretion are exercised in eliciting information

and exchanging views with a variety of professional contacts, and in the analysis and

evaluation of information and data received. The work involves providing professional

and technical guidance to the National Library and the Canadian library and information

community on the implementation of these applications and on their incorporation into

library services/system development.

3 / 256




Management Responsibility

The work requires the formulation and administration of development contracts including

selecting contractors, coordinating their work, reviewing the work on completion and

recommending payment of fees as well as organizing and conducting pilot projects. There

is also a requirement to develop implementation strategies and participate in network

planning and policy development. Recommendations made have a significant effect on

library services and resources.

2 / 140


Bench-mark Position Number: 14

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Manager, Reader Services

Point Rating: 646

Reporting to the Director, Library Services Branch:

Plans, organizes and directs the provision of reader services for a departmental library including determining client requirements; designing, implementing and expanding services in a scientific environment utilizing computerized information retrieval services; developing and implementing policies, directives and procedures; developing performance indicators, evaluating services provided and correcting deficiencies; determining resource requirements, delegating responsibility to subordinates and providing professional and technical advice and guidance as well as administering the division budget.

Develops and implements the collection development program in order to respond to the current and future information requirements of the scientific, professional, technical and administrative staff. Evaluates and adjusts collection priorities as necessary; establishes guidelines and procedures for the selection and removal of library materials; initiates the acquisition of material and provides advice and guidance on collection policies.

Plans, organizes and implements on-line retrieval services and bibliographic current awareness services through a variety of systems which will utilize the latest technological developments and are most appropriate to meet specific user requirements.

Coordinates activities with functions of other organizational units; participates in the development of library policies, programs and services; prepares a variety of planning documents and evaluates the effectiveness and timeliness of the services provided.





The work requires an in-depth knowledge and understanding of library and information

science as well as the policies and procedures relevant to the provision of library

services in a scientific and technical environment. There is also a requirement for a

knowledge of the departmental programs in order to assess the specific client

requirements as well as current developments and developments in progress in the

acquisition of data bases and information storage and retrieval systems. The work

requires a knowledge of administrative practices and procedures pertaining to the

determination of resource requirements and control of funds and other resources.

3 / 180



Poi nts

Professional Responsibility

The work requires the planning, organization and direction of the reader services and

collection development programs of the department in the National Capital Region

including developing methods of expanding information services, liaising with technical

services and analyzing statistics and other reports in order to resolve problems with

current services. Judgment is exercised in evaluating and adjusting services to respond

to current and future requirements of scientific, professional, technical and

administrative staff. Recommendations are made with respect to the development of

library policies; the obtaining of contracts with vendors marketing relevant data bases;

the special subject data base needs of clients as well as the improvements required to

ensure the effectiveness and timeliness of the services provided by the Division.

3 / 256

Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of the Reader Services Division of the departmental

library employing professional and support staff which includes establishing goals and

priorities for the Division; coordinating the work of reader services with that of other

areas of the library; analyzing work methods and procedures; determining the divisional

budget and resource requirements; allocating budgets to the various activities and

assessing the quality and output of services.

3 / 210


Bench-mark Position Number: 15

Level: 4

Position Title: Manager, Technical Services

Point Rating: 646

Reporting to the Director, Library Services Branch:

Plans, organizes and directs the provision of acquisitions and cataloguing services for a departmental library, including provision of service to branches and regional libraries; developing and implementing policy, directives and procedures; administering the division's system budget; monitoring workflow; developing performance indicators; evaluating services provided and correcting deficiencies; determining resource requirements, delegating responsibility to subordinates and providing professional and technical advice.

Develops and manages the acquisitions program of the departmental library in the National Capital Region, including administering the library's acquisitions budget; devising efficient ordering, receiving and invoice control procedures; authorizing purchase orders or invoices for library material; instituting pre-order and pre-catalogue searching; providing to the department a centralized acquisitions service for bibliographic material.

Develops and manages the cataloguing operation of the departmental library in the National Capital Region, including setting and maintaining standards for cataloguing, classification, subject analysis, coding and input of information into a shared cataloguing system; planning for and implementing an integrated library management system; providing a centralized automated cataloguing system that gives access to material in the library collections of the department.

Coordinates activities with functions of other organizational units; participates in the development of library policies, programs and services; prepares a variety of planning documents and evaluates of the effectiveness and timeliness of the services provided.





The work requires an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the field of library and

information science, particularly the functions of acquisitions and cataloguing. There

is also a requirement for knowledge of financial and administrative practices and

procedures pertaining to the control and expenditure of a budget. The work requires a

good knowledge of management techniques and of integrated library systems.

3 / 180

Professional Responsibility

The work requires the planning, organization and direction of the technical services

program of the department in the National Capital Region, comprising acquisitions and

cataloguing, and including developing methods of improving services, liaising with

readers services and analyzing statistics and other reports in order to resolve problems

with current services. Judgment is exercised in evaluating and adjusting services to

respond to current and future requirements of clients. Recommendations are made with

respect to the development of library policies; the obtaining of contracts with

suppliers; and the evaluation of the effectiveness and timeliness of the services


3 / 256




Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of the Technical Services Division, comprising

professional and support staff which includes selecting, training and appraising staff;

the responsibility for determining and administering the library's acquisitions budget

and the division's systems budget as well as determining personnel requirements. There

is a requirement to coordinate the work of technical services with that of other areas of

the library, to assess existing work methods and procedures and to implement changes as


3 / 210


Bench-mark Position Number: 16

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Chief Librarian

Point Rating: 706

Reporting to the Assistant Director, Collections and Research:

Plans, organizes and directs the library of the National Gallery which requires the development of overall policies, plans, objectives, long and short term goals, standards and procedures to provide an effective and efficient service that will respond to the research needs of the Gallery and of a national and international clientele. This includes consulting with the Library Committee of senior managers; providing functional control over two small subsidiary libraries and special office collections; determining resource requirements; preparing and managing the budget; and delegating responsibility to subordinate supervisors.

Directs the development and maintenance of a national resource collection comprising a wide variety of current and retrospective materials in the institution's specialized discipline as well as an extensive documentary of historical biographical files; organizes and directs technical services and reference and information services. Evaluates and adjusts priorities as necessary; establishes and modifies guidelines and procedures to suit clients' changing needs, resource requirements and technological advancements; authorizes the acquisition of material and provides advice and guidance to clients and staff.





The work requires a thorough knowledge of the administrative and professional aspects of

library and information science; of library resources and services in Canada and other

major western countries; of Canadian art bibliography and of the literature of art on an

international scale as well as of related fields of culture, of the Canadian art scene

and of the Canadian and international art museum worlds. The work also requires a

good knowledge of the policies and permanent collections of the Gallery and of its aims

and responsibilities in relation to specialized activities; of government administrative

practices, regulations and personnel management practices.

4 / 240

Professional Responsibility

The work requires planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating library activities;

interpreting the Gallery's policies and responsibilities in providing national reference

and information services and in collecting and disseminating information about a field of

specialization. There is also a requirement to modify library policy, operations and

procedures in order to improve services to clients or in response to technological

innovations; to advise senior management on library matters; and to resolve unusual or

difficult problems referred by library users or staff.

3 256




Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of the institution's library organized into two sections

and consisting of professional and support <> support. This includes establishing goals,

objectives and priorities for the library; preparing and administering the budget and

resource requirements; allocating funds to specific services and collections; and

coordinating their activities with other organizational units in the institution. The

work also requires the functional supervision of two subsidiary libraries and two office


3 / 210


Bench-mark Position Number: 17

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Chief, Subject Analysis Division

Point Rating: 706

Reporting to the Assistant Director, Cataloguing:

Plans, organizes, directs and controls the Subject Analysis Division which includes: formulating Division policies; determining and developing programs to achieve objectives; formulating budgets

and allocating resources; analyzing the work to be performed, establishing levels of responsibility and delegating authority and approving procedures and policies established by section Heads; advising section heads on the development and implementation of plans and programs and establishing standards of performance to measure and evaluate Division activities.

Directs the subject analysis of material for inclusion in National Library on-line systems and bibliographic products such as the national bibliography and/or the National Library collection.

Cooperates with the Canadiana Editorial Division in determining levels of treatment to be given to various categories; coordinates the use of different subject heading systems; directs the development of new Canadian subject headings; exchanges information with the Library of Congress on the use of the Dewey system and determines the contents and structure of the Public Subject Catalogue.

Participates in the management of the branch by providing recommendations on the initiation of new or expanded services and of improved management procedures; contributing to the formulation of policies.





The work requires a thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of library and

information science with particular emphasis on systems of subject analysis as well as

knowledge of library computer applications. Also required is a thorough understanding of

the aims, objectives and policies of the National Library and of administrative

principles, practices and regulations.

4 / 240

Professional Responsibility

The work requires the exercise of initiative and judgment in planning and organizing the

activities of the Subject Analysis Division. Initiative is required in evaluating

existing services and work methods, managing the services provided by the Division,

developing new policies and services and improving existing services to meet changing

national and international needs in relation to aims and objectives of the National


3 / 256




Judgment is required in coordinating and directing the work of the section heads,

advising them on all technical, professional and procedural problems relating to the

activities of the Division and in planning for the development and improvement of subject

access to the national bibliography and the National Library collection.


Management Responsibility

The work requires the management of a Division organized into three sections and

consisting of professional, technical and support staff. It requires preparing and

administering a budget within the approved financial and establishment limits, including

determining resource requirements and establishing work methods, procedures and

performance evaluation criteria as well as selecting, training and appraising the section

heads. There is also a requirement to coordinate the work of the Division with that of

other Divisions and in submitting recommendations on subject analysis of material

affecting policy determination for the National Library.

3 / 210


Bench-mark Position Number: 18


Descriptive Title: Departmental Librarian

Point Rating: 836

Reporting to the Director, Departmental Administration:

Plans, coordinates and directs the library program for the headquarters of a large and complex department. Develops, and recommends to the departmental Library Services Policy Committee, policies, plans, objectives, long- and short-term goals and standards governing all departmental library services.

Directs collections development, technical and reader services activities in order to respond to current and future information requirements of the department. Directs the automation of library operations through a variety of systems which utilize the most recent technological developments to meet specific departmental requirements.

Manages a main library and maintains a network of branch libraries and office collections; determines resource requirements; prepares and manages the budget; evaluates and adjusts priorities; establishes guidelines and procedures; and authorizes the acquisition of material.

Provides advice to senior management on matters affecting directly or indirectly all libraries within the department; provides advice to field libraries as well as advice and guidance to clients and staff.





The work requires a comprehensive knowledge of library and information science, including

current developments of data base management and information storage and retrieval

systems, as well as departmental policies and procedures which may affect the activities

of the departmental library. There is also a requirement for a good knowledge and

understanding of the department's complex structure, organization and programs. The work

requires a broad knowledge of management theory and practice to determine resource

requirements and control funds and other resources.

5 / 300

Professional Responsibility

The work requires initiative and judgment in planning and directing the departmental

library which includes developing and implementing policies and procedures; and providing

advice to senior management. Judgment is exercised in evaluating new services and

systems and determining their applicability or degree of innovative adaptation to respond

to current and future departmental requirements.

3 / 256

Management Responsibility

The work requires the direction and management of a departmental library comprising a

main library and 8 branch libraries. This includes establishing goals, objectives and

priorities for the library; preparing and administering the budget and resource

requirements; allocating funds to specific collections and services; creating, merging or

modifying branch libraries; assessing the quality and output of services.

4 / 280


Bench-mark Position Number: 19

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Senior Coordinator, Standards

Point Rating: 860

Reporting to the Director, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services:

Plans and coordinates the development of library standards for use in manual and automated information processing systems, including determining the need for adaptation, revisions and changes to existing bibliographic and machine standards; determining policies and priorities; studying problems related to Canadian bibliographic standards and Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) formats and international cataloguing standards and international data exchange requirements in order to ensure that data bases will meet national and international practices.

Participates in the establishment and review of standards at the national and international levels; promotes the international standardization of MARC formats; coordinates the use of MARC and national and international bibliographic standards; represents the National Library on national and international committees and liaises with Canadian and foreign libraries to discuss mutual problems and promote uniform practices.

Directs the activities of the Office of Library Standards; reviews and revises objectives and responsibilities in order to comply with present and future demands for services; advises on the development and implementation of plans and programs and on problems relating to standards and formats; provides input to short term and strategic plans; reviews and assesses financial statements and progress and statistical reports; evaluates performance of staff, identifies training and development requirements and staffs positions as required.

Provides advice on standards and MARC-related policies; participates in special projects and makes recommendations that will satisfy international requirements; provides technical advice and expertise on bibliographic standards, MARC format and record implications in network planning; and assists in automation budget preparation with respect to MARC research and implementation.





The work requires an extensive knowledge and understanding of the principles, theories,

techniques and practices of library and information science; an excellent knowledge of

library handling of bibliographic data, of national and international MARC formats, and

of other electronic data processing and bibliographic standards affecting MARC formats.

The work also requires a knowledge of government administrative regulations and practices

as well as a good knowledge of the applications of electronic data processing as applied

to library systems and of the need for cooperation on a national and international level

in communications networks and data banks. Also required is an understanding of the

impact of proposals put forward for international standardization and format development

and a thorough knowledge of other existing national formats.

5 / 300




Professional Responsibility

The work requires the coordination, development and maintenance of policies and standards

for bibliographic records, including the structure, content designators and the data

content of records. The work also requires liaison and negotiation with other

institutions and committees to elicit a National Library and/or Canadian position on

technical issues being considered.      Judgment is required in the identification,

evaluation and solution of complex problems as well as in national and international

library negotiations concerning information systems, data banks and networks.

Recommendations are made within and outside the National Library and to inter-agency

committees at the national and international levels with respect to library standards and

formats for the exchange of bibliographic data. There is a need to provide advice on

bibliographic standards to the federal government libraries.

4 / 350

Management Responsibility

The work requires directing the development of technical innovations in electronic data

processing formats for the National Library and the Canadian library community with

international interfaces. Direction is also given to groups undertaking specific

research projects on bibliographic standards, MARC formats and data base development.

Recommendations made have major implications for the Canadian library community. The

work also requires the direction of the Office of Library Standards including the

management of human, financial and physical resources. Also required is the assessment

of the capabilities of computer technology to meet the specifications for bibliographical

services the National Library offers or plans to offer. The provision of advice on the

limits beyond which bibliographic specifications should not be compromised is also


3 / 210