
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Where can I find the Radio 2 schedule?
    • The Radio 2 Schedule page lists programs by date and time of broadcast.

  • How can I find more information about a Radio 2 program or host?
    • You can access program and host pages by visiting the Programs section or by clicking on a program name in the Schedule.

  • How can I find out more about a piece of music I heard on CBC Radio 2?
    • Click on the Playlists link in the left-hand navigation area.
      You will see a list of the programs airing on CBC Radio 2 today.

      If you know which program played the piece of music:
      Click the program name to see a list of the music played on that program.

      If you do not know which program played the piece of music:
      Click on "Expand All" near the top left of the Playlist page to see the playlist for the entire day.

      If you heard the piece of music on a day other than today:
      Use the drop-down calendar menu at the top of the Playlist page to select the day you heard the music and then click on the name of the program that played the piece of music.

  • How can I contact a Radio 2 program?
    • In the Programs section select the program you want to contact. If a contact form is available for the show, you will be able to access it via their program and host page.

      If you want to make a general comment, complaint or enquiry about Radio 2, please visit the Contact Us page.

  • I would like to make a general comment about Radio 2. Who do I send my comments to?
    • To make a general comment, complaint or enquiry about Radio 2, please visit the Contact Us page.

      To contact a specific Radio 2 program, click on the program you want to contact in the Programs section. If a contact form is available for the show, it will be on its program and host page.

  • How do I find a Radio 2 frequency on my radio dial?
    • To view the Radio 2 frequencies that are available in your area, please visit our Channels & Frequencies page.

  • How do I report an over-the-air Radio technical problem?
  • Why can’t I hear all Radio 2 programs on demand?
    • Due to rights issues the CBC cannot, at the present time, offer Radio 2 programs on demand; however, you can listen to all of your favorite Radio 2 programs streaming live online.

  • I am having display problems with the Radio 2 website. What should I do?
  • I can't find an answer to my question. What should I do now?
    • Check to see if your question is answered on the General CBC FAQ page. If not you may wish to Contact Us to find the information you need.

  • Online Listening Help

  • How do I listen to Radio 2 streaming audio on my computer?
    • CBC Radio 2 streams its content as Windows Media. Windows Media Player is a downloadable application that is available for PCs, Macs and many handheld devices. You will need to download and install the free Windows Media Player to access the audio on this site.

  • How do I install Windows Media Player?
  • My Windows Media Player is having trouble “locating media” and asks me to “verify path name and file name.” What do I do?
  • I am using a Mac. How do I listen to CBC streaming audio?
    • For OS X 10.3.9 or higher, you will need the Flip4Mac Windows Media plugin.

      When connecting to Windows Media streaming servers, the Flip4Mac may try to download the requested media instead of streaming it. This can cause the stream to stutter or loop back after a few minutes of play. To correct this:

      1. Open the System Preferences utility
      2. Click Flip4Mac WMV to open the Flip4Mac preferences pane
      3. Open the Movie tab
      4. Select "Create streaming movies"
      5. Close System Preferences and restart any open browsers

      The next time you access a WMA or WMV stream, the plugin will display the streaming progress bar instead of the download bar, and the stream should play correctly.

      For OS X 10.3.8 or lower, you will need Windows Media Player 7.1

      After you've downloaded the correct codec or Media Player you may need to quit your browser and then restart/re-open it for the player to work correctly.

  • I am using a Unix system. How do I listen to CBC streaming audio?
    • Our CBC radio streams are compatible with Unix using the Mplayer plugin version 2.66 on Gentoo Linux 1.5.1 or FreeBSD 5.x.

      Mplayer tends to take longer to connect and buffer the stream than Windows Media player. To reduce the buffering time in Mplayer, update /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf by uncommenting the following line:


      Xine is an alternative player that works for Linux/UNIX:

      Find out more information about Xine on their website.

  • An error message has appeared. What can I do?
  • How do I clear the file history/ cache on Windows Media Player?
    • When you play audio using Windows Media Player, file history information is stored on your computer. You can prevent this from being stored by following the directions outlined within the Windows Media Player Usage history directions.

  • external site - links will open in a new windowCBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites - links will open in a new window.

About Radio 2
CBC Radio 2

Radio 2 - Canada's National Music Network

Learn more about the new programs and exciting changes on CBC Radio 2.

featured concert
Peter Oundjian

Planets: Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Gustav Holst's The Planets and the world premiere of Abigail Richardson's Eris: The Unnammed Planet

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