CBC.ca Newfoundland and Labrador

Turkey Drive
CBC is kicking off the Annual Turkey Drive

Page Picks
Here & Now wants you to help us rank ten books by local authors

Suicide watch Click to watch RealVideo clip
Kate Kyle profiles young people from Sheshatshiu who have been honoured for a suicide prevention program (Runs: 5:43)

A Christmas Carol
CBC and our community partners invite you to a lively dramatic reading

Ron Hynes In Concert
One night only - Memorial School of Music, December 19th at 8pm

A Public Voice
Celebrating 75 years in public broadcasting

Booming Lab West Click to watch RealVideo clip
Chris O'Neill-Yates presents a two-part report on heady times in Labrador City and Wabush.
Part one (Runs: 2:37) Part two (Runs: 2:43)

Schreiber to Shearstown Click to watch RealVideo clip
Deanne Fleet reports on the local land connection in the Schreiber-Moores-Mulroney scandal. (Runs: 2:26)

The Buckingham tapes Click to watch RealVideo clip
Listen to wiretaps presented as evidence at Dr. Sean Buckingham's trial (Runs: 23:55)

Billionaire Man Click to watch RealVideo clip
Eric Bushell talks about the dollar, oil and what it means for this province

The longest strip mall around Click to watch RealVideo clip
Christina Marshall checks out the Christmas shopping along the TCH. (Runs: 2:08)

A wining combination Click to watch RealVideo clip
Jane Adey reports from the annual wine show in St. John's, where the appetite for wine has never been stronger. (Runs: 2:13)

Christie Blatchford Click to watch RealVideo clip
See all of Jonathan Crowe's interview about Blatchford's new book on Afghanistan, and Newfoundlanders in the military. (Runs: 10:11)
Also: Listen to Blatchford talking with On The Go's Ted Blades. (Runs: 18:50)

Doctor with a difference Click to watch RealVideo clip
Paula Gale profiles St. John's physician Pat O'Shea, one of the few family doctors doing things the old-fashioned way. (Runs: 6:08)

Blue grit Click to watch RealVideo clip
In this week's political panel, Randy Simms and David Cochrane talk with Debbie Cooper about the latest problems with the Liberal party, and whether Shawn Skinner made a faux pas. (Runs: 5:43)

A war story Click to watch RealVideo clip
On The Go host Ted Blades speaks with Elmo Baird about his experiences in the Second World War. (Runs: 15:38)

The Big Commute
CBC Radio investigates how the longest, and richest, trek to work is changing Newfoundland and Labrador

A flavour for business Click to watch RealVideo clip
Emily Hobbs drops in on a multicultural food fair in St. John's, where women entrepreneurs are hoping to grow new businesses. (Runs: 3:03)

Watch your step!
Lynda Calvert reports on the lurking dangers at many crosswalks in the St. John's area
Part 1 Click to watch RealVideo clip | Part 2 Click to watch RealVideo clip

Something to celebrate Click to watch RealVideo clip
Jane Adey drops in on an annual party for families involved in international adoptions. (Runs: 1:57)

Scrubbing the surface Click to watch RealVideo clip
Debbie Cooper interviews infectious diseases expert Jim Hutchinson about a new disease-fighting campaign. (Runs: 2:56)

Downtown shuffle Click to watch RealVideo clip
Zach Goudie reports on new signs of life in ailing quarters of the St. John's core. (Runs: 2:36)

Snow job Click to watch RealVideo clip
How serious is the cocaine presence in St. John's? Here & Now's Ronalda Walsh and Zach Goudie report (Runs: 4:01)

No bargain Click to watch RealVideo clip
Lynda Calvert interviews a couple that has filed a human rights complaint in Maine over their experience with buying a car. (Runs: 2:00)

Rural success story Click to watch RealVideo clip
Kate Kyle reports on a Labrador medical training program that has helped keep physicians in small places. (Runs: 6:10)

Political panel Click to watch RealVideo clip
Debbie Cooper speaks with Randy Simms and David Cochrane about the delayed legislature opening, the Avalon race, and a premierly 22 Minutes (Runs: 5:41)

Money Talks
Deborah Yedlin: $100 US a barrel oil looks possible

When Danny met Danny
See what happened when Danny Williams visited the This Hour Has 22 Minutes set

In the bag Click to watch RealVideo clip
Here & Now's Jonathan Crowe challenges grocery-packing champion Ida Lecointre (Runs 3:41)

We're in the money Click to watch RealVideo clip
But how much? Azzo Rezori looks at what high oil prices may mean for the provincial surplus. (Runs: 1:44)

Cabinet choices Click to watch RealVideo clip
Deanne Fleet reports on the juggling act facing Premier Danny Williams (Runs 2:18)

Geologic Journey
Discover the N.L. connections in this interactive journey through Canada's geologic past

NL Votes 2007
Coverage of the Newfoundland & Labrador 2007 election

22 Minutes: Danny's Ultimatum Click to watch RealVideo clip
Danny Williams threatens Finance Minister Jim Flaherty with attack seals. (Runs 2:04)

Live on the Lawn
Join us as we launch a brand new season of great programming

Flooding in Newfoundland
See our photo gallery of the damage from Tropical Storm Chantal in eastern Newfoundland

Beyond pesticides:
On The Go host Ted Blades speaks with gardening expert Michael Murray about appropriate use of chemicals on domestic plants. (Runs 10:11)

For the kids:
Ramona Dearing of the St. John's Morning Show talks with Jackie McIsaac about planned improvements for the Boys and Girls Club at Buckmaster Circle in St. John's. (Runs: 10:20)

Rev it up:
Jane Adey talks with motorcycle enthusiasts about the growing passion for their hobby. (Runs: 3:35)

So ... why do caplin beach themselves when they spawn?
Fisheries Broadcast host John Furlong interviews DFO biologist Fran Mowbray for the full story. (Runs: 7:17)

Living NL:
Watch the latest episode with host Krysta Rudofsky, and her daily guide to better living in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Stephen Harper and the fuss over the Atlantic accords.

Vitamin D:
Boning up on the sunshine vitamin.

Seven Wonders: Revealed
Your seven wonders of Canada.

Fisherman rescued after vessel burns:
'Master of the sea' watched over us, rescued skipper says. Peter Gullage reports.
(runs 2:39)

Made in Canada:
Craftsman creates cutting edge guitars. (runs 3:45)

Tap water:
Q & A: What's in your glass?

Nonosabasut Rock:
For CBC's Seven Wonders feature, children in Grand Falls-Windsor make their case for a rock that recalls how the Beothuk once inhabited the area. Peter Gullage reports (runs: 4:22)

Interactive: History of health expenditures
Find out how Newfoundland and Labrador compares to the other provinces.

Green Cities:
What Canada's municipalities do to fight climate change.

Family Life:
Charting a decade of family incomes.

Fixed Election Dates:
Knowing when you vote, coast to coast.

What's new?:
Canada's New Government not so new (runs 2:06).

Three Towns: Stephenville, N.L.
No stranger to adversity.

Virginia massacre:
St. John's anthropologist Elliott Leyton answers questions on the mass murders at Virginia Tech.

Residents fret as 'active slide' causes havoc in Daniel's Harbour. (runs 4:24 Windows Media)

Sealing ships stuck:
Supplies low for ice-bound N.L. sealers. (runs 2:25 Windows Media)

Firing line:Click to listen to RealAudio feature
Jane Adey reports on how Danny Williams's electoral threats are playing out in Conservative MP Fabian Manning's Avalon riding. (runs 5:39)

Hebron risks:Click to watch RealVideofeature
David Cochrane reports on how the impasse over the Hebron development could be putting a dark cloud over Newfoundand and Labrador's fiscal future. (runs 6:04)

The Ocean Ranger Disaster:
25 years after the disaster, CBC Archives revisits the 1982 Ocean Ranger tragedy.

Connections:Link will open in a new window

Do you have a PSA or community event that you would like to let Newfoundlanders and Labradorians know about? Send us the details.

Minimum wage:
Find out how Newfoundland and Labrador compares to the other provinces.

Newfoundland and Labrador This Week:Click to view page
Download the best radio stories from the past seven days.

Churchill Falls again
Reality Check: Can Newfoundland finally be master in its own house?

Oh, be civil:Click to listen to RealAudio feature
Michael and Chris Pickard, the poets laureate of the St. John's Morning Show, toast the dawn of civil debate at St. John's city hall.
(runs 3:47)

Mind your step! Click to listen to RealAudio feature
On The Go commentator Jamie Fitzpatrick takes a bundled-up newspaper to dog owners who don't curb their pets. Warning: language may offend some. (runs 2:49)

Faking it:
Find out how a Newfoundland grandmother played a part in a Marketplace investigation of faulty safety warnings.

Life of Margaret:Click to listen RealAudio feature
Renowned storyteller Margaret Giovannini died this week at 105. Listen to a 1995 documentary by Ted Blades about her life and achievements
(runs 25:35)

The Secret Life of Dr. Chandra:
CBC's The National investigates the work and legacy of former St. John's researcher Ranjit Chandra.


Mozart swings :
Guitarist Duane Andrews arranged a special gift for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's 250th birthday. Read - and hear - all about it here!


Flag flap, the sequel:Click to watch RealAudio feature
Christopher and Michael Pickard, the poets laureate of the St. John's Morning Show, spin some lines about replacing the provincial flag
(runs 4:05)

Reel good:Click to watch RealVideo feature
Noreen Golfman speaks with Canada Now's Debbie Cooper about this year's St. John's Women's Film Festival (runs 4:28)

Helping out:Click to watch RealVideo feature
Kevin Harvey reports on how residents of Gander are helping with aerial responses of aid to hurricane and earthquake victims (runs 2:20)

Raising a flag:Click to watch RealAudio feature
On The Go's Ted Blades interviews Greg Pike, who has launched a petition to designate the Pink, White and Green tricolour as the province's official flag (runs 7:37)

Past features

Newfoundland & Labrador's plan.
The Awakening
The Mi'kmaq of Newfoundland and Labrador move from suppression to celebration.
Going for Broke
Consumer debt is on the march. CBC Newfoundland and Labrador investigates.
Audits and odd bits
Test your knowledge of what happened in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2006.
Newfoundland and Labrador Audit Scandal:
Spending scandal rocks political scene.
Danny Williams
CBC News takes an in-depth look at the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador
Rural Reality Check
With its population dwindling, how can rural Newfoundland and Labrador survive?
Sing a Song for Omar
CBC Radio Arts presents a tribute to balladeer, Omar Blondahl, aka "Sagebrush Sam" the man attributed with popularizing Newfoundland Folk Songs through radio, television and records.
Accordion Revolution photos:Click to view page in a new window
Take a moment to look at photographs from the world record-setting event at Bannerman Park on Aug. 6.
Newfoundland and Labrador
budget 2005

Coverage and details from the 2005 provincial budget.
The Teenage
CBC Newfoundland and Labrador explored the concerns, hopes and ambitions of teenagers
Uncle Mose - A Timeless Legacy
CBC Radio celebrates Ted Russell and Uncle Mose with a special feature.
Combing the Wunderstrand for ancient secrets
On the coast of Labrador, archeologists are sifting through the dunes to unlock the secrets of 7,000 years of human history.
Land and Sea
Celebrates its 40th Anniversary
Newfoundland and Labrador
Votes 2003

Full provincial election coverage.
More indepth features