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Human Resources Management Modernization

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Classification Standard - PE - Personnel Administration

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-     Introduction

-     Rating Scales

-     Point Boundaries

-     Knowledge Factor

-     Decision Making Factor

-     Managerial Responsibility Factor


-     Introduction

-     BMPD Index in Numeric Order of BMPD Numbers

-     BMPD Index in Ascending Order of Point Values


This standard describes the plan to be used in classifying and evaluating positions in the Personnel Administration Group, and in selecting personnel for appointment to them.

The classification and evaluation plan provides a quantitative method for determining the relative value of positions in the group, and the selection plan describes the method to be used for determining the qualifications required of candidates and assessing the extent to which they possess them. Bench-mark position descriptions are provided which serve both as a reference for position evaluation and for selection.

The standard is designed for use by classification officers, staffing officers and line managers who are involved in the classification and staffing of Personnel Administration Group positions.

It is the responsibility of the line manager to determine and describe the duties and responsibilities of a position, and the qualifications required of its incumbent. During the process the personnel officer will provide advice and assistance to the line manager as required.

Subsequent to the development of a position description it will be the responsibility of the personnel officers to ensure that legislative and delegated authorities are effectively discharged. Wherever feasible the line manager or other line officers should actively participate in the classification and staffing process.


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition Maps, which provide the 1999 group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 1999 occupational group definition to each classification standard.



The position classification and evaluation plan for the Personnel Administration Group is a point-rating plan consisting of an introduction, rating scales, point boundaries and bench-mark position descriptions.

Point rating is an analytical, quantitative method of determining the relative value of jobs. It is particularly suited to heterogeneous occupational groups in which jobs consist of varied combinations of tasks. Essentially, point-rating plans define characteristics or factors common to the jobs being evaluated. They define degrees of each factor and allocate point values to each degree. The total value determined for each job is the sum of the point values assigned by the raters.

All methods of job evaluation require the exercise of judgment and the orderly collection and analysis of information in order that consistent judgments can be made. The point-rating method facilitates rational discussion and resolution of differences in determining the relative worth of jobs.


The combined factors do not describe all aspects of jobs. They deal only with those characteristics that can be defined and distinguished and that are useful in determining the relative value of jobs. Three factors are used in this plan.

Point Values

The maximum point value assigned to each factor reflects its relative importance. The point values assigned to the degrees of each factor increase arithmetically.

Level Point Boundaries

The point boundaries for the classification levels are based on a geometrical progression of the mid point of each range. The actual boundaries of each level have been adjusted slightly to accommodate minor variations caused by the use of the arithmetical progression used in establishing degree values of the factors in the evaluation plan.

Rating Scales

In the rating plan, the factors, weights and point values are as follows:


Percentage of

Total Points


Point Values







Decision Making





Managerial Responsibility





Bench-mark Positions

Bench-mark position descriptions are used to exemplify degrees of factors or elements. Each description consists of a brief summary, a list of the principal duties with the percentage of time devoted to each, and specifications describing the degree of each factor or element to which the position is rated. The bench-mark positions have been evaluated, and the degree and point values assigned for each factor are shown in the specifications. The rating scales identify the bench-mark position descriptions that exemplify each degree. These descriptions are an integral part of the point-rating plan and are used to ensure consistency in applying the rating scales.

Use of the Position Classification and Evaluation Plan

There are six steps in the application of this position classification and evaluation plan.

1.   The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole and of each factor. The relation of the position being rated to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.

2.   Allocation of the position to the category and the group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.

3.  Tentative degrees of each factor in the position being rated are determined by comparison with degree definitions in the rating scales. Uniform application of degree definitions requires frequent reference to the description of factors and the notes to raters.

4.  The description of the factor in each of the bench-mark positions exemplifying the degree tentatively established is compared with the description of the factor in the position being rated. Compa­risons are also made with descriptions of the factor in bench-mark positions for the degrees above and below the one tentatively established.

5.  The point values for all factors are added to determine the tentative total point rating.

6.  The position being rated is compared as a whole with positions to which similar total point values have been assigned, as a check on the validity of the total rating.

Determination of Levels

The ultimate objective of job evaluation is the determination of the relative worth of jobs in each occupational group. Jobs that fall within a designated range of point values will be regarded as of equal difficulty and will be assigned to the same level.

The evaluation plan for this group does not provide for the point rating of positions below the lowest possible score of 200 points. Positions that are identified as being developmental, and other positions that may not meet the criteria described at degree 1 of the factors of the plan will be assigned to Level 1.









Decision Making


Managerial Responsibility






































This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the duties assigned to a position in terms of the knowledge required.


"Knowledge" refers to the understanding of departmental or agency activities and objectives, administrative principles and practices, legislation and regulations as well as to the theory and practices in one or more areas of specialization in personnel administration. The main areas of specialization are recruitment and placement, staff relations, training, classification and compensation, personnel research and manpower planning.

Notes to Raters

Knowledge beyond basic requirements may be acquired through on-the-job training, in-service training, university extension courses, continuing study of personnel publications and through experience in related and progressively more responsible jobs. The assessment of these requirements is illustrated in the specifications of the bench-mark position descriptions.

Each degree of the knowledge factor is exemplified by one or more bench- mark position descriptions.

The appropriate degree of the knowledge factor for a position being rated is determined by examination of the knowledge specifications for the bench-marks and selecting the degree assigned to the factor specifications that most closely resembles those of the position being evaluated. As a further check on this selection the total duties of the two positions should be compared to ensure that the total knowledge requirement of the position being evaluated is not inconsistent with the overall responsibility of the position.


Degree of Knowledge



Bench-mark Position Description














Classification Officer

Staffing Officer

Personnel Officer, District Office

Personnel Adviser, Small Agency

Regional Staff Relations Adviser











Staff Training and Development Officer

Regional Personnel Manager

Regional Manager, Staffing and Human Resource Programs










Head, Classification Audit, Training and Grievances

Coordinator, Affirmative Action

Chief, Staff Training and Development

Chief, Compensation and Staff Relations










Regional Personnel Director

Director, Classification, Organization and


Director of Personnel







*    All page numbers refer to Part, Il.


This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the duties of the position as indicated by the scope for decision making and by the impact of the decisions.


"Decisions" refers to decisions to take particular courses of action within the authority delegated to the position, to recommendations to superiors and to line officers to follow particular courses of action, and to shared decisions and recommendations in which the incumbent is an effective participant.

"Scope for decision making" refers to the freedom to make decisions and recommendations. It is measured in terms of the judgment, initiative and discretion required to identify and resolve problems, the availability of direction, and the difficulty of determining the implications of possible courses of action.

"Impact of decisions and recommendations" refers to the importance of the decisions and recommendations in terms of the manpower affected, the effect on the efficiency with which personnel programs are administered, and the consequent effect on the organization served. It also refers to the importance of decisions in establishing precedents.

"Established methods" is to be interpreted broadly to include the guidance provided by manuals and directives, and by precedents.

"Program" refers to the plans of action directed toward the development and implementation of government, department or agency personnel policies.

Notes to Raters

The three degrees of the Impact of Decisions and Recommendations element are illustrated by the bench-mark position descriptions. The following characteristics of the work are to be considered in determining a tentative degree for this element:

1.   The population served by a given position, which is not necessarily the total population of the department or agency.

2.    The features of the organization such as:

- organizational complexity and stability,

- the variety and complexity of the groups served, - the dispersal or isolation of staff,

- the servicing of two or more organizations under separate management.

3.    The extent to which the incumbent is expected to make recommendations to line management, or is the effective recommending authority, which is usually related to the level of the position in the organization.

4.    The nature of the personnel services provided.

5.  The extent of delegation from Central Agencies.

6.   The consequences of an error of judgment in making a decision or recommendation.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the impact of the decisions and recommendations, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered. The job as a whole is then to be compared to the descriptions of the bench-mark positions exemplifying the degree of impact that has been tentatively established.



Scope for Decision Making and Degree

Impact of




and Degree

Decisions and recommendations

require some judgment, initiative and discretion. Individual problems are solved by the

selection of a course of action

indicated by established

methods and instructions. The

implications of possible

courses of action are usually

apparent from precedents,

Unusual' problems are referred

to superiors.

Decisions and recommendations

require a moderate degree of

judgment, initiative and

discretion. Problems are

solved by selection of courses

of action that may require some

modification of established

methods. The implications of

possible courses of action may

not be readily apparent.

Direction is sought when the

apparent solutions to problems

are not within the intent of

established practices.

Decisions and recommendations

require a significant degree of

judgment, initiative and discretion. Problems are solved by modification of established methods or by devising new courses of action within the intent of established programs. The implications of

possible courses of action are

often difficult to determine.

Recommendations are made to

effect changes in programs.

Decisions and recommendations

require a high degree of judgment, initiative and discre­tion. Duties of the position require the development of solutions to diverse and

inter-related problems. Sub­stantial contributions are made to planning, developing and changing programs in response to recommendations, in antici­pation of changing conditions,

or to achieve objectives esta­blished by superiors. Implica­tions of actions taken or proposed are complex and often cannot be determined with certainty.


















Personnel Officer,

District Office                             3.3

Staff Training and

Development Officer                  5.3



Personnel Adviser,

Small Agency                          4.3

Regional Personnel

Manager                                   8.4


Limited          1










Moderate               2





Officer                            1.3

Staffing Officer               2.3

Regional Staff,

Relations Adviser                            6.3



Head, Classification

Audit, Training and

Grievances                                  7.3

Regional Manager,

Staffing and Human

Resource Programs                   9.4




Affirmative Action 10.4

Chief, Compensation

and Staff

Relations                  12.3


Director of

Personnel                                       15.3










Significant     3



Chief, Staff Training

and Development                     11.4



Regional Personnel

Director                   13.4



Organization and

Compensation                       14.5


* All page numbers refer to Part II.


This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the duties of the position in terms of the requirement

to commit and use effectively financial, material and human resources to develop and implement improvements in organization, methods and practices, and the administrative co-ordination of activities with those of others.

Notes to Raters

This factor is designed to be used for all positions allocated to the group, its title does not in any way preclude or restrict its use to measure purely staff type duties.

The following characteristics of the work are to be considered along with the degree definitions in determining a tentative degree for this factor:

-    The responsibility for controlling, coordinating and using departmental funds and other resources.

-    The responsibility for directing and assigning work, training, appraising performance and determining effectiveness of work force.

-    The responsibility for planning, organizing or coordinating work.

-    The requirement to select, co-ordinate and direct the work of committees and task forces.

-    The responsibility for deciding on the need for consultants to undertake special studies and for developing recommendations on the hiring of consultants.

Any one characteristic is only an indication of the difficulty and responsibility of the work, and the whole context within which the work is performed is to be considered.

The appropriate degree of the Managerial Responsibility factor is confirmed by comparing the duties of the position being rated with the duties and specifications of the bench-mark positions that exemplify the degree tentatively selected.


Nature of Responsibility and Degree



Bench-mark Position Description


Commits the department or agency to expenditure of funds through personnel

actions approved. Assigns work and prescribes methods to trainees and sup­

port staff. Suggests changes in procedures that may result in savings or

additional expenditures. Secures co-operation of individuals or small

groups to obtain information or to reach agreement when interests do not








Classification Officer

Staffing Officer

Personnel Officer, District


Staff Training and Development







Commits the department or agency to expenditure of funds and other resources

by reviewing and approving personnel actions that are contentious and may

be precedent setting. Assigns work and conducts in-job-training of personnel advisers and other staff; reviews the more difficult aspects of their work with them. Organizes personnel administration work where budget requirements and objectives can be forecast with some accuracy. Plans, advises on, or implements changes in personnel procedures in his own specialty that will increase the effectiveness of the operation. Directs the work of committees on the assignments of short duration and with limited scope and objectives; the co-operation of others must he secured to resolve problems, or to obtain information required for planning purposes.







Personnel Adviser, Small Agency

Regional Staff Relations


Head, Classification Audit,

Training and Grievances

Regional Personnel Manager

Regional Manager Staffing and

Human Resource Programs






Commits the department or agency resources in interpreting management objectives, defining projects and assigning work to meet budget and other controls. Appraises work performance, sets performance standards for own staff, deploys own staff to meet changing conditions and objectives. Organized and plans personnel administration work where workload, budget requirements and objectives are difficult to forecast with accuracy.

Plans, advises on, obtains acceptance of, or implements changes in personnel procedures involving own and other personnel specialties within own organization and general directives; recommends such changes for adoption at higher organizational levels. Directs the work of study groups seeking solution to technical problems complicated by involvement in other personnel fields and with matters pertaining to line operations of the Department or agency served; active co-operation of officers in specialist staff areas

and in line organizations must be secured to implement solutions to problems and to integrate and co-ordinate work where the activities of other officers are affected.






Coordinator, Affirmative


Chief, Staff Training and


Chief, Compensation and

Staff Relations

Regional Personnel Director





Commits departmental or agency resources in setting work objectives,  preparing budget figures and approving actions in one or more specialties of personnel administration. Adjusts work organization, allocation of staff and training procedures in response to changing conditions or to effect improvements; measures the effectiveness of his work force. Orga­nizes, plans, advises on or co-ordinates work in one or more specialties in

personnel administration where forecasts of requirements are based on com­plex and interrelated factors. Directs the work of committees and task forces drawn from several departments and agencies with authority to recom­mend changes in personnel procedures and to arrange for the co-operation of officials in government or in industry and in negotiating agreements that require resolution of significant differences in points of view. Recom­

mends to superiors the requirement for outside assistance on a temporary

basis to complete assigned work or to provide expert opinions on difficult





Director, Classification,

Organization and Compensation

Director of Personnel






Bench-mark Position Descriptions are intended to exemplify the degrees of each classification factor and element in the position classification and evaluation plan. They are based on actual positions allocated to the Personnel Administration Group but, because they serve to exemplify degrees, their value for that purpose continues even when the actual positions undergo changes.

The contents of Bench-mark Position Descriptions serve to illustrate the types of information used as a basis for the classification of positions and the development of Statements of Qualifications for the selection of people to fill those positions.








Classification Officer




Staffing Officer




Personnel Officer, District Office




Personnel Adviser, Small Agency




Staff Training and Development Officer




Regional Staff Relations Adviser




Head, Classification Audit, Training and






Regional Personnel Manager




Regional Manager, Staffing and Human Resource






Coordinator, Affirmative Action




Chief, Staff Training and Development




Chief, Compensation and Staff Relations




Regional Personnel Director




Director, Classification, Organization and






Director of Personnel




*    All page numbers refer to Part II.









Personnel Officer, District Office




Classification Officer




Staffing Officer




Staff Training and Development Officer




Regional Staff Relations Adviser




Personnel Adviser, Small Agency




Regional Personnel Manager




Regional Manager, Staffing and Human Resource





Head, Classification Audit, Training and





Chief, Compensation and Staff Relations




Coordinator, Affirmative Action




Chief, Staff Training and Development




Regional Personnel Director




Director of Personnel




Director, Classification, Organization and





*    All page numbers refer to Part II.



Bench-mark Position Number: 1

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Classification Officer

Point Rating: 295


Under the supervision of the Head, Classification Section, analyzes, evaluates and classifies junior and intermediate level positions in a departmental headquarters organization; advises managers on the preparation of position descriptions, and on the development of classification and organization proposals; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Analyzes, evaluates and classifies positions in the Operational and Administrative Support

categories, as well as position up to the PM-04 level and equivalents in the Technical

and the Administrative and Foreign Service categories by:


-    developing and maintaining an awareness of organization structures and program

objectives and priorities in the organizational units served;

-    reviewing position descriptions, organization charts and associated documentation to

ensure classification proposals provide sufficient data for position evaluation;

-    interviewing managers and incumbents to ensure the currency and accuracy of position


-    determining the category, group and sub-group allocation, and evaluating positions

using the appropriate classification standard, in accordance with established

practice and departmental procedures;

-    preparing rationales supporting evaluation conclusions;

-    participating in classification committees;

-    preparing submissions, including rationales, for the classification of positions at

levels beyond assigned authorities;

-    discussing and explaining evaluation procedures and conclusions to managers and

incumbents; and

-    preparing classification action forms and associated correspondence.


Advises managers on the interpretation and application of classification standards, the

development of classification proposals and the implication of alternative classification

and organization structures by:


-    reviewing program objectives and organizational structures to identify organization

and assignment options;

-    evaluating these options in terms of probable classification levels, staffing and

staff relations considerations, and impacts on career opportunities of employees;

-    providing guidance, in the form of suggestions and relevant examples, on the drafting

of position descriptions; and

-    conferring with colleagues in own and other departments on the interpretation and

application of Classification standards.


Performs other related duties, such as assisting corporate staff in conducting

classification training programs for managers and audits of classification records,

drafting correspondence and reports, assisting colleagues in own and other departments in

evaluating positions and establishing appropriate classification comparisons, and

assisting in the orientation and training of classification trainees and support staff.




The headquarters establishment comprises approximately 1,300 person-years

(1,400 positions), allocated to 6 branch organizations. While positions within delegated

classification authorities are allocated to 13 occupational groups and sub-groups, the

majority of positions are allocated to seven groups and sub-groups in the Operational,

Administrative Support, Technical and Administrative and Foreign Service categories. A

significant proportion of positions are identified as generic positions within the

department, requiring corporate level approval for variations in content or factor








The work requires a knowledge of classification principles and practices, knowledge of

the organization and program structures of the department. The work also requires an

appreciation of the interrelationships of position classification with other specialized

programs in personnel administration. Experience is required in the interpretation and

application of classification standards, and in developing written and oral analyses,

reports and presentations.

2 / 100

Decision Making



The work involves analysis, evaluation and classification of positions at junior and intermediate levels in a headquarters organization, and the provision of associated assistance and advice to managers. Decisions and recommendations affect the classifica­tion of positions and the development of organization structures. Decisions also contribute to the consistency and equity of departmental classification programs, and to departmental compliance with Treasury Board policies and directives on position classification. Recommendations on classifications beyond delegated authority, or having department-wide implications, are referred to corporate staff levels.

A2 / 135

Managerial Responsibility


Decisions on the classification of positions and recommendations on job design and

organizational structures have a direct effect on pay list expenditures, and influence the

recruitment and retention of staff. Co-operation and assistance from departmental

managers and colleagues are required in developing position descriptions and rationales.

Supervision, training and appraisal of classification trainees and support staff may be


1 / 60




Director of Personnel Services








Staff Relations

(PE- )


Human Resources


(PE- )




(AS- )


Classification Officer*



*    Subject Position



Bench-mark Position Number: 2

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Staffing Officer

Point Rating: 295


Under the supervision of the Chief, Human Resources Section in a Regional Personnel Office, recruits, selects and appoints staff for regional establishments; assists the Public Service Commission in staffing activities in accordance with work-sharing arrangements; advises line managers and employees on staffing and related personnel administration matters; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Recruits, selects and appoints staff for position up to the PM-04 and equivalent levels

in the Administrative and Foreign Service and the Scientific and Professional categories,

and to all levels in the Operational, Administrative Support and Technical categories,

for assignment throughout the region by:


-     reviewing staffing requests to ensure compliance with documentation requirements and

administrative procedures;

-     determining the area of competition or appeal in accordance with Public Service

Commission and departmental directives;

-     reviewing priority staffing lists, candidate inventories, transfer requests and

referrals from Manpower Canada offices;

-     convening and chairing selection boards, and preparing associated rating plans and

board reports;

-     initiating term and acting appointments in accordance with prescribed procedures;

-     preparing letters of offer, notifications of competition results and appeal notices;


-     arranging for reimbursement of travel and related expenses of candidates.


Assists the Public Service Commission in the conduct of open competitions in accordance

with work-sharing arrangements by:


-     providing the Commission with pertinent job data;

-     discussing departmental staffing requirements with Commission staffing officers;

-     reviewing applicant inventories;

-     participating in the recruiting program for university and technological institute

graduates; and

-     participating in selection boards, or recommending departmental officials as board



Advises line managers and employees on staffing and related personnel administration

matters, to promote understanding and support of staffing principles and objectives, and

to resolve concerns regarding staffing procedures and career opportunities by:


-     interpreting and explaining the intent of staffing policies, regulations and


-     discussing alternative courses of action to meet staffing requirements of line

managers; and

-     identifying current and prospective vacancies for benefit of interested employees,

and advising them on qualification requirements and training and developmental



% of Time

Performs other duties such as attending appeal board hearings as a witness or as the

departmental representative; reviewing applications, resumes and other information from

unsolicited sources, and preparing replies to ministerial and other enquiries pertaining

to staffing.




The regional establishment comprises 1,000 person-years (1,250 positions) allocated to a

regional office and 19 outside locations. Over 80% of positions are allocated to the

Administrative Support and the Operational categories, for which Manpower Canada is

exclusively used in outside recruiting. Staffing of non-delegated levels, as well as

inter-regional transfers and promotions, are administered by departmental headquarters








The work requires a knowledge of staffing principles and practices, as well as a good

knowledge of interviewing techniques, and of the organizational and program structures of

the department. The work also requires knowledge of the essential features, such as

qualification requirements, sources and availability, of the major occupational groups in

the regional establishment. Experience is required in interviewing and selecting

personnel, and in communicating effectively with senior officials, employees and members

of the public.

2 / 100

Decision Making



The work involves assessment and referral of candidates for entry level and term appointments in the Operational and the Administrative Support categories, and the administration of staffing programs for promotions, transfers and acting appointments to positions at junior and intermediate levels throughout the region. Decisions and recom­mendations affect the timeliness and quality of regional staffing services. Departmental and Public Service Commission directives, policies and regulations cover most situations; assistance and advice are readily available from superiors and headquarters advisers.

A2 / 135

Managerial Responsibility



Selection of competitive processes and advertising methods, authorization of candidates expenses and commitment of the department to an offer of employment result in the expen­diture of funds. Recommendations to managers influence the selection of candidates, the timing of promotions and the implementation of career development programs. The work requires obtaining the co-operation and assistance of managers in establishing qualifica­tion requirements and participating in selection processes. The work also involves supervision of a clerical assistant and occasional supervision of staffing trainees.

1 / 60




Regional Personnel Services



Chief, Human

Resources Programs


Chief, Compensation

and Staff Relations

(PE- )


Official Languages

(AS- )

Staffing Officer*




*    Subject Position



Bench-mark Position Number: 3

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Personnel Officer,

District Office

Point Rating: 292


Under the direction of the District Manager, and the functional supervision of the Regional Personnel Manager, administers personnel programs and services in a District Office; advises managers and employees on personnel matters; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Administers personnel programs and services for a District Office to ensure compliance

with departmental and central agency policies and regulations by:


-     initiating classification, acting pay and appointment actions within delegated

authority, and referring non-delegated actions to regional headquarters;

-     convening and chairing selection boards for internal competitions;

-     maintaining liaison with local Manpower offices to obtain referrals of qualified

candidates for casual employment and screening applicants for referral;

-     establishing and maintaining inventories of applicants for transfers, promotions,

and training and development programs;

-     coordinating performance review and appraisal programs;

-     informing District Office staff of changes to benefit options and entitlements,

subscription procedures and related matters;

-     ensuring implementation of revisions to pay rates and payroll deductions are accurate

and timely;

-     acknowledging receipt of staff relations and classification grievances, and drafting

associated reports and recommendations for benefit of District Office and regional


-     drafting District Office proposals and reports relating to personnel administration

matters for inclusion in departmental management reviews and main estimates

submissions; and

-     assigning and supervising the work of clerical support staff.


Advises managers and employees on the interpretation and application of regulations,

policies and directives, pay and benefits entitlements and options, career opportunities

and related matters to ensure understanding and support of personnel policies and programs

and the efficient and effective use of human resources by:


-     reviewing manuals, directives, and precedents, and consulting with regional

headquarters colleagues;

-     interviewing employees and supervisors to clarify issues of mutual concern or


-     establishing and maintaining liaison with local social and counseling services, and

referring employees requiring assistance;

-     informing employees of employment benefits and career opportunities;

-     participating in District Office management committee meetings; and

-     recommending corrective and disciplinary actions to managers.


% of Time

Performs other related duties, such as drafting reports, memoranda and correspondence,

assisting in regional selection boards and classification committees, and participating

in regional and Public Service Commission recruitment programs in local secondary schools

and community colleges.





The establishment of the district office comprises 125 person-years (151 positions). Apart from the District Manager (PM-05) and 7 subordinate manager positions (5-PM, 1-AS, and 1-PE), all positions are allocated to the CR and ST occupational groups. Classifi­cation authority is limited to the PM-02 and equivalent levels, with most positions covered by generic descriptions, and requiring headquarters authorization for modifica­tions in duties, responsibilities or factor ratings. Staffing responsibilities include promotion and acting appointment of district office employees, and term appointments of casual employees referred by Manpower Canada, to positions at groups and levels in the Administrative Support Category. Consultations with bargaining agents are conducted at regional headquarters.








The work requires a knowledge of the principles and practices of staffing, classification, staff relations and pay administration. The work also requires a knowledge of depart­ mental organization and program structures, and of District Office operations and require­ments for personnel services. Experience is required in administering classification and staffing procedures, in advising managers and employees, in interpreting collective agreements and in drafting correspondence, reports and memoranda.

2 / 100

Decision Making


The work involves administering staffing, classification and personnel services programs

for the District Office, and provision of associated information and advice to managers

and employees. Delegated staffing and classification authorities are limited to junior

levels. Most problems and situations encountered are covered by departmental and central

agency policies, directives and guidelines. Advice and assistance are readily available

from specialist staff at regional headquarters. Recommendations are made to the District

Manager and to the Regional Personnel Manager on the administration of personnel services,

staffing and classification of positions, and the resolution of staff relations problems.

B1 / 132

Managerial Responsibility


Classification and staffing actions commit the District Office to pay list expenditures.

Recommendations on assignment, training and discipline can affect the morale and produc­tivity of staff. The work requires obtaining the assistance and co-operation of managers, maintaining liaison with community agencies, and collaboration with colleagues at regional headquarters. The work also requires the supervision and training of assigned clerical support staff.

1 / 60



Regional Personnel Manager


District Manager


Personnel Officer*








*    Subject Position



Bench-mark Position Number: 4

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Personnel Adviser,

Small Agency

Point Rating: 404


Under the direction of the Director, Administrative Services, administers personnel programs and services in a small agency; advises managers and employees on the interpretation and administration of policies and regulations pertaining to personnel administration; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Administers personnel programs and services for an autonomous agency, to ensure compliance

with legislative provisions and service-wide policies governing personnel administration



-    administering recruitment and staffing programs for all positions in the Operational

and Administrative Support categories;

-    drafting submissions, and consulting with Treasury Board officials, on classification


-    consulting with representatives of staff associations on matters of mutual interest

and concern;

-    administering official languages programs for the agency;

evaluating training and development needs, identifying appropriate sources, arranging

for enrollment or assignment of agency employees, and administering training budgets

for the agency;

-    drafting and distributing agency policies and directives pertaining to personnel


-    maintaining an awareness of service-wide initiatives and priorities in such areas as

Student Employment, Affirmative Action, Quality of Work Life and Occupational Health

and Safety and adapting agency programs and procedures to meet government objectives;


-    drafting, for senior management approval, annual budgets, human resource plans and

program proposals for incorporation into estimates submission, management forecasts,

reports and submissions to central agencies.


Advises managers and employees on the interpretation and administration of personnel

policies and regulations, including the provisions of collective agreements and compendia,

to promote understanding and support for personnel programs, and to ensure the involvement

of line managers in personnel administration by:


-     participating in management committee meetings as an adviser on matters pertaining

to personnel administration;

-     reviewing precedents, and consulting with colleagues in central agencies, to develop

information and advice in response to employee complaints and in the disposition of


-     drafting and distributing notices and circulars on central agency directives, new

programs, amendments to pay and benefits provisions, and related matters; and

-     informing employees of career opportunities, and responding to enquiries regarding

staffing and classification procedures, benefits entitlements and agency policies

and procedures pertaining to personnel administration.


% of Time

Performs other related duties, such as representing the agency in conferences and

inter-departmental committees on personnel matters, supervising and training subordinate

support staff, and drafting correspondence, memoranda and reports.




The agency comprises 100 person-years (107 positions), all of which are located in the

National Capital Region. Four occupational groups are predominant (CR, ES, SI and PM),

with the remaining 23 positions allocated to the Management Category and 7 other groups.

Budgetary responsibilities, other than payroll, total $15,000, primarily for staff

training and casual employment. Delegated staffing authority is limited to appointments

in Administrative Support and the Operational categories; classification services are

provided by the Treasury Board Secretariat.








The work requires a knowledge of the principles, legislative provisions, policies and procedures governing personnel administration and official languages programs in the Public Service, and training in staffing and classification. Experience is required in dealing with senior officials, central agencies and staff association representatives, in advising managers and employees on personnel matters, and in drafting reports and memo­randa for senior officials. Experience is also required in drafting policy statements, directives and work plans, and in supervising and training subordinate staff.

2 / 100

Decision Making


The work involves the administration of personnel programs in a small agency. Decisions

and recommendations affect the quality and effectiveness of personnel programs, and the

perceptions of managers and employees on the timeliness and efficiency of personnel

services. Advice and recommendations to senior officials influence the classification

and staffing of positions, the availability of training and career opportunities, and the

climate of employer-employee relations. Delegated staffing authorities are limited to

junior and intermediate levels. Advice, assistance and direction are readily available

from superiors and central agencies.

Cl / 184

Managerial Responsibility


Staffing, pay and classification actions, administration of training budgets, and the

interpretation of allowance and benefits provisions, commit the agency to the expenditure

of funds. Advice and recommendations on the training, development and assignment of

employees, and on organization structures, can influence expenditures as well as the

efficiency of agency programs. The work requires obtaining the assistance and

co-operation of managers and central agencies, and supervising and training subordinate

clerical staff.

2 / 120







Director, Administration


Personnel Adviser







*      Subject Position



Bench-mark Position Number: 5

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Staff Training and

Development Officer

Point Rating: 332


Under the supervision of the Chief, Staff Training and Development, plans, coordinates and presents a variety of departmental training courses; participates in course development and evaluation projects; administers educational assistance and external training and development programs; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, coordinates and presents administrative, occupational orientation and

pre-retirement training courses at headquarters and regional locations to improve employee

effectiveness and productivity and to ensure departmental capabilities to meet operational

and service objectives by:


-     identifying and analyzing training needs and course objectives in collaboration with

colleagues and line managers;

-    developing, selecting or adapting training modules and drafting lecture, workshop

and study plans;

-     arranging for departmental and outside resource persons to participate in training


-     identifying and confirming course participants, and arranging for travel,

accommodation and course facilities; and

-     participating as a coordinator, lecturer or discussion leader in courses and workshop



Participates in course development and training evaluation projects, to ensure that

departmental training programs meet employee needs and operational requirements in an

effective and economical manner by:


-     reviewing operational plans with managers to identify emerging requirements for new

skills or introduction of new procedures;

-     conferring with colleagues in central agencies and other departments, and with

representatives of training services, educational institutions and equipment

suppliers to determine the availability, suitability and costs of outside programs

and resources;

-     drafting detailed outlines of lecture plans, workshop topics and training modules,

and proposals for the use of resource persons, training aids and outside services;

-     surveying previous course participants and managers for suggestions on amendments or

inclusions to training courses; and

-     discussing performance appraisals and productivity statistics with managers to

determine the effectiveness of skills training.


of Time

Administers educational assistance and career development programs for assigned areas of

the department, to encourage awareness of training and development opportunities and to

ensure that expenditures and nominations are in accord with central agency directives and

departmental policies by:


-    periodically circulating notices of departmental and outside training and

development courses of potential interest to employees;

-    informing managers and employees of entitlements, sources, costs, availability and

admission requirements of training, educational assistance and career development


-    reviewing and approving applications for reimbursement of educational fees up to

$200, to ensure compliance with departmental policy and the availability of funds;


-    drafting Treasury Board submissions for allowances to employees on educational

leave, and recommendations to the Public Service Commission on candidates for

training and career development programs.


Performs other related duties, such as coordinating departmental conferences and seminars,

maintaining inventories of outside training services, resource persons and applicants for

training and development programs, and attending conferences and seminars.




The department comprises 8,000 person-years (8,300 positions) in headquarters and 5 regions, with all but 870 positions allocated to the Administrative Support Category, and to junior and intermediate levels of the Administrative and Foreign Service Category. Approximately 500 employees per year participate in departmental training programs, at an annual cost of $260,000. While training is centrally administered from departmental headquarters, courses are given at both headquarters and regional locations. Courses cover such topics as supervising skills, performance appraisal, budget preparation, position classification, report writing and office equipment operation, as well as orien­tation and pre-retirement programs. Training and development programs are administered by a staff of 6 Staff Training and Development Officers.







The work requires a good knowledge of the theory and techniques associated with human resources development, adult education and occupational skills training, as well as a knowledge of the techniques used to determine training needs and evaluate courses. Knowledge is also required of central agency training programs and resources, as well as the regulations governing entitlements to in-service and outside training and educational assistance. The work also requires an appreciation of departmental program objectives and training requirements, as well as familiarity with sources of technical or specialized assistance for the design and conduct of administrative, managerial and occupational training programs. Experience is required in developing, conducting and coordinating training programs and courses, in evaluating alternative training methods and in adapting methods, techniques and training programs to departmental and participant requirements.

3 / 140




Decision Making


The work involves determining the type and level of training and development required,

developing courses to meet these requirements, selecting course participants and resource

personnel and making recommendations on the utilization of courses available outside the

department. Judgment is required in evaluating the effectiveness of courses and in

recommending adjustments indicated by such evaluation. Decisions and recommendations

affect the performance of trainees and have a long-term, cumulative effect on the

efficiency of departmental operations.

B1 / 132

Managerial Responsibility


Decisions to approve reimbursements of course fees, and recommendations on the use of

outside resource persons, lead to commitment of departmental funds. Co-operation and

assistance of departmental managers and colleagues in central agencies and other

departments is required to implement training courses, obtain qualified resources persons,

and arrange for the assignment of employees to outside courses and development programs.

1 / 60



Bench-mark Position Number: 6

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Regional Staff Relations


Point Rating: 355


Under the supervision of the Regional Personnel Manager, provides advice on the interpretation and administration of collective agreements and compendia and related policies and directives covering regional employees; consults with staff association representatives on matters of mutual interest; assists in the resolution of complaints, grievances and disciplinary matters; and performs other related duties.


of Time


Advises managers and colleagues on the interpretation and administration of collective agreements and compendia, conflict of interest guidelines, codes of discipline and occu­pational health and safety directives to ensure the equitable and consistent adminis­tration of policies and provision in these areas, and compliance with departmental and central agency directives by:


-     discussing problems and concerns with managers and personnel specialists;

-     reviewing records of interpretations, grievances and adjudication decisions, and

consulting with colleagues at headquarters and in other departments;

-     conducting briefing sessions on provisions of collective agreements and compendia;

-     drafting and circulating summaries of interpretive guidelines, adjudication

decisions and headquarters directives; and

-     providing written and verbal interpretations of policies, directives and provisions

of agreements and compendia in light of regional operational and program



Conducts a regional consultation program with employee representatives to facilitate

employer-employee communications and to identify and discuss matters of mutual interest

and concern by:


-     drafting agenda for monthly consultation meetings in collaboration with employee

representatives, and circulating agenda for comments or suggestions by regional


-     arranging for the attendance of senior regional officials at consultation meetings,

and providing briefings on matters to be discussed;

-     drafting minutes of meetings and written responses to issues raised by employee

representatives for approval by superiors;

-     referring issues beyond local authority, and those not resolved in regional

consultations, to headquarters; and

-     holding informal discussions with staff association representatives, employees and

managers at district and local offices.


% of Time

Assists managers in the resolution of complaints, grievances and disciplinary matters to

ensure regional responses conform to departmental and central agency policies and

guidelines, and are perceived as equitable and consistent by employees and their

representatives by:


-    conducting or arranging for on-site investigations to clarify issues and establish

the facts of each case;

-    advising managers on the nature and level of disciplinary sanctions available,

extenuating circumstances, and departmental precedents;

-    assisting managers in drafting replies to grievances and complaints;

-    arranging for the transmission of grievances to successive regional and headquarters

steps in the grievance procedure; and

-    drafting briefing reports and memoranda on grievances for use by senior managers and

departmental representatives in final level grievance and adjudication proceedings.



Performs other related duties, such as preparing exclusion proposals for regional employees, assisting in the co-ordination of regional responses to work stoppages, surveying managers for opinions and suggestions on collective bargaining issues, partici­pating in regional training programs, conferences and seminars and supervising assigned support staff.




The region comprises approximately 1,500 person-years (1,607 positions) allocated to

regional headquarters, 4 district offices and 11 sub-offices. Personnel generalists in

each district administer personnel programs for district and sub-offices. Employees are

covered by 15 collective agreements and compendia, and are predominantly allocated to

positions in the Operational, Administrative Support and the Administrative and Foreign

Service categories. All bargaining units are represented by the Public Service Alliance

of Canada.







The work requires a sound knowledge of legislation, policies and directives governing the

administration of staff relations programs, and of the provision of collective agreements

and compendia covering regional employees. The work also requires a good knowledge of

regional programs and activities, and a good appreciation of the impact of the provisions

of collective agreements and compendia on the assignment and utilization of regional

staffs. Experience is required in dealing with employee representatives, providing

advice to managers, investigating disputes and drafting associated reports, memoranda and


2 / 100

Decision Making


The work involves the administration of regional staff relations programs, and the

provision of associated advice and information to managers and personnel administrators.

Decisions and recommendations influence the positions adopted by regional management in

the interpretation and application of collective agreements and compendia, consultations

with employee representatives, and the administration of discipline. Most situations are

covered by precedents, guidelines or directives, and advice is available from superiors

and headquarters specialists.

A2 / 135




Managerial Responsibility


Interpretations of collective agreement provisions dealing with pay and allowances matters

influence the assignment of regional staff and the scheduling of activities. Recommendations on staff discipline and issues raised in consultations affect employer-employee relations throughout the region. The work requires establishing and maintaining harmonious working relationships with representatives of staff associations, and obtaining the co-operation and support of managers in the administration of staff relations programs.

2 / 120


Bench-mark Position Number: 7

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Head, Classification Audit,

Training and Grievances

Point Rating: 487


Under the direction of the Director, Classification and Organization, plans, directs and co-ordinates audits of position classifications in headquarters and regional locations; plans, develops and implements departmental training courses in position classification; administers departmental classification grievance procedures; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs and co-ordinates audits of position classification programs in headquarters

and regional locations, to ensure compliance with departmental and Treasury Board policies

and directives and the equitable and consistent interpretation and application of

classification standards by:


-     developing work plans and audit schedules, based on random samplings of positions

and requests from superiors and Treasury Board for reviews of classification

procedures, trends or decisions in specific occupational groups or organizational


-     selecting and assigning subordinate staff and classification specialists from other

units to audit teams;

-     briefing auditors on audit objectives and procedures;

-     reviewing audit reports to establish the degree of coincidence between position

descriptions and observed duties and responsibilities, the quality and completeness

of classification documentation, and the effectiveness of classification procedures;


-     drafting or approving reports to superiors on audit findings, and recommendations on

remedial actions, procedural changes or amendments to delegated classification



Plans, develops and implements departmental training courses in position classification

for managers and personnel administrators to establish understanding and support for

classification programs and to ensure that orientation and internship programs for

personnel administrators meet central agency specifications by:


-     establishing training objectives and determining course content in conjunction with

training and development specialists;

-     arranging for the services of qualified resource persons;

-     presenting lectures, demonstrations and workshops;

-     consulting with course participants, colleagues and senior management for suggestions

on course content or presentation;

-     monitoring and coordinating internship assignments to ensure trainees receive

appropriate supervision and exposure to classification activities; and

-     sponsoring proposals to Treasury Board for the accreditation of classification



% of Time

Administers the departmental classification grievance procedure, to ensure the equitable

and timely resolution of disputes, and compliance with Treasury Board directives by:


-    confirming the validity of the grievance, and the currency and accuracy of position

documentation, in accordance with established procedures;

-    notifying Treasury Board of the grievance, and arranging for Treasury Board

representation on the grievance committee;

-    compiling and forwarding required documentation to Treasury Board for the disposition

of grievances at non-delegated levels;

-    convening and chairing grievance boards, and drafting board reports and

recommendations for benefits of the Deputy Head or a nominee; and

-    drafting notices of grievance decisions for signature by the Deputy Head or a nominee.


Performs other related duties, such as monitoring the delegation of classification

authorities within the department, participating in projects relating to the development

and implementation of policies and procedures pertaining to position classification,

participating in performance appraisals of classification specialists, directing the

activities of the division in the absence of the Director, and supervising and training

subordinate staff.





The department comprises 4,000 person-years (4,700 positions), with positions allocated to 37 occupational groups and sub-groups in all categories. Classification authority up to the AS-05 and equivalent levels is delegated to accredited personnel in 7 regional and 23 district offices. Committees are widely used in the evaluation of positions. Approxi­mately 15% of encumbered positions are audited, and 200 employees trained in position classification, annually. Performance appraisal of personnel administrators is centrally

coordinated, and audit findings are considered in these evaluations. The incumbent

supervises four personnel administrators and two clerks, and administers an annual budget

of $250,000 inclusive of pay list costs.







The work requires a thorough knowledge of the legislative provisions, policies and

procedures governing position classification in the Public Service. It also requires a

good knowledge of sampling techniques, audit procedures and the organization and program

structures of the department. Experience is required in position classification, program

planning and coordination, development and implementation of training programs and

presentation of reports to senior officials. Experience is also required in establishing

effective working relationships to obtain co-operation in audits and acceptance of audit


4 / 180

Decision Making


The work involves planning and coordinating classification audit and training programs,

and administering the departmental classification grievance process. Judgment is

required in the design and conduct of classification audits and the interpretation of

audit findings. Judgment is also required in the design and presentation of training

programs to meet the needs of participants in implementing departmental classification

B2 / 187




programs. Decisions and recommendations affect the validity and reliability of

classification audits, and influence departmental policies and procedures in position

classification. Decisions and recommendations also affect the quality and effectiveness

of classification training programs. Recommendations on audit and training matters are

made to superiors; recommendations on the disposition of classification grievances are

made to the Deputy Head or a nominee.


Managerial Responsibility


The work requires planning, coordinating and conducting classification audit and training

programs and administering the departmental classification grievance process within assigned budgetary and resource allocations. Recommendations for changes in classifica­tion policies, procedures or delegation practices, and for changes to the allocation, classification or evaluation of positions can have significant impact on classification programs and pay list costs. Co-operation and support of managers and colleagues are required in the conduct of audit and classification training programs and the administration of the classification grievance process. Supervision and training are provided to four personnel administrators and two clerks.

2 / 120


Bench-mark Position Number: 8

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Regional Personnel Manager

Point Rating: 444


Under the direction of the Regional Director General, and the functional direction of the Director, Personnel Operations, plans, coordinates and implements regional personnel and official languages programs; advises managers on the interpretation and application of policies, regulations and directives, and the resolution of personnel problems; represents the Regional Director General in dealing with educational institutions and community organizations; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, coordinates and implements personnel and official languages programs for a widely

dispersed regional establishment, to ensure compliance with departmental and central

agency policies and directives, and the effective utilization and development of human

resources by:


-    establishing annual work plans, activities forecasts and priorities in conjunction

with regional managers and headquarters colleagues;

-    directing and conducting classification reviews, staffing competitions and

employer-employee consultations;

-    reviewing all grievances, complaints and appeals, and conducting or directing

associated investigations;

-    ensuring performance appraisals, staffing inventories, training and development

plans, and human resource planning activities are completed in accordance with

established procedures;

-    establishing language requirements of positions, and scheduling language training of


-     initiating work-sharing and consultation programs with local Public Service

Commission and Manpower Canada representatives, and colleagues in other departments;

-    adapting activities and procedures to meet regional requirements and conditions; and

-    assigning, training and appraising subordinate staff.


Advises managers throughout the region on the interpretation and application of policies,

regulations, directives, collective agreements and compendia, and in the resolution of

personnel problems, to ensure management participation in the administration of personnel

programs, and the consistent and equitable administration of personnel policies by:


-    regularly participating in Regional Management Committee meeting as an adviser on

personnel matters;

-    visiting regional establishments to discuss problems and concerns with managers and

employees, and to develop a knowledge of local conditions;

-    researching precedents, interpretations and directives applicable to the resolution

of regional problems;

-    consulting with colleagues in headquarters on matters having department-wide

implications, or for which there are no local precedents;

-    arranging for the referral of employees to outside counseling or community services;

-    evaluating alternative courses of action in disciplinary cases, and recommending

sanctions consistent with departmental policies and established procedures; and

-    drafting and distributing directives and instructions on matters pertaining to

personnel administration.


% of Time

Represents the Regional Director General in dealing with educational institutions and

community organizations, to promote employment interest in the department, to elicit

co-operation and support in the achievement of Affirmative Action objectives and to

ensure the availability of counseling and welfare services to employees by:


-    meeting with officials and representatives of local governments to discuss the

impact of departmental programs and activities on employment opportunities in their


-    establishing and maintaining liaison with public health officials and volunteer


-    participating, with Public Service Commission representatives in recruiting and

career information programs directed to secondary and post-secondary institutions;


-    meeting with representatives of minority groups and native organizations to exchange

information on regional Affirmative Action and Indigenous Participation programs.


Performs other related duties, such as evaluating personnel programs, activities and

procedures for benefit of headquarters colleagues, participating in conferences and

seminars, assisting colleagues in other departments in the conduct of staffing

competitions and classification reviews, and drafting reports, memoranda and





The regional establishment comprises 650 person-years (710 positions) allocated to 63 locations in three provinces. Regional programs require continuous operations in most locations, and extensive use is made of casual and acting appointments to maintain service capabilities. Positions are predominantly allocated to the Technical and the Operational categories; all employees are represented by a single bargaining agent. Staffing and classification authorities are delegated to the AS-05 level and equivalents; most posi­tions are generic, and require headquarters approval for modification of duties or factor ratings. The regional office staff comprises two subordinate personnel generalists and four clerks; personnel services in field locations are administered by clerical personnel.







The work requires training and experience in classification and staffing, and a good knowledge of the provisions of legislation, regulations, policies and directives governing the administration of personnel programs and services. The work also requires a good knowledge of the provisions of collective agreements and compendia covering regional employees, and of the organizational and program structures of the department. A good knowledge of sources and availability of qualified personnel, and of community and social services available to employees throughout the region, is also required. Experience is required in administering personnel programs and services, and in establishing and main­taining effective working relationships with managers, employee representatives and officials of civic, provincial and public organizations. Experience is also required in planning and supervising the work of subordinate staff.

3 / 140



Poi nts

Decision Making


The work involves administering a full range of personnel programs and services for a

small but widely dispersed regional organization. Decisions and recommendations primarily

relate to the staffing of positions, the interpretation and application of the provisions

of collective agreements and the resolution of employee grievances and complaints.

Decisions affect the quality and timeliness of personnel services provided to managers

and employees throughout the region. Recommendations influence the assignment of regional

staff and the resolution of grievances and disciplinary matters. Activities undertaken

as a representative of the Regional Director General influence public perceptions of the

department as an employer. Advice, assistance and direction are available from specialist

staffs at departmental headquarters.

C1 / 184

Managerial Responsibility


The work requires planning and directing regional programs and activities in personnel administration within assigned budgetary and resource limitations. Staffing and classi­fication actions commit the department to pay list expenditures. Recommendations and

advice influence the organization and assignment of regional personnel, and the interpre­tation and application of pay and benefits provisions, collective agreements and compendia. The work requires supervision and training of subordinate staff, and direction of regional staff in the preparation of pay documents, performance appraisals and other material related to the administration of personnel programs.

2 / 120


Bench-mark Position Number: 9

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Regional Manager, Staffing

and Human Resources Programs

Point Rating: 447


Under the direction of the Regional Director, Personnel, plans, supervises and coordinates regional staffing, training, employee assistance and human resources planning programs; represents the region in outside recruiting activities; advises managers and employees on staffing, training and career management matters; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, supervises and coordinates regional staffing, training, employee assistance and

human resources planning programs to ensure compliance with departmental and central

agency policies and directives, to provide the effective recruitment, assignment and

development of human resources, and to provide appropriate career opportunities to

regional employees by:


-    establishing and monitoring annual work plans and objectives for subordinates in

regional headquarters and personnel advisers assigned to other regional locations;

-    establishing and maintaining liaison with Public Service Commission and Employment

and Immigration Canada officials;

-    ensuring staffing inventories of outside candidates and regional employees interested

in transfers, promotion and training are established and maintained;

-    administering annual performance appraisal programs for regional employees;

-    directing and participating in the completion of human resource, training and

staffing plans for regional establishments;

-    establishing regional goals and objectives for Affirmative Action and Native

Employment programs, in conjunction with managers and personnel advisors;

-    reviewing requests and recommendations for training and developmental assignments,

authorizing reimbursement of course costs in accordance with established procedures,

and referring proposals beyond regional authorities to headquarters;

-    representing the region in staffing appeals and investigations;

-    coordinating the establishment of priority staffing lists and the implementation of

priority appointments within the region; and

-    assigning, training and supervising subordinate staff, and providing functional

supervision to personnel advisers in other regional locations.


Represents the region in the recruitment of scientific and technical personnel and the

administration of native employment programs under work-sharing agreements with the

Public Service Commission, to ensure the availability of qualified personnel and to

enhance the participation of natives and francophone in regional programs by:


-    establishing and maintaining working relationships with post-secondary educational

institutions, native groups and officials of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and

the Public Service Commission to identify qualified candidates;

-    convening and participating in conferences, information seminars and selection

boards; and

-    initiating casual and indeterminate appointments, and arranging for reimbursement of

salaries, expenses and person-years in accordance with procedures established for

special recruitment programs.


% of Time

Advises managers and employees on staffing, training and career development matters to

ensure understanding and support of policies, programs and procedures, and to promote the

development of regional employees and the enhancement of career prospects by:


-     regularly conferring with managers on staffing requirements, strategies and


-     circulating notices of departmental training and development programs, and

educational programs available within the region;

-     informing managers and employees of entitlements, requirements and procedures for

educational and training assistance and enrollment in career development programs;

-     drafting recommendations and submissions for the assignment of regional employees to

Public Service Commission career development and training programs, and for leave

without pay for educational purposes; and

advising employees on opportunities for transfer or promotion within the department,

including the availability of openings in headquarters and other regional locations.


Performs other related duties, such as administering regional assignments under the

Special Assignment Pay Plan, participating in conferences, seminars and training programs,

drafting reports, memoranda and correspondence associated with assigned responsibilities,

and replacing the Regional Director, Personnel during periods of absence.




The regional establishment consists of 1,420 person-years (1,675 positions) allocated to

regional headquarters and 103 outside locations. Personnel advisers are located in

nine district Offices, as well as regional headquarters, with each district Office

providing personnel services to an assigned number of locations. Regional programs are

predominantly associated with resource management and scientific research activities, and

employ large numbers of scientists, technicians, students and casual laborers. The

region has been delegated authority by the Public Service Commission for the recruiting

and appointment of scientific and technical personnel, and actively participates in

work-sharing programs for the recruitment of natives and francophone in technical and

professional (scientific) occupations. The position supervises three PE and four clerical








The work requires a thorough knowledge of the legislation, regulations, policies and

procedures governing recruiting and staffing, and a good knowledge of departmental pro­

grams, policies and procedures in human resource planning, training and development and

employee assistance. The work also requires a good knowledge of regional operations and

programs, and of sources and availability of personnel. Experience is required in the

administration and conduct of staffing programs, in presenting departmental and regional

employment and career development programs in an attractive and informative manner, and

in dealing effectively with managers, employees, officials of other departments and

outside agencies, and members of the public. Experience is also required in supervising

subordinate staff, and in providing interpretations and explanations of regulations and

procedures for implementation by personnel generalists and administrative personnel.

3 / 140




Decision Making


The work involves the planning and implementation of regional staffing programs, and the

administrating of associated recruiting, training, career development, and human resources

planning activities. Judgment is required in the establishment of staffing priorities,

control of selection processes and procedures and the conduct of outside recruiting

activities. Decisions and recommendations affect the efficiency and timeliness of

regional staffing services, and the effectiveness of affirmative action, recruitment and

career management programs within the region. Conduct of outside recruiting activities

influences the perceptions of target groups on employment and career opportunities in the

department and the Public Service. Recommendations are made to the Regional Director,

Personnel and to functional superiors at headquarters.

B2 / 187

Managerial Responsibility


The work requires planning, coordinating and supervising staffing programs and activities for a widely dispersed region. Staffing actions commit the department to pay list expen­ditures and advice to managers on the conduct of competitions and the assignment of personnel affects the timeliness and effectiveness of staffing services. The work requires obtaining the cooperation and assistance of managers, colleagues in other depart­ments and officials of outside agencies. The work also requires supervision and training of subordinate staff, and participation in performance appraisals of District Personnel Advisers.

2 / 120



Bench-mark Position Number: 10

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Coordinator, Affirmative Action

Point Rating: 599


Under the direction of the Director General, Personnel, plans, develops and coordinates departmental policies and programs designed to improve entry and promotion opportunities for women, natives, francophone, the handicapped and members of ethnic minorities; advises personnel specialists and managers on the achievement of affirmative action objectives; represents the department in dealings with central agencies and outside organizations on affirmative action issues; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, develops and coordinates departmental policies and programs designed to improve

entry and promotion opportunities for women, natives, francophone, the handicapped and

members of ethnic minorities and to ensure compliance with legislative requirements and

Public Service policies pertaining to affirmative action by:


-    conducting and coordinating reviews of central agency directives and departmental

policies and procedures;

-    identifying systemic and other impediments to the achievement of affirmative action


-    consulting with managers and personnel specialists in the department, and with

colleagues in central agencies and other organizations, in the development of

appropriate courses of action;

-    developing and presenting reports and recommendations to regional, branch and

corporate management committees to obtain authorization and support for program


-    monitoring the progress and effectiveness of activities;

-    preparing annual departmental action plans and associated reports for submission to

central agencies; and

-    administering a communications program on affirmative action matters, consisting of

monthly newsletters, circulars, conferences and seminars directed to departmental

employees and managers in regional and headquarters organizations.


Advises departmental personnel specialists and managers on the development and

implementation of action plans for the achievement of affirmative action objectives, to

ensure that objectives are realistic and consistent with departmental and Public Service

policies by:


-    developing and maintaining a continuing awareness of trends and development in

affirmative action programs, and their current and potential implications for

departmental operations;

-    reviewing and commenting on proposed policies and programs, including submissions to

central agencies and Cabinet, for affirmative action implications;

-    establishing annual work plans with managers, and maintaining continuing liaison on

the resolution of problems and clarification of issues; and

-    participating, as required, as an adviser to management committees and departmental

project groups.


% of Time

Represents the department in dealings with central agencies, other departments and outside

organizations on affirmative action issues, to ensure that departmental programs and

policies are effectively represented and favorably perceived by:


-      attending meetings and conferences on affirmative action issues;

-      maintaining liaison with central agency officials to present departmental positions

and undertake commitments on behalf of departmental superiors;

-      corresponding with colleagues in other departments, other levels of government and

private sector organizations on matters of mutual interest;

-      drafting replies to public and media enquiries, and parliamentary questions on

matters pertaining to affirmative action issues; and

-      meeting with representatives of target groups to explain and discuss departmental

programs, and to elicit suggestions and support.


Performs other related duties, such as supervising and training subordinate staff and

affirmative action advisors in regional organizations, participating as a resource person

in departmental training and orientation programs, and conducting special projects and





The departmental establishment consists of 11,500 person-years (12,600 positions) allocated to headquarters and 5 regional establishments. Affirmative action programs are receiving strong support from senior management in the department, which is serious-y underrepresented in all target groups. Over 70% of departmental employees are repre­sented by a single staff association component, which has taken an active and militant interest in staff deployment, career development and employment opportunities. Most

positions are allocated to 5 occupational groups in the Operational and the Administra­tive and Foreign Services categories, and extensive use is made of work-sharing arrangements with the Public Service Commission for recruitment in regional locations. Organizations representing target groups have been active in all regions, and maintain close and continuing liaison with the department. In addition, departmental programs and activities impact on large numbers of the general public, and consequently receive considerable attention from local and national media. Affirmative action programs are adminis­tered by personnel officers in regional locations; the Coordinator's staff at headquarters comprises 2 PE, 1 AS and 3 CR positions.







The work requires an extensive knowledge of affirmative action issues, and of recruitment,

staffing, promotion and staff development programs and practices in the Public Service.

The work also requires a thorough knowledge of legislation, regulations and policies

bearing on affirmative action and human rights issues in the Public Service, and of the

needs, aspirations and resources of target groups such as women, francophone, natives,

the handicapped and members of ethnic minorities. In addition, a good knowledge of

departmental organization and program structures and an appreciation of operational and

administrative objectives are also required. Experience is required in the development

and implementation of policies and programs, the direction and coordination of activities,

and in establishing and maintaining harmonious and effective working relationships with

senior officials of own and other departments, central agencies and outside organizations.

4 / 180




Decision Making


The work involves the review and evaluation of a wide variety of policies, programs and procedures in light of affirmative action issues, and developing new or modified approaches for the achievement of affirmative action objectives. Decisions and recommen­dations directly influence the content and implementation of departmental staffing and employee development programs, and influence the determination of workforce requirements and implementation schedules of operational and administrative programs. Commitments to central agencies obligate the department to courses of action, and recommendations contri­bute to the development of service-wide policies and objectives, relating to affirmative action issues. Recommendations to departmental management influence departmental res­ponses to affirmative action issues and the achievement of related objectives. Advice and recommendations on affirmative action are regarded as authoritative by the department.

C2 / 239

Managerial Responsibility


The work involves administering departmental affirmative action programs, and coordinating

regional activities associated with those programs. Decisions and recommendations

directly affect the conduct, cost and timeliness of staffing and employee development programs, and influence relations between the department and target groups. The work also involves the administration of budgets associated with the conduct of, and partici­pation in, seminars and conferences; engagement of consultants and outside resources; and the operations of the office of the Coordinator. The work requires the supervision, training and appraisal of subordinate staff engaged in the implementation of affirmative action programs.

3 / 180


Bench-mark Position Number: 11

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Staff Training and


Point Rating: 602


Under the direction of the Director, Human Resource Management, plans and directs the design, development and implementation of departmental staff training and development programs; directs and coordinates assessments of departmental training programs and services; advises senior management on the implementation of training and development programs; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans and directs the design, development and implementation of departmental staff

training and development programs to ensure the acquisition and retention of required

skills by employees, and the use of effective and economical means to achieve training

and development objectives by:


-    consulting with managers, and colleagues in the Human Resources Planning Section and

central agencies, to identify anticipated skills requirements, recruitment

difficulties and alternative sources of training for departmental personnel;

-    developing departmental policies and guidelines on staff training and development,

including eligibility and cost criteria for educational assistance programs;

-    developing and maintaining registries of outside sources and facilities providing

training appropriate to departmental requirements;

-    establishing annual training plans with regional and headquarters management

personnel, and monitoring training programs and activities;

-    chairing the departmental Training Policy Committee, and referring committee

recommendations on amendments to training and development policies and nominations

for participants in educational leave and Public Service Commission development

programs for senior management approval;

-    maintaining liaison with Treasury Board and Public Service Commission on training

and development matters;

-    participating in, and directing, the development and delivery of a variety of

in-house training and development programs;

-    directing and monitoring the administration of departmental training and development

budgets and the purchase of texts, training aids and equipment for use in

headquarters and regional programs; and

-    drafting reports, forecasts and analysis on departmental training and development

programs for benefit of senior departmental management and central agencies.


Directs and coordinates ongoing assessments and reviews of departmental training programs

and views, to ensure training and development needs are being met in a timely, efficient

and economical manner by:


-    surveying participants and managers for suggestions on improvements to course content

and affirmative methods and sources of training;

-    periodically contacting community colleges, universities and other sources of

training in the National Capital Region and regional location to determine the

availability and costs of alternative training programs;


% of Time

-    maintaining liaison with colleagues in other departments and central agencies to

exchange information on outside training resources; and

-    investigating innovations in training methods, training aids and techniques for

possible applications to departmental programs.


Advises senior management at headquarters and regional levels on the implementation of

programs and the achievement of training and development objectives, to ensure the

effective use of available resources and accommodation of operational requirements by:


-    surveying sources of required training and developing alternate schedules and courses

combinations to meet program, participant availability and cost requirements;

-    developing and presenting analyses and comparisons of in-house and outside programs

to assist, make or buy decisions;

-    periodically reviewing progress towards training and development objectives and

assisting managers in developing or amending action plans; and

-    presenting periodic reports to senior departmental management on training and

development programs, including recommendations for improvements or changes.


Performs other related duties, such as training and supervising subordinate staff,

participating in conferences and seminars, and undertaking special studies and projects

related to departmental staff training and development programs.




The department consists of 4,700 person-years (5,090 positions) allocated to headquarters

and five regional establishments. The department has a high proportion of employees

allocated to the Professional and Scientific category, the Technical category and the

Operational category, and over half of the annual staff training and development budget

of $800,000 is spent on educational assistance and professional development activities,

notably post-secondary education and attendance at professional and technical conferences.

In-house training programs include orientation, supervising skills, staff relations,

position classification, budget preparation, program planning and operation of work

processing equipment. Training and development budgets and programs are centrally

administered, and departmental courses are provided in both headquarters and regional

locations. The Staff Training and Development Section consists of four training officers,

one administrative officer and three support positions.







The work requires a thorough knowledge of the principles, methods and techniques employed in staff training and development, and of Public Service and outside resources and facili­ties available to meet departmental training and development needs. The work also requires a good knowledge of Public Services policies and programs relating to staff training and development, and of departmental organizational and program structures, operational objectives and staff requirements. Experience is required in planning, developing and administering training and development programs, and in dealing with senior management in coordinating and implementing such programs. Experience is also required in the evaluation and assessment of alternative training and development pro­grams, in selecting and utilizing resource personnel and outside services, and in supervising and training subordinate staff.

4 / 180




Decision Making



The work involves the planning, direction and coordination of departmental staff training and development programs. Decisions are made on the training, scope and content of departmental training programs, on the selection and use of training aids and equipment, and on the provision of assistance to departmental personnel seeking advanced academic, technological or other training. Recommendations are made on the content and administration of departmental staff training and development policies, and on the use of outside resources and services. Decisions and recommendations have a long-term effect on the efficiency of departmental operations, and influence departmental capabilities to respond to changing technologies and operating requirements.

B3 1 242

Managerial Responsibility


The work requires the planning, coordination and administration of staff training and

development expenditures of approximately $800,000 annually, and the supervision and

training of subordinate staff. Recommendations are made on the engagement and use of

outside training resources and facilities, and the design, content and scheduling of

departmental training programs. Assistance and cooperation of managers is required in

establishing and implementing training and development plans, and in obtaining resource

personnel for in-house programs. Decisions and recommendations influence the

effectiveness of departmental training programs, and the consequent efficiency and

productivity of personnel.

3 / 180



Bench-mark Position Number: 12

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Compensation and

Staff Relations

Point Rating: 599


Under the direction of the Director of Personnel, plans, directs and implements departmental programs and activities in position classification, pay and benefits administration and staff relations; advises managers in the interpretation of policies and the resolution of problems; represents the department in dealings with central agencies and staff associations; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs and implements departmental programs and activities in position

classification, pay and benefits administration and staff relations, to ensure compliance

with Public Service and departmental policies and objectives, and to provide required

services in an effective and efficient manner by:


-     regularly consulting with managers and supervisors to identify service requirements

and establish operating priorities;

-    developing and monitoring annual work plans, objectives and budgets;

-    coordinating and participating in the evaluation and classification of positions in

all categories;

-    coordinating annual performance and merit pay reviews;

-     providing or obtaining interpretations and direction in the implementation of pay

and benefits provisions;

-     reviewing or developing responses to employee grievances and complaints;

-     administering and monitoring assignments under the Special Assignment and Pay Policy


-    monitoring and developing departmental policies and procedures in the administration

of classification, pay and benefits and staff relations programs; and

-     participating in the design and implementation of training programs for managers and

personnel specialists.


Advises managers in the interpretation of policies and the resolution of problems

associated with assigned areas of responsibility, to ensure a consistent and equitable

approach to the administration of classification, pay and benefits and staff relations

programs by:


-     consulting with colleagues in other departments and central agencies to obtain

information on trends, development and alternative solutions to problems;

-     directing or participating in the analysis of problems referred by managers and the

development of suggestions and alternatives for their resolution;

-     interpreting Public Service and departmental policies and directives, including the

provisions of collective agreements and classification standards, in light of

operational or administrative considerations; and

-     drafting and circulating newsletters, circulars and reports to provide managers with

information and direction on the interpretation and administration of policies and



% of Time

Represents the department in dealings with central agencies and staff associations to

ensure departmental interests and requirements are recognized in the development and

implementation of service-wide policies and programs, and to promote effective working

relationships with employee representatives by:


-    coordinating the drafting and submission of classification proposals for positions

in non-delegated groups and levels, and arranging for or providing presentations in

support of such proposals;

-    participating in inter-departmental project groups and committees on matters related

to assigned responsibilities;

-    chairing or participating in departmental management-employee consultations with

representatives of bargaining units; and

-    drafting reports and correspondence on departmental activities, responses to

bargaining demands, suggestions in the amendment of classification standards, and

related matters.


Performs other related duties, such as training and supervising subordinate staff,

attending or participating in conferences and training programs and participating in

special projects and studies with departmental colleagues.




The department consists of 1,100 person-years (1,180 positions) located in headquarters

and five regional offices. Regional establishments range in size from 10-30 person­

years; all personnel administration programs are centralized in headquarters. The work­

force comprises 23 occupational groups and sub-groups in all categories, represented by

three bargaining agents. The department is the predominant employer of several highly

specialized occupations which pose unique problems in the interpretation and

administration of position classification standards and collective agreements. The

Compensation and Staff Relations Section comprises four PE, one AS and seven CR positions.







The work requires a thorough knowledge of policies and procedures relating to the

administration and implementation of position classification, and staff relations programs

and a good understanding of those pertaining to the administration of pay and benefits

programs. The work also requires a good knowledge of departmental organizational and

program structures, and of the interpretations of personnel administration specialties

and their impact on the achievement of managerial and operational objectives. Experience

is required in the planning, direction and implementation of classification, pay and

staff relations programs, in dealing with managers, employees and employee representatives

on complex and sensitive issues, and in maintaining effective working relationships with

colleagues in own and other departments and central agencies.

4 / 180

Decision Making


The work involves the planning, direction and implementation of departmental policies and

programs in position classification, staff relations and pay and benefits administration.

Initiative and judgment are required in interpreting and adopting the provisions of

C2 / 239




classification standards, collective agreements and compendia to meet both departmental

requirements and priorities, and requirements for consistency with service-wide practice.

Decisions and recommendations affect the consistency and equity of classification and pay

structures across the department, and the effectiveness of departmental administration of

delegated authorities in these areas. Decisions and recommendations on the interpretation

and administration of collective agreements and compendia, and the administration of

disciplinary policies, influence employer-employees relations throughout the department,

and the perceptions of employees and employee representatives of the department as an



Managerial Responsibility


The work involves the development and implementation of policies and programs in position

classification, staff relations and pay and benefits administration which influence

departmental pay list expenditures. The work requires close cooperation with managers in

the administration of position classification and staff relations programs, and represen­ting the department in dealings with staff associations and central agencies. Administra­tion of divisional programs, activities and benefits, and the supervision and training of subordinate staff are also required. Recommendations on the implementation of policies and procedures, and the development of Section priorities and work plans, are referred to the Director of Personnel.

3 / 180



Bench-mark Position Number: 13

Level: 6

Descriptive Title: Regional Personnel Director

Point Rating: 694


Under the direction of the Regional Director General, and the functional direction of the Director General, Personnel, plans, directs and co-ordinates a full range of delegated personnel programs in a large, decentralized region; advises the Regional Director General and senior regional managers on the interpretation of personnel policies and directives and the administration of personnel programs; represents the Regional Director General in consultations with staff associations, grievances, investigation and appeal proceedings and in dealing with the media and outside organizations on matters pertaining to personnel administration; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs and coordinates staffing, staff relations, classification and official

languages programs, including related programs in Affirmative Action, Native Employment

and Occupational Health and Safety, throughout the region, to ensure compliance with

departmental and service-wide policies and regulations, and the efficient administration

of personnel programs and services by:


-    establishing, monitoring and adapting work plans, priorities and budgets to meet

departmental objectives and service requirements of client organizations;

-    assigning and transferring staff in response to operational requirements and training

and development needs;

-    establishing and monitoring performance goals and indicators, in conjunction with

subordinate supervisors, and initiating appropriate action to ensure the achievement

of objectives;

-    maintaining liaison with the Public Service Commission, Employment and Immigration

Canada, community colleges and universities, as well as ethnic and community groups,

in connection with outside recruiting programs, including those conducted under

work-sharing arrangements;

-    regularly conferring with colleagues at headquarters and in other regions;

-    appraising the work of subordinate staff, including Personnel Administrators assigned

throughout the region;

-    chairing regional consultation meetings with representatives of staff associations;


-    issuing directives, guidelines and memoranda to assist regional staffs in the

administration of personnel programs.


Advises the Regional Director General and senior regional managers on the interpretation

of policies and directives and the administration of personnel programs, to ensure

intra-departmental consistency in these matters, and to promote the effective and

efficient use of human resources by:


-    participating in regional management committee meetings as an authoritative adviser

on personnel management matters;

-    reviewing operational plans and proposals in light of potential pay list costs,

availability of staff and related matters;

-    conducting or directing investigations of grievances, disputes and disciplinary

matters, and recommending remedial actions, penalties or other management responses;


% of Time

-    directing and participating in annual reviews of requirements for personnel services,

including language training, and establishing implementation plans in collaboration

with managers and own subordinates;

-    directing and coordinating regional responses to strikes, work stoppages and

workforce reduction requirements; and

-    informing managers of existing or potential problems identified by regional personnel

staffs, and recommending appropriate corrective or preventive actions.


Represents the Regional Director General during investigations and appeal proceedings,

and in dealings with the media, local and provincial governments, community groups and

educational institutions on matters related to personnel administration, to ensure the

accurate and complete presentation of departmental views, and to promote the department

and the Public Service as a career option among targeted groups in the region by:


-    chairing regional consultation sessions with staff association representatives;

-    directing and conducting departmental presentations in appeal proceedings, and

coordinating departmental responses during investigations under the Public Service

Employment Act and Canada Human Rights Act;

-    representing regional management, as required, in adjudication proceedings;

-    giving speeches to community and ethnic groups, and participating in recruitment and

career counseling programs at post-secondary educational institutions; and

-    responding to media and public enquiries regarding such matters as employment

opportunities, work stoppages and adjudication decisions.


Performs other related duties, such as directing the conduct of special surveys or studies

required by departmental headquarters or central agencies, participating in departmental

and other Public Service conferences, seminars and training programs, and drafting reports,

memos and correspondence.




The regional establishment comprises 2,700 person-years, (3,100 positions) allocated to regional headquarters, 7 major (200 - 300 p/y) and 16 smaller (5 - 15 p/y) locations. Personnel advisors are assigned to major locations. Staffing and classification autho­rities to the AS-07 and equivalent levels are delegated to the region; a limited propor­tion (2596) of regional positions are covered by generic position descriptions requiring headquarters approval for modifications in content or factor ratings. Major locations operate on a continuing basis, requiring extensive use of term and acting appointments, and of transfers, to maintain operational capabilities. The department is actively

committed to Affirmative Action and Native Employment programs and close liaison is main­tained at regional levels with the PSC and community organizations. Most regional employees are represented by a single bargaining agent, and staff relations programs are characterized by active and militant employee representation, and a high incidence of grievances, complaints and disciplinary actions. Close collaboration with other regions and headquarters is required in the administration of collective agreements and the resolution of disciplinary matters. Subordinate staff at regional headquarters includes 11 officer and 15 clerical positions; functional supervision is also provided to 9 officer and 13 clerical positions throughout the region.







The work requires an extensive knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of

personnel administration, of the legislation, regulations, and policies related to per­sonnel activities, and of departmental operations and program objectives. The work

requires a good knowledge of programs and procedures associated with each of the

specialized areas of personnel administration, of the provisions of collective agreements

and compendia, and of service-wide programs in such areas as employment of women, native

peoples and handicapped persons, and the implementation of Official Languages policies,

in order to direct and coordinate activities under maximum delegation of authority from

departmental headquarters. Ability to advise senior managers in matters relating to

personnel administration, to adapt departmental and service-wide policies to meeting

distinctive regional and local requirements, and to establish and maintain good relations

with managers, employees and employee representatives is also required. Experience is

required in developing and implementing personnel programs, directing and coordinating

personnel services, and in developing and administering budgets.

5 / 220

Decision Making


The work requires decisions and recommendations on the development and implementation of

a full range of regional programs in personnel administration and official languages.

Decisions and recommendations are also required on the appointment, assignment and

promotion of subordinate staff, and in the resolution of problems referred by subordinates

and managers.

C3 / 294

Recommendations and advice on personnel implications of proposed programs and activities

are provided by the incumbent as a member of the Regional Executive Committee, and in

consultation with managers.


The department is a major employer of an occupational group to which most regional employees are allocated. Recommendations and advice to managers must take account of the effects of distinctive provisions applying to this group in such areas as shift schedu­ling, job rotation and employee entitlements, and have a strong influence on the design and implementation of regional programs.


Departmental and central agency policies and directives provide general guidelines, but

significant judgment and initiative are required in modifying or adapting these authori­ties to meet regional circumstances and operational requirements. Decisions and recommen­dations affect all personnel activities within the region, and can have considerable significance in establishing precedents affecting departmental activities in other regions.


Managerial Responsibility


The work requires planning, organizing and directing a regional personnel program,

establishing priorities and objectives to ensure the most effective utilization of staff

and facilities, and providing advice and guidance to senior line managers.

3 / 180

The incumbent is responsible for supervising 48 employees through four section heads, assessing requirements for staff and other resources, assigning resources, setting objec­tives and performance criteria, directing and coordinating the work of the Staffing, Staff Relations, Classification and Official Languages Sections, and evaluating results.




The incumbent is required to adapt the organization and resource allocations of the

Regional Personnel Service to meet changing needs and priorities of operational programs

in the region.


Because of the labor-intensive nature of regional operations, the distinctive provisions

of the collective agreement for the major occupational group, and the need to co-ordinate

initiatives in personnel administration with headquarters and other regions, the incumbent

is a senior member of the Regional Management Committee, and assumes the role of Chairman

in the absence of the Regional Director-General.


The incumbent is also responsible for maintaining effective working relations with

colleagues in other government departments and central agencies, officials of provincial

governments and universities, and representatives of staff associations, community groups

and ethnic organizations.



Bench-mark Position Number: 14

Level: 6

Descriptive Title: Director, Classification,

Organization and Compensation

Point Rating: 754


Under the direction of the Director-General, Personnel, plans, develops and coordinates the administration of position classification, organization analysis, and pay and benefits programs; provides advice and guidance to departmental managers and regional classification specialists on classification, organization and pay matters; represents the department in dealings with central agencies; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, develops and coordinates the administration of position classification,

organization analysis and pay and benefits programs for the department, to ensure the

consistent and equitable interpretation and application of classification standards, the

establishment of viable and effective organization structures and the efficient and

timely implementation of pay and benefits procedures by:


-     developing and implementing departmental policies and procedures in assigned areas

of responsibility;

-     establishing divisional budgets, operating objectives and reporting systems, in

consultation with subordinate supervisors;

-     reviewing and interpreting central agency policies and objectives in light of

departmental operating and administrative requirements;

-     initiating the development and implementation of departmental policies and procedures,

including the monitoring of headquarters and regional activities in assigned areas

of responsibility;

-     administering the development and delivery of training programs for classification

specialists, personnel generalists, line managers and pay and benefits administrators;

-     reviewing, evaluating or developing proposals for the classification of positions,

adjustment of complements or changes in organizational structures, affecting

positions at Management Category and equivalent levels;

-     developing and sponsoring proposals for the establishment and classification of

positions at non-delegated groups and levels;

-     controlling the utilization and allocation of Management Category complement

authorities, and basic and supplementary authorities established under the Special

Assignment and Pay Plan (SAPP);

-     administering the departmental classification grievance process;

-     administering performance and merit pay reviews and the preparation of associated

reports, analyses and recommendations for benefit of senior departmental management;


-     supervising and training subordinate staff, and participating in the selection,

training and evaluation of classification specialists in regional locations.


% of Time

Provides advice and guidance to departmental managers and regional classification

specialists on classification, organization and pay matters, to promote understanding and

acceptance of policies and procedures, to ensure the timely and effective resolution of

complex or contentious issues, and to assist in the development of effective and viable

organization and classification structures by:


-    administering an information program consisting of newsletters, directives, seminars

and conferences;

-    regularly meeting with managers, classification specialists and personnel

administrators in headquarters and regional locations, to resolve work problems and

to develop and maintain an appreciation of local concerns;

-    directing investigations and reviews of disputes or complaints with a view to

clarifying and resolving disagreements or concerns;

-    meeting with senior managers to identify and evaluate alternative classification and

organization structures, and their implications for operational and administrative


-    assisting, as required, in the discussions and deliberations of management committees

at headquarters and regional levels where matters pertaining to assigned

responsibilities are under consideration; and

-    drafting analysis, reports and submissions to Treasury Board on organization,

complement, classification and pay matters.


Represents the department in dealings with Treasury Board, the Public Service Commission

and Supply and Services Canada to ensure that departmental interests, views and

requirements are recognized, to facilitate the exchange of information and to promote

harmonious and cooperative working relationships by:


-    coordinating departmental reviews and assessments of classification standards,

policies and procedures, and developing associated recommendations to Treasury


-    participating in a variety of inter-departmental committees and working groups

established to assist central agencies in meeting operational objectives or

developing service-wide policies and procedures;

-    coordinating departmental assistance to audit, monitoring and classification

grievance administration activities initiated by central agencies, negotiating

action plans or other measures to implement required corrective action, and directing

departmental responses to audit and monitoring observations and reports on the

disposition of classification grievances;

-    directing and coordinating the implementation of new pay and benefits policies and

procedures, and the resolution of associated problems with local pay offices and

Supply and Services Canada; and

-    directing and coordinating departmental participation in the review and modification

of classification standards for occupational groups of which the department is a

major or significant employer.


Performs other related duties, such as coordinating pay and job matching studies for

other levels of government, private employers and the Pay Research Bureau; participating

in inter-disciplinary studies and project groups with departmental colleagues, dealing

with such matters as quality of working life, staff relations and affirmative action

issues; conducting studies and projects relating to assigned responsibilities for benefits

of senior departmental management; and participating in outside seminars, conferences and

training sessions.




The department consists of 15,600 person-years (17,100 positions) allocated to headquarters and 8 regional establishments. Positions are allocated to 23 occupational groups and sub-groups in all categories, with substantial (200 or more) numbers of posi­tions in 12 groups or sub-groups. The department has full delegation of classification authority, and authority for classifications up to and including the PM-05 and equivalent levels is sub-delegated to the regions. Approximately half of all positions in regional and headquarters establishment are covered by generic position descriptions, requiring corporate approval for modifications to content or factor ratings. The departmental

Management Category complement consists of 250 positions, with a further 160 positions covered by performance pay regulations; the department also administers basic and supplementary SAPP quotas totaling 110 authorities. Organization review and analysis is coordinated at headquarters, with all changes in organization structures which would result in the reclassification of 25% or more of affected positions, or impact upon the content or classifications of positions at or above the PM-06 and equivalent levels, subject to corporate review and approval. The department is a dominant employer of

positions in three occupational groups, and classification structures and practices established for these groups directly influence those adopted in other departments. Continuing liaison is maintained with Treasury Board in connection with the review, interpretation and modification of classification standards applying to these groups. The Classification, Organization and Compensation Division comprises twelve PE, three AS and six CR positions; functional direction is provided to 19 classification specialists

and 31 pay and benefits administrators in regional locations.







The work requires a thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of job evaluation, and of the policies and procedures associated with position classification with Public Service. The work requires a good knowledge of pay and benefits administration policies and practices, of the principles of organizational analysis and design, and of depart­ mental program structures and objectives. Extensive experience is required in the planning, direction and implementation of position classification programs and in dealing with senior management and central agency personnel on complex and potentially contentious issues. Experience is also required in the administration and coordination of decentralized programs and activities, the preparation and control of budgets and the

supervision, training and development of subordinate staff.

5 / 220

Decision Making


The work involves the planning, direction and coordination of position classification, organization planning and analysis, and pay and benefits administration programs in a large, decentralized department. Initiative and judgment are required in developing and adapting policies and procedures to meet the operational and administrative requirements of the department. Decisions and recommendations affect the equity and consistency of position classification practices across the department, the effectiveness of organiza­tional structures in contributing to the achievement of operational and administrative objectives, and the timeliness and efficiency of departmental pay and benefits adminis­tration. In respect of groups for which the department is the major employer, decisions

C3 / 294




and recommendations have service-wide influence on the classification of positions, and

on the interpretation, application and amendment of classification standards.

Recommendations on organizational matters, the resolution of classification grievances

and the administration of merit and performance pay awards are made to the Deputy Minister.


Managerial Responsibility


The work requires the development and coordination of departmental policies and procedures,

the preparation and administration of budgets, and the training, assignment, development

and appraisal of subordinate staff and regional classification specialists. The work

requires the cooperation and assistance of departmental managers in the adoption and

implementation of classification and organization structures. Effective and harmonious

working relationships with colleagues in central agencies and other departments are

required to obtain assistance and advice, and to ensure the effective representation of

the department in matters of mutual interest. The incumbent represents the department in

formal presentations to the Treasury Board Secretariat on the classification of positions

at non-delegated levels and organization proposals affecting positions at Management

Category and equivalent levels, as well as in liaison with monitoring and audit reviews

of position classification and pay administration programs.

4 / 240



Bench-mark Position Number: 15

Level: 6

Descriptive Title: Director of Personnel

Point Rating: 751


Under the general direction of the Deputy Head, plans, directs and coordinates the provision of a full range of personnel and official languages services; advises departmental management on personnel management and official languages matters; represents the department in dealings with central agencies, staff associations and outside organizations; and performs other related duties.


% of Time

Plans, directs and coordinates the provision of staffing, human resource planning,

training and development, position classification, staff relations, pay and benefits

administration and official languages services to ensure compliance with Public Service

policies, satisfaction of departmental administrative and operational requirements, and

the effective and efficient use of assigned resources by:


-    establishing and monitoring work plans, objectives and priorities in collaboration

with departmental managers and subordinate supervisors;

-    administering divisional budgets, and assigning personnel and other resources to

meet departmental requirements;

-    developing and recommending departmental policies and procedures for the approval of

the Deputy Minister and senior departmental management;

-    supervising the work of subordinate supervisors and staff, and assisting in the

resolution of problems;

-    establishing and monitoring internal procedures and controls;

-    identifying requirements for outside assistance, recommending the engagement of

service agencies and consultants, and administering contracts;

-    preparing and submitting reports and analyses of departmental programs and division

activities for benefit of senior management and central agencies; and

-    recruiting, selecting, training and developing subordinate staff and conducting and

reviewing performance appraisals.


Advises departmental management on the interpretation, application and administration of

policies and procedures and the resolution of problems in personnel management and

official languages matters, to elicit support and co-operation in the implementation of

departmental programs and the achievement of objectives, to promote effective and

harmonious employer-employee relations, and to provide appropriate opportunities for

career development by:


-    participating as a member and adviser in the departmental management committee, and

various management committees and project groups addressing particular areas of

departmental interest or concern;

-    reviewing requirements or problems referred by managers and developing

recommendations on appropriate courses of action; and

-    conducting and participating in briefings and seminars, and drafting and distributing

circulars and memoranda, to inform managers of new or amended policies, procedures

and programs.


% of Time

Represents the department in dealings with central agencies, staff associations and

outside organizations to ensure departmental proposals, policies and programs are

effectively presented, and to obtain and provide information on matters of mutual interest



-     coordinating and participating in representations to central agencies and in the

preparation of submissions to Treasury Board;

-     chairing or participating in formal consultations with representatives of staff


-     presenting departmental positions in classification grievances and staffing appeal

proceedings, staff relations adjudications, and PSC staffing audits and

investigations; and

-     maintaining correspondence and personal contacts with outside organizations such as

universities, professional groups, and national associations in connection with

departmental recruitment activities.


Performs other related duties, such as carrying out special projects and studies requested

by the Deputy Minister or Assistant Deputy Minister, attending outside conferences,

seminars and training programs, and participating in inter-departmental meetings and





The department comprises 505 person-years (525 positions) allocated to headquarters and

10 small (6-20 p/y) regional establishments. Personnel and official languages programs

are centrally administered; the departmental establishment includes 19 occupational

groups and sub-groups in all categories. Approximately one third of all positions are

allocated to the Professional and Scientific category, or to the Management Category;

requirements for highly qualified and specialized personnel have posed particular problems

in recruitment, human resources planning, position classification and the achievement of

official languages and affirmative action objectives. The department makes extensive use

of outside consultants and service agencies, and the Director of Personnel is charged

with the negotiation of consulting and service contracts, including fee schedules. The

department has full delegation in staffing and position classification, and has regular

dealings with the two bargaining agents representing its employees. The Personnel

Division comprises 5-PE, 8-CR and 2-AS positions.







The work requires a thorough knowledge of principles, practices and techniques associated with personnel administration, and a broad knowledge of Public Service policies and regulations governing the administration of departmental personnel and official languages programs. The work also requires a sound appreciation of departmental objectives, prio­rities and programs, and of the roles and responsibilities of central agencies. Experience is required in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with colleagues and senior officials, in planning, coordinating and implementing personnel and official languages programs, and in directing, training and developing staff.

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Decision Making


The work involves the planning, direction and coordination of personnel and official languages programs, and the development and implementation of associated policies and procedures. Initiative and judgment are required in the development and implementation of policies, programs and procedures appropriate to departmental requirements, and consis­tent with service-wide practice. Decisions and recommendations affect the quality and timeliness of services provided to management and employees, and influence career oppor­tunities, employer-employee relations and the achievement of operational and administrative objectives. Recommendations are made to senior departmental management, up to and including the Deputy Head, and are regarded as authoritative within the department.

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Managerial Responsibility


The work involves establishing objectives and priorities in departmental personnel and official languages programs, coordinating activities of subordinate staff, and controlling the allocation and use of financial, personnel and other assigned resources. Recommenda­tions are made to senior management on the use of outside service agencies and consultants, and on the terms and fee schedules appropriate to such contracts. Cooperation and assis­tance from senior management and officials of central agencies and other departments are required in the implementation of departmental programs and activities. Commitments on behalf of the department are undertaken in connection with consultations with employee associations, representations to central agencies, and negotiation of consulting and service contracts.

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