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Strategic Planning and Program Planning for Non Profit Group Winter 99/00

Planning for Change

Elements of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning processes can vary. However, many processes use similar elements to collect and organize information. Some of the elements often seen in strategic plans are:

  • Vision
  • Guiding principles/shared values
  • Mission
  • Organizational structure
  • Situational analysis
  • Goals and objectives
  • Project workplans (actions plans)
  • Financial plan
  • Communications
  • Evaluation plan

A strategic plan usually covers a period from three to five years period. Operational plans (including program plans developed using the same process) are embedded in a strategic plan and are usually updated every year. A strategic plan is a working document; it changes based on the experiences of the group.

Below is a 10 step process your group may want to use in developing your statgegic plan. (This chart has been adapted from the "Blueprint for Success - A Guide to Strategic Planning for Non-profit Board Members," a video and guidebook produced by the National Centre for Nonprofit Boards. Please consult the appendices for more information.)

A Ten-Step Strategic Planning Process
Who are we? Step 1: Create or affirm an organizational vision and mission. Some groups also identify shared values and develop guiding principles and organizational structure.
Where are we now? Step 2: (Internal) Analyze the current plan (if one exists), and the financial and administrative performance of the organization.
Step 3: (External) Assess and document the community issues to which the organization is responding.
Step 4: Assess strengths, threats, weaknesses, and opportunities - factors that will affect the organization and influence planning.
Where do we want to go? Step 5: Prepare preliminary goals and objectives based on the information gathered and assessed in steps 1-4. If necessary, revisit and reaffirm the vision and mission in light of new information.
Step 6: Review and validate the goals and objectives.
How will we get there? Step 7: Develop a financial plan and budget to support the goals and objectives.
Step 8: Develop an action plan for each objective. (Often groups would use this same process to develop individual plans.) Develop communications plan.
Step 9: Prepare a comprehensive plan for review, approval, and implementation.
How are we doing? Step 10: Evaluate progress and update the plan on a regular basis.

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